Hot Chili Confirms Major Cu-Au Porphyry Discovery at La Verde
Hot Chili (HHLKF) has confirmed a major copper-gold porphyry discovery at La Verde in coastal Chile through additional drilling results. The discovery shows broad mineralizations extending over 300m vertically, starting at shallow depths. Key intersections include 320m grading 0.3% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au and 200m grading 0.4% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au.
The discovery footprint currently extends 550m by 400m and remains open in all directions. Eight of twelve drill holes ended in mineralization, suggesting deeper potential. The company has completed 19 RC drill holes totaling 5,700m, with results from 12 holes reported so far. Hot Chili has A$19 million in cash as of December 31, 2024, and Pre-Feasibility Studies for Costa Fuego and Huasco Water are nearing completion.
Hot Chili (HHLKF) ha confermato una significativa scoperta di porfido di rame e oro a La Verde, nella costa del Cile, grazie ai risultati di perforazioni aggiuntive. La scoperta mostra ampie mineralizzazioni che si estendono per oltre 300m in verticale, a partire da profondità superficiali. Le intersezioni chiave includono 320m con un grado di 0,3% Cu e 0,1 g/t Au e 200m con un grado di 0,4% Cu e 0,1 g/t Au.
Attualmente, l'area della scoperta si estende per 550m per 400m e rimane aperta in tutte le direzioni. Otto dei dodici fori di perforazione hanno terminato in mineralizzazione, suggerendo un potenziale più profondo. L'azienda ha completato 19 fori di perforazione RC per un totale di 5.700m, con risultati di 12 fori riportati finora. Hot Chili dispone di 19 milioni di dollari australiani in contanti al 31 dicembre 2024, e gli studi di pre-fattibilità per Costa Fuego e Huasco Water sono prossimi alla conclusione.
Hot Chili (HHLKF) ha confirmado un importante descubrimiento de pórfido de cobre y oro en La Verde, en la costa de Chile, a través de resultados de perforación adicionales. El descubrimiento muestra amplias mineralizaciones que se extienden por más de 300m verticalmente, comenzando a profundidades superficiales. Las intersecciones clave incluyen 320m con un grado de 0,3% Cu y 0,1 g/t Au y 200m con un grado de 0,4% Cu y 0,1 g/t Au.
El área del descubrimiento actualmente se extiende 550m por 400m y permanece abierta en todas las direcciones. Ocho de los doce agujeros de perforación terminaron en mineralización, sugiriendo un potencial más profundo. La compañía ha completado 19 agujeros de perforación RC que suman 5,700m, con resultados de 12 agujeros reportados hasta ahora. Hot Chili tiene 19 millones de dólares australianos en efectivo al 31 de diciembre de 2024, y los estudios de pre-factibilidad para Costa Fuego y Huasco Water están cerca de completarse.
핫 칠리 (HHLKF)는 추가 굴착 결과를 통해 칠레 해안의 라 베르데에서 중요한 구리-금 포르프리 발견을 확인했습니다. 이 발견은 300m 이상 깊이로 광물이 널리 퍼져 있으며, 얕은 깊이에서 시작됩니다. 주요 교차점은 0.3% Cu 및 0.1 g/t Au의 등급을 가진 320m 및 0.4% Cu 및 0.1 g/t Au의 등급을 가진 200m을 포함합니다.
현재 발견 지역은 550m x 400m로, 모든 방향으로 열려 있습니다. 12개의 굴착 구멍 중 8개가 광물화에서 끝났으며, 이는 더 깊은 잠재력을 시사합니다. 이 회사는 총 5,700m의 RC 굴착 구멍 19개를 완공했으며, 현재까지 12개의 구멍에서 결과가 보고되었습니다. 핫 칠리는 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 1,900만 호주의 현금을 보유하고 있으며, 코스타 후에고 및 후아스코 워터에 대한 예비 타당성 연구가 거의 완료되고 있습니다.
Hot Chili (HHLKF) a confirmé une importante découverte de porphyre de cuivre-or à La Verde, sur la côte chilienne, grâce à des résultats de forage supplémentaires. La découverte présente de larges minéralisations s'étendant sur plus de 300m en profondeur, à partir de faibles profondeurs. Les intersections clés comprennent 320m avec une teneur de 0,3% Cu et 0,1 g/t Au et 200m avec une teneur de 0,4% Cu et 0,1 g/t Au.
