Wealthiest Investors Spread a Wider Net in Drive for Global Diversification
HSBC's Global Wealth Hubs: Drivers of Diversification 2025 report reveals that wealthy investors are increasingly seeking global diversification through multiple residences and business opportunities across borders. The study, focused on high net worth (HNW) and ultra high net worth (UHNW) entrepreneurs, highlights five key global wealth hubs:
- The United States ranks as a top destination for establishing businesses
- Hong Kong leads in multi-residency business owners, with 49% having additional residency in mainland China
- Singapore emerges as a prominent hub, particularly strong in the Singapore-India wealth corridor
- Switzerland ranks first for entrepreneurs planning to relocate personal wealth
- The United Kingdom shows the highest percentage of multi-resident entrepreneurs in Western markets
Il rapporto di HSBC sui Centri Globali di Ricchezza: Motori della Diversificazione 2025 rivela che gli investitori facoltosi stanno sempre più cercando diversificazione globale attraverso più residenze e opportunità commerciali oltre confine. Lo studio, focalizzato su imprenditori ad alto patrimonio netto (HNW) e ultra alto patrimonio netto (UHNW), evidenzia cinque importanti centri globali di ricchezza:
- Gli Stati Uniti si classificano come una delle principali destinazioni per l'istituzione di imprese
- Hong Kong guida per quanto riguarda i proprietari di imprese con più residenze, con il 49% che ha un'ulteriore residenza nella Cina continentale
- Singapore emerge come un centro prominente, particolarmente forte nel corridoio di ricchezza Singapore-India
- La Svizzera si classifica al primo posto per gli imprenditori che pianificano di trasferire la propria ricchezza personale
- Il Regno Unito mostra la percentuale più alta di imprenditori multi-residenti nei mercati occidentali
El informe de HSBC sobre los Centros Globales de Riqueza: Motores de Diversificación 2025 revela que los inversores adinerados buscan cada vez más diversificación global a través de múltiples residencias y oportunidades comerciales en el extranjero. El estudio, centrado en emprendedores de alto patrimonio neto (HNW) y ultra alto patrimonio neto (UHNW), destaca cinco centros globales de riqueza clave:
- Los Estados Unidos se clasifican como un destino principal para establecer negocios
- Hong Kong lidera en propietarios de negocios con múltiples residencias, con un 49% que tiene residencia adicional en China continental
- Singapur emerge como un centro prominente, especialmente fuerte en el corredor de riqueza Singapur-India
- Suiza ocupa el primer lugar para los emprendedores que planean trasladar su riqueza personal
- El Reino Unido muestra el porcentaje más alto de emprendedores multi-residentes en los mercados occidentales
HSBC의 글로벌 자산 허브: 다각화의 동력 2025 보고서는 부유한 투자자들이 여러 거주지와 국경을 넘는 비즈니스 기회를 통해 글로벌 다각화를 점점 더 추구하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 이 연구는 고액 자산가(HNW) 및 초고액 자산가(UHNW) 기업가에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 다섯 개의 주요 글로벌 자산 허브를 강조합니다:
- 미국은 사업을 설립하기 위한 주요 목적지로 평가받고 있습니다
- 홍콩은 49%가 중국 본토에 추가 거주지를 두고 있는 다중 거주 비즈니스 소유자에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다
- 싱가포르는 특히 싱가포르-인도 부유층 회랑에서 강력한 두드러진 허브로 부상하고 있습니다
- 스위스는 개인 자산을 이전할 계획인 기업가에게 첫 번째로 평가받고 있습니다
- 영국은 서구 시장에서 다중 거주 기업가의 비율이 가장 높습니다
Le rapport d'HSBC sur les Centres Mondiaux de Richesse : Moteurs de Diversification 2025 révèle que les investisseurs fortunés recherchent de plus en plus une diversification mondiale à travers plusieurs résidences et des opportunités commerciales à l'étranger. L'étude, axée sur les entrepreneurs à haute valeur nette (HNW) et à ultra haute valeur nette (UHNW), met en avant cinq centres mondiaux de richesse clés :
- Les États-Unis se classent parmi les principales destinations pour établir des entreprises
- Hong Kong est en tête des propriétaires d'entreprises avec plusieurs résidences, 49 % ayant une résidence supplémentaire en Chine continentale
- Singapour émerge comme un centre de premier plan, particulièrement fort dans le corridor de richesse Singapour-Inde
