U.S. Firms Seize Innovations to Tackle Payroll Complexity

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The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Payroll Solutions and Services report for the U.S. reveals that enterprises are rapidly adopting new payroll technologies and services to address complex challenges. Key findings include:

1. AI and ML are central to advances in payroll technology, improving accuracy, efficiency, and intelligence.

2. U.S. companies are prioritizing pay transparency due to equal pay legislation.

3. There's an increased focus on payroll data privacy, with providers enhancing security measures.

4. U.S. firms are quicker to adopt tools giving employees more visibility and control, such as on-demand pay and pay stub verification apps.

5. Predictive analytics and AI-powered personalized financial insights for employees are gaining importance.

The report evaluates 16 providers in the Managed Payroll Services: U.S. quadrant, naming ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor, and Strada as Leaders.

Il rapporto 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ sulle soluzioni e servizi di pagamento negli Stati Uniti rivela che le aziende stanno adottando rapidamente nuove tecnologie e servizi di gestione delle buste paga per affrontare sfide complesse. I risultati chiave includono:

1. L'IA e il ML sono centrali nei progressi della tecnologia payroll, migliorando l'accuratezza, l'efficienza e l'intelligenza.

2. Le aziende americane stanno dando priorità alla trasparenza salariale a causa della legislazione sulla parità di retribuzione.

3. C'è un'attenzione crescente alla privacy dei dati sulle buste paga, con i fornitori che migliorano le misure di sicurezza.

4. Le imprese statunitensi sono più rapide nell'adottare strumenti che offrono ai dipendenti maggiore visibilità e controllo, come il pagamento a richiesta e le app di verifica delle buste paga.

5. Le analisi predittive e le intuizioni finanziarie personalizzate alimentate dall'IA per i dipendenti stanno diventando sempre più importanti.

Il rapporto valuta 16 fornitori nel quadrante dei Servizi di Gestione delle Buste Paga: Stati Uniti, nominando ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor e Strada come Leader.

El informe 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ sobre Soluciones y Servicios de Nómina en EE. UU. revela que las empresas están adoptando rápidamente nuevas tecnologías y servicios de nómina para abordar desafíos complejos. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. La IA y el ML son centrales en los avances de la tecnología de nómina, mejorando la precisión, la eficiencia y la inteligencia.

2. Las empresas estadounidenses están priorizando la transparencia salarial debido a la legislación sobre igualdad salarial.

3. Hay un mayor enfoque en la privacidad de los datos de nómina, con proveedores que mejoran las medidas de seguridad.

4. Las empresas de EE. UU. son más rápidas en adoptar herramientas que brindan a los empleados más visibilidad y control, como el pago a demanda y aplicaciones de verificación de recibos de nómina.

5. Los análisis predictivos y los conocimientos financieros personalizados impulsados por IA para los empleados están ganando importancia.

El informe evalúa a 16 proveedores en el cuadrante de Servicios de Nómina Gestionados: EE. UU., nombrando a ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor y Strada como Líderes.

2024 ISG Provider Lens™ 미국 급여 솔루션 및 서비스 보고서는 기업들이 복잡한 문제를 해결하기 위해 새로운 급여 기술 및 서비스를 빠르게 채택하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. AI와 ML은 급여 기술의 발전에 중심적이며, 정확성, 효율성 및 지능을 개선합니다.

2. 미국 기업들은 동등한 보상 법안으로 인해 급여 투명성을 우선시하고 있습니다.

3. 급여 데이터 프라이버시에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 공급업체들은 보안 조치를 강화하고 있습니다.

4. 미국의 기업들은 직원들에게 더 많은 가시성과 통제를 제공하는 도구, 예를 들어 온디맨드 급여 및 급여 명세서 검증 앱을 더 빨리 채택하고 있습니다.

5. 예측 분석과 AI 기반의 개인화된 재무 통찰력이 직원들에게 점점 더 중요해지고 있습니다.

이 보고서는 관리형 급여 서비스의 미국 사분면에서 16개의 공급업체를 평가하며, ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor, Strada를 리더로 지명하고 있습니다.

Le rapport 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ sur les solutions et services de paie aux États-Unis révèle que les entreprises adoptent rapidement de nouvelles technologies et services de paie pour relever des défis complexes. Les principales conclusions comprennent :

1. L'IA et le ML sont au cœur des avancées en matière de technologie de paie, améliorant la précision, l'efficacité et l'intelligence.

2. Les entreprises américaines privilégient la transparence des salaires en raison de la législation sur l'égalité de rémunération.

3. Un accent croissant est mis sur la confidentialité des données de paie, les fournisseurs renforçant les mesures de sécurité.

