Humana Foundation Awards $15.2M in Grants to Support Emotional Health and Nutrition Programming and Research

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The Humana Foundation, philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), has announced $15.2 million in grants for 2024 to support its health equity mission. The investment spans Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, focusing on helping seniors and school-aged children live connected, healthy lives.

Key grants include:

  • $2.5 million to Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) for addressing social isolation in seniors
  • $3 million to Volunteers of America for a Community Care Campus in Kentucky
  • Over $2 million to seven universities for research on nutrition and emotional health
  • Funding for various nonprofits across the four states to address mental health, nutrition, and social isolation issues

The grants aim to support innovative programs, research, and solutions to drive change and advance health equity for seniors and children in underserved communities.

La Fondazione Humana, braccio filantropico della Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), ha annunciato 15,2 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni per il 2024 a sostegno della sua missione di equità sanitaria. L'investimento copre Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana e Texas, concentrandosi sull'aiuto a persone anziane e bambini in età scolare per vivere vite connesse e sane.

Le sovvenzioni principali includono:

  • 2,5 milioni di dollari per Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) per affrontare l'isolamento sociale negli anziani
  • 3 milioni di dollari per Volunteers of America per un Community Care Campus in Kentucky
  • Oltre 2 milioni di dollari a sette università per ricerche sulla nutrizione e la salute emotiva
  • Finanziamenti per diverse organizzazioni non profit nei quattro stati per affrontare questioni di salute mentale, nutrizione e isolamento sociale

Le sovvenzioni mirano a supportare programmi innovativi, ricerche e soluzioni per promuovere il cambiamento e avanzare l'equità sanitaria per anziani e bambini in comunità svantaggiate.

La Fundación Humana, brazo filantrópico de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), ha anunciado $15.2 millones en subvenciones para 2024 para apoyar su misión de equidad en salud. La inversión abarca Kentucky, Florida, Luisiana y Texas, centrándose en ayudar a personas mayores y niños en edad escolar a vivir vidas conectadas y saludables.

Las subvenciones clave incluyen:

  • $2.5 millones a Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) para abordar el aislamiento social en personas mayores
  • $3 millones a Volunteers of America para un Community Care Campus en Kentucky
  • Más de $2 millones a siete universidades para investigar sobre nutrición y salud emocional
  • Financiamiento para diversas organizaciones sin fines de lucro en los cuatro estados para abordar problemas de salud mental, nutrición e aislamiento social

Las subvenciones tienen como objetivo apoyar programas innovadores, investigaciones y soluciones para impulsar el cambio y avanzar en la equidad en salud para personas mayores y niños en comunidades desatendidas.

휴마나 재단(Humana Foundation)은 Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM)의 자선 부문으로 2024년 1,520만 달러의 보조금을 발표하였습니다. 이 투자는 켄터키, 플로리다, 루이지애나, 텍사스 등지에서 진행되며, 노인과 학교에 다니는 어린이들이 연결되어 건강한 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕는 데 집중하고 있습니다.

주요 보조금은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 노인의 사회적 고립 문제를 해결하기 위해 Older Adult Technology Services (OATS)에 250만 달러
  • 켄터키의 Community Care Campus를 위한 Volunteers of America에 300만 달러
  • 영양과 정서적 건강에 관한 연구를 위해 일곱 개 대학에 200만 달러 이상
  • 정신 건강, 영양 및 사회적 고립 문제를 해결하기 위해 네 개 주의 다양한 비영리 단체에 자금 지원

이 보조금은 혁신적인 프로그램, 연구 및 해결책을 지원하여 변화시켜 불리한 지역사회의 노인과 어린이를 위한 건강 형평성을 증진하고자 합니다.

La Fondation Humana, bras philanthropique de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), a annoncé 15,2 millions de dollars en subventions pour 2024 afin de soutenir sa mission d'équité en santé. L'investissement concerne Kentucky, Floride, Louisiane et Texas, en mettant l'accent sur l'aide aux personnes âgées et aux enfants d'âge scolaire pour mener une vie connectée et saine.