- La Suisse occupe la première place pour les entrepreneurs qui prévoient de transférer leur richesse personnelle
- Le Royaume-Uni affiche le pourcentage le plus élevé d'entrepreneurs multi-résidents sur les marchés occidentaux
Der Bericht von HSBC über die Global Wealth Hubs: Treiber der Diversifikation 2025 zeigt, dass wohlhabende Investoren zunehmend globale Diversifikation durch mehrere Wohnsitze und grenzüberschreitende Geschäftsmöglichkeiten suchen. Die Studie, die sich auf wohlhabende Einzelpersonen (HNW) und ultra wohlhabende Einzelpersonen (UHNW) konzentriert, hebt fünf wichtige globale Vermögenszentren hervor:
- Die Vereinigten Staaten stehen an erster Stelle als Ziel für die Gründung von Unternehmen
- Hongkong führt bei Geschäftsinhabern mit mehreren Wohnsitzen, wobei 49 % eine zusätzliche Residency im Festlandchina haben
- Singapur tritt als bedeutendes Zentrum hervor, insbesondere stark im Vermögenskoridor Singapur-Indien
- Die Schweiz belegt den ersten Platz für Unternehmer, die planen, ihr persönliches Vermögen zu verlagern
- Das Vereinigte Königreich weist den höchsten Prozentsatz an multi-residenten Unternehmern in westlichen Märkten auf
- Global diversification strategy across multiple wealth hubs
- Strong wealth corridor between Hong Kong and mainland China (49% connection)
- Significant Singapore-India wealth corridor development
- US maintains strong position for business establishment
- None.
HSBC’s Global Wealth Hubs: Drivers of Diversification 2025 report shows how wealthy business owners share a global mindset – where national and regional borders are viewed as opportunities rather than obstacles.
The report is based on a survey of high net worth (HNW) and ultra high net worth (UHNW) entrepreneurs about their attitudes towards their wealth and businesses in international markets. It focuses on five key global wealth hubs – each with unique attributes that complement each other:
- US: The US remains a magnet for the world’s wealthy and business owners, ranking equal first in the survey of 23 cited markets for HNW entrepreneurs considering it as a location to establish part or all of their business.
Hong Kong :Hong Kong ranks top for business owners with multi-residency. It also forms part of the biggest wealth corridor in our research, with49% ofHong Kong entrepreneurs having an additional residency in mainlandChina . -
Singapore :Singapore has thrived as an international wealth hub in recent decades, particularly with the region’s entrepreneurs. TheSingapore -India wealth corridor is the third largest in our research. -
Switzerland :Switzerland retains its broad appeal across all ages and levels of wealth. It ranks first for entrepreneurs seeking to move their personal wealth to a new location over the next 12 months. -
UK : TheUK is home to the largest percentage of multi-resident entrepreneurs surveyed in Western markets and is the most popular location for the oldest and the wealthiest surveyed entrepreneurs considering taking up residency.
Racquel Oden,
About Global Wealth Hubs: Drivers of Diversification 2025
The findings are based on extensive research conducted by Ipsos
About HSBC Global Private Banking
HSBC Global Private Banking helps clients manage, grow and preserve their wealth for generations to come. Its network of global experts helps clients access investment opportunities around the world, plan for the future with wealth and succession planning, manage their portfolio with tailored solutions, and find the right support for their philanthropy. www.privatebanking.hsbc.com
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Media enquiries
Matt Kozar
Vice President of External Communications, US
Source: HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
What are the top 5 global wealth hubs according to HSBC's 2025 report?
Which wealth corridor is the largest according to HSBC's research?
Why is Switzerland attractive to wealthy investors according to HSBC?
What makes the United States attractive as a wealth hub?