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Recology, a leading sustainable waste management company, is testing North America's first hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse collection vehicle in San Francisco. The truck, developed in partnership with New Way Trucks and Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), represents a significant step towards zero-emission waste management. This initiative aligns with San Francisco's efforts to reduce waste and use clean energy.

Key points:

  • Recology aims to confirm the vehicle's power and range for completing collection routes and transporting heavy loads
  • The trial will last two weeks in San Francisco, followed by tests in other Bay Area cities
  • Hyzon's fuel cell systems are expected to provide consistent power over a range of at least 125 miles, including 1,200 cart lifts
  • This technology could help address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the waste industry

Recology, un'azienda leader nella gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti, sta testando il primo veicolo elettrico a celle a combustibile a idrogeno in Nord America a San Francisco. Il camion, sviluppato in collaborazione con New Way Trucks e Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), rappresenta un passo significativo verso la gestione dei rifiuti a zero emissioni. Questa iniziativa è in linea con gli sforzi di San Francisco di ridurre i rifiuti e utilizzare energia pulita.

Punti chiave:

  • Recology mira a confermare la potenza e l'autonomia del veicolo per completare i percorsi di raccolta e trasportare carichi pesanti
  • Il test durerà due settimane a San Francisco, seguito da prove in altre città della Bay Area
  • I sistemi a celle a combustibile di Hyzon dovrebbero fornire una potenza costante su una distanza di almeno 125 miglia, inclusi 1.200 sollevamenti di carrelli
  • Questa tecnologia potrebbe contribuire a contrastare il cambiamento climatico riducendo le emissioni di gas serra nel settore dei rifiuti

Recology, una empresa líder en la gestión sostenible de residuos, está probando el primer vehículo de recogida de residuos eléctrico impulsado por celdas de combustible de hidrógeno en América del Norte en San Francisco. El camión, desarrollado en asociación con New Way Trucks y Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), representa un paso significativo hacia la gestión de residuos sin emisiones. Esta iniciativa se alinea con los esfuerzos de San Francisco para reducir residuos y utilizar energía limpia.

Puntos clave:

  • Recology busca confirmar la potencia y el alcance del vehículo para completar las rutas de recolección y transportar cargas pesadas
  • La prueba durará dos semanas en San Francisco, seguida de pruebas en otras ciudades del Área de la Bahía
  • Se espera que los sistemas de celdas de combustible de Hyzon proporcionen una potencia constante en un rango de al menos 125 millas, incluyendo 1,200 levantamientos de carritos
  • Esta tecnología podría ayudar a abordar el cambio climático reduciendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la industria de residuos

Recology, 지속 가능한 폐기물 관리의 선두주자인 이 회사는 샌프란시스코에서 북미 최초의 수소 연료 전지 전기 쓰레기 수거 차량을 시험 운행하고 있습니다. 이 트럭은 New Way TrucksHyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN)의 협력으로 개발되어, 제로 에미션 폐기물 관리로 나아가는 중요한 단계를 의미합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 쓰레기를 줄이고 청정 에너지를 사용하는 샌프란시스코의 노력과 일치합니다.

주요 사항:

  • Recology는 차량의 성능과 주행 거리를 확인하여 수거 경로를 완료하고 무거운 짐을 운반하는 데 적합하다는 목표를 가지고 있습니다
  • 시험은 샌프란시스코에서 2주 동안 진행되며, 그 후 다른 베이 에어리어 도시에서 테스트가 이어질 것입니다
  • Hyzon의 연료 전지 시스템은 최소 125마일의 거리에서 1,200회 카트 리프트를 포함한 안정적인 전력을 제공할 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 이 기술은 폐기물 산업에서 온실가스 배출을 줄여 기후 변화 대응에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다

Recology, une entreprise leader dans la gestion durable des déchets, teste le premier véhicule électrique à hydrogène à pile à combustible en Amérique du Nord à San Francisco. Ce camion, développé en partenariat avec New Way Trucks et Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), représente une étape significative vers une gestion des déchets sans émissions. Cette initiative s'inscrit dans les efforts de San Francisco pour réduire les déchets et utiliser de l'énergie propre.

Points clés :

  • Recology vise à confirmer la puissance et l'autonomie du véhicule pour compléter les itinéraires de collecte et transporter des charges lourdes
  • Le test durera deux semaines à San Francisco, suivi d'essais dans d'autres villes de la Bay Area
  • Les systèmes de piles à hydrogène de Hyzon devraient fournir une puissance constante sur une distance d'au moins 125 miles, y compris 1 200 levées de chariots
  • Cette technologie pourrait aider à lutter contre le changement climatique en réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'industrie des déchets

Recology, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft, testet das erste wasserstoffbetriebene Elektroabfallsammelfahrzeug Nordamerikas in San Francisco. Der Lkw, der in Zusammenarbeit mit New Way Trucks und Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN) entwickelt wurde, stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt in Richtung emissionsfreier Abfallwirtschaft dar. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit den Bemühungen San Franciscos, Abfälle zu reduzieren und sauberere Energie zu nutzen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Recology beabsichtigt, die Leistung und Reichweite des Fahrzeugs zu bestätigen, um die Sammelrouten zu vervollständigen und schwere Lasten zu transportieren
  • Der Versuch wird zwei Wochen in San Francisco dauern, danach folgen Tests in anderen Städten der Bay Area
  • Die Brennstoffzellensysteme von Hyzon werden voraussichtlich eine konstante Leistung über eine Reichweite von mindestens 125 Meilen einschließlich 1.200 Anhöhungen von Wagen bieten
  • Diese Technologie könnte helfen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen, indem sie die Treibhausgasemissionen in der Abfallwirtschaft reduziert
  • None.
  • None.

Partnership with U.S. Leaders New Way and Hyzon Makes SF First to Debut Cutting-Edge Zero Emission Vehicles

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recology, a 100-percent employee-owned company and industry leader in sustainable waste management, begins testing North America's first hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse collection vehicle – developed in partnership with New Way Trucks and Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN) – in San Francisco this week, accelerating a U.S.-led, zero-emission energy transition transforming the global waste industry and addressing climate change.

The refuse collection vehicle was built in partnership between New Way Trucks, an industry-leading refuse truck body manufacturer, and fuel cell manufacturer and technology developer Hyzon – both cutting-edge U.S. companies. Recology will be the first waste and recycling company to pilot this hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse vehicle in the U.S., and San Francisco will be the first city in North America to test it on urban streets, reinforcing the company's and the city's pioneering efforts to reduce waste and use clean energy.

"In our quest to help protect the environment and address climate change, San Francisco is once again leading the nation in testing new approaches and equipment," said Salvatore M. Coniglio, Chief Executive Officer of Recology. "Recology's leadership on recycling and composting helped make San Francisco 'the greenest big city in the nation'; now we are leading the way on sustainable operations."

Recology has long emphasized fleet sustainability. In 2019, the company put into service the nation's first electric Class 8 rear loader in Seattle. Since then, Recology has tested electric collection vehicles throughout its operations and has prioritized the use of renewable or alternative fuels in its fleet – reducing the company's emissions from fuel use by more than 77% since 2018.

Recology's trial of the new hydrogen fuel cell-powered trucks on San Francisco streets tracks with regional leaders' efforts to bring a similar technology to the ferry boats that traverse San Francisco Bay every day.

"Addressing climate change and air pollution, regionally and nationally, requires us to look at the vehicles we rely on every day to provide essential services to our communities. Recology has long partnered with the City to protect our environment by pioneering how we reduce waste. Now I'm excited to see how Recology is also helping us meet our aggressive greenhouse reduction goals through cleaner vehicles," said Tyrone Jue, Director of the San Francisco Environment Department.

Given the number of waste collection trucks on the nation's roadways on any given day, the transition to zero emission vehicles is a critical element of the U.S.'s strategy to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"Considering there are more than 140,000 refuse trucks operating across the market today, waste collection presents an ideal application to showcase the viability of hydrogen fuel cell technology across the environmental services industry," said Eric Evans, Chief Product Officer for New Way.

Recology leadership got an early look at the new technology late last year, and New Way and Hyzon debuted the hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric refuse vehicle at Waste Expo in Las Vegas in May. New Way's expertise in refuse collection and Hyzon's focus on providing zero-emission, high-performance fuel cell systems to decarbonize demanding industries promise to make electric refuse collection a reality for the North American waste and recycling industry.

"When I saw the incredible strides New Way and Hyzon were making toward a zero-emission future for our industry, I knew that Recology needed to bring this technology to San Francisco," Coniglio said.

In partnering with Recology to be the first to test this revolutionary vehicle, New Way Chief Sales Officer Don Ross said, "Recology's commitment to implementing clean energy initiatives make them the perfect partner to begin these trials. This hydrogen-powered refuse collection vehicle is being designed to best meet the needs of waste haulers who are championing alternative, sustainable solutions, and there is no better place to start these trials than in the San Francisco Bay Area with Recology, a company well-known for its sustainability initiatives." Ross, who also serves as Chairman of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA), added that "this technology has the potential to further advance emission reductions in solid waste operations, a traditionally hard to decarbonize industry."

The first-of-its-kind refuse truck will be put to the test on routes in San Francisco, with Recology's employee-owners at the wheel, over the next two weeks. After piloting this unique truck in San Francisco, Recology will test it in other Bay Area cities. New Way and Hyzon have scheduled additional trials throughout California later this year, to be followed by more trials in Canada.

Recology's trial aims to confirm that zero-emission vehicles have the power and range required to complete collection routes and transport heavy loads. The companies are confident it will meet the challenge.

"Our Hyzon high-performance hydrogen fuel cell systems offer the right technology to provide zero-emission power tough enough to perform the hard work a refuse truck needs to deliver, day in and day out," said Hyzon CEO Parker Meeks. "The interest will only increase, and I am excited for our continued partnership with New Way, and service providers like Recology, to change the future and power a better way forward." 

Recology's trials with New Way and Hyzon will build on the success of Hyzon's electric refuse collection vehicle trials in Australia, which have demonstrated that hydrogen fuel cell technology is a viable replacement for traditional heavy duty diesel engines. All three companies look to show that the New Way-Hyzon hydrogen fuel-cell refuse collection vehicle is overcoming some of the inherent challenges identified with other zero-emission technologies, such as range issues, fluctuations in operating temperatures, and payload limitations.

"Our New Way Sidewinder automated side loader, combined with the consistent and regenerative power of Hyzon's hydrogen fuel cell drivetrain, offers a lighter weight refuse vehicle, with similar range and performance as the diesel and CNG trucks," New Way's Evans said.

Additionally, to further prove hydrogen fuel cells as a more sustainable option in the refuse industry, Hyzon in July launched its Class 8 200kW FCEV tractor-trailer trial program, which Recology also plans to trial.

Hyzon's high-performance hydrogen fuel cell systems have been shown to provide consistent power over an expected range of at least 125 miles, including at least 1,200 cart lifts, along with trips to transfer stations.

About Recology
Recology is the largest 100% employee-owned company in the waste recovery industry. Based in San Francisco, Recology operates throughout California, Oregon and Washington. Recology's mission represents a fundamental shift from traditional waste management to resource recovery, seeking to eliminate waste by developing and discovering sustainable resource recovery practices that can be implemented globally. Recology seeks to achieve this by creating a resource ecosystem – one that both protects the environment and sustains the local communities the company serves. Recology's focus on sustainable operations and practices makes it possible for the diverse communities Recology serves to achieve high landfill diversion and meet sustainability goals. Visit to learn more.

About New Way Trucks
New Way Trucks is the largest privately held refuse collection equipment manufacturer in North America. New Way's product lineup features top-performing rear loaders, front loaders and automated side loaders, including the industry-leading Sidewinder XTR™, ROTO PAC® with its exclusive self-cleaning auger, and the small but mighty Wolverine™ – no CDL required. New Way Trucks engineers and builds advanced, dependable, sustainable refuse collection products that best meet what waste haulers need, along with offering top-quality OEM parts and unmatched support and service through our nationwide distributor network. Visit to learn more.

About Hyzon
Hyzon is a global supplier of high-performance hydrogen fuel cell technology focused on providing zero-emission power to decarbonize demanding industries. With agile, high-power technology designed for heavy-duty applications, Hyzon is at the center of a new industrial revolution fueled by hydrogen, an abundant and clean energy source. Hyzon focuses on deploying its fuel cell technology in heavy-duty commercial vehicles in Class 8 and refuse vehicles across North America. To learn more about how Hyzon partners across the hydrogen value chain to accelerate the clean energy transition, visit

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What is the significance of Recology testing the hydrogen fuel cell-powered refuse truck?

Recology's test of the hydrogen fuel cell-powered refuse truck in San Francisco marks the first trial of this technology in North America, showcasing a significant step towards zero-emission waste management and addressing climate change in the industry.

How long will Recology test the hydrogen fuel cell-powered truck in San Francisco?

Recology will test the hydrogen fuel cell-powered refuse truck in San Francisco for two weeks, after which they plan to conduct trials in other Bay Area cities.

What is the expected range and performance of the Hyzon (HYZN) fuel cell system in the refuse truck?

Hyzon's fuel cell system is expected to provide consistent power over a range of at least 125 miles, including at least 1,200 cart lifts, along with trips to transfer stations.

Who are the partners involved in developing this hydrogen fuel cell-powered refuse truck?

The hydrogen fuel cell-powered refuse truck was developed through a partnership between Recology, New Way Trucks (refuse truck body manufacturer), and Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN), a fuel cell manufacturer and technology developer.

How does this hydrogen fuel cell-powered truck compare to other zero-emission technologies in waste management?

The New Way-Hyzon hydrogen fuel cell refuse truck aims to overcome challenges faced by other zero-emission technologies, such as range issues, fluctuations in operating temperatures, and payload limitations, offering a potentially more viable solution for the waste management industry.

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