Huron Expands Fundraising and Philanthropy Services with Acquisition of Advancement Resources and Addition of Halpin Partnership
Huron (NASDAQ: HURN) has announced the acquisition of Advancement Resources, a leader in philanthropy-focused professional education services, and signed an agreement to join forces with Halpin Partnership, a U.K.-based management consultancy. These strategic moves follow Huron's March 2024 acquisition of GG+A, expanding their fundraising and philanthropy capabilities.
The acquisitions will enhance Huron's ability to provide comprehensive fundraising and philanthropy solutions to mission-driven clients. Advancement Resources brings specialized fundraising training and tools, while Halpin Partnership strengthens Huron's presence in European higher education and nonprofit sectors.
Approximately 30 team members from Advancement Resources have joined Huron, with seven Halpin Partnership team members expected to join later this month. Both organizations will be included in Huron's Education operating segment. Financial terms of the acquisitions were not disclosed.
Huron (NASDAQ: HURN) ha annunciato l'acquisizione di Advancement Resources, un leader nei servizi di formazione professionale focalizzati sulla filantropia, e ha firmato un accordo per unire le forze con Halpin Partnership, una società di consulenza gestionale con sede nel Regno Unito. Queste mosse strategiche seguono l'acquisizione di GG+A da parte di Huron nel marzo 2024, ampliando le loro capacità di raccolta fondi e filantropia.
Le acquisizioni miglioreranno la capacità di Huron di fornire soluzioni complete di raccolta fondi e filantropia a clienti orientati alla missione. Advancement Resources porta formazione e strumenti specializzati per la raccolta fondi, mentre Halpin Partnership rafforza la presenza di Huron nei settori dell'istruzione superiore e nonprofit in Europa.
Circa 30 membri del team di Advancement Resources sono entrati a far parte di Huron, con sette membri del team di Halpin Partnership previsti per unirsi entro la fine di questo mese. Entrambe le organizzazioni saranno incluse nel segmento operativo Education di Huron. I termini finanziari delle acquisizioni non sono stati divulgati.
Huron (NASDAQ: HURN) ha anunciado la adquisición de Advancement Resources, un líder en servicios de educación profesional enfocados en la filantropía, y ha firmado un acuerdo para unir fuerzas con Halpin Partnership, una consultoría de gestión con sede en el Reino Unido. Estos movimientos estratégicos siguen a la adquisición de GG+A por parte de Huron en marzo de 2024, ampliando sus capacidades de recaudación de fondos y filantropía.
Las adquisiciones mejorarán la capacidad de Huron para proporcionar soluciones integrales de recaudación de fondos y filantropía a clientes con una misión. Advancement Resources aporta formación y herramientas especializadas en recaudación de fondos, mientras que Halpin Partnership refuerza la presencia de Huron en los sectores de educación superior y organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Europa.
Aproximadamente 30 miembros del equipo de Advancement Resources se han unido a Huron, y se espera que siete miembros del equipo de Halpin Partnership se unan a finales de este mes. Ambas organizaciones se incluirán en el segmento operativo de Educación de Huron. No se divulgaron los términos financieros de las adquisiciones.
휴론 (NASDAQ: HURN)은 필란트로피 중심의 전문 교육 서비스 분야의 선두주자인 Advancement Resources를 인수했다고 발표했으며, 영국에 본사를 둔 경영 컨설팅 회사인 Halpin Partnership와 협력하기 위한 계약을 체결했습니다. 이러한 전략적 움직임은 2024년 3월 휴론이 GG+A를 인수한 이후로, 기금 모금 및 필란트로피 능력을 확장하는 것입니다.
이번 인수는 휴론이 사명 중심의 고객에게 포괄적인 기금 모금 및 필란트로피 솔루션을 제공하는 능력을 향상시킬 것입니다. Advancement Resources는 전문적인 기금 모금 교육과 도구를 제공하며, Halpin Partnership은 유럽의 고등 교육 및 비영리 부문에서 휴론의 입지를 강화합니다.
