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Honeywell's 33rd annual Global Business Aviation Outlook forecasts 8,500 new business jet deliveries valued at $280 billion over the next decade, indicating increased demand and stable growth. Key findings include:

- New business jet deliveries in 2025 expected to be 12% higher than in 2024
- Five-year purchase plans equivalent to 18% of the current fleet
- Over 90% of surveyed operators expect to fly more or the same in 2025
- Large jets to account for about two-thirds of all expenditures in the next five years
- North America to see 66% of five-year new jet deliveries

The outlook also highlights sustainability trends, with fuel-efficient aircraft recognized as the most effective method for improving environmental impact in business aviation.

Il 33° Outlook Globale sull'Aviazione Aziendale annuale di Honeywell prevede 8.500 nuove consegne di jet aziendali del valore di 280 miliardi di dollari nei prossimi dieci anni, indicando un aumento della domanda e una crescita stabile. I principali risultati includono:

- Le consegne di nuovi jet aziendali nel 2025 sono previste 12% superiori rispetto al 2024
- I piani di acquisto quinquennali equivalgono al 18% della flotta attuale
- Oltre il 90% degli operatori intervistati prevede di volare di più o lo stesso nel 2025
- Gli aerei di grandi dimensioni rappresenteranno circa due terzi della spesa totale nei prossimi cinque anni
- Il Nord America vedrà 66% delle consegne di nuovi jet nei prossimi cinque anni

L'outlook evidenzia anche le tendenze in termini di sostenibilità, con gli aerei a basso consumo di carburante riconosciuti come il metodo più efficace per migliorare l'impatto ambientale nell'aviazione aziendale.

El 33º Informe Anual sobre la Aviación Empresarial Global de Honeywell pronostica 8,500 nuevas entregas de jets de negocios valoradas en 280 mil millones de dólares durante la próxima década, lo que indica un aumento en la demanda y un crecimiento estable. Las conclusiones clave incluyen:

- Se espera que las entregas de nuevos jets de negocios en 2025 sean 12% superiores a las de 2024
- Los planes de compra a cinco años equivalen al 18% de la flota actual
- Más del 90% de los operadores encuestados esperan volar más o lo mismo en 2025
- Los jets grandes representarán aproximadamente dos tercios de todos los gastos en los próximos cinco años
- América del Norte verá el 66% de las nuevas entregas de jets en cinco años

El pronóstico también destaca las tendencias de sostenibilidad, con aeronaves eficientes en combustible reconocidas como el método más efectivo para mejorar el impacto ambiental en la aviación empresarial.

하니웰의 제33회 글로벌 비즈니스 항공 전망에 따르면, 향후 10년 동안 8,500대의 새로운 비즈니스 제트기가 2,800억 달러의 가치로 인도될 것으로 예상되며, 이는 수요 증가와 안정적인 성장을 나타냅니다. 주요 조사 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 2025년 새로운 비즈니스 제트기 인도가 2024년에 비해 12% 증가할 것으로 예상됨
- 5년 구매 계획이 현재 함대의 18%에 해당
- 조사에 응답한 운영자의 90% 이상이 2025년에 더 많이 혹은 같은 양의 비행을 할 것으로 예상
- 대형 제트기가 향후 5년간 총 지출의 약 2/3를 차지할 것
- 북미 지역에서 66%의 5년치 새로운 제트기 인도가 이루어질 것

이 전망은 또한 지속 가능성 트렌드를 강조하며, 연료 효율적인 항공기가 비즈니스 항공의 환경 영향을 개선하는 가장 효과적인 방법으로 인식됩니다.

Le 33ème rapport annuel sur l'aviation d'affaires globale de Honeywell prévoit 8 500 nouvelles livraisons de jets d'affaires d'une valeur de 280 milliards de dollars au cours de la prochaine décennie, indiquant une demande accrue et une croissance stable. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- Les livraisons de nouveaux jets d'affaires en 2025 devraient être 12 % supérieures à celles de 2024
- Les plans d'achat sur cinq ans équivalent à 18 % de la flotte actuelle
- Plus de 90 % des opérateurs sondés s'attendent à voler plus ou autant en 2025
- Les jets de grande taille représenteront environ deux tiers de toutes les dépenses au cours des cinq prochaines années
- L'Amérique du Nord représentera 66 % des nouvelles livraisons de jets sur cinq ans

Les perspectives mettent également en évidence les tendances en matière de durabilité, les aéronefs efficaces en carburant étant reconnus comme le moyen le plus efficace d'améliorer l'impact environnemental dans l'aviation d'affaires.

