IBM Expands Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York to Advance Algorithm Discovery Globally

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IBM has expanded its Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, now housing the highest number of utility-scale quantum computers at a single location worldwide. The company has installed a second IBM Quantum Heron processor, its most performant to date, offering up to 16 times better performance and a 25-fold increase in speed over 2022 systems. All quantum systems in Poughkeepsie can now operate at utility-scale, surpassing classical computers' simulation capabilities.

The expansion aims to advance algorithm discovery globally, with over 250 organizations using IBM's systems to explore industry-relevant problems. IBM's Qiskit software stack simplifies quantum programming, enabling a growing ecosystem of quantum software and services. The company plans further upgrades to its Poughkeepsie facility as it progresses along its Quantum Development Roadmap.

IBM ha ampliato il suo Quantum Data Center a Poughkeepsie, New York, ora ospitando il maggior numero di computer quantistici di dimensioni utility in un'unica località a livello mondiale. L'azienda ha installato un secondo processore IBM Quantum Heron, il più performante fino ad oggi, che offre fino a un 16 volte migliore prestazioni e un incremento di velocità di 25 volte rispetto ai sistemi del 2022. Tutti i sistemi quantistici a Poughkeepsie possono ora operare a livello utility, superando le capacità di simulazione dei computer classici.

L'espansione mira ad avanzare la scoperta di algoritmi a livello globale, con oltre 250 organizzazioni che utilizzano i sistemi di IBM per esplorare problemi rilevanti per l'industria. Il software Qiskit di IBM semplifica la programmazione quantistica, consentendo un ecosistema in crescita di software e servizi quantistici. L'azienda prevede ulteriori aggiornamenti della sua struttura a Poughkeepsie mentre avanza lungo il suo Quantum Development Roadmap.

IBM ha ampliado su Quantum Data Center en Poughkeepsie, Nueva York, ahora albergando el mayor número de computadoras cuánticas a escala utilitaria en una sola ubicación en todo el mundo. La compañía ha instalado un segundo procesador IBM Quantum Heron, el más potente hasta la fecha, que ofrece hasta 16 veces mejor rendimiento y un aumento de velocidad de 25 veces en comparación con los sistemas de 2022. Todos los sistemas cuánticos en Poughkeepsie pueden ahora operar a escala utilitaria, superando las capacidades de simulación de las computadoras clásicas.

La expansión tiene como objetivo avanzar en la descubrimiento de algoritmos a nivel global, con más de 250 organizaciones utilizando los sistemas de IBM para explorar problemas relevantes para la industria. El stack de software Qiskit de IBM simplifica la programación cuántica, permitiendo un ecosistema en crecimiento de software y servicios cuánticos. La compañía planea más actualizaciones en su instalación de Poughkeepsie a medida que avanza en su Quantum Development Roadmap.

IBM뉴욕 주 포킵시에 있는 양자 데이터 센터를 확장하여 전 세계적으로 단일 장소에서 최대 수의 유틸리티 규모 양자 컴퓨터를 보유하게 되었습니다. 회사는 현재까지 가장 성능이 우수한 IBM Quantum Heron 프로세서를 두 번째로 설치하여 2022 시스템 대비 최대 16배 향상된 성능25배 향상된 속도를 제공하고 있습니다. 포킵시의 모든 양자 시스템은 이제 유틸리티 규모에서 작동할 수 있으며, 고전 컴퓨터의 시뮬레이션 능력을 초월합니다.

이번 확장은 전 세계적인 알고리즘 발견을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하며, 250개 이상의 조직이 IBM의 시스템을 사용하여 산업 관련 문제를 탐구하고 있습니다. IBM의 Qiskit 소프트웨어 스택은 양자 프로그래밍을 간소화하여 성장하는 양자 소프트웨어 및 서비스 생태계를 가능하게 합니다. 회사는 Quantum Development Roadmap을 진행하면서 포킵시 시설의 추가 업그레이드를 계획하고 있습니다.

IBM a agrandi son Quantum Data Center à Poughkeepsie, New York, abritant désormais le plus grand nombre d'ordinateurs quantiques à l'échelle utilitaire à un seul endroit au monde. L'entreprise a installé un deuxième processeur IBM Quantum Heron, le plus performant à ce jour, offrant jusqu'à 16 fois de meilleures performances et une augmentation de vitesse de 25 fois par rapport aux systèmes de 2022. Tous les systèmes quantiques à Poughkeepsie peuvent désormais fonctionner à l'échelle utilitaire, dépassant les capacités de simulation des ordinateurs classiques.

L'expansion vise à faire progresser la découverte d'algorithmes au niveau mondial, avec plus de 250 organisations utilisant les systèmes d'IBM pour explorer des problèmes pertinents pour l'industrie. La pile logicielle Qiskit d'IBM simplifie la programmation quantique, permettant la création d'un écosystème en pleine croissance de logiciels et de services quantiques. L'entreprise prévoit d'autres améliorations de ses installations à Poughkeepsie à mesure qu'elle avance dans sa Quantum Development Roadmap.