Les subventions clés incluent :

  • 2,5 millions de dollars à Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) pour lutter contre l'isolement social chez les personnes âgées
  • 3 millions de dollars à Volunteers of America pour un Community Care Campus au Kentucky
  • Plus de 2 millions de dollars à sept universités pour des recherches sur la nutrition et la santé émotionnelle
  • Financement pour diverses ONG dans les quatre États pour aborder les problèmes de santé mentale, de nutrition et d'isolement social

Ces subventions visent à soutenir des programmes innovants, des recherches et des solutions pour favoriser le changement et promouvoir l'équité en santé pour les personnes âgées et les enfants dans les communautés défavorisées.

Die Humana Stiftung, der philanthropische Arm von Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), hat 15,2 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen für 2024 angekündigt, um ihre Gesundheitsgleichheitsmission zu unterstützen. Die Investition erstreckt sich über Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana und Texas und konzentriert sich darauf, älteren Menschen und schulpflichtigen Kindern zu helfen, verbundene und gesunde Leben zu führen.

Wichtige Zuschüsse umfassen:

  • 2,5 Millionen Dollar an Older Adult Technology Services (OATS), um soziale Isolation bei Senioren zu bekämpfen
  • 3 Millionen Dollar an Volunteers of America für einen Community Care Campus in Kentucky
  • Über 2 Millionen Dollar an sieben Universitäten für Forschung zu Ernährung und emotionaler Gesundheit
  • Finanzierungen für verschiedene gemeinnützige Organisationen in den vier Bundesstaaten zur Bekämpfung von psychischen Problemen, Ernährung und sozialer Isolation

Die Zuschüsse sollen innovative Programme, Forschung und Lösungen unterstützen, um Veränderungen voranzutreiben und die Gesundheitsgleichheit für ältere Menschen und Kinder in benachteiligten Gemeinden zu fördern.

  • Humana Foundation investing $15.2 million in health equity grants
  • Grants focus on supporting seniors and school-aged children in underserved communities
  • Funding allocated to research, innovative programs, and solutions in health equity
  • Investments span multiple states: Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas
  • None.


The Humana Foundation's $15.2 million grant allocation, while substantial, is unlikely to have a significant direct impact on Humana Inc.'s (NYSE: HUM) stock performance or financial results. This philanthropic initiative, focused on health equity, emotional health and nutrition, aligns with Humana's corporate social responsibility efforts but doesn't materially affect the company's core business operations.

The grants target important social issues and may indirectly benefit Humana by enhancing its brand reputation and potentially improving health outcomes in its service areas. However, the financial commitment represents only about 0.048% of Humana's $31.6 billion market cap, making it a relatively small investment from a shareholder perspective.

While the research initiatives and community programs funded by these grants could provide valuable insights for Humana's future strategies in healthcare delivery and member engagement, the immediate financial impact on the company is minimal. Investors should view this news as a positive indicator of Humana's commitment to social responsibility rather than a significant driver of near-term financial performance.

Grantees span four geographies – Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana and Texas – and include new recipients of the Foundation’s Health Equity Innovation and Research Funds

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Humana Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM) for the past 43 years, today announced grants for 2024 in service of the Foundation’s health equity mission. The investment, totaling $15.2 million, spans the Foundation’s focus geographies – Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana and Texas – and provides support to seniors and school-aged children in living connected, healthy lives.

Humana Foundation Awards <money>$15.2M</money> in Grants to Support Emotional Health and Nutrition Programming and Research (Photo: Business Wire)

Humana Foundation Awards $15.2M in Grants to Support Emotional Health and Nutrition Programming and Research (Photo: Business Wire)

Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) will receive $2.5 million through the Humana Foundation Health Equity Innovation Fund to develop an in-person and online experience to educate audiences on the difficulties seniors and their caregivers face in recognizing and addressing social isolation and loneliness. Three additional grants from the Health Equity Fund in the amount of $750,000 each will support: Well-Being and Health Equity In the World Institute in developing a framework to support equitable grantmaking in health equity; Bread for the World in researching the impact of the racial wealth gap on how people engage with food systems; and the United for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Project founded by United Way of Northern New Jersey in identifying mental health provider shortages in Kentucky.

