Idaho Strategic Announces Newly Discovered Red Star Vein and Additional Drilling Highlights from the Golden Chest Mine
Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) has announced a new high-grade gold discovery and preliminary highlights from its Golden Chest 2024 summer drill program. The company discovered the Red Star Vein during a drill program targeting hangingwall veins in the Klondike area, approximately 600 meters north of existing mining operations.
Key highlights include:
- Drill Hole GC 24-258 intercepted 1.8 meters of the Red Star Vein, assaying 34.1 grams per tonne (gpt) gold, part of a larger 9.3-meter intercept assaying 8.2 gpt gold.
- Twelve drillholes completed, with four encountering high-grade gold intercepts of the Red Star Vein.
- Additional veins discovered during the 2024 drill program, including potential northern extension of the H-Vein.
The company has rerouted a drill rig to accelerate near-mine discovery potential and plans to develop a new underground drill station for further exploration. IDR is also progressing with its paste backfill plant construction and considering building a new mill onsite at the Golden Chest.
Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) ha annunciato una nuova scoperta di oro ad alta legge e i principali risultati preliminari del suo programma di perforazione estiva 2024 presso Golden Chest. L'azienda ha scoperto il Red Star Vein durante un programma di perforazione mirato a vein di hangwall nell'area di Klondike, a circa 600 metri a nord delle operazioni minerarie esistenti.
I punti salienti includono:
- Il foro di perforazione GC 24-258 ha intercettato 1.8 metri del Red Star Vein, con un’analisi di 34.1 grammi per tonnellata (gpt) di oro, parte di un'intercettazione più ampia di 9.3 metri con analisi di 8.2 gpt di oro.
- Dodici fori di perforazione completati, di cui quattro hanno incontrato intercettazioni di oro ad alta legge del Red Star Vein.
- Altre vene scoperte durante il programma di perforazione 2024, inclusa una potenziale estensione settentrionale della H-Vein.
L'azienda ha rideviato una trivella per accelerare il potenziale di scoperta vicino alla miniera e prevede di sviluppare una nuova stazione di perforazione sotterranea per ulteriori esplorazioni. IDR sta inoltre progredendo nella costruzione del suo impianto di riempimento con pasta e sta considerando la costruzione di un nuovo mulino in loco presso il Golden Chest.
Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) ha anunciado un nuevo hallazgo de oro de alta calidad y los aspectos destacados preliminares de su programa de perforación de verano 2024 en Golden Chest. La empresa descubrió la Red Star Vein durante un programa de perforación dirigido a las venas de hangwall en el área de Klondike, aproximadamente 600 metros al norte de las operaciones mineras existentes.
Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- El orificio de perforación GC 24-258 interceptó 1.8 metros de la Red Star Vein, con un análisis de 34.1 gramos por tonelada (gpt) de oro, parte de una interceptación más extensa de 9.3 metros que analiza 8.2 gpt de oro.
- Se completaron doce perforaciones, de las cuales cuatro encontraron interceptaciones de oro de alta calidad de la Red Star Vein.
- Se descubrieron venas adicionales durante el programa de perforación 2024, incluida una posible extensión norte de la H-Vein.
La empresa ha reubicado una perforadora para acelerar el potencial de descubrimiento cercano a la mina y planea desarrollar una nueva estación de perforación subterránea para futuras exploraciones. IDR también está avanzando en la construcción de su planta de relleno con pasta y está considerando construir un nuevo molino en el sitio de Golden Chest.
아이오와 전략 자원 (NYSE American:IDR)이 골든 체스트 2024 여름 시추 프로그램에 대한 새로운 고품질 금 발견과 초기 하이라이트를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 클론다이크 지역에서 기존 채굴 작업에서 약 600미터 북쪽에 위치한 행벽 정맥을 목표로 하는 시추 프로그램 중 레드 스타 베인을 발견했습니다.
주요 하이라이트:
- 시추 구멍 GC 24-258이 레드 스타 베인에서 1.8미터를 관통하며, 톤당 34.1그램(gpt)의 금을 분석했습니다. 이는 9.3미터의 큰 관통 중 8.2gpt 금 분석의 일부입니다.
- 12개의 시추 구멍이 완공되었으며 그 중 4개는 레드 스타 베인의 고품질 금 관통을 경험했습니다.
- 2024 시추 프로그램 중 추가 정맥이 발견되었으며, H-베인의 북쪽 연장 가능성이 포함됩니다.
회사는 근처 광산 발견 가능성을 가속화하기 위해 시추 장비를 재배치했으며, 추가 탐사를 위해 새로운 지하 시추 스테이션을 개발할 계획입니다. IDR는 또한 페이스트 백필 공장 건설을 진행 중이며, 골든 체스트에서 새로운 밀을 건설하는 것에 대해 고려하고 있습니다.
Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) a annoncé une nouvelle découverte de gisements d'or de haute qualité et les premiers points saillants de son programme de forage d'été 2024 à Golden Chest. La société a découvert la Red Star Vein lors d'un programme de forage visant les veines de hangwall dans la région de Klondike, à environ 600 mètres au nord des opérations minières existantes.
Les points clés comprennent :
- Le trou de forage GC 24-258 a intercepté 1,8 mètre de la Red Star Vein, avec une analyse de 34,1 grammes par tonne (gpt) d'or, faisant partie d'une coupure plus large de 9,3 mètres avec une analyse de 8,2 gpt d'or.
- Douze trous de forage ont été complétés, dont quatre ont rencontré des intercepts d'or de haute qualité dans la Red Star Vein.
- D'autres veines ont été découvertes pendant le programme de forage 2024, y compris une extension potentielle au nord de la H-Vein.
La société a redirigé une foreuse pour accélérer le potentiel de découverte près de la mine et prévoit de développer une nouvelle station de forage souterraine pour d'autres explorations. IDR progresse également dans la construction de son usine de remplissage par pâte et envisage de construire un nouveau moulin sur place à Golden Chest.
Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) hat eine neue hochgradige Goldentdeckung und erste Highlights aus seinem Bohrprogramm für den Sommer 2024 bei Golden Chest angekündigt. Das Unternehmen entdeckte die Red Star Vein während eines Bohrprogramms, das auf Hängewandadern im Klondike-Gebiet abzielte, etwa 600 Meter nördlich der bestehenden Bergbauoperationen.
Wichtige Highlights sind:
- Der Bohrloch GC 24-258 schnitt 1,8 Meter der Red Star Vein und ergab eine Analyse von 34,1 Gramm pro Tonne (gpt) Gold, Teil eines größeren Schnitts von 9,3 Metern mit 8,2 gpt Gold.
- Es wurden zwölf Bohrlöcher abgeschlossen, von denen vier auf hochgradige Goldintervalle der Red Star Vein stießen.
- Zusätzliche Adern wurden während des Bohrprogramms 2024 entdeckt, einschließlich einer potenziellen nördlichen Erweiterung der H-Vein.
Das Unternehmen hat eine Bohranlage umgeleitet, um das Entdeckungspotential in der Nähe der Mine zu beschleunigen, und plant, eine neue unterirdische Bohrstation für weitere Erkundungen zu entwickeln. IDR macht auch Fortschritte beim Bau seiner Paste-Backfill-Anlage und prüft den Bau einer neuen Mühle vor Ort bei Golden Chest.
- Discovery of new high-grade Red Star Vein with impressive gold intercepts
- Multiple high-grade gold intercepts from various veins in the drill program
- Accelerated exploration with three drill rigs on-site at Golden Chest
- Construction of paste backfill plant progressing on schedule and on budget
- Increased cash balance and cash flow allowing for expanded exploration programs
- Tonnage and production potential of the Red Star Vein not fully defined yet
- Delay in drilling at the Eastern Star property due to rerouting of drill rig
The discovery of the Red Star Vein at the Golden Chest Mine is a significant development for Idaho Strategic Resources. With intercepts showing 34.1 gpt gold over 1.8 meters and 8.2 gpt gold over 9.3 meters, this new high-grade vein has the potential to substantially increase the mine's resource base and future production.
The vein's characteristics, including visible gold and associated sulfides, suggest a robust mineralization system. Its location in the hanging wall of the Idaho Fault, similar to the productive H-Vein, indicates a favorable structural setting for gold deposition. The company's decision to redirect drilling resources to further delineate this discovery demonstrates its potential importance.
The additional high-grade intercepts from other veins, particularly the potential northern extension of the H-Vein, further enhance the project's prospectivity. The planned underground drill station at the 888 level will be important for better defining these new targets and potentially discovering additional veins.
Overall, these results significantly de-risk the project and could lead to an expansion of mineable resources, potentially extending the mine life and improving the economic outlook for IDR.
Idaho Strategic Resources' new high-grade gold discovery at the Golden Chest Mine could significantly impact the company's financial outlook. The Red Star Vein's impressive grades, including 34.1 gpt gold over 1.8 meters, suggest potential for increased gold production and revenue in the future.
The company's decision to accelerate exploration by redirecting drilling resources demonstrates confidence in the discovery and could lead to faster resource definition and potential production ramp-up. This proactive approach, coupled with the company's reported increased cash balance and strong cash flow, positions IDR well for future growth.
Investments in infrastructure, such as the paste backfill plant and potential new mill, indicate a long-term commitment to expanding operations. These capital expenditures, while increasing short-term costs, could lead to operational efficiencies and increased production capacity in the long run.
