Crowne Plaza by IHG Leads the Charge in Blended Travel - New Research Reveals Demand for Seamless Work-Leisure Integration with Return to Office
Crowne Plaza by IHG has released its second white paper, "Leading the Charge in Blended Travel," revealing a significant shift in travel habits. Currently, 66% of U.S. and U.K. travelers combine business trips with leisure time, up from 53% in 2022, with 56% considering blended travel a key benefit of remote work.
A global YouGov survey of over 12,000 people across nine countries found that 72% of respondents outside the U.S. and U.K. agree blended travel offers greater flexibility. The research identified four emerging trends:
- Improve and Grow: Travelers see journeys as opportunities for personal and professional development
- Mind-Body Equity: 35% say blended travel helps establish healthier routines
- New Personal Travel Economy: Travelers seek maximum value from time and money
- Intentional Togetherness: Greater emphasis on in-person connections
Crowne Plaza is undergoing a global refresh with 70% of Americas properties either new or renovated, and 60% of properties across Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa to be renovated by 2026. The brand has over 400 properties with 140 more in the pipeline, expanding by 35%.
Crowne Plaza di IHG ha pubblicato il suo secondo white paper, "Guidare il cambiamento nei viaggi misti", rivelando un cambiamento significativo nelle abitudini di viaggio. Attualmente, il 66% dei viaggiatori negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito combina viaggi d'affari con tempo libero, in aumento rispetto al 53% nel 2022, con il 56% che considera i viaggi misti un vantaggio chiave del lavoro remoto.
Un sondaggio globale di YouGov su oltre 12.000 persone in nove paesi ha rivelato che il 72% degli intervistati al di fuori degli Stati Uniti e del Regno Unito concorda sul fatto che i viaggi misti offrono maggiore flessibilità. La ricerca ha identificato quattro tendenze emergenti:
- Migliorare e Crescere: I viaggiatori vedono i viaggi come opportunità per lo sviluppo personale e professionale
- Equità Mente-Corpo: Il 35% afferma che i viaggi misti aiutano a stabilire routine più sane
- Nuova Economia dei Viaggi Personali: I viaggiatori cercano il massimo valore dal tempo e denaro
- Insieme con Intenzionalità: Maggiore enfasi sulle connessioni di persona
Crowne Plaza sta subendo un rinnovamento globale, con il 70% delle proprietà delle Americhe che sono nuove o ristrutturate, e il 60% delle proprietà in Europa, Medio Oriente, Asia e Africa che saranno ristrutturate entro il 2026. Il marchio conta oltre 400 proprietà con 140 in arrivo, espandendosi del 35%.
Crowne Plaza de IHG ha lanzado su segundo documento técnico, "Liderando el Cambio en los Viajes Combinados", revelando un cambio significativo en los hábitos de viaje. Actualmente, el 66% de los viajeros en EE. UU. y el Reino Unido combina viajes de negocios con tiempo de ocio, un aumento del 53% en 2022, con el 56% considerando que los viajes combinados son un beneficio clave del trabajo remoto.
Una encuesta global de YouGov a más de 12,000 personas en nueve países encontró que el 72% de los encuestados fuera de EE. UU. y el Reino Unido está de acuerdo en que los viajes combinados ofrecen mayor flexibilidad. La investigación identificó cuatro tendencias emergentes:
- Mejorar y Crecer: Los viajeros ven los viajes como oportunidades para el desarrollo personal y profesional
- Equidad Mente-Cuerpo: El 35% dice que los viajes combinados ayudan a establecer rutinas más saludables
- Nueva Economía de Viajes Personales: Los viajeros buscan el máximo valor de su tiempo y dinero
- Juntos de Manera Intencional: Mayor énfasis en las conexiones en persona
Crowne Plaza está experimentando una renovación global, con el 70% de sus propiedades en América siendo nuevas o renovadas, y el 60% de las propiedades en Europa, Medio Oriente, Asia y África serán renovadas para 2026. La marca tiene más de 400 propiedades con 140 más en camino, expandiéndose en un 35%.