La zone de découverte s'étend actuellement sur 550m par 400m et reste ouverte dans toutes les directions. Huit des douze trous de forage se sont terminés dans des minéralisations, ce qui suggère un potentiel plus profond. L'entreprise a complété 19 trous de forage RC totalisant 5 700m, avec des résultats de 12 trous rapportés jusqu'à présent. Hot Chili dispose de 19 millions de dollars australiens en liquidités au 31 décembre 2024, et les études de faisabilité préliminaire pour Costa Fuego et Huasco Water approchent de leur achèvement.
Hot Chili (HHLKF) hat einen bedeutenden Kupfer-Gold-Porphyrfund in La Verde an der Küste von Chile durch zusätzliche Bohrergebnisse bestätigt. Der Fund zeigt breite Mineralisierungen, die sich über 300m vertikal erstrecken und in geringen Tiefen beginnen. Wichtige Treffer umfassen 320m mit 0,3% Cu und 0,1 g/t Au sowie 200m mit 0,4% Cu und 0,1 g/t Au.
Der Entdeckungsbereich erstreckt sich derzeit über 550m x 400m und bleibt in alle Richtungen offen. Acht von zwölf Bohrlöchern endeten in Mineralisierungen, was auf tiefer liegendes Potenzial hinweist. Das Unternehmen hat 19 RC-Bohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von 5.700m abgeschlossen, wobei bisher Ergebnisse aus 12 Bohrlöchern vorliegen. Hot Chili verfügt zum 31. Dezember 2024 über 19 Millionen AUD in bar, und die Machbarkeitsstudien für Costa Fuego und Huasco Water stehen kurz vor dem Abschluss.
- Major copper-gold discovery confirmed with consistent mineralization over 300m vertical depth
- Multiple significant drill intersections including 320m at 0.3% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au
- Discovery remains open in all directions with potential to double current footprint
- Strong cash position of A$19 million as of December 31, 2024
- None.
Rapidly Emerging Major Copper-Gold Porphyry Discovery
- New drill results from an additional ten Reverse Circulation (RC) drill holes confirm La Verde as a major copper-gold porphyry discovery in low elevation coastal
Chile , with broad, consistently mineralised intersections extending over 300 m vertically, commencing at shallow depths. - Multiple new significant drill intersections underpin rapidly growing oxide and sulphide discovery.
- 320 m grading
0.3% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 34 m to end-of-hole (DKP009)- including 134 m at
0.4% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 180 m depth - including 56 m at
0.5% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 258 m depth
- including 134 m at
- 200 m grading
0.4% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 48 m to end-of-hole (DKP005)- including 38 m at
0.5% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 68 m depth
- including 38 m at
- 172 m grading
0.4% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 48 m (DKP012)- including 20 m at
0.5% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 62 m depth
- including 20 m at
- and 78 m grading
0.5% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 228 m to end-of-hole- including 32 m at
0.6% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 232 m depth
- including 32 m at
- 135.5 m grading
0.3% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 64 m to end-of-hole (DKP006)- including 62 m at
0.4% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au from 124 m depth - which included 26 m at
0.5% Cu and 0.3g/t Au from 124 m depth
- including 62 m at
- 32 m grading
0.4% Cu from surface (DKP011) - 80 m grading
0.3% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 8 m depth (DKP004)- including 34 m at
0.4% Cu from 8 m depth
- including 34 m at
- 320 m grading
La Verde Discovery Keeps Growing – Large Scale Appeal
- New drill results reinforce La Verde's potential scale, adding to the strong results reported on 18 December 2024:
- 308 m grading
0.5% Cu, 0.3 g/t Au from 46 m to end-of-hole (DKP002)- including 202 m at
0.6% Cu, 0.3g/t Au from 70 m depth - which included 100 m at
0.7% Cu and 0.3g/t Au from 118 m depth
- including 202 m at
- 362 m grading
0.3% Cu, 0.1g/t Au from 28m to end-of-hole (DKP001)- including 174 m at
0.4% Cu and 0.1 g/t Au from 36 m depth - which included 22 m at
0.6% Cu, 0.2g/t Au from 144 m depth
- including 174 m at
- 308 m grading
- Open at depth – 8 of 12 drill RC holes to date ended in significant mineralisation at end-of-hole
- Open laterally – step-out drilling underway to potentially double footprint (currently 550 m x 400 m)
- More results coming – assays pending for seven additional holes; deeper diamond drilling planned
Projects Advancing Toward Development Decision
- Pre-Feasibility Studies (PFS) for Costa Fuego and Huasco Water nearing completion
A in cash as of 31 December 2024$19 million
Hot Chili's Managing Director Christian Easterday said: "La Verde is shaping up as Hot Chili's next major copper-gold discovery, with the potential to significantly lift the scale of our Costa Fuego project. With primary copper supply declining, copper and gold prices rallying, and a PFS on each of our planned businesses (copper-gold and water) nearing completion – momentum is building fast.