Honeywells 33. jährlicher globaler Ausblick auf die Geschäftsaviation prognostiziert 8.500 neue Geschäftsflugzeuge im Wert von 280 Milliarden Dollar in den nächsten zehn Jahren, was auf eine gestiegene Nachfrage und ein stabiles Wachstum hinweist. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

- Die neuen Geschäftsflugzeuglieferungen im Jahr 2025 werden voraussichtlich 12% höher sein als im Jahr 2024
- Fünfjahresankaufspläne entsprechen 18% der aktuellen Flotte
- Mehr als 90% der befragten Betreiber erwarten, 2025 mehr oder gleich viel zu fliegen
- Große Jets werden etwa zwei Drittel aller Ausgaben in den nächsten fünf Jahren ausmachen
- Nordamerika wird 66% der neuen Jet-Lieferungen in den nächsten fünf Jahren erhalten

Der Ausblick hebt auch Trends zur Nachhaltigkeit hervor, wobei treibstoffeffiziente Flugzeuge als die effektivste Methode zur Verbesserung der Umweltbelastung in der Geschäftsaviation anerkannt werden.

  • Forecast of 8,500 new business jet deliveries worth $280 billion over the next decade
  • 12% increase in new business jet deliveries expected in 2025 compared to 2024
  • Five-year purchase plans equivalent to 18% of the current fleet
  • Over 90% of surveyed operators expect to fly more or the same in 2025
  • Large jets expected to account for about two-thirds of all expenditures in the next five years
  • North America to see 66% of five-year new jet deliveries
  • Latin America's share of five-year new jet deliveries increased by 5 percentage points
  • European operators' share of five-year new jet deliveries decreased by 1 percentage point
  • Middle East/Africa's share of five-year new jet deliveries declined by 3 percentage points
  • Flight activity in the Middle East/Africa region declined year-over-year through the first half of 2024


Honeywell's 33rd annual Global Business Aviation Outlook reveals a robust forecast for the business jet industry, projecting 8,500 new deliveries valued at $280 billion over the next decade. This represents an increase in value from last year's forecast, signaling continued growth in the sector.

Key points for investors:

  • New business jet deliveries in 2025 are expected to be 12% higher than in 2024, with expenditures projected to rise by 11%.
  • Five-year purchase plans remain stable at 18% of the current fleet, indicating sustained demand above pre-pandemic levels.
  • Large jets are expected to account for about two-thirds of all expenditures on new business jets in the next five years.
  • North America remains the strongest market, representing 66% of projected five-year deliveries.

This outlook suggests a positive long-term trend for Honeywell's aerospace segment, which could contribute to steady revenue growth and potentially impact the company's stock performance favorably.

The business aviation industry is showing signs of sustained growth, with several notable trends:

  • Flight activity is expected to increase in 2025, with over 90% of operators planning to fly more or the same as in 2024.
  • Fractional operators are likely to benefit most from new customer growth and increased demand from traditional operators.
  • The preowned aircraft market is cooling but remains strong compared to the previous decade, supporting steady demand.
  • Sustainability is becoming a key focus, with fuel-efficient aircraft seen as the most effective method to reduce environmental impact.

These trends indicate a maturing market with evolving customer preferences. For Honeywell, this presents opportunities in developing sustainable technologies, enhancing aircraft connectivity and expanding propulsion offerings. The company's strategic positioning in these growth areas could lead to increased market share and revenue streams in the coming years.

  • 33rd annual Global Business Aviation Outlook projects 8,500 new business jet deliveries valued at $280 billion over the next decade
  • Purchase plans indicate that demand for new aircraft is normalizing at an elevated level, significantly above pre-pandemic figures
  • Aircraft utilization is projected to increase with vast majority of operators planning on flying more or the same as they did this year

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) today published its 33rd annual Global Business Aviation Outlook, which provides unique insights into current industry trends as well as longer-cycle developments and is informed by extensive surveys of business aviation operators across the globe.

Based on survey results, Honeywell forecasts up to 8,500 new business jets worth $280 billion will be delivered over the next decade, an increase in value from last year's forecast. However, the five-year new jet purchase plans of business aviation operators surveyed remained on par with last year's results, indicating that demand for new aircraft is stabilizing well above pre-pandemic levels. In addition, the survey reveals ongoing plans by business jet manufacturers to ramp up production in response to strong backlogs and stable book-to-bill ratios persisting through 2024.

