Artificial Intelligence and Trust to Reshape Healthcare by 2035, HSBC Report Charts Path to Innovation

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HSBC Innovation Banking and The Linus Group have published 'Health 2035: A Bold Path Through the Uncharted Future of Health', a report exploring the future of healthcare. The study, based on responses from over 1,000 young physicians aged 21-35, highlights key factors for meaningful change in healthcare:

1. Strengthening trust between physicians and patients
2. Reinventing in-person interactions
3. Implementing innovations to resolve silos and reimagine incentives

The report predicts that Artificial Intelligence will play a significant role in diagnoses (32%) and therapeutic decisions (31%), while only impacting 8% of patient interactions. Top barriers in delivering quality healthcare include administrative burden (45%) and physician reimbursement (39%). The study also emphasizes the importance of preventative care, early diagnosis, and addressing health inequalities in future care delivery.

HSBC Innovation Banking e The Linus Group hanno pubblicato 'Salute 2035: Un Corso Audace nell'Ingiungente Futuro della Salute', un rapporto che esplora il futuro dell'assistenza sanitaria. Lo studio, basato sulle risposte di oltre 1.000 giovani medici di età compresa tra 21 e 35 anni, evidenzia i fattori chiave per un cambiamento significativo nell'assistenza sanitaria:

1. Rafforzare la fiducia tra medici e pazienti
2. Reinventare le interazioni di persona
3. Implementare innovazioni per risolvere i silos e ridefinire gli incentivi

Il rapporto prevede che l'intelligenza artificiale avrà un ruolo significativo nelle diagnosi (32%) e nelle decisioni terapeutiche (31%), mentre influenzerà solo l'8% delle interazioni con i pazienti. I principali ostacoli alla fornitura di assistenza sanitaria di qualità includono il carico amministrativo (45%) e il rimborso ai medici (39%). Lo studio sottolinea anche l'importanza della cura preventiva, della diagnosi precoce e dell'affrontare le disuguaglianze sanitarie nella futura erogazione delle cure.

HSBC Innovation Banking y The Linus Group han publicado 'Salud 2035: Un Camino Audaz a Través del Futuro Inexplorado de la Salud', un informe que explora el futuro de la atención médica. El estudio, basado en las respuestas de más de 1.000 jóvenes médicos de entre 21 y 35 años, destaca los factores clave para un cambio significativo en la atención médica:

1. Fortalecer la confianza entre médicos y pacientes
2. Reinventar las interacciones en persona
3. Implementar innovaciones para resolver silos y redefinir incentivos

El informe predice que la inteligencia artificial desempeñará un papel importante en los diagnósticos (32%) y en las decisiones terapéuticas (31%), mientras que solo impactará el 8% de las interacciones con los pacientes. Los principales obstáculos para brindar atención médica de calidad incluyen la carga administrativa (45%) y el reembolso a los médicos (39%). El estudio también enfatiza la importancia de la atención preventiva, el diagnóstico temprano y abordar las desigualdades en salud en la entrega futura de atención.

HSBC 혁신은행과 리누스 그룹은 '헬스 2035: 헬스의 미지의 미래를 향한 대담한 길'이라는 보고서를 발표하여 의료의 미래를 탐구했습니다. 이 연구는 21세에서 35세 사이의 젊은 의사 1,000명 이상의 응답을 기반으로 하며, 의료 분야에서 의미 있는 변화를 위한 주요 요소를 강조합니다:

1. 의사와 환자 간의 신뢰 강화
2. 대면 상호작용 재창조
3. 사일로를 해소하고 인센티브를 재구상하기 위한 혁신 구현

보고서는 인공지능이 진단(32%)과 치료 결정(31%)에서 중요한 역할을 할 것이며, 환자 상호작용에는 8%만 영향을 미칠 것이라고 예측합니다. 양질의 의료 제공에서 주요 장애물은 행정적 부담(45%)과 의사 보상(39%)을 포함합니다. 이 연구는 또한 예방적 치료, 조기 진단 및 향후 치료 제공에서 건강 불평등 문제를 다루는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다.