IHG의 크라운 플라자가 두 번째 백서를 발표했습니다. 제목은 "혼합 여행의 선두주자"로, 여행 습관의 큰 변화를 드러냅니다. 현재 미국과 영국 여행자의 66%가 출장과 여가 시간을 결합하고 있으며, 이는 2022년의 53%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 56%는 혼합 여행이 원격 근무의 주요 이점이라고 생각합니다.
9개국에서 12,000명 이상을 대상으로 한 글로벌 YouGov 조사에 따르면, 응답자의 72%가 미국과 영국 이외의 지역에서 혼합 여행이 더 큰 유연성을 제공한다고 동의합니다. 연구는 네 가지 새로운 트렌드를 확인했습니다:
- 개선 및 성장: 여행자들은 여행을 개인적 및 직업적 발전의 기회로 봅니다
- 정신-신체 균형: 35%는 혼합 여행이 더 건강한 루틴을 확립하는 데 도움이 된다고 말합니다
- 새로운 개인 여행 경제: 여행자들은 시간과 돈의 최대 가치를 추구합니다
- 의도적인 함께함: 대면 연결에 대한 더 큰 강조
크라운 플라자는 전 세계적으로 리프레시를 진행 중이며, 아메리카의 70%의 자산이 새로워지거나 리모델링되고, 2026년까지 유럽, 중동, 아시아 및 아프리카의 60%의 자산이 리모델링될 예정입니다. 이 브랜드는 400개 이상의 자산을 보유하고 있으며, 140개가 추가로 예정되어 있어 35% 확장하고 있습니다.
Crowne Plaza d'IHG a publié son deuxième livre blanc, "À la tête du changement dans les voyages mixtes", révélant un changement significatif dans les habitudes de voyage. Actuellement, 66 % des voyageurs aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni combinent des voyages d'affaires avec du temps de loisirs, en hausse par rapport à 53 % en 2022, 56 % considérant les voyages mixtes comme un avantage clé du télétravail.
Une enquête mondiale YouGov réalisée auprès de plus de 12 000 personnes dans neuf pays a révélé que 72 % des répondants en dehors des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni conviennent que les voyages mixtes offrent une plus grande flexibilité. La recherche a identifié quatre tendances émergentes :
- Améliorer et Grandir : Les voyageurs considèrent les voyages comme des opportunités de développement personnel et professionnel
- Équité Corps-Esprit : 35 % affirment que les voyages mixtes aident à établir des routines plus saines
- Nouvelle Économie de Voyage Personnel : Les voyageurs recherchent un maximum de valeur pour leur temps et leur argent
- Ensemble avec Intention : Plus grande emphase sur les connexions en personne
Crowne Plaza subit un rafraîchissement mondial, avec 70 % de ses propriétés en Amérique étant nouvelles ou rénovées, et 60 % des propriétés en Europe, au Moyen-Orient, en Asie et en Afrique devant être rénovées d'ici 2026. La marque possède plus de 400 propriétés avec 140 autres en projet, s'étendant de 35 %.
Crowne Plaza von IHG hat sein zweites Whitepaper mit dem Titel "Die Führung im gemischten Reisen" veröffentlicht, das einen bedeutenden Wandel in den Reisegewohnheiten zeigt. Derzeit kombinieren 66% der Reisenden aus den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich Geschäftsreisen mit Freizeit, ein Anstieg von 53% im Jahr 2022, wobei 56% gemischtes Reisen als einen wesentlichen Vorteil von Remote-Arbeit betrachten.