“Social isolation is a hidden crisis for older adults, and technology can help older adults and caregivers recognize the signs and find solutions to overcome loneliness,” said Tom Kamber, executive director of OATS from AARP, “This commitment from the Humana Foundation offers a major investment in creating practical tools that will have wide application in reconnecting older adults to social and community networks.”

Research grants totaling over $2 million were awarded to seven different universities. Led by diverse researchers, four research teams will investigate the effectiveness of interventions in shaping a healthier approach to nutrition, and three will study the emotional health of seniors and school-aged children.

  • Tulane University (Principal Investigator: Lu Qi, MD, PhD) – To test a culinary education intervention to improve cardiometabolic and emotional health outcomes among diverse seniors.
  • University of South Florida (PI: Khary Rigg, PhD) – To adapt and test a nutrition education intervention for lower resource seniors with behavioral health conditions.
  • University of Virginia (PI: Kelley M. Anderson, PhD, MSN, RN) – To assess a comprehensive food pharmacy program for rural seniors with cardiovascular conditions.
  • University of Kentucky (PI: Alison Gustafson, PhD, MPH, RD) – To test a family level nutrition security intervention among lower resource families with nutrition-related conditions.
  • Indiana University Bloomington (PI: Anna S. Mueller, PhD) – To better connect school staff and marginalized students for suicide prevention.
  • Indiana University Indianapolis (PI: Silvia M. Bigatti, PhD) – To test a culture and family-centered program to promote emotional health among Latinx youth.
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (PI: Erin Kent, PhD) – To test a supportive intervention for caregivers of diverse senior patients with cancer and diabetes.

“The Humana Foundation is committed to collaborating with partners that make positive impacts toward helping seniors and school-aged children reach their full health potential,” said Tiffany Benjamin, CEO of the Humana Foundation. “This year, we’re continuing to invest in partnerships with trusted organizations and institutions that are approaching these complex issues with innovative programs and solutions to help drive change and advance health equity.”

Grants awarded in Kentucky include $3 million to longtime partner Volunteers of America for its Mid-States partnership with the Louisville Metro Government to build a Community Care Campus where unhoused individuals can access family shelter, affordable housing and health support. Adventurous Minds Produce Extraordinary Dreams (AMPED) received $500,000 to scale the social and emotional well-being policies and practices within their youth programs.

In Louisiana, Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana received $240,000 to continue to deliver nutritious food to seniors, building on $575,000 in previous grants. Florida nonprofits Pine Castle Inc. and NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Hillsborough received additional funding to enhance isolation-preventing initiatives for seniors with intellectual needs and support underserved populations with Mental Health First Aid trainings, respectively. The Education Fund Inc. was awarded a $600,000 grant to address mental health and nutrition barriers to equitable health for children.

The Foundation’s grants in Texas will address mental health challenges among school-aged children. Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute will build a coalition of community- and school-based clinicians to provide evidence-based care to traumatized or bereaved youth in Greater Houston, and Chosen Care Inc. will promote healing among older youth in foster care in Houston and San Antonio.

Additional 2024 grants include:





To learn more about the Humana Foundation’s health equity mission, visit

About the Humana Foundation

The Humana Foundation was established in 1981 as the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. and is focused on health equity, working to eliminate unjust, avoidable and unnecessary barriers in health and healthcare. The Foundation fosters evidence-based collaborations and investments that help people in underserved communities live connected, healthy lives. As a steward of good health, the Foundation creates healthy emotional connections for people and communities and is shaping a healthier approach to nutrition to support lifelong well-being. For more information, visit

Marvin Hill

Humana Corporate Communications


Source: Humana Inc.


What is the total amount of grants awarded by the Humana Foundation for 2024?

The Humana Foundation has awarded $15.2 million in grants for 2024 to support its health equity mission.

Which states are receiving grants from the Humana Foundation in 2024?

The Humana Foundation's 2024 grants span four geographies: Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas.

What is the focus of the Humana Foundation's grants for 2024?

The grants focus on supporting seniors and school-aged children in living connected, healthy lives, addressing issues such as social isolation, nutrition, and mental health.

How much funding did Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) receive from the Humana Foundation?

OATS received $2.5 million through the Humana Foundation Health Equity Innovation Fund to develop programs addressing social isolation and loneliness in seniors.

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