"The business aviation industry is in a prolonged period of healthy growth, and we don't see that positive trend changing any time soon," said Heath Patrick, president, Americas Aftermarket, Honeywell Aerospace Technologies. "Business aviation continues to see more users and, as a result, manufacturers are ramping up production to keep pace with growing demand, a trend we expect to continue for the foreseeable future. Despite a mixed macroeconomic environment and challenging geopolitical circumstances, operators are optimistic about their flight activity increasing in 2025 and beyond."

Key findings in the 2024 Honeywell Global Business Aviation Outlook include:

  • New business jet deliveries in 2025 are expected to be 12% higher than in 2024. Expenditures are expected to be 11% higher.
  • Five-year purchase plans for new business jets are comparable with last year's survey and equivalent to 18% of the current fleet. Fleet additions are consistent with results from a year ago at 3% of the fleet, which is in line with historical industry performance.
  • More than 90% of those surveyed expect to fly more or about the same in 2025 than in 2024.
  • Large jets are expected to account for about two-thirds of all expenditures of new business jets in the next five years, consistent with last year's results.
  • 82% of respondents consider "Performance" among their top three most important criteria when purchasing their next aircraft. "Cost" was second at 60%.

New Business Aviation User Update: Returning to a Stable Growth Environment 

Following an influx of first-time business aviation users into the industry throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with record levels of flight activity, the industry has begun to return to a more stable growth environment at new elevated levels of production and flight activity. Demand remains robust for new aircraft as business jet manufacturer backlogs stay strong and production volumes ramp up to accommodate that higher demand.

Based on the findings of this year's survey, several key industry trends to watch include: 

  • Demand for New Aircraft: New aircraft models introduced in recent years have driven increased demand for new aircraft, a trend which survey results indicate will continue throughout this decade and into the early 2030s.
  • Flight Activity & Utilization Levels: Flight activity is expected to increase in 2025 relative to 2024, especially for those who currently operate at high utilization levels. The reduction in barriers to access business aviation in recent years, driven by the introduction of new shared access models, has enabled a persistent flow of new customers opting for business aviation alternatives for their travel needs.
  • Fractional Operators: Fractional operators may be the largest beneficiaries of new customer growth, and they are also benefitting from traditional operators wanting to supplement their current operations with fractional shares. The business aviation industry has experienced changing dynamics in recent years, resulting in new higher levels of aircraft deliveries and flight activity than seen in the previous decade, and the sector appears poised to achieve stable growth on top of this over the next decade.

Regional Breakdown: North America Sees Strongest Demand, But Latin America Shows Optimism

North America: North America will see 66% of the five-year new jet deliveries, which is consistent with historical demand for the region. 30% of respondents from North America expect to fly more next year, amounting to a large proportion of the demand, which is likely contributing to the sustained growth of new jet deliveries.

Europe: European operators will comprise 13% of the five-year new jet deliveries, which is one percentage point below last year's share and follows a similar trend over the past few years. A strong regional focus on sustainability, environmental pressures, and the availability of alternative transit options are the likely cause of this slight dip in new aircraft demand.

Latin America: Operators in Latin America will account for 10% of the five-year new jet deliveries, which is an increase of five percentage points from their share in 2023. In contrast to last year, respondents in Latin America are optimistic about favorable macroeconomic conditions, which will likely drive increased flight activity as well as demand for new jets. This effect is particularly strong in Brazil where year-over-year flight activity growth is stronger than the global average.

Asia Pacific: Operators in Asia Pacific will make up 7% of the five-year new jet deliveries. APAC is returning to typical fleet growth after several years of decline throughout the pandemic. There is a notable uptick in flight activity in Australia, where departures are up nearly double digits year-over-year.

Middle East/Africa: Fleet growth here accounts for 3% of the five-year new jet deliveries, which is a decline of three percentage points from last year's surveyed expectations. Flight activity in the region declined year-over-year through the first half of 2024, likely due to conflicts in the region.

Preowned Aircraft Update: Market Cools From Record-Low Inventory Levels

The market for pre-owned aircraft is cooling after record low inventory levels in 2021 and 2022, but used aircraft values remain strong relative to the previous decade. While pre-owned aircraft inventory will likely continue to increase slowly, prices should remain stable, thereby supporting steady demand for pre-owned aircraft. Operators mentioned expecting to rely on pre-owned aircraft purchases to expand their fleets slightly more than in prior years.