HSBC Innovation Banking et The Linus Group ont publié 'Santé 2035 : Un Chemin Audacieux à Travers le Futur Inexploré de la Santé', un rapport explorant l'avenir des soins de santé. L'étude, basée sur les réponses de plus de 1.000 jeunes médecins âgés de 21 à 35 ans, met en évidence les facteurs clés pour un changement significatif dans les soins de santé :

1. Renforcer la confiance entre médecins et patients
2. Réinventer les interactions en personne
3. Mettre en œuvre des innovations pour résoudre les silos et repenser les incitations

Le rapport prédit que l'intelligence artificielle jouera un rôle important dans les diagnostics (32%) et les décisions thérapeutiques (31%), tout en n'impactant que 8% des interactions avec les patients. Les principaux obstacles à la fourniture de soins de santé de qualité comprennent le fardeau administratif (45%) et le remboursement des médecins (39%). L'étude souligne également l'importance des soins préventifs, de la détection précoce et de l'évaluation des inégalités de santé dans la fourniture future des soins.

HSBC Innovation Banking und die Linus Group haben 'Gesundheit 2035: Ein Mutiger Weg Durch die Ungeklärte Zukunft der Gesundheit' veröffentlicht, einen Bericht über die Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung. Die Studie, die auf den Antworten von über 1.000 jungen Ärzten im Alter von 21 bis 35 Jahren basiert, hebt die wichtigsten Faktoren für bedeutende Veränderungen im Gesundheitswesen hervor:

1. Vertrauen zwischen Ärzten und Patienten stärken
2. Interaktionen von Angesicht zu Angesicht neu erfinden
3. Innovationen umsetzen, um Silos zu beseitigen und Anreize neu zu gestalten

Der Bericht prognostiziert, dass Künstliche Intelligenz eine bedeutende Rolle bei Diagnosen (32%) und Therapieentscheidungen (31%) spielen wird, während sie nur 8% der Patienteninteraktionen beeinflusst. Die größten Hindernisse für die Bereitstellung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Gesundheitsversorgung sind der Verwaltungsaufwand (45%) und die Vergütung der Ärzte (39%). Die Studie betont auch die Bedeutung der Präventivmedizin, der frühen Diagnose und der Bekämpfung von gesundheitlichen Ungleichheiten in der zukünftigen Gesundheitsversorgung.

  • Young physicians predict AI will aid 32% of diagnoses and 31% of therapeutic decisions, potentially improving efficiency and accuracy
  • 61% of young physicians cited 'To Help Others' as their primary motivation, indicating a strong commitment to patient care
  • The report identifies key areas for innovation, including preventative care and early diagnosis, which could lead to improved health outcomes
  • Administrative burden (45%) and physician reimbursement (39%) are identified as top barriers in delivering quality healthcare
  • Only 8% of patient interactions are expected to involve AI, suggesting potential limitations in technology adoption for direct patient care

Health 2035: A Bold Path Through the Uncharted Future of Health highlights key barriers, opportunities, and innovations that will redefine care delivery and life sciences.

  • Administrative burden (45%) and physician reimbursement (39%) are ranked as top barriers in delivering quality healthcare
  • Artificial Intelligence will play a pivotal role in diagnoses (32%) and therapeutic decisions (31%), whereas AI is expected to impact only 8% of patient interactions, reinforcing the importance of human touch
  • Preventative care, early diagnosis and addressing health inequalities are the most important variables contributing to the delivery of care

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A strengthening of trust between physicians and patients, a reinvention of in-person interactions, and new innovations that resolve silos and reimagine incentives, are factors needed for meaningful change in healthcare, according to the Health 2035: A Bold Path Through the Uncharted Future of Health, published by HSBC Innovation Banking and The Linus Group. This report was announced at HLTH USA 2024 in Las Vegas.

Health 2035 explores the intersection of industry and health through a two-fold lens: the young physician perspective and future scenarios that will drive innovation.

The survey portion of the report includes responses from more than 1,000 physicians aged 21 to 35, who shared their perspectives on established trends and opportunities for effective change. When asked about their motivation for pursuing a career in medicine, To Help Others (61%) remained the top response. Around two thirds of respondents predicted that artificial intelligence will change how they engage with patients. Specifically, young physicians predict that 32% of Diagnoses and 31% of Therapeutic Decisions will be aided by artificial intelligence (AI), compared to 8% of time spent using AI to interact with patients.