Advancement Resources의 약 30명의 팀원이 휴론에 합류했으며, Halpin Partnership의 7명 팀원도 이달 말에 합류할 것으로 예상됩니다. 두 조직 모두 휴론의 교육 운영 부문에 포함될 것입니다. 인수의 재무 조건은 공개되지 않았습니다.
Huron (NASDAQ: HURN) a annoncé l'acquisition de Advancement Resources, un leader dans les services de formation professionnelle axés sur la philanthropie, et a signé un accord pour unir ses forces avec Halpin Partnership, une société de conseil en gestion basée au Royaume-Uni. Ces mouvements stratégiques suivent l'acquisition par Huron de GG+A en mars 2024, élargissant ainsi ses capacités en matière de collecte de fonds et de philanthropie.
Les acquisitions renforceront la capacité de Huron à fournir des solutions complètes de collecte de fonds et de philanthropie à des clients orientés vers une mission. Advancement Resources apporte une formation spécialisée et des outils de collecte de fonds, tandis que Halpin Partnership renforce la présence de Huron dans les secteurs de l'enseignement supérieur et des organisations à but non lucratif en Europe.
Environ 30 membres de l'équipe d'Advancement Resources ont rejoint Huron, et sept membres de l'équipe de Halpin Partnership devraient les rejoindre plus tard ce mois-ci. Les deux organisations seront incluses dans le segment opérationnel Éducation de Huron. Les conditions financières des acquisitions n'ont pas été divulguées.
Huron (NASDAQ: HURN) hat die Übernahme von Advancement Resources angekündigt, einem führenden Anbieter von professionellen Bildungsdienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt auf Philanthropie, und eine Vereinbarung zur Zusammenarbeit mit Halpin Partnership, einer in Großbritannien ansässigen Unternehmensberatung, unterzeichnet. Diese strategischen Schritte folgen auf die Übernahme von GG+A durch Huron im März 2024, die ihre Fundraising- und Philanthropiefähigkeiten erweitern.
Die Übernahmen werden Hurons Fähigkeit verbessern, umfassende Fundraising- und Philanthropielösungen für missionarisch orientierte Kunden anzubieten. Advancement Resources bringt spezialisiertes Training und Werkzeuge für Fundraising mit, während Halpin Partnership Hurons Präsenz im europäischen Hochschul- und Nonprofit-Sektor stärkt.
Etwa 30 Teammitglieder von Advancement Resources sind zu Huron gestoßen, und sieben Teammitglieder von Halpin Partnership werden voraussichtlich noch in diesem Monat beitreten. Beide Organisationen werden im Bildungsbetrieb von Huron integriert. Die finanziellen Bedingungen der Übernahmen wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.
- Strategic expansion into philanthropy services through multiple acquisitions
- Geographic expansion into European markets via Halpin Partnership
- Enhanced service offerings in education and nonprofit sectors
- Immediate talent acquisition of 37 specialized professionals
- Financial terms not disclosed, impact on balance sheet unknown
Huron's acquisition of Advancement Resources and addition of Halpin Partnership represent strategic expansions of its fundraising and philanthropy services portfolio. This follows their March 2024 acquisition of GG+A, establishing a clear pattern of targeted growth in this specialized sector. While financial terms weren't disclosed, these acquisitions appear targeted at enhancing Huron's comprehensive service capabilities rather than immediate revenue scaling.
The additions of approximately 30 employees from Advancement Resources and 7 team members from Halpin suggest these are bolt-on acquisitions that strengthen Huron's Education segment capabilities without significantly expanding headcount or overhead. The strategic value lies in acquiring specialized expertise and client relationships, particularly Halpin's U.K. higher education connections, which provides Huron geographic expansion opportunities in Europe.
These acquisitions align with Huron's focus on mission-driven clients including higher education institutions, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits. By integrating complementary services across strategy, operations, professional development, and technology, Huron is positioning itself as a more comprehensive solution provider in the philanthropic space – potentially increasing both client retention and wallet share with existing customers.