Eine globale YouGov-Umfrage unter über 12.000 Personen in neun Ländern ergab, dass 72% der Befragten außerhalb der USA und des Vereinigten Königreichs zustimmen, dass gemischtes Reisen mehr Flexibilität bietet. Die Forschung identifizierte vier aufkommende Trends:
- Verbessern und Wachsen: Reisende sehen Reisen als Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung
- Gleichgewicht von Geist und Körper: 35% sagen, dass gemischtes Reisen hilft, gesündere Routinen zu etablieren
- Neue persönliche Reisewirtschaft: Reisende suchen maximalen Wert aus Zeit und Geld
- Absichtliches Zusammensein: Größerer Fokus auf persönliche Verbindungen
Crowne Plaza unterzieht sich einer globalen Auffrischung, wobei 70% der Immobilien in den Amerikas neu oder renoviert sind und bis 2026 60% der Immobilien in Europa, dem Nahen Osten, Asien und Afrika renoviert werden. Die Marke hat über 400 Immobilien mit 140 weiteren in der Pipeline, die um 35% expandiert.
- Crowne Plaza's blended travel market is growing, with 66% of U.S. and U.K. travelers combining business with leisure (up from 53% in 2022)
- Global expansion with 140 properties in pipeline, expanding current system by 35%
- 70% of Americas properties are new or renovated
- 60% of properties across Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa will be renovated by 2026
- Potential to capitalize on blended travel market projected to grow from $315B to $731B by 2032
- Significant investment required for global property renovations
- Increasing competition in the blended travel space as trend becomes mainstream
With thoughtfully designed spaces and guest experiences focused on connection, Crowne Plaza remains a top choice for hybrid travelers
To gauge the global reach of this trend, Crowne Plaza commissioned a YouGov survey of over 12,000 people across the
"Flexibility in where and when people work is now an expectation for today's professionals," said Ginger Taggart, Vice President of Brand Management – Global Premium Brands, IHG Hotels & Resorts. "Crowne Plaza has tracked the evolution of work-leisure integration for years. Blended travel has shifted from a trend to a permanent way of life—whether it's extending a business trip, working remotely from a dream destination, or finding inspiration on the go. As this shift evolves and becomes more sophisticated, we're not just responding to it—we're actively shaping the future of it by reimagining Crowne Plaza hotel designs, creating curated social spaces, and rolling out purpose-driven experiences that support a more dynamic, fulfilling way of traveling."
The Evolution of Blended Travel
The Leading the Charge in Blended Travel white paper reveals four emerging trends driven by travelers seeking greater flexibility as a means to achieve broader goals.
- Improve and Grow: Blended travel is now key to both personal and professional growth, with travelers linking their journeys to self-improvement, skill development, and creative exploration. Unlike traditional travel, which focused on rest and recharging, today's travelers see time away as an active pursuit that fuels creativity and enhances well-being. Blended travel offers a powerful catalyst for creativity by exposing individuals to new environments that inspire fresh ideas. The YouGov survey findings further back this trend, revealing the top motivator for combining work and leisure travel is to explore destinations they otherwise would not have visited (
40% ). The desire to be stimulated by new surroundings has always been part of why we travel, and Crowne Plaza meets this need with a variety of inspiring meeting and events spaces – from Victorian ballrooms at Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield in theU.K. to the expansive 38-acre campus of Crowne Plaza Atlanta SW –Peachtree City in theU.S. , complete with an outdoor amphitheater. - Mind-Body Equity: Wellness is now woven into every aspect of life, and travel is no exception. Thirty-five (35) percent of YouGov survey respondents said blended travel helps them establish healthier routines and reduce stress. Embracing this trend, Crowne Plaza has developed a series of daily rituals designed to promote mental and physical health during guests' stay, such as energizing smoothies at Crowne Plaza Helsinki – Hesperia during breakfast packed full of ingredients to kick start your morning to Crowne Plaza Amsterdam – South hosting weekly guided runs to help guests relive stress and wind down.
