Herbalife Sets GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ Title with 2024 Worldwide Workout

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Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company, has set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues). The global event, broadcast live from Las Vegas on September 21, 2024, united more than 4,900 Herbalife independent distributors and fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

The Worldwide Workout attracted over 11,000 participants from countries including France, Romania, and China, who joined virtually via Herbalife's YouTube livestream. In-person events were hosted at various locations globally, including Galaxy Park in the United States, the Mexico Olympic Committee facility, and the Mumbai Convention Center in India.

The event also served as a global fundraiser, with Herbalife committing to donate up to $40,000 for the Herbalife Family Foundation's Casa Herbalife Program. Many participants prepared and recovered from the workout using Herbalife24® products, including CR7 Drive and Rebuild Strength.

Herbalife, una delle principali aziende di salute e benessere, ha stabilito un nuovo GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS per la più grande lezione di allenamento ad intervallo ad alta intensità (in più luoghi). L'evento globale, trasmesso in diretta da Las Vegas il 21 settembre 2024, ha unito oltre 4.900 distributori indipendenti di Herbalife e appassionati di fitness in tutto il mondo.

Il Worldwide Workout ha attratto più di 11.000 partecipanti provenienti da paesi come Francia, Romania e Cina, che si sono uniti virtualmente tramite il livestream su YouTube di Herbalife. Gli eventi dal vivo sono stati ospitati in vari luoghi in tutto il mondo, tra cui Galaxy Park negli Stati Uniti, il complesso del Comitato Olimpico Messicano e il Centro Congressi di Mumbai in India.

L'evento ha anche funzionato come raccolta fondi globale, con Herbalife che si è impegnata a donare fino a $40.000 per il Programma Casa Herbalife della Herbalife Family Foundation. Molti partecipanti hanno preparato e recuperato dopo l'allenamento utilizzando i prodotti Herbalife24®, inclusi CR7 Drive e Rebuild Strength.

Herbalife, una de las principales empresas de salud y bienestar, ha establecido un nuevo GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS por la clase de entrenamiento de alta intensidad más grande (en múltiples lugares). El evento global, transmitido en vivo desde Las Vegas el 21 de septiembre de 2024, unió a más de 4,900 distribuidores independientes de Herbalife y entusiastas del fitness de todo el mundo.

El Worldwide Workout atrajo a más de 11,000 participantes de países como Francia, Rumanía y China, quienes se unieron virtualmente a través del livestream de Herbalife en YouTube. Los eventos presenciales se llevaron a cabo en varios lugares a nivel mundial, incluido Galaxy Park en Estados Unidos, las instalaciones del Comité Olímpico Mexicano y el Centro de Convenciones de Mumbai en India.

El evento también sirvió como una recaudación de fondos global, con Herbalife comprometiéndose a donar hasta $40,000 para el Programa Casa Herbalife de la Herbalife Family Foundation. Muchos participantes se prepararon y recuperaron del entrenamiento utilizando productos de Herbalife24®, incluidos CR7 Drive y Rebuild Strength.

허벌라이프는 건강 및 웰빙 분야의 선도 기업으로서, 가장 큰 고강도 인터벌 트레이닝 클래스(다수의 장소)를 위해 새로운 기네스 세계 기록 타이틀을 설정했습니다. 이 글로벌 이벤트는 2024년 9월 21일 라스베가스에서 생중계되었으며, 세계 각지의 4,900명 이상의 허벌라이프 독립 유통업자 및 피트니스 애호가들이 함께했습니다.

전 세계 운동에는 프랑스, 루마니아, 중국 등에서 온 11,000명 이상의 참가자가 동참했으며, 이들은 허벌라이프의 유튜브 라이브 스트림을 통해 가상으로 참여했습니다. 현장 이벤트는 미국의 갤럭시 파크, 멕시코 올림픽 위원회 시설, 인도의 뭄바이 컨벤션 센터 등 다양한 장소에서 진행되었습니다.

이 행사는 또한 글로벌 기금 모금 행사로, 허벌라이프는 허벌라이프 가족 재단의 카사 허벌라이프 프로그램을 위해 최대 $40,000를 기부하겠다고 약속했습니다. 많은 참가자들은 CR7 Drive와 Rebuild Strength를 포함한 Herbalife24® 제품을 사용하여 운동을 준비하고 회복했습니다.

Herbalife, une entreprise de premier plan dans le domaine de la santé et du bien-être, a établi un nouveau titre GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS pour le plus grand cours d’entraînement par intervalles à haute intensité (dans plusieurs lieux). L'événement mondial, diffusé en direct de Las Vegas le 21 septembre 2024, a réuni plus de 4 900 distributeurs indépendants de Herbalife et d’amateurs de fitness du monde entier.

Le Worldwide Workout a attiré plus de 11 000 participants de pays tels que la France, la Roumanie et la Chine, qui ont rejoint virtuellement via le livestream de Herbalife sur YouTube. Des événements en personne ont été organisés à divers endroits dans le monde, y compris Galaxy Park aux États-Unis, les installations du Comité Olympique du Mexique et le Centre de Convention de Mumbai en Inde.

L'événement a également servi de collecte de fonds mondiale, Herbalife s'engageant à faire don de jusqu'à 40 000 $ pour le programme Casa Herbalife de la Herbalife Family Foundation. De nombreux participants se sont préparés et sont récupérés après l'entraînement en utilisant des produits Herbalife24®, y compris CR7 Drive et Rebuild Strength.

