HII Awards National Merit Scholarships to Children of Shipbuilders
HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division awarded National Merit Scholarships to four children of Ingalls shipbuilders. The scholarships, valued between $2,000 to $2,500 each, are renewable for up to four years of college undergraduate study. Since 2013, Ingalls has provided 44 awards totaling over $350,000 to shipbuilders' children.
The 2024 scholarship recipients include Tracy Le (Microbiological Sciences and Immunology), Madison Eubanks (Biochemistry), Harrison Hinkel (Dentistry), and Tori Williams (Pharmacy). To be considered, finalists had to take the SAT/PSAT, complete an essay, and provide information about extracurricular activities. The selection criteria included being a child of an Ingalls employee and residing in a community served by Ingalls.
La divisione Ingalls Shipbuilding di HII ha assegnato borse di studio Nazionali di Merito a quattro figli dei costruttori navali di Ingalls. Le borse di studio, del valore compreso tra $2.000 e $2.500 ciascuna, sono rinnovabili per un massimo di quattro anni di studi universitari. Dal 2013, Ingalls ha fornito 44 premi per un totale di oltre $350.000 ai figli dei costruttori navali.
I vincitori delle borse di studio del 2024 includono Tracy Le (Scienze Microbiologiche e Immunologia), Madison Eubanks (Biochimica), Harrison Hinkel (Odontoiatria) e Tori Williams (Farmacia). Per essere presi in considerazione, i finalisti dovevano sostenere il SAT/PSAT, completare un saggio e fornire informazioni sulle attività extracurriculari. I criteri di selezione includevano essere figli di un dipendente Ingalls e risiedere in una comunità servita da Ingalls.
La división Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII otorgó Becas Nacionales de Mérito a cuatro hijos de constructores navales de Ingalls. Las becas, valoradas entre $2,000 y $2,500 cada una, son renovables por un máximo de cuatro años de estudios de licenciatura. Desde 2013, Ingalls ha proporcionado 44 premios que suman más de $350,000 a los hijos de los constructores navales.
Los beneficiarios de las becas de 2024 incluyen a Tracy Le (Ciencias Microbiológicas e Inmunología), Madison Eubanks (Bioquímica), Harrison Hinkel (Odontología) y Tori Williams (Farmacia). Para ser considerados, los finalistas debían presentar el SAT/PSAT, completar un ensayo y proporcionar información sobre actividades extracurriculares. Los criterios de selección incluían ser hijo de un empleado de Ingalls y residir en una comunidad servida por Ingalls.
HII의 Ingalls 조선소 부서는 Ingalls 조선소 직원의 자녀 4명에게 국가 장학금을 수여했습니다. 장학금은 각각 2,000달러에서 2,500달러 사이의 가치가 있으며 최대 4년 동안 재생 가능하니다. 2013년 이후 Ingalls는 조선소 직원의 자녀에게 44건, 총 350,000달러 이상의 장학금을 제공했습니다.
2024년 장학금 수혜자는 Tracy Le (미생물학 및 면역학), Madison Eubanks (생화학), Harrison Hinkel (치의학), Tori Williams (약학)입니다. 최종 후보가 되기 위해서는 SAT/PSAT를 치르고, 에세이를 작성하며, 과외 활동에 대한 정보를 제공해야 했습니다. 선정 기준에는 Ingalls 직원의 자녀여야 하며, Ingalls가 서비스하는 지역에 거주해야 합니다.
La division Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII a décerné des bourses nationales de mérite à quatre enfants de constructeurs navals d’Ingalls. Les bourses, d'une valeur comprise entre 2 000 et 2 500 dollars chacune, sont renouvelables jusqu'à quatre ans d'études universitaires. Depuis 2013, Ingalls a accordé 44 bourses d'une valeur totale de plus de 350 000 dollars aux enfants des constructeurs navals.
