Meet the Workforce Innovation Board
IBM has announced the formation of a Workforce Innovation Board, a cross-functional panel of leaders addressing key topics like C-suite innovation, AI, and worker wellness. The board includes Justina Nixon-Saintil, IBM's vice president and chief impact officer, who leads the company's career-readiness initiatives and education partnerships.
A significant focus is on IBM SkillsBuild, a free education program providing access to coursework on AI, environmental sustainability, and professional workplace skills. IBM SkillsBuild has partnered with Usher's New Look to offer AI training and customized learning plans to thousands of students, particularly those from underrepresented communities in technology.
This initiative aims to prepare students for a competitive workforce by equipping them with knowledge about evolving technological innovations, especially as AI continues to be a driving force in the workplace.
IBM ha annunciato la creazione di un Workforce Innovation Board, un panel trasversale di leader che affronta temi chiave come l'innovazione a livello dirigenziale, l'IA e il benessere dei lavoratori. Il consiglio include Justina Nixon-Saintil, vicepresidente di IBM e chief impact officer, che guida le iniziative dell'azienda per la preparazione professionale e le partnership educative.
Un importante focus è su IBM SkillsBuild, un programma di educazione gratuito che offre accesso a corsi riguardanti l'IA, la sostenibilità ambientale e le competenze professionali. IBM SkillsBuild ha collaborato con Usher's New Look per offrire formazione sull'IA e piani di apprendimento personalizzati a migliaia di studenti, in particolare quelli provenienti da comunità sottorappresentate nel settore tecnologico.
Questa iniziativa mira a preparare gli studenti per un mercato del lavoro competitivo, fornendo loro le conoscenze sulle innovazioni tecnologiche in evoluzione, soprattutto mentre l'IA continua a essere una forza trainante nel luogo di lavoro.
IBM ha anunciado la formación de un Workforce Innovation Board, un panel interdisciplinario de líderes que aborda temas clave como innovación en la alta dirección, IA y bienestar de los trabajadores. El consejo incluye a Justina Nixon-Saintil, vicepresidente y directora de impacto de IBM, quien lidera las iniciativas de preparación profesional y las asociaciones educativas de la empresa.
Un enfoque significativo está en IBM SkillsBuild, un programa educativo gratuito que proporciona acceso a cursos sobre IA, sostenibilidad ambiental y habilidades profesionales para el lugar de trabajo. IBM SkillsBuild se ha asociado con Usher's New Look para ofrecer entrenamiento en IA y planes de aprendizaje personalizados a miles de estudiantes, particularmente aquellos de comunidades subrepresentadas en tecnología.
Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo preparar a los estudiantes para un mercado laboral competitivo, equipándolos con conocimientos sobre innovaciones tecnológicas en evolución, especialmente a medida que la IA continúa siendo una fuerza impulsora en el lugar de trabajo.
IBM은 C-suite 혁신, AI 및 근로자 복지와 같은 주요 주제를 다루는 리더들의 교차 기능 패널인 Workforce Innovation Board의 구성을 발표했습니다. 이 위원회에는 회사의 직업 준비 이니셔티브 및 교육 파트너십을 이끄는 IBM의 부사장이자 수석 영향 책임자인 Justina Nixon-Saintil이 포함되어 있습니다.
주요 초점 중 하나는 IBM SkillsBuild로, AI, 환경 지속 가능성 및 직장 전문 기술에 대한 학습 과정에 대한 무료 교육 프로그램입니다. IBM SkillsBuild는 Usher's New Look와 협력하여 기술 분야의 소외된 커뮤니티 출신의 수천 명의 학생들에게 AI 교육 및 맞춤형 학습 계획을 제공합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 AI가 직장 내에서 추진력이 되는 동안, 변화하는 기술 혁신에 대한 지식을 제공하여 학생들을 경쟁력 있는 노동 시장에 준비시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.
IBM a annoncé la formation d'un Workforce Innovation Board, un panel interfonctionnel de leaders abordant des sujets clés tels que l'innovation au niveau de la direction, l'IA et le bien-être des travailleurs. Le conseil comprend Justina Nixon-Saintil, vice-présidente et directrice de l'impact d'IBM, qui dirige les initiatives de préparation à la carrière et les partenariats éducatifs de l'entreprise.
Un point central important est IBM SkillsBuild, un programme éducatif gratuit donnant accès à des cours sur l'IA, la durabilité environnementale et les compétences professionnelles. IBM SkillsBuild a collaboré avec Usher's New Look pour offrir des formations en IA et des plans d'apprentissage personnalisés à des milliers d'étudiants, en particulier ceux issus de communautés sous-représentées dans le secteur technologique.
Cette initiative vise à préparer les étudiants à un marché du travail compétitif en leur fournissant des connaissances sur les innovations technologiques en évolution, surtout que l'IA continue à être une force motrice dans le milieu professionnel.
IBM hat die Gründung eines Workforce Innovation Boards angekündigt, eines fächerübergreifenden Panels von Führungskräften, das sich mit wichtigen Themen wie Innovation auf C-Ebene, KI und dem Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter befasst. Im Board ist Justina Nixon-Saintil, die Vizepräsidentin und Chief Impact Officer von IBM, die die Karrierereife-Initiativen und Bildungspartnerschaften des Unternehmens leitet.
Ein wesentlicher Fokus liegt auf IBM SkillsBuild, einem kostenlosen Bildungsprogramm, das Zugang zu Kursen über KI, Umweltverträglichkeit und berufliche Fähigkeiten bietet. IBM SkillsBuild hat sich mit Usher's New Look zusammengetan, um Tausenden von Studenten, insbesondere aus unterrepräsentierten Gemeinschaften in der Technologie, KI-Schulungen und maßgeschneiderte Lernpläne anzubieten.
Mit dieser Initiative sollen die Studenten auf einen wettbewerbsfähigen Arbeitsmarkt vorbereitet werden, indem sie mit Wissen über sich entwickelnde technologische Innovationen ausgestattet werden, insbesondere da KI weiterhin eine treibende Kraft am Arbeitsplatz darstellt.
- IBM is proactively addressing workforce development through its Workforce Innovation Board
- IBM SkillsBuild offers free education on important topics like AI and environmental sustainability
- Partnership with Usher's New Look expands AI training to underrepresented communities
- None.
A cross-functional panel of leaders will tackle topics such as C-suite innovation, AI, and worker wellness.
by Jean Paik and Julia Hood
Previously published by Business Insider
Justina Nixon-Saintil, vice president and chief impact officer, IBM
Nixon-Saintil leads IBM's career-readiness initiatives, education partnerships, and curricula. Her global team provides access to coursework on subjects including AI, environmental sustainability, and professional workplace skills through IBM SkillsBuild, the organization's free education program.
This year, IBM SkillsBuild partnered with Usher's New Look to offer training and customized learning plans on AI for thousands of students across the country, including high schoolers and college-age youth from communities traditionally underrepresented in technology. The curriculum seeks to equip students with knowledge about evolving technological innovations to help prepare them for a competitive workforce.
"As AI continues to be a driving force in the workplace, we believe that IBM SkillsBuild is well-positioned to help students develop the technology skills they'll need to succeed," Nixon-Saintil said in a statement about the collaboration.
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What is IBM's Workforce Innovation Board focusing on?
What is IBM SkillsBuild and what does it offer?
Who has IBM SkillsBuild partnered with for AI training?