The report also reveals connections, at times unexpected, between the ways in which healthcare delivery is both spurred on and stymied by various factors, with takeaways that aim to galvanize both practitioners and entrepreneurs into creating a future that improves patient outcomes, physician quality of life, and the functionality of the broader healthcare system. For example, migration will continue shaping the world, defining how and where care is delivered, whether driven by environmental impact, ideological beliefs, access to resources, institutions, or online communities.

“Rapid advancements in biosciences, health administration, and technology stand to revolutionize the ways in which the healthcare ecosystem serves its stakeholders,” said Katherine Andersen, Head of Life Science and Healthcare, HSBC Innovation Banking. “There is a difference, however, between potential and performance, and successfully achieving this future requires awareness in how both obvious and unseen forces are driving outcomes in the industry. Health 2035 offers both bold predictions and an urgent call to action, charting a future where technology, expertise, and compassionate care converge to fundamentally improve the field of health as we know it.”

"If we want to envision the future of health, we should start by asking future healthcare providers about their perceptions," said Hamid Ghanadan, CEO of LINUS. "Today's youngest physicians represent the future of care: What they see as opportunities or barriers, how they envision delivering care, and why they will choose to remain in practice shapes healthcare in 2035. Intersecting these findings with scenarios of key societal movements provided us with three rich scenarios of health in the next decade."

Health 2035 draws upon qualitative and quantitative insights as a foundation, and includes viewpoints from industry leaders and innovators who outline key future scenarios that are expected to redefine the healthcare landscape and patient-physician interactions over the next decade. Along the way, the report identifies early indicators of changing sector dynamics and challenges the longevity of some of today’s common healthcare conventions, all aimed at providing a new mandate for the next generation of healthcare leaders.

Learn more about HSBC Innovation Banking.

About HSBC

HSBC Holdings plc, the parent company of HSBC, is headquartered in London. HSBC serves customers worldwide from offices in 60 countries and territories. With assets of US$2,975bn at 30 June 2024, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations.

HSBC Bank USA, National Association (HSBC Bank USA, N.A.) serves customers through Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, Private Banking, Global Banking, and Markets and Securities Services. Deposit products are offered by HSBC Bank USA, N.A., Member FDIC. It operates Wealth Centers in: California; Washington, D.C.; Florida; New Jersey; New York; Virginia; and Washington. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. is the principal subsidiary of HSBC USA Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC North America Holdings Inc.

For more information, visit: HSBC in the USA

The Linus Group, Inc. is a strategy and innovation consultancy focused on helping the world’s leading organizations grow and be relevant in the evolving health landscape. With nearly three decades of expertise, we have developed models for how technical audiences such as scientists, physicians, engineers, and business teams make decisions, and strategies for influencing those decisions through effective market research, brand strategy, commercial approaches, and product roadmapping innovation.

© HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Member FDIC. HSBC Innovation Banking is a business division with services provided in the United States by HSBC Bank USA NA. ©The Linus Group, Inc. “Health 2035” is the trademark of The Linus Group, Inc. All rights reserved. All other brands, names, companies, products and references are trademarks of their respective owners.

Media enquiries to:

Matt Kozar

Vice President, External Communications

Source: HSBC Bank USA


What are the main barriers to delivering quality healthcare according to the HSBC report?

According to the HSBC report, the main barriers to delivering quality healthcare are administrative burden (45%) and physician reimbursement (39%).

How will Artificial Intelligence impact healthcare by 2035, according to the HSBC study?

The HSBC study predicts that by 2035, AI will play a significant role in diagnoses (32%) and therapeutic decisions (31%), while only impacting 8% of patient interactions.

What are the key factors needed for meaningful change in healthcare, as per the HSBC report?

The HSBC report identifies three key factors for meaningful change in healthcare: strengthening trust between physicians and patients, reinventing in-person interactions, and implementing innovations to resolve silos and reimagine incentives.

What is the primary motivation for young physicians to pursue a career in medicine, according to the HSBC study?

The HSBC study found that 'To Help Others' (61%) remains the top response for young physicians when asked about their motivation for pursuing a career in medicine.

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