4. Les entreprises américaines sont plus rapides à adopter des outils offrant aux employés plus de visibilité et de contrôle, tels que le paiement à la demande et les applications de vérification des bulletins de salaire.

5. Les analyses prédictives et les insights financiers personnalisés alimentés par l'IA pour les employés deviennent de plus en plus importants.

Le rapport évalue 16 fournisseurs dans le quadrant des services de paie gérés : États-Unis, en désignant ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor et Strada comme leaders.

Der Bericht 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ über Lohnabrechnungslösungen und -dienstleistungen in den USA zeigt, dass Unternehmen neue Lohnabrechnungs-Technologien und -dienstleistungen schnell übernehmen, um komplexe Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Zu den wichtigsten Erkenntnissen gehören:

1. KI und ML sind zentral für Fortschritte in der Lohnabrechnungstechnologie und verbessern Genauigkeit, Effizienz und Intelligenz.

2. US-Unternehmen priorisieren Gehaltstransparenz aufgrund von Gesetzgebungen zur Gleichstellung der Bezahlung.

3. Es gibt einen zunehmenden Fokus auf Datenschutz bei Lohnabrechnungen, wobei Anbieter die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verstärken.

4. US-Firmen übernehmen schneller Werkzeuge, die den Mitarbeitern mehr Einblick und Kontrolle geben, wie z. B. On-Demand-Bezahlung und Apps zur Verifizierung von Gehaltsabrechnungen.

5. Prädiktive Analytik und KI-gesteuerte personalisierte Finanzanalysen für Mitarbeiter gewinnen an Bedeutung.

Der Bericht bewertet 16 Anbieter im Bereich Managed Payroll Services: USA und nennt ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor und Strada als führende Anbieter.

  • Rapid adoption of new payroll technologies and services by U.S. enterprises
  • Implementation of AI and ML to improve accuracy, efficiency, and intelligence in payroll processes
  • Increased focus on pay transparency and data privacy
  • Quicker adoption of employee-centric tools like on-demand pay and pay stub verification apps
  • Growing importance of predictive analytics and AI-powered financial insights for employees
  • None.

The adoption of innovative payroll technologies in the U.S. market signals a significant shift in enterprise priorities. This trend is likely to benefit payroll technology providers and create opportunities for companies offering AI-enabled solutions. The faster adoption rate in the U.S. compared to other regions could lead to a competitive advantage for U.S. firms in terms of operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.

The increased focus on pay transparency and data privacy could drive demand for more sophisticated payroll systems, potentially boosting sales for companies that offer these features. However, the slower-than-expected adoption of on-demand pay globally might indicate potential risks associated with rapid implementation of new payroll technologies. Investors should closely monitor how providers balance innovation with regulatory compliance and data security measures.

The integration of AI and ML into payroll systems represents a significant technological advancement in the industry. These technologies are enhancing accuracy, efficiency and intelligence in payroll processes, which could lead to substantial cost savings and improved employee satisfaction for adopting companies.

The emphasis on data privacy and security features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication and role-based permissions indicates a maturing market that's responding to regulatory pressures. This trend could favor established providers with robust security infrastructure over newer entrants. The growing interest in employee-centric tools like pay stub verification apps and on-demand pay systems suggests a shift towards more flexible and transparent payroll solutions, potentially opening new revenue streams for innovative providers in the payroll technology space.

The strategic shift in payroll management presents both opportunities and challenges for the financial sector. The increased outsourcing of payroll functions could lead to revenue growth for specialized service providers. However, this trend might also result in reduced in-house payroll staff for many companies, potentially impacting employment in this sector.

The adoption of AI-driven payroll solutions could lead to significant cost savings for businesses in the long term, potentially improving profit margins. However, initial implementation costs might impact short-term financials. The focus on pay transparency and real-time data updates may require substantial investments in technology infrastructure. Investors should watch for companies that can effectively balance these costs with the potential for improved operational efficiency and employee satisfaction, which could translate to better financial performance over time.

Enterprises boost preparedness for growing data privacy risks by quickly adopting new, AI-enabled features, ISG Provider Lens™ report says

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Enterprises in the U.S. are adopting new payroll technologies and services to solve increasingly complex problems, in some cases faster than companies in other regions, according to a new research report published today by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Payroll Solutions and Services report for the U.S. finds that changes in enterprise management and employee experience, such as the rise of remote work, make payroll a more strategic function and introduce new challenges. Facing new requirements with limited internal resources, many enterprises are outsourcing components of payroll to gain access to the latest technologies.

“Employees and governments both are demanding more from payroll departments,” said Stacey Cadigan, partner, ISG Human Capital Management and Enterprise Transformation. “Service providers continue to develop new ways to address and anticipate new requirements, especially using AI.”