Sustainability in Business Aviation: Fuel-Efficient Aircraft Recognized as Most Effective Method of Improving Environmental Impact

In light of Honeywell's commitment to driving aviation sustainability and reaching carbon neutrality by 2035 in its operations and facilities, this year's survey – for the fourth consecutive year – features an analysis of sustainability in business aviation and also examines how operators are trying to lower their carbon footprint. Several key findings include:

  • European operators show the most proactive behavior in lowering their carbon footprint, with North American operators lagging slightly behind. However, the total number of operators taking proactive steps in North America is still greater than any other region given the much larger volume of business aviation operations in the region.
  • According to those surveyed, the acquisition of new, more fuel-efficient aircraft is considered to be the most effective method to reduce environmental impact, with 85% of respondents mentioning this to be 'very effective' or 'moderately effective.'
    • However, this method is only being utilized by 60% of operators who report proactively taking steps to minimize their carbon footprint. These "proactive" operators also outline the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as another key method for improving their environmental impact, with 55% of this group mentioning its use in their operations.
    • 75% of operators rank cost as one of the top three obstacles to adopting SAF into their operations, followed by its availability at 64%.

Click here to request a copy of Honeywell's 2024 Global Business Aviation Outlook.


Honeywell's forecast methodology is based on multiple sources, including macroeconomic analyses, original equipment manufacturers' production and development plans shared with the company, and expert deliberations from aerospace industry leaders. Honeywell, in partnership with Seefeld Marketing International Inc. and Ad Hoc Recherche Inc., also conducted surveys of business aviation operators comprising 375 nonfractional operators representing a fleet of 1,488 business aircraft worldwide. The survey sample is representative of the entire industry in terms of geography, operation and fleet composition. This comprehensive approach provides Honeywell with unique insights into operator sentiments, preferences and concerns and provides considerable intelligence on product development needs and opportunities.

Making an Impact on Business Decisions

Honeywell's Global Business Aviation Outlook reflects current operator concerns and identifies longer-cycle trends that Honeywell uses in its own product decision process. The survey has helped to identify opportunities for investments in sustainability solutions, enhance aircraft connectivity offerings, and expand propulsion offerings, innovative safety products, services and upgrades. The survey informs Honeywell's business pursuit strategy and helps consistently position the company on high-value platforms in growth sectors.

About Honeywell

Products and services from Honeywell Aerospace Technologies are found on virtually every commercial, defense and space aircraft, and in many terrestrial systems. The Aerospace Technologies business unit builds aircraft engines, cockpit and cabin electronics, wireless connectivity systems, mechanical components, power systems, and more. Its hardware and software solutions create more fuel-efficient aircraft, more direct and on-time flights and safer skies and airports. For more information, visit or follow Honeywell Aerospace Technologies on LinkedIn.

Honeywell is an integrated operating company serving a broad range of industries and geographies around the world. Our business is aligned with three powerful megatrends – automation, the future of aviation and energy transition – underpinned by our Honeywell Accelerator operating system and Honeywell Forge IoT platform. As a trusted partner, we help organizations solve the world's toughest, most complex challenges, providing actionable solutions and innovations through our Aerospace Technologies, Industrial Automation, Building Automation and Energy and Sustainability Solutions business segments that help make the world smarter and safer as well as more secure and sustainable. For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit

This release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that we or our management intends, expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by our management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current economic and industry conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate. The forward-looking statements included in this release are also subject to a number of material risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors affecting our operations, markets, products, services and prices. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results, developments and business decisions may differ from those envisaged by such forward-looking statements. We identify the principal risks and uncertainties that affect our performance in our Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Adam Kress
(602) 760-6252 

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SOURCE Honeywell


What is Honeywell's (HON) forecast for new business jet deliveries over the next decade?

Honeywell (HON) forecasts 8,500 new business jet deliveries worth $280 billion over the next decade, according to their 33rd annual Global Business Aviation Outlook.

How much are new business jet deliveries expected to increase in 2025 according to Honeywell's (HON) outlook?

According to Honeywell's (HON) outlook, new business jet deliveries in 2025 are expected to be 12% higher than in 2024.

What percentage of operators expect to fly more or the same in 2025 based on Honeywell's (HON) survey?

More than 90% of operators surveyed in Honeywell's (HON) Global Business Aviation Outlook expect to fly more or about the same in 2025 compared to 2024.

Which region will see the largest share of five-year new jet deliveries according to Honeywell's (HON) forecast?

According to Honeywell's (HON) forecast, North America will see 66% of the five-year new jet deliveries, consistent with historical demand for the region.

What do operators consider the most effective method to reduce environmental impact in business aviation, according to Honeywell's (HON) survey?

Honeywell's (HON) survey indicates that operators consider the acquisition of new, more fuel-efficient aircraft as the most effective method to reduce environmental impact in business aviation.

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