Les récipiendaires des bourses 2024 sont Tracy Le (Sciences microbiologiques et immunologie), Madison Eubanks (Biochimie), Harrison Hinkel (Dentisterie) et Tori Williams (Pharmacie). Pour être pris en considération, les finalistes devaient passer le SAT/PSAT, rédiger un essai et fournir des informations sur les activités extrascolaires. Les critères de sélection incluaient le fait d'être un enfant d'un employé d'Ingalls et de résider dans une communauté servie par Ingalls.
Die Ingalls Shipbuilding-Abteilung von HII hat Nationale Stipendien an vier Kinder von Ingalls-Schiffbauern vergeben. Die Stipendien, die einen Wert von 2.000 bis 2.500 US-Dollar pro Stück haben, sind für bis zu vier Jahre Hochschulstudium erneuerbar. Seit 2013 hat Ingalls 44 Auszeichnungen im Gesamtwert von über 350.000 US-Dollar an die Kinder der Schiffbauer vergeben.
Die Stipendienempfänger 2024 sind Tracy Le (Mikrobiologische Wissenschaften und Immunologie), Madison Eubanks (Biochemie), Harrison Hinkel (Zahnmedizin) und Tori Williams (Pharmazie). Um berücksichtigt zu werden, mussten die Finalisten den SAT/PSAT ablegen, einen Aufsatz verfassen und Informationen über ihre außerschulischen Aktivitäten bereitstellen. Die Auswahlkriterien umfassten, das Kind eines Ingalls-Mitarbeiters zu sein und in einer von Ingalls bedienten Gemeinde zu wohnen.
- HII demonstrates commitment to employee welfare by providing scholarships to children of shipbuilders
- Scholarships are renewable for up to four years, providing long-term financial support for students
- Since 2013, Ingalls has awarded over $350,000 in scholarships, showing consistent investment in education
- None.
PASCAGOULA, Miss., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division presented National Merit Scholarships to the children of four Ingalls shipbuilders on Friday, Aug. 2, during a luncheon at the shipyard. These scholarships, valued from
“The recipients of this year’s scholarships have shown exceptional academic promise, and we are honored to make this investment in their futures,” Ingalls Shipbuilding Vice President of Human Resources Susan Jacobs said. “Thank you to each of the recipients’ parents for nurturing your student over the years. You have exemplified hard work, dedication and commitment over the years and your efforts inspire us all.”
To be considered for a National Merit Scholarship, finalists were required to take the SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) in fall of 2022, complete an essay and provide information about extracurricular activities, awards, and leadership positions. Ingalls Merit Scholarship winners were then selected from the list of students who advanced to the finalist level and met the specific criteria set by Ingalls. The criteria included that the finalist be a child of an Ingalls employee, and reside in one of the communities Ingalls serves.
Photos accompanying this release are available at: https://hii.com/news/ingalls-shipbuilding-awards-national-merit-scholarships-to-children-of-shipbuilders/.
Ingalls Shipbuilding congratulates the 2024 National Merit Scholarship winner:
- Tracy Le, daughter of Ingalls Pipe Welder Ryan Thang Le, plans to major in Microbiological Sciences and Immunology.
Ingalls Shipbuilding also congratulates the following 2024 National Merit Scholarship finalists:
- Madison Eubanks, daughter of Ingalls Production Planner and Scheduler Marvin Eubanks, plans to major in biochemistry in pursuit of becoming a physician.
- Harrison Hinkel, the son of Ingalls Business Manager Michael (Brian) Hinkel, plans to pursue a career as a dentist.
- Tori Williams, the daughter of Ingalls Production Planner and Scheduler Alton Williams, plans to pursue a career as a pharmacist.
Since 2013, Ingalls Shipbuilding has provided 44 awards to the children of shipbuilders for full-time undergraduate studies, totaling over
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
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Kimberly K. Aguillard
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What is the value of the National Merit Scholarships awarded by HII (NYSE: HII)?
How many National Merit Scholarships has HII (NYSE: HII) awarded since 2013?
What are the fields of study chosen by the 2024 HII (NYSE: HII) National Merit Scholarship recipients?