AI and ML are central to many advances in payroll technology, introducing greater accuracy, efficiency and intelligence, the report says. As in other regions, U.S. enterprises are starting to deploy AI in all business processes, including customer-facing functions.

Increasing regulation is shaping payroll challenges and solutions. In the U.S., equal pay legislation has led companies to prioritize pay transparency to attract new hires and maintain good employee relations, ISG says. They expect systems to accurately update pay data in real time and make it available on easy-to-use dashboards.

U.S. enterprises have sharpened their focus on payroll data privacy over the past year, though most remain less aware than firms in Europe, where penalties for unsafe data handling are higher, ISG notes. As U.S. laws grow stricter, providers are prioritizing encryption, secure data storage and access control methods, including multi-factor authentication and role-based permissions. Providers’ toolkits also include incident response plans and regular employee training.

“The U.S. market is increasingly savvy about payroll privacy,” said Jan Erik Aase, partner and global leader, ISG Provider Lens Research. “Enterprises are embracing new tools and expect providers to use best practices and regular testing.”

Companies in the U.S. have been quicker than others to adopt some tools that give employees more visibility and control of payroll, ISG says. On-demand pay, which lets workers receive partial payment before the pay period ends, has seen slower-than-expected adoption in most of the world but more acceptance in the U.S. Likewise, the U.S. market shows greater interest in apps that let employees check and correct their pay stubs before payroll is processed.

The report also explores other trends affecting U.S. payroll organizations, including the growing importance of predictive analytics and AI-powered personalized financial insights for employees.

For more details on payroll challenges U.S. enterprises face, including the integration of new platforms with legacy systems and the risks of offering on-demand wage access, see the ISG Provider Lens™ Focal Points briefing here.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Payroll Solutions and Services report for the U.S. evaluates the capabilities of 16 providers in one quadrant: Managed Payroll Services: U.S.

The report names ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor and Strada (formerly Alight) as Leaders in the quadrant.

In the area of customer experience, EY is named the global ISG CX Star Performer for 2024 among payroll solutions and services providers. EY earned the highest customer satisfaction scores in ISG's Voice of the Customer survey, part of the ISG Star of Excellence™ program, the premier quality recognition for the technology and business services industry.

The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Payroll Solutions and Services report for the U.S. is available to subscribers or for one-time purchase on this webpage.

About ISG Provider Lens™ Research

The ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant research series is the only service provider evaluation of its kind to combine empirical, data-driven research and market analysis with the real-world experience and observations of ISG's global advisory team. Enterprises will find a wealth of detailed data and market analysis to help guide their selection of appropriate sourcing partners, while ISG advisors use the reports to validate their own market knowledge and make recommendations to ISG's enterprise clients. The research currently covers providers offering their services globally, across Europe, as well as in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the U.K., France, Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, the Nordics, Australia and Singapore/Malaysia, with additional markets to be added in the future. For more information about ISG Provider Lens research, please visit this webpage.

About ISG

ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. A trusted business partner to more than 900 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is committed to helping corporations, public sector organizations, and service and technology providers achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm specializes in digital transformation services, including AI and automation, cloud and data analytics; sourcing advisory; managed governance and risk services; network carrier services; strategy and operations design; change management; market intelligence and technology research and analysis. Founded in 2006, and based in Stamford, Conn., ISG employs more than 1,600 digital-ready professionals operating in more than 20 countries—a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, deep industry and technology expertise, and world-class research and analytical capabilities based on the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace data. For more information, visit

Press Contacts:

Will Thoretz, ISG

+1 203 517 3119

Julianna Sheridan, Matter Communications for ISG

+1 978-518-4520

Source: Information Services Group, Inc.


What are the key findings of the 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Payroll Solutions and Services report for the U.S.?

The report highlights rapid adoption of new payroll technologies, increased use of AI and ML, focus on pay transparency and data privacy, quicker adoption of employee-centric tools, and growing importance of predictive analytics in payroll solutions.

Who are the Leaders in the Managed Payroll Services: U.S. quadrant according to the ISG report?

The report names ADP, isolved, Paychex, Paycom, Paycor, and Strada (formerly Alight) as Leaders in the Managed Payroll Services: U.S. quadrant.

How is AI impacting payroll solutions in the U.S. according to the ISG report?

AI and ML are central to advances in payroll technology, introducing greater accuracy, efficiency, and intelligence. They are being deployed in all business processes, including customer-facing functions.

What is driving the focus on pay transparency in U.S. enterprises?

Equal pay legislation has led U.S. companies to prioritize pay transparency to attract new hires and maintain good employee relations. Companies expect systems to accurately update pay data in real time and make it available on easy-to-use dashboards.

Information Services Group, Inc.


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