- The New Personal Travel Economy: New traveler demands are all about getting the most value from our time and money. Every moment, dollar, and ounce of energy spent is expected to feel meaningful. According to the YouGov survey, the top benefit of this trend is the ability to extend trips at a lower personal cost – with 70 percent of respondents saying affordable deals or amenities that cater to both business and leisure would encourage them to pursue blended travel experiences. Through the IHG One Rewards program, members staying at a Crowne Plaza hotel can earn and redeem points for free nights, unlock access to exclusive experiences and events, and enjoy Milestone Reward benefits such as bonus points, Food & Beverage Rewards, Confirmable Suite Upgrades, and much more.
- Intentional Togetherness: With much of life lived online, travelers are placing greater value on in-person connection with colleagues, loved ones and new acquaintances. Thirty-seven percent of respondents surveyed by YouGov cite being able to spend quality time with family and friends around their work as a reason to combine business and leisure travel. Crowne Plaza's Meetings & Events Concierge program caters to this, offering personalized itineraries that enable all guests to explore the locality and enjoy meaningful connections.
Crowne Plaza Unveils Global Refresh to Meet Needs of Modern Travelers
Since launching the first business-class hotel in 1983, Crowne Plaza has remained a bold, inventive leader in the hospitality industry. Crowne Plaza is never standing still – always looking to the future – passionate about meeting the evolving needs of travelers on a global scale. From enhanced guest room zoning to reimagined Meetings & Events, Crowne Plaza continues to stay ahead of consumer expectations with a new modern design and guest experience.
Currently, 70 percent of Crowne Plaza properties in the
With more than 400 properties across 67 countries, and steady demand from owners and guests, the brand's accelerated growth plan includes the addition of 140 properties in the pipeline – expanding its current system size by more than 35 percent.
To learn more or to book a stay, visit or download the IHG One Rewards mobile app.
System and pipeline data as of Q4 2024 unless noted otherwise.
The consumer research was conducted by YouGov between 17th December 2024 – 13th January 2025 with a sample of 12,184 adults in the
The Crowne Plaza white paper includes a survey of 296 IHG business and leisure travelers from the
Travel trends were identified by Stylus, the expert source of trend and insights, using its proprietary six stage qualitative trend methodology, consolidating new, emerging consumer and traveller trends from its global tracking of consumer lifestyle, product, service and engagement signals.
*The data presented in this one statement is based on surveys conducted in countries other than the
About Crowne Plaza
As one of world's largest premium hotel brands with locations in city, airport, resort and suburban destinations, Crowne Plaza is perfectly placed to meet the needs of today's guest, whether they are traveling for business, leisure, or a blend of both. For more information, visit, and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
About IHG®
IHG Hotels & Resorts (tickers: LON:IHG for Ordinary Shares; NYSE:IHG for ADRs) is a global hospitality company, with a purpose to provide True Hospitality for Good.
With a family of 19 hotel brands and IHG One Rewards, one of the world's largest hotel loyalty programmes with over 145m members, IHG has over 6,600 open hotels in over 100 countries, and a development pipeline of over 2,200 properties.
- Luxury & Lifestyle: Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas, Regent Hotels & Resorts, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, Vignette Collection, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Hotel Indigo
- Premium: voco hotels, HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, EVEN Hotels
- Essentials: Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn Express, Garner hotels, avid hotels
- Suites: Atwell Suites, Staybridge Suites, Holiday Inn Club Vacations, Candlewood Suites
- Exclusive Partners: Iberostar Beachfront Resorts
InterContinental Hotels Group PLC is the Group's holding company and is incorporated and registered in
Visit us online for more about our hotels and reservations and IHG One Rewards. To download the IHG One Rewards app, visit the Apple App or Google Play stores.
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SOURCE IHG Hotels & Resorts
What percentage of U.S. and U.K. travelers combine business trips with leisure according to IHG's research?
How many new properties does Crowne Plaza by IHG have in its pipeline?
What percentage of Crowne Plaza properties in the Americas have been renovated or are new?
What is the projected growth of the global blended travel market according to IHG's report?
What are the four emerging trends in blended travel identified in Crowne Plaza by IHG's white paper?