Hilton Annual Trends Report Predicts 2025 to Be the “Year of the Travel Maximizer”

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Hilton's 2025 Trends Report predicts the 'Year of the Travel Maximizer', revealing travelers' desire to combine relaxation with high-impact adventures. Key findings from the global research, involving 13,000 travelers across 13 countries, include:

1. Adventure-seeking 'Go Getaways' alongside restorative sleep retreats
2. 'Time Travel' (revisiting childhood destinations) and 'Slow Travel' gaining popularity
3. Balancing 'High-Tech Travel' with 'Digital Detox'
4. Rise of 'Frolleagues' (friends who are colleagues) and pet-friendly travel
5. Increasing influence of Gen Alpha on travel decisions
6. Growing trends in culinary exploration and 'Tempo Drinking' (mindful alcohol consumption)
7. Focus on 'Soft Travel' for self-discovery and mental health

Hilton is adapting to these trends by expanding its luxury portfolio and partnering with companies like Small Luxury Hotels of the World and AutoCamp.

Il Rapporto sulle Tendenze 2025 di Hilton prevede l''Anno del Massimizzatore di Viaggi', rivelando il desiderio dei viaggiatori di combinare relax e avventure ad alto impatto. I principali risultati della ricerca globale, che ha coinvolto 13.000 viaggiatori in 13 paesi, includono:

1. Fughe avventurose 'Go Getaways' insieme a ritiri rigeneranti per il sonno
2. 'Viaggi nel Tempo' (ritornare in luoghi dell'infanzia) e 'Slow Travel' stanno guadagnando popolarità
3. Equilibrio tra 'Viaggi ad Alta Tecnologia' e 'Disintossicazione Digitale'
4. Aumento dei 'Frolleagues' (amici che sono colleghi) e viaggi pet-friendly
5. Maggiore influenza della Gen Alpha sulle decisioni di viaggio
6. Crescita delle tendenze nell'esplorazione culinaria e nel 'Tempo di Bevuta' (consumo consapevole di alcol)
7. Focus su 'Soft Travel' per la scoperta di sé e la salute mentale

Hilton si sta adattando a queste tendenze espandendo il suo portfolio di lusso e collaborando con aziende come Small Luxury Hotels of the World e AutoCamp.

El Informe de Tendencias 2025 de Hilton predice el 'Año del Maximizador de Viajes', revelando el deseo de los viajeros de combinar relajación con aventuras de gran impacto. Los hallazgos clave de la investigación global, que involucró a 13,000 viajeros en 13 países, incluyen:

1. Escapadas aventureras 'Go Getaways' junto con retiros de sueño restaurador
2. 'Viaje en el Tiempo' (volver a destinos de la infancia) y 'Slow Travel' ganando popularidad
3. Equilibrio entre 'Viajes de Alta Tecnología' y 'Desintoxicación Digital'
4. Aumento de los 'Frolleagues' (amigos que son colegas) y viajes que aceptan mascotas
5. Aumento de la influencia de la Gen Alpha en las decisiones de viaje
6. Tendencias crecientes en exploración culinaria y en 'Tiempo de Bebida' (consumo de alcohol consciente)
7. Enfoque en 'Soft Travel' para el autodescubrimiento y la salud mental

Hilton se está adaptando a estas tendencias expandiendo su cartera de lujo y asociándose con empresas como Small Luxury Hotels of the World y AutoCamp.

힐튼의 2025 트렌드 보고서는 '여행 극대화의 해'를 예고하며 여행자들이 휴식과 강렬한 모험을 결합하려는 욕구를 드러냅니다. 13개국에서 13,000명의 여행자를 대상으로 한 글로벌 연구의 주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 모험을 추구하는 '고 게타웨이'와 함께하는 회복적인 수면 리트리트
2. '타임 트래블' (어린 시절 목적지 재방문)과 '슬로우 여행'의 인기 상승
3. '고급 여행''디지털 디톡스'의 균형
4. '프롤리그' (동료이자 친구)와 반려동물 친화적인 여행의 증가
5. 여행 결정에 대한 Gen Alpha의 영향력 증가
6. 미식 탐험'템포 음주' (마음챙김 음주 소비)의 성장
7. 자기 발견과 정신 건강을 위한 '소프트 여행'에 대한 집중

힐튼은 Small Luxury Hotels of the World 및 AutoCamp와 같은 기업과의 파트너십을 통해 이러한 트렌드에 맞춰 고급 포트폴리오를 확장하고 있습니다.