IBM hat sein Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York erweitert und beherbergt nun die höchste Anzahl an quantencomputern im Utility-Maßstab an einem einzigen Standort weltweit. Das Unternehmen hat einen zweiten IBM Quantum Heron-Prozessor installiert, der bisher leistungsstärkste, der ein bis zu 16-faches besseres Ergebnis und eine 25-fache Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit im Vergleich zu den Systemen von 2022 bietet. Alle quantencomputersysteme in Poughkeepsie können jetzt im Utility-Maßstab arbeiten und übertreffen die Simulationsfähigkeiten klassischer Computer.

Die Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, die Algorithmusentdeckung weltweit zu fördern, wobei mehr als 250 Organisationen IBMs Systeme nutzen, um industrielle relevante Probleme zu erkunden. Der Qiskit-Software-Stack von IBM vereinfacht die Quantenprogrammierung und ermöglicht ein wachsendes Ökosystem von Quanten-Software und -Dienstleistungen. Das Unternehmen plant weitere Upgrades für seine Poughkeepsie-Anlage, während es seinem Quantum Development Roadmap nachgeht.

  • IBM's new Heron-based system offers 16 times better performance and 25 times faster speed than 2022 systems
  • All quantum systems in Poughkeepsie now operate at utility-scale, surpassing classical computers' simulation capabilities
  • Over 250 organizations are using IBM's quantum systems for industry-relevant problem-solving
  • IBM's Qiskit is reported as the leading and most performant quantum software
  • Expansion of the Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie strengthens IBM's position in quantum computing
  • None.


IBM's expansion of its Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie marks a significant leap in quantum computing capabilities. The new IBM Quantum Heron processor demonstrates impressive performance improvements, with 16 times better performance and a 25-fold increase in speed compared to 2022 systems. This advancement pushes quantum computing into the "utility-scale" realm, where quantum circuits can now outperform classical computer simulations.

The implications for algorithm discovery are profound. With these systems now available via the cloud, researchers and companies worldwide can explore new computational territories, potentially accelerating the path to quantum advantage. The integration of advanced quantum hardware with Qiskit, IBM's quantum software stack, creates a powerful ecosystem for quantum algorithm development across various industries.

While this news is exciting for the field, it's important to note that we're still in the early stages of practical quantum computing applications. The real test will be seeing how these advancements translate into solving real-world problems and delivering tangible benefits across sectors like finance, chemistry and optimization.

IBM's quantum computing advancements represent a strategic move to maintain leadership in the emerging quantum industry. By expanding their Poughkeepsie facility and deploying advanced Heron processors, IBM is solidifying its position as a key player in the quantum race. This expansion aligns with IBM's broader strategy of focusing on high-value, cutting-edge technologies.

The company's emphasis on building a global ecosystem around its quantum technology is particularly noteworthy. By partnering with startups and making their systems widely accessible via the cloud, IBM is fostering innovation and potentially creating new revenue streams. This approach could lead to a "quantum-as-a-service" model, similar to how IBM leveraged its mainframe expertise into cloud services.

For investors, this development signals IBM's commitment to long-term growth in emerging technologies. However, it's important to recognize that quantum computing is still a nascent field and significant commercial applications may be years away. The investment in quantum should be viewed as part of IBM's diversified portfolio of future-focused technologies, balancing potential high growth with the stability of its established business lines.

Latest IBM Quantum system, powered by an IBM Quantum Heron processor, achieves reduced error rates at 16 times better performance, and 25-fold increase in speed over 2022 IBM Quantum systems.(1)

IBM completes installation of second IBM Heron, its most performant quantum processor to date, now available to clients globally.

Company announces all quantum systems in Poughkeepsie and globally can operate at utility-scale, beyond brute-force simulation capabilities of classical computers.

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today the completion of its latest expansion of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, which operates the highest number of available utility-scale quantum computers at a single location in the world. These systems are a part of the more than a dozen quantum computers offered to global clients via the IBM cloud.

To advance its mission of bringing useful quantum computing to the world, IBM has heavily invested in deploying advanced quantum hardware architectures. First introduced late last year, the IBM Quantum Heron processor has now been deployed in IBM's global Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie.

Now available via the cloud, IBM's Heron-based system offers up to a 16-fold improvement in performance and a 25-fold increase in speed over previous IBM quantum computers as they were measured two years ago. In addition to the two IBM Heron-based computers now available, the additional systems within the IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie are now all capable of operating at the level of utility-scale: the point at which quantum computers can run quantum circuits more accurately than classical computers simulating them. In turn, this opens the possibility to explore new computational territories for global users who are pushing forward the discovery of new quantum algorithms that will unlock quantum advantage.  