Herbalife, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Gesundheit und Wellness, hat einen neuen GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Titel für die größte High-Intensity-Intervall-Training-Klasse (an mehreren Orten) aufgestellt. Die globale Veranstaltung, die am 21. September 2024 live aus Las Vegas übertragen wurde, vereinte mehr als 4.900 unabhängige Herbalife-Vertriebspartner und Fitnessbegeisterte aus der ganzen Welt.

Das Worldwide Workout zog über 11.000 Teilnehmer aus Ländern wie Frankreich, Rumänien und China an, die virtuell über den Livestream von Herbalife auf YouTube teilnahmen. Vor-Ort-Veranstaltungen fanden an verschiedenen Standorten weltweit statt, darunter das Galaxy Park in den USA, die Einrichtungen des Mexikanischen Olympischen Komitees und das Mumbai Convention Center in Indien.

Die Veranstaltung diente auch als globale Spendensammlung, wobei Herbalife sich verpflichtete, bis zu $40,000 für das Casa Herbalife Programm der Herbalife Family Foundation zu spenden. Viele Teilnehmer bereiteten sich auf das Workout vor und erholten sich danach mit Produkten von Herbalife24®, einschließlich CR7 Drive und Rebuild Strength.

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More Than 4,900 Fitness Enthusiasts From Around the World Participated in a High-intensity Interval Training Workout

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Herbalife, a premier health and wellness company community and platform, has made history by setting a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues). The global event united more than 4,900 Herbalife independent distributors and fitness enthusiasts in a shared mission to celebrate the power of community, health, and wellness.

Herbalife independent distributors gathered in Las Vegas for the live broadcast of the Worldwide Workout on September 21, 2024. (Photo: Business Wire)

Herbalife independent distributors gathered in Las Vegas for the live broadcast of the Worldwide Workout on September 21, 2024. (Photo: Business Wire)

Broadcast live from Las Vegas, NV on September 21, 2024, the global workout attracted more than 11,000 participants from countries including France, Romania, and China, who joined virtually via Herbalife’s YouTube livestream. In addition, Herbalife independent distributors hosted in-person events around the world, including gatherings at Galaxy Park in the United States, the Mexico Olympic Committee facility in Mexico, and at the Mumbai Convention Center in India.

“Coming together from every corner of the globe, we have shown the profound impact of exercise and community on leading a healthy active lifestyle,” said Dr. Luigi Gratton, vice president of the office of Health and Wellness at Herbalife. “The success of the Herbalife Worldwide Workout is a testament to our independent distributors and their commitment to build communities where everyone is inspired live their best life. Through this global event, we have proven that by fostering a supportive environment and embracing well-being, we can achieve remarkable things – including setting a new world record.”

Official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS adjudicator, Brittany Dunn, confirmed that Herbalife had successfully created a new world record for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues) with 4,916 participants and a 91.34% success rate. The previous record for this title was 3,840 participants.

The event also served as a global fundraiser. Herbalife committed to donate up to $40,000 for the Herbalife Family Foundation’s Casa Herbalife Program, which aims to improve the lives of children in need by partnering with existing charities to provide healthy meals and nutrition education to children around the world.

The Worldwide Workout was driven by Herbalife’s global network of independent distributors, who support their communities through product education, personalized coaching, and wellness programs. These communities are rooted in Herbalife’s Global Nutrition Philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrition, hydration, and a healthy mindset. Aligned with this philosophy, many participants prepared and recovered from the workout with science-backed products from the Herbalife24® line including CR7 Drive, a sports drink developed with Herbalife Sponsored Athlete Cristiano Ronaldo, and recovered with Rebuild Strength, a protein-packed formula designed to aid muscle recovery.

In 2015, Herbalife set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for most participants in a high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout in 24-hours. The company and its members also created a new world record for number of people in a high intensity interval training workout in one location, with nearly 4,000 people filling the LA Live Plaza in Downtown Los Angeles.

For highlights from Herbalife’s 2024 Worldwide Workout, go to @Herbalife on Instagram.

About Herbalife Ltd.

Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) is a premier health and wellness company, community, and platform that has been changing people's lives with great nutrition products and a business opportunity for its independent distributors since 1980. The Company offers science-backed products to consumers in more than 90 markets through entrepreneurial distributors who provide one-on-one coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle to live their best life.

For more information, visit

About the Herbalife Family Foundation

Herbalife Family Foundation ("HFF") is devoted to improving lives and communities around the world. With a focus on making nutrition more accessible, eradicating hunger, and promoting economic opportunities, HFF works with leading local and global organizations, ensuring that we are nourishing people and the planet, because both together, lead to a healthier world. For more information about HFF and how you can support the Foundation's important work, visit

Herbalife Media Contact:

Miguel Lopez-Najera


Source: Herbalife Ltd.


What GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title did Herbalife (HLF) set in 2024?

Herbalife set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the largest high-intensity interval training class (multiple venues) with 4,916 participants on September 21, 2024.

How many participants joined Herbalife's (HLF) Worldwide Workout in 2024?

More than 4,900 Herbalife independent distributors and fitness enthusiasts participated in person, while over 11,000 joined virtually via YouTube livestream.

Where was Herbalife's (HLF) 2024 Worldwide Workout broadcast from?

The Herbalife Worldwide Workout was broadcast live from Las Vegas, NV on September 21, 2024.

What charitable commitment did Herbalife (HLF) make for the 2024 Worldwide Workout?

Herbalife committed to donate up to $40,000 for the Herbalife Family Foundation's Casa Herbalife Program, which provides healthy meals and nutrition education to children in need worldwide.

What Herbalife (HLF) products were used by participants during the 2024 Worldwide Workout?

Participants used Herbalife24® products, including CR7 Drive sports drink and Rebuild Strength protein formula, to prepare for and recover from the workout.

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