Le Rapport sur les Tendances 2025 de Hilton prédit l''Année du Maximisateur de Voyage', révélant le désir des voyageurs de combiner détente avec des aventures à fort impact. Les principales conclusions de la recherche mondiale, impliquant 13 000 voyageurs dans 13 pays, incluent :

1. Évasions aventureuses 'Go Getaways' aux côtés de retraites de sommeil réparateur
2. La popularité croissante des 'Voyages dans le Temps' (retour aux destinations de l'enfance) et du 'Slow Travel'
3. Équilibre entre 'Voyages High-Tech' et 'Détox Numérique'
4. Montée des 'Frolleagues' (amis qui sont des collègues) et des voyages acceptant les animaux de compagnie
5. Influence croissante de la Génération Alpha sur les décisions de voyage
6. Tendance croissante vers l'exploration culinaire et le 'Tempo Drinking' (consommation d'alcool consciente)
7. Accent mis sur le 'Soft Travel' pour la découverte de soi et la santé mentale

Hilton s'adapte à ces tendances en élargissant son portefeuille de luxe et en s'associant à des entreprises telles que Small Luxury Hotels of the World et AutoCamp.

Der Trendsbericht 2025 von Hilton prognostiziert das 'Jahr des Reisemaximierers', der das Verlangen der Reisenden zeigt, Entspannung mit hochwirksamen Abenteuern zu kombinieren. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen der globalen Forschung, die 13.000 Reisende in 13 Ländern einbezog, gehören:

1. Abenteuerliche 'Go Getaways' neben wiederherstellenden Schlaf-Retreats
2. 'Zeitreisen' (Besuch von Kindheitszielen) und 'Slow Travel' gewinnen an Beliebtheit
3. Das Gleichgewicht zwischen 'High-Tech-Reisen' und 'Digital Detox'
4. Zunahme von 'Frolleagues' (Freunde, die Kollegen sind) und haustierfreundlichem Reisen
5. Der Einfluss von Gen Alpha auf Reiseentscheidungen nimmt zu
6. Wachsende Trends in der kulinarischen Erkundung und im 'Tempo-Trinken' (achtsamer Alkoholkonsum)
7. Fokus auf 'Soft Travel' zur Selbstentdeckung und mentalen Gesundheit

Hilton passt sich diesen Trends an, indem es sein Luxusportfolio erweitert und Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen wie Small Luxury Hotels of the World und AutoCamp eingeht.

  • Hilton's revenue from sports-related bookings tripled from 2019 to 2024
  • Expansion of luxury hotel experiences with addition of nearly 400 boutique properties from Small Luxury Hotels of the World collection
  • Exclusive partnership with outdoor hospitality company AutoCamp to provide diverse stay experiences
  • Post-pandemic leisure travel boom is normalizing, potentially impacting future growth

Emerging Trends – from the Go Getaway and Hurkle-Durkling to the Rise of Frolleagues and MeMooners – Spotlight How Travelers Will Work to Have It All in the Coming Year

MCLEAN, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 2024 was the Year of the Great Recharge, where sleep retreats made headlines, mindful drinking rose in popularity and wellness-themed guest rooms took off. Today, as the post-pandemic leisure travel boom normalizes, travelers surveyed in Hilton’s annual Trends Report are looking to pair their desire to relax and recharge with high-impact adventures and experiences to maximize their time and financial investment.

Hilton Cancun, an All-Inclusive Resort (Photo: Hilton)

Hilton Cancun, an All-Inclusive Resort (Photo: Hilton)

“Our 2025 Trends Report uncovers what has been simmering for years – the intersection of work and play; of relaxation and adventure; of being alone but together. Travelers don’t just want to choose their own adventure – they want to maximize every moment of their time away,” said Chris Nassetta, president and chief executive officer, Hilton. “This new data reveals a fascinating dichotomy and growing focus on experiences that will keep us on our toes, constantly evolving to meet the needs of tomorrow’s traveler.”

Report findings were uncovered after extensive global research, involving 13,000 travelers across 13 countries, including Mexico, feedback from over 4,100 Hilton team members and in-depth interviews with dozens of Hilton travel experts. Trend highlights include:

  • Adventure-Seeking “Go Getaways” Take on Restorative Sleep Retreats and “Hurkle-Durkling”
    • Go Getaways: 7 in 10 global travelers enjoy being active when they travel, with 1 in 5 leisure travelers planning outdoor adventures in 2025. In fact, 2 in 5 Mexican travelers will prioritize outdoor adventures when budgeting their next trip.
    • Sleep Retreats & Hurkle-Durkling: 1 in 5 global travelers indulge in Hurkle-Durkling, the Scottish phrase for “lounging in bed all day” while on vacation, and more than a quarter of travelers will book a spa or wellness treatment to enhance their sleep.

  • “Time Travel” and “Slow Travel” Accelerate
    • Time Travel: 58% of global travelers who travel with their kids revisit destinations from their own childhood, embracing nostalgia.
    • Slow Travel: 1 in 4 leisure travelers are planning to explore the world and different cultures in 2025, leaning into the Slow Travel trend: the act of traveling and immersing yourself into a destination for an extended time as a local to fully experience the culture.

  • “High-Tech Travel” Meets “Digital Detox”
    • High-Tech Travel: 63% of travelers place importance on having the option of a digital room key, allowing them to go straight to their room without stopping at the front desk.
    • Digital Detox: 24% of global travelers admit to disconnecting from social media more than they used to during vacations.