Following in the footsteps of our successes at Cortadera and Productora, we've secured full control of La Verde after years of strategic consolidation, finally allowing us unrestricted access to test this historically overlooked porphyry system.
Drill results have exceeded expectations, revealing a much larger porphyry system than first recognized, with broad, consistent copper-gold mineralisation extending from shallow depths and largely hidden below shallow gravel cover.
This discovery has all the signs of becoming our third bulk-tonnage, copper-gold deposit, and is open in all directions and growing fast. We're also preparing to deploy AI-powered exploration to fast-track our nearby exploration growth pipeline, leveraging 16 years of expertise in
With La Verde's scale potential and the Costa Fuego copper-gold hub expanding, we're at a major inflection point in Hot Chili's growth story."
Hot Chili has now completed 19 RC drill holes (5,700 m) at La Verde, with assay results from 12 holes reported so far confirming a major copper-gold porphyry discovery in
Drilling Confirms Scale & Growth Potential
- Wide, shallow mineralisation – current discovery footprint extends 550 m by 400 m and remains open in all directions.
- Deeper potential remains untapped – Mineralisation commences from shallow depths, extends to more than 300m below surface, and 8 of 12 drill holes reported to date end in mineralisation at the limit of RC drilling depth capability.
- Gravel cover masking potentially much larger porphyry system – step-out drilling underway.
- Potential below the historical oxide copper open pit untested – drill testing yet to commence.
- Major discovery in its infancy – every drill hole has intersected porphyry-style, copper-gold mineralisation (refer to Table 1 for details on significant intercepts).
What's Next?
- More results coming – assays pending for seven additional RC holes, with geological logging confirming the presence of porphyry host-rock featuring porphyry-style A- and B-type veining in each of the pending drill holes.
- Diamond drilling being planned – targeting potential for deeper, higher-grade zones intersected at depth and to test potential for +1km vertical depth extent, typical of other recent major porphyry discoveries, such as Hot Chili's neighbouring Cortadera discovery, BHP/Lundin Mining's Filo del Sol discovery, ATEX Resources Valeriano discovery, and AMSA/Barrick's Encierro discovery.
- Regular drilling news flow – the Company will continue to provide updates as new drill results are received and exploration at La Verde advances.
This announcement is authorised by the Board of Directors for release to ASX and TSXV.
For more information please contact:
Christian Easterday Managing Director – Hot Chili | Tel: +61 8 9315 9009 Email: |
Carol Marinkovich Company Secretary – Hot Chili | Tel: +61 8 9315 9009 Email: |
Graham Farrell Investor & Public Relations | Email: |
or visit Hot Chili's website at
Table 1. Significant Drilling Intersections from La Verde
Notes to Table 1: Significant intercepts for La Verde are calculated above a nominal cut-off grade of |
Qualifying Statements
Qualified Person – NI 43-101
The technical information in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Christian Easterday, MAIG, Hot Chili's Managing Director and a qualified person within the meaning of NI43-101.
Competent Person – JORC
The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results for the La Verde project is based upon information compiled by Mr Christian Easterday, the Managing Director and a full-time employee of Hot Chili Limited, who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). Mr Easterday has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' (JORC Code). Mr Easterday consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.
Mineral Resources and Competent Persons – JORC and ASX
The information in this announcement that relates to Mineral Resources for the Costa Fuego Project was previously reported in the Company's announcements released to ASX on 26 February 2024 'Hot Chili Indicated Resource at Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project Increases to 798 Mt", which is available to view on the Company's website at The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcements and, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the mineral resource estimates contained in the original market announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Report.
Forward Looking Statements
This announcement contains certain statements that are "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and Australian securities legislation (each, a "forward-looking statement