With a market cap of
Drill Hole GC 24-258 intercepted 1.8 meters (m) of the Red Star Vein that assayed 34.1 grams per tonne (gpt) gold, which was part of a larger intercept of 9.3 meters assaying 8.2 gpt gold.
COEUR D'ALENE, ID / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / Idaho Strategic Resources (NYSE American:IDR) ("IDR" or the "Company") is announcing a new high-grade gold discovery and preliminary highlights from the Golden Chest 2024 summer drill program. The Red Star Vein discovery occurred during a drill program targeting hangingwall veins in the Klondike area, located approximately 600 meters north of existing mining in the Skookum area at the Golden Chest mine.
The Red Star Vein, like the nearby H-Vein, does not outcrop on the surface with both high-grade veins occurring in the hanging wall of the Idaho Fault. While the tonnage and production potential of the Red Star Vein is not fully defined at this time, the Red Star Vein was first encountered in a surface drill hole GC 22-212, which demonstrated an impressive 1.3 meters (m) of 37.4 grams per tonne (gpt) gold. The Red Star Vein (Figure 1) runs roughly sub-parallel to the Red Star Fault, which is a prominent cross-fault in this area. Twelve drillholes have been completed so far, with four holes encountering high-grade gold intercepts of the Red Star Vein with impressive widths and grades. The newly discovered Red Star Vein mineralization is characterized by a sheared and folded, strongly banded quartz vein with visible gold, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. The vein is locally brecciated and re-silicified.
In addition to the Red Star intercepts, several other veins have been encountered during the 2024 drill program. Select highlights for sample intervals of these veins, plus the H-Vein and Red Star Vein, are shown in the table below. Also noteworthy, the Intermediate/H-Vein (listed below) could potentially be part of the northern extension of the H-Vein based on internal modeling and projections, however further drilling is needed to determine if this is the case. The intercepts are reported in drilled thickness and in grams of gold per tonne. All the mentioned veins, except for the Popcorn, occur in the hanging wall of the Idaho Fault.
Hole | Target Vein | From (m) | From (m) | Drilled Interval (m) | Gold Assay (gpt) |
GC 24-249 | Red Star | 31.7 | 32.5 | 0.8 | 25.1 |
GC 24-258 | Red Star | 35.9 | 45.2 | 9.3 | 8.2 |
including | Red Star | 39.6 | 41.4 | 1.8 | 34.2 |
GC 24-259 | Red Star | 38.6 | 49.7 | 11.1 | 3.7 |
including | Red Star | 44.8 | 48.5 | 3.7 | 9.6 |
GC 24-260 | Red Star | 18.6 | 19.6 | 1.0 | 15.9 |
GC 24-258 | H-Vein | 294.6 | 295.2 | 0.6 | 13.5 |
GC 24-254 | Intermediate/H-Vein | 157.1 | 157.9 | 0.8 | 8.4 |
GC 24-259 | Intermediate/H-Vein | 280.3 | 286.8 | 6.5 | 7.1 |
including | Intermediate/H-Vein | 285.8 | 286.8 | 1.0 | 38.5 |
GC 24-253 | Popcorn | 81.3 | 82 | 0.7 | 13.3 |
GC 24-252 | Un-named | 102.2 | 102.9 | 0.7 | 10.4 |
GC 24-258 | Un-named | 28.8 | 31 | 2.2 | 4.3 |
GC 24-259 | Un-named | 53.2 | 61.0 | 7.8 | 1.6 |
including | Un-named | 57.0 | 59.7 | 2.7 | 2.5 |
GC 24-253 | 31-Vein | 4.5 | 4.8 | 0.3 | 36.8 |
Due to the recent discovery of the Red Star Vein, the Company made the decision to reroute the drill rig intended for the Company's Eastern Star property this fall, to the Golden Chest to accelerate additional near-mine discovery potential. It total, there are three drill rigs onsite at the Golden Chest, two are drilling targets from the surface while one is drilling targets from underground. During the upcoming fall and winter months, the Company is planning to develop a new underground drill station at the 888 level of the Golden Chest Mine to allow for better positioning to angle back toward the vein(s) and an expanded target area for further delineation of the Intermediate/H-Vein, Red Star Vein, and potential additional discoveries.
IDR's President and CEO, John Swallow commented, "Once again - the table of high-grade intercepts listed above is even more impressive considering their relative proximity to current production, not to mention the reality of each drill hole having the ability to test for multiple targets (known and unknown). Years ago, as we drilled towards the Idaho Vein, we encountered the H-Vein; and it eventually became our primary mining area. Now we are drilling towards the H-Vein and have encountered the Red Star Vein and hope that it will also add to future production. The unprecedented level of activity at and near the mine is a testament to the shared vision and cooperation of our crews and the overall flexibility provided by increased cash flows and a steady throughput at the mill.