IBM's users are now tapping the improved performance capabilities of IBM Heron and IBM utility-scale systems to build quantum algorithms for their industries with Qiskit, IBM's quantum software stack, which has been built to simplify programming quantum computers.

"Since IBM made the first quantum computer available on the cloud in 2016, we have broken barriers across quantum hardware and software to build our largest and highest-performing fleet of globally accessible quantum systems," said Jay Gambetta, Vice President at IBM Quantum. "Our quantum data center in Poughkeepsie is the epicenter of these efforts, with more organizations around the world using our systems here in the Hudson Valley to explore industry-relevant problems on real quantum hardware. As we continue to expand our quantum computers in Poughkeepsie and globally, we will work with our network of more than 250 organizations to accelerate the pace of discovery in quantum computing."

Recently, IBM published evidence that Qiskit is the leading and most performant quantum software. These breakthroughs are now enabling the emergence of a global ecosystem of quantum software and services, including offerings in the Qiskit Functions Catalog from startups such as Algorithmiq, Q-CTRL, and Qedma to abstract away the complexity of managing the performance of quantum systems; as well as tools from QunaSys and Q-CTRL to help users more easily explore chemistry and optimization problems. These tools are designed to make it easier to build and run utility-scale quantum algorithms that could open the doorway to useful quantum computing.

"When you are focused on achieving algorithmic quantum advantage, working with highly reliable, stable, and high-performing quantum hardware is essential. We chose to partner with IBM because their quantum computers offer the advanced engineering and performance we need to meet our goals with confidence," said Dorit Aharonov, Chief Scientific Officer of Qedma Quantum Computing.

"IBM has been a leader in both the development of quantum hardware and the realization of a high-performance, flexible quantum computing platform for the community. The IBM team had exceptional foresight in de-verticalizing and empowering their partners to push the limits of what's possible with today's machines. We're proud to have our record-breaking performance-management and optimization solutions available through Qiskit Functions to deliver value to the widest range of users," said Michael Biercuk, CEO of Q-CTRL.

"IBM's leadership in quantum hardware development exemplifies its relentless pursuit of performance innovation, enabling cutting-edge, utility-scale work while offering a seamless, frictionless development experience for partners and users alike, thanks to the Quantum Cloud service and Qiskit ecosystem. This commitment is why Algorithmiq has chosen IBM's platform to include its groundbreaking error mitigation algorithm within the Qiskit Functions Catalog to unlock greater access to real-world applications at utility scale and beyond," said Sabrina Maniscalco, CEO of Algorithmiq.

"As IBM advances quantum hardware with its latest Heron processor, we are excited to see QunaSys' algorithms running on this cutting-edge technology. We believe that having our QURI Chemistry operate at utility scale on Heron-powered systems, via the Qiskit Functions Catalog, is a key to achieving quantum advantage. QunaSys is committed to advancing our solutions, believing this synergy is essential to unlocking quantum computing's full potential," said Tennin Yan, CEO of QunaSys.

Strengthened by close communication with New York State and federal policymakers, IBM plans to continue to upgrade and grow its IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie as it progresses along its Quantum Development Roadmap to extend the complexity and size of quantum workloads that users can run. The Poughkeepsie data center will continue to serve as a global hub for IBM's Quantum Network as the company extends its worldwide fleet of systems, including the second IBM Quantum Data Center which will soon open in Ehningen, Germany. 

In addition to quantum computing, IBM plans to continue to nurture the broader technology ecosystem in New York to unlock new discoveries and opportunities across semiconductors, hybrid cloud, and artificial intelligence.

Statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. 

About IBM

IBM is a leading global hybrid cloud and AI, and business services provider, helping clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Nearly 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and business services deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. For more information, visit

  1. The performance of IBM Quantum hardware is publicly available here:

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What improvements does IBM's new Quantum Heron processor offer?

IBM's new Quantum Heron processor offers up to 16 times better performance and a 25-fold increase in speed compared to IBM's quantum systems from 2022.

How many utility-scale quantum computers does IBM have in Poughkeepsie?

IBM's Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, houses the highest number of available utility-scale quantum computers at a single location in the world, with all systems now capable of operating at utility-scale.

What is the significance of IBM's quantum systems operating at utility-scale?

Operating at utility-scale means IBM's quantum computers can run quantum circuits more accurately than classical computers simulating them, opening possibilities for exploring new computational territories and advancing algorithm discovery.

How is IBM (NYSE: IBM) expanding its quantum computing capabilities globally?

IBM is expanding its quantum computing capabilities by upgrading its Poughkeepsie Quantum Data Center, opening a second data center in Ehningen, Germany, and offering more than a dozen quantum computers to global clients via the IBM cloud.

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