  • Fido and Frolleagues Take the Stage
    • Pet-Friendly: 25% of MeMooners, or solo travelers, often travel for leisure with their pets – more often than the average leisure traveler (19%).
    • Frolleagues: Today, nearly 30% of global travelers often travel with Frolleagues, friends who are also colleagues, on their leisure adventures.

  • Gen Alpha and MeMooner Travelers Surge
    • The Gen Alpha Effect: 70% of global respondents with children choose vacation destinations based on their kids’ preferences. When trying to find balance of a family getaway and alone time, 71% of Mexican travelers with children often take time from the kids to do something for the adults.
    • MeMooners Rising: 64% of solo travelers consider a good book their favorite travel partner.

  • Foodie Exploration and Tempo Drinking
    • Will Travel for Food: Nearly 1 in 5 of global leisure travelers seek out new restaurants or culinary experiences, with 50% of travelers booking restaurant reservations before their flights.
    • Sober Curiosity Evolution: In just the past year, 1 in 4 global travelers* has either reduced or stopped their consumption of alcohol, reflecting the growing Tempo Drinking trend, or the mindful practice of moderating the pace and volume of drinking alcohol.

  • From Inner Discovery to Outward Cheering
    • Soft Travel: More than 1 in 5 travelers plan to getaway for self-discovery or mental health when traveling for leisure, leaning into “Soft Travel,” or travel that encourages simplicity or spontaneity.
    • Surge in Sports: From 2019 to 2024, Hilton Worldwide Sport Sales revenue tripled in volume - 80% of which is driven by youth or amateur sports.

Hilton continues to innovate to meet the needs of travelers globally through an unmatched portfolio of industry-leading brands plus exclusive partnerships that create more experiences for guests to dream about. From Hilton dramatically expanding its portfolio of luxury hotel experiences with the addition of nearly 400 boutique properties from the exquisite Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH) collection, to its exclusive partnership with premier outdoor hospitality company AutoCamp, Hilton is providing exceptional stay experiences for every traveler for every stay occasion.

For more information on how Hilton is staying ahead of travel trends and to view the findings, read the full 2025 report at To start planning 2025 travel, visit

*This question was not asked in Saudi Arabia or UAE


These are the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between June 5 – 26, 2024. For this survey, a sample of 13,001 adults age 18+ who plan to travel in the next 12 months from Australia, Brazil, mainland China, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States were interviewed online in Simplified Chinese, German, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, and English.

The sample was randomly drawn from non-probability panels. Post-hoc weights were made to the population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll has a credibility interval of plus or minus 1.1 percentage points for all respondents. Ipsos calculates a design effect (DEFF) for each study based on the variation of the weights, following the formula of Kish (1965). This study had a credibility interval adjusted for design effect of the following (n=13,001, DEFF=1.5, adjusted Confidence Interval=+/-1.1 percentage points). Where figures do not sum to 100, this is due to the effects of rounding.

About Hilton

Hilton (NYSE: HLT) is a leading global hospitality company with a portfolio of 24 world-class brands comprising nearly 7,800 properties and more than 1.2 million rooms, in 126 countries and territories. Dedicated to fulfilling its founding vision to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality, Hilton has welcomed over 3 billion guests in its more than 100-year history, was named the No. 1 World’s Best Workplace by Great Place to Work and Fortune and has been recognized as a global leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for seven consecutive years. Hilton has introduced industry-leading technology enhancements to improve the guest experience, including Digital Key Share, automated complimentary room upgrades and the ability to book confirmed connecting rooms. Through the award-winning guest loyalty program Hilton Honors, the more than 195 million Hilton Honors members who book directly with Hilton can earn Points for hotel stays and experiences money can't buy. With the free Hilton Honors app, guests can book their stay, select their room, check in, unlock their door with a Digital Key and check out, all from their smartphone. Visit for more information, and connect with Hilton on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

Laura Ford

Global Corporate Communications

Source: Hilton


What is the main travel trend predicted by Hilton for 2025?

Hilton's 2025 Trends Report predicts 2025 to be the 'Year of the Travel Maximizer', where travelers aim to combine relaxation with high-impact adventures to maximize their time and financial investment.

How many countries and travelers were involved in Hilton's 2025 Trends Report research?

The research for Hilton's 2025 Trends Report involved 13,000 travelers across 13 countries, including feedback from over 4,100 Hilton team members and in-depth interviews with dozens of Hilton travel experts.

What percentage of global travelers enjoy being active when they travel, according to Hilton's report?

According to Hilton's 2025 Trends Report, 7 in 10 (or 70%) of global travelers enjoy being active when they travel.

How has Hilton's revenue from sports-related bookings changed from 2019 to 2024?

Hilton's Worldwide Sport Sales revenue tripled in volume from 2019 to 2024, with 80% of this growth driven by youth or amateur sports.

What is the 'Frolleagues' trend mentioned in Hilton's 2025 Trends Report?

The 'Frolleagues' trend refers to friends who are also colleagues traveling together on leisure adventures. Nearly 30% of global travelers often travel with 'Frolleagues' according to Hilton's report.

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