Going forward, we expect to drill our Eastern Star property as soon as practicable following the winter months and expand our current drilling at the Golden Chest to include multiple targets in the broader Murray Gold Belt District. Given Idaho Strategic's recently increased cash balance and cash flow, along with strong gold prices, it makes sense to accelerate our exploration programs, both organically in the Murray Gold Belt and at Eastern Star, as well as look broader at additional opportunities that we believe may fit our team's skillsets and corporate strategy. Our business plan has allowed IDR to side-step many of the ‘bifurcated market' discussions of late and if our incoming traffic is any indicator, some are rethinking what was once the accepted approach toward building a business/investment vehicle in this industry."
The third quarter has been the busiest quarter in the Company's history. Along with coordinating three drill rigs at the Golden Chest Mine, the Company has been hard at work constructing its paste backfill plant onsite and making the necessary upgrades to the New Jersey Mill to facilitate planned back-haulage of tailings to the mine. The paste backfill plant is progressing on schedule and on budget and the Company is opportunistically looking for milling equipment to potentially begin its build out of the new mill onsite at the Golden Chest (located in the same building as the paste backfill plant). While a new mill onsite is certainly no guarantee, the Company feels that it is an important piece to unlock the potential of its 7,000+ acres of mineral properties in the broader Murray Gold Belt District.
Figure 1

Qualified person
IDR's Vice President of Exploration, Robert John Morgan, PG, PLS is a qualified person as such term is defined under S-K 1300 and has reviewed and approved the technical information and data included in this press release.
About Idaho Strategic Resources, Inc.
Idaho Strategic Resources (IDR) is an Idaho-based gold producer which also owns the largest rare earth elements land package in the United States. The Company's business plan was established in anticipation of today's volatile geopolitical and macroeconomic environment. IDR finds itself in a unique position as the only publicly traded company with growing gold production and significant blue-sky potential for rare earth elements exploration and development in one Company.
For more information on Idaho Strategic Resources, visit, go to or call:
Travis Swallow, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
Phone: (208) 625-9001
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections. Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by forward-looking words such as "intends", "potential", "believe", "plans", "expects", "may", "goal', "assume", "estimate", "anticipate", and "will" or similar words suggesting future outcomes, or other expectations, beliefs, assumptions, intentions, or statements about future events or performance. Forward-looking information includes, but are not limited to, The potential operational and economic viability of mining the Red Star Vein, the potential for the H-Vein and the Intermediate Vein to be the same, the potential for additional discoveries from drilling, the Company's plans to drill its Eastern Star property at any point next year, the Company's plans to drill the broader Murray Gold Belt next year, the potential for the paste backfill plant to continue to advance on schedule and on budget, the Company's plans to build out a new mill at the Golden Chest Mine, and the Company's potential for future organic growth and/or growth via additional broader opportunities. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of Idaho Strategic Resources as of the date such information is provided and is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance, or achievements of IDR to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Investors should note that IDR's claim as the largest rare earth elements landholder in the U.S. is based on the Company's internal review of publicly available information regarding the rare earth landholdings of select companies within the U.S., which IDR is aware of. Investors are encouraged not to rely on IDR's claim as the largest rare earth elements landholder in the U.S. while making investment decisions. The forward-looking statement information above, and those following are applicable to both this press release, as well as the links contained within this press release. With respect to the business of Idaho Strategic Resources, these risks and uncertainties include risks relating to widespread epidemics or pandemic outbreaks; interpretations or reinterpretations of geologic information; the accuracy of historic estimates; unfavorable exploration results; inability to obtain permits required for future exploration, development or production; general economic conditions and conditions affecting the industries in which the Company operates; the uncertainty of regulatory requirements and approvals; fluctuating mineral and commodity prices; the ability to obtain necessary future financing on acceptable terms; the ability to operate the Company's projects; and risks associated with the mining industry such as economic factors (including future commodity prices, and energy prices), ground conditions, failure of plant, equipment, processes and transportation services to operate as anticipated, environmental risks, government regulation, actual results of current exploration and production activities, possible variations in ore grade or recovery rates, permitting timelines, capital and construction expenditures, reclamation activities. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such information. Additional information regarding the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from this forward‐looking information is available in Idaho Strategic Resources filings with the SEC on EDGAR. IDR does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or other such factors which affect this information, except as required by law.
SOURCE: Idaho Strategic Resources, Inc.
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What is the Red Star Vein discovery at Idaho Strategic Resources (IDR)?
What are the key drilling results from IDR's Golden Chest 2024 summer program?
How is Idaho Strategic Resources (IDR) expanding its exploration efforts?