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IBM implemented a global program to create, enhance, and restore pollinator habitats, establishing 70 gardens across 26 countries by the end of 2023. The initiative involved replacing grass with flower beds in various locations, benefiting a wide range of pollinators.
IBM ha implementato un programma globale per creare, migliorare e ripristinare gli habitat dei pollinatori, stabilendo 70 giardini in 26 paesi entro la fine del 2023. L'iniziativa ha coinvolto la sostituzione dell'erba con aiuole fiorite in varie località, beneficiando un ampio spettro di impollinatori.
IBM implementó un programa global para crear, mejorar y restaurar hábitats de polinizadores, estableciendo 70 jardines en 26 países para finales de 2023. La iniciativa incluyó reemplazar el césped por parterres de flores en diversas ubicaciones, beneficiando a una amplia gama de polinizadores.
IBM은 2023년까지 26개국에 걸쳐 70개의 정원을 조성하며, 꽃가루 매개체 서식지를 만들고, 개선하고, 복원하는 글로벌 프로그램을 시행했습니다. 이 계획은 다양한 장소에서 잔디를 꽃밭으로 대체하는 작업을 포함하여 다양한 꽃가루 매개체에 이점을 제공했습니다.
IBM a mis en œuvre un programme mondial pour créer, améliorer et restaurer des habitats pour les pollinisateurs, en établissant 70 jardins dans 26 pays d'ici la fin de 2023. L'initiative impliquait de remplacer l'herbe par des parterres de fleurs dans divers endroits, bénéficiant à une large gamme de pollinisateurs.
IBM hat ein globales Programm zur Schaffung, Verbesserung und Wiederherstellung von Lebensräumen für Bestäuber durchgeführt und bis Ende 2023 70 Gärten in 26 Ländern eingerichtet. Die Initiative umfasste das Ersetzen von Grasflächen durch Blumenbeete an verschiedenen Standorten, was einer Vielzahl von Bestäubern zugute kam.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 23, 2024 / Pollinators are critical for maintaining a diverse ecosystem, and they are fundamental for food production.
That's why IBM established a global program involving creating, enhancing, and restoring pollinator habitats. Andrea Sarudi, from IBM Corporate Environmental Affairs, worked with IBMers to implement 50 pollinator gardens at IBM locations globally from 2021 to 2023. One such garden involved replacing grass with flower beds in Bogota, Colombia's capital. This and other pollinator projects required different strategies according to each location and they help not only bees but also flies, moths, butterflies, wasps, beetles, hummingbirds and even bats and small mammals.
By the end of 2023, IBM established 70 pollinator gardens across 26 countries, surpassing the goal of 50.