Huron's strategic acquisition of Advancement Resources and partnership with Halpin represents a significant development in the higher education consulting landscape. By combining these specialized firms with their earlier GG+A acquisition, Huron is assembling a comprehensive philanthropy solution spanning strategy development, operational implementation, professional training, and technology support.
Advancement Resources brings important capabilities in professional development and training for academic administrators, faculty, and clinical staff – addressing a critical need as institutions increasingly rely on their entire community (not just development officers) to support fundraising efforts. Their research-based approach to philanthropy education fills a specific gap in Huron's service portfolio.
The Halpin Partnership addition is particularly noteworthy for expanding Huron's European presence, specifically in the U.K. higher education sector, which operates under different regulatory and cultural fundraising frameworks than North American institutions. This gives Huron the ability to serve global higher education clients more effectively across multiple markets.
For mission-driven institutions facing persistent financial pressures, this expanded service offering comes at an opportune time. Universities and healthcare organizations increasingly depend on philanthropy to fund strategic initiatives, research programs, and capital projects as traditional funding sources become more constrained. Huron is positioning itself as the partner that can help these organizations maximize their fundraising effectiveness across every aspect of the advancement function.
Additions enhance Huron’s ability to offer world-class fundraising and philanthropy services and solutions to mission-driven clients
"We are thrilled to welcome Advancement Resources and Halpin Partnership to the Huron team," said Mark Hussey, CEO and President of Huron. "Fundraising and philanthropy play a vital role in helping our clients sustain and invest in their missions. With the addition of Advancement Resources and Halpin Partnership, we can offer our mission-driven clients an even more comprehensive suite of services to help them achieve their philanthropic goals and move their strategies forward."
In March 2024, Huron acquired GG+A to expand its expertise in philanthropic strategy, major gift fundraising, and advancement leadership. Bringing in Advancement Resources and Halpin Partnership is the latest step in the firm’s strategy to enhance its fundraising and philanthropy capabilities.
The acquisition of Advancement Resources enhances Huron's ability to provide clients with customized learning programs, coaching, and engagement support for academic leaders, faculty, clinicians, and staff. Their specialized fundraising training and tools are designed to help higher education institutions, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits unlock their full philanthropic potential.
“We are thrilled to join the Huron team,” said Ben Golding, CEO of Advancement Resources. “Together, we will raise the level and impact of philanthropy at the world’s leading institutions. Through this combined effort, our client partners will benefit most. The combination of strategic guidance, digital solutions, and bespoke training will enhance almost every aspect of institutional advancement. Huron | GG+A Global Philanthropy leads the field today, and we are honored to support the successful relationships they have built over decades of hard work.”
Additionally, bringing on Halpin Partnership will further strengthen Huron's ability to serve higher education and nonprofit clients across
“Joining Huron, one of the leading partners to the higher education industry, is an exciting step for Halpin Partnership,” said Susie Hills, joint CEO and co-founder of Halpin Partnership. “This combination will allow us to broaden the range of services we offer to the institutions we work with, helping them navigate the increasingly complex world of higher education. Collectively, we will support our clients in achieving their strategic objectives and long-term success.”
All three organizations share a passion for delivering meaningful impact and complementary core values rooted in the pursuit of excellence in client service.
Approximately 30 Advancement Resources team members have joined Huron, and seven Halpin Partnership team members are expected to join the firm later this month.
For reporting purposes, Advancement Resources and Halpin Partnership will be included in Huron’s Education operating segment. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.
Huron is a global professional services firm that collaborates with clients to put possible into practice by creating sound strategies, optimizing operations, accelerating digital transformation, and empowering businesses and their people to own their future. By embracing diverse perspectives, encouraging new ideas and challenging the status quo, we create sustainable results for the organizations we serve. Learn more at
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Allie Bovis
John D. Kelly
Source: Huron