Hyundai Wins Nine 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards
Hyundai has secured nine 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards, showcasing excellence across its vehicle lineup. The awards, which aim to guide consumers through car-buying decisions, were determined after Car and Driver's editorial team tested nearly 500 vehicles across 45 market segments.
The winning Hyundai models include three electric vehicles (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, and IONIQ 6), two hybrid SUVs (Tucson and Santa Fe), two conventional SUVs (Palisade), a sport compact sedan (Elantra N), and the Santa Cruz compact pickup truck. The selection process involved comprehensive instrumented testing, value assessment, and driving enjoyment evaluation.
Car and Driver's editor-in-chief Tony Quiroga emphasized that these awards help consumers navigate the new-car market by highlighting vehicles worthy of serious consideration. Olabisi Boyle, senior vice president at Hyundai Motor North America, noted that the awards validate the company's commitment to delivering excellence across all vehicle categories.
Hyundai ha ottenuto nove 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards, dimostrando l'eccellenza della sua gamma di veicoli. I premi, che mirano a guidare i consumatori nelle decisioni d'acquisto di auto, sono stati determinati dopo che il team editoriale di Car and Driver ha testato quasi 500 veicoli in 45 segmenti di mercato.
I modelli Hyundai vincitori includono tre veicoli elettrici (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N e IONIQ 6), due SUV ibridi (Tucson e Santa Fe), due SUV convenzionali (Palisade), una berlina sportiva compatta (Elantra N) e il pickup compatto Santa Cruz. Il processo di selezione ha coinvolto test strumentali completi, valutazione del valore e valutazione del piacere di guida.
Il direttore editoriale di Car and Driver, Tony Quiroga, ha sottolineato che questi premi aiutano i consumatori a orientarsi nel mercato delle nuove auto, evidenziando veicoli degni di seria considerazione. Olabisi Boyle, vicepresidente senior di Hyundai Motor North America, ha osservato che i premi convalidano l'impegno dell'azienda a offrire eccellenza in tutte le categorie di veicoli.
Hyundai ha asegurado nueve 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards, demostrando excelencia a través de su gama de vehículos. Los premios, que tienen como objetivo guiar a los consumidores en sus decisiones de compra de automóviles, fueron determinados después de que el equipo editorial de Car and Driver probara casi 500 vehículos en 45 segmentos de mercado.
Los modelos ganadores de Hyundai incluyen tres vehículos eléctricos (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N y IONIQ 6), dos SUVs híbridos (Tucson y Santa Fe), dos SUVs convencionales (Palisade), un sedán compacto deportivo (Elantra N) y la camioneta compacta Santa Cruz. El proceso de selección implicó pruebas instrumentales completas, evaluación de valor y evaluación del placer de conducción.
El editor en jefe de Car and Driver, Tony Quiroga, enfatizó que estos premios ayudan a los consumidores a navegar por el mercado de nuevos automóviles al resaltar vehículos dignos de consideración seria. Olabisi Boyle, vicepresidenta senior de Hyundai Motor North America, señaló que los premios validan el compromiso de la empresa de ofrecer excelencia en todas las categorías de vehículos.
현대차는 아홉 개의 2025 카 앤 드라이버 에디터스 초이스 어워드를 수상하며 차량 라인업의 우수성을 보여주었습니다. 이 상은 소비자들이 자동차 구매 결정에서 길잡이 역할을 하기 위해, 카 앤 드라이버의 편집팀이 45개 시장 세그먼트에서 거의 500대의 차량을 테스트한 후 결정되었습니다.
수상한 현대 모델에는 세 가지 전기차(아이오닉 5, 아이오닉 5 N, 아이오닉 6), 두 가지 하이브리드 SUV(투싼, 산타페), 두 가지 기존 SUV(팔리세이드), 스포츠 컴팩트 세단(엘란트라 N), 그리고 컴팩트 픽업 트럭(산타 크루즈)이 포함됩니다. 선정 과정은 종합적인 계측 테스트, 가치 평가 및 주행 재미 평가를 포함했습니다.
카 앤 드라이버의 편집장 토니 키로가는 이러한 상이 소비자들이 신차 시장을 탐색하는 데 도움을 주며, 진지하게 고려할 가치가 있는 차량을 강조한다고 강조했습니다. 현대 북미 자동차의 선임 부사장 올라비시 보일은 이 상이 모든 차량 카테고리에서 우수성을 제공하겠다는 회사의 의지를 검증한다고 언급했습니다.
Hyundai a remporté neuf 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards, mettant en avant l'excellence de sa gamme de véhicules. Ces récompenses, qui visent à guider les consommateurs dans leurs décisions d'achat de voitures, ont été déterminées après que l'équipe de rédaction de Car and Driver a testé près de 500 véhicules dans 45 segments de marché.
Les modèles Hyundai gagnants comprennent trois véhicules électriques (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N et IONIQ 6), deux SUV hybrides (Tucson et Santa Fe), deux SUV conventionnels (Palisade), une berline compacte sportive (Elantra N) et le pickup compact Santa Cruz. Le processus de sélection a impliqué des tests instrumentés complets, une évaluation de la valeur et une évaluation du plaisir de conduite.
Le rédacteur en chef de Car and Driver, Tony Quiroga, a souligné que ces récompenses aident les consommateurs à naviguer sur le marché des voitures neuves en mettant en avant des véhicules qui méritent une attention sérieuse. Olabisi Boyle, vice-présidente senior de Hyundai Motor North America, a noté que ces récompenses valident l'engagement de l'entreprise à offrir de l'excellence dans toutes les catégories de véhicules.
Hyundai hat neun 2025 Car and Driver Editors' Choice Awards gewonnen und zeigt damit die Exzellenz seines Fahrzeugangebots. Die Preise, die darauf abzielen, Verbraucher beim Autokauf zu unterstützen, wurden von dem Redaktionsteam von Car and Driver nach Tests von fast 500 Fahrzeugen in 45 Marktsegmenten vergeben.
Die ausgezeichneten Hyundai-Modelle umfassen drei Elektrofahrzeuge (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N und IONIQ 6), zwei Hybrid-SUVs (Tucson und Santa Fe), zwei konventionelle SUVs (Palisade), eine sportliche Kompaktlimousine (Elantra N) und den kompakten Pickup-Truck Santa Cruz. Der Auswahlprozess umfasste umfassende instrumentierte Tests, Wertbewertungen und Bewertungen des Fahrvergnügens.
Der Chefredakteur von Car and Driver, Tony Quiroga, betonte, dass diese Auszeichnungen den Verbrauchern helfen, sich im Neuwagenmarkt zurechtzufinden, indem sie Fahrzeuge hervorheben, die ernsthafte Überlegung verdienen. Olabisi Boyle, Senior Vice President bei Hyundai Motor North America, stellte fest, dass die Auszeichnungen das Engagement des Unternehmens bestätigen, in allen Fahrzeugkategorien Exzellenz zu bieten.
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- Editors' selections highlight Hyundai's excellence across EVs, SUVs, sedans, and compact trucks
- Publication's editors tested nearly 500 vehicles before determining this year's winners
- Editor's Choice awards guide consumers to the market's best vehicles
Car and Driver Editors' Choice 2025 Hyundai Models
- Hyundai IONIQ 5 Electric Compact SUV
- Hyundai IONIQ 5 N Electric Compact SUV
- Hyundai IONIQ 6 Electric Compact Sedan
- Hyundai Elantra N Sport Compact Sedan
- Hyundai Tucson Hybrid Hybrid Compact SUV
- Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid Hybrid Mid-Size SUV
- Hyundai Palisade Mid-Size SUV
- Hyundai Santa Cruz Compact Pickup Truck
- Hyundai Sonata Mid-Size Sedan
"These nine Editors' Choice awards from Car and Driver underscore Hyundai's commitment to delivering vehicles that excel in all areas," said Olabisi Boyle, senior vice president, product planning and mobility strategy, Hyundai Motor North America. "Car and Driver's rigorous evaluation process ensures only the best vehicles are recognized and we're proud that our wide range of vehicles is being recognized for its quality, performance, and customer satisfaction."
"The Editor's Choice award let consumers quickly cut through the confusion of the new-car market to help them focus on the vehicles they should seriously consider buying," said Tony Quiroga, Car and Driver editor-in-chief. "Hyundai's 9 Editors' Choice awards recognize the brand's cars, trucks, and SUVs that we recommend to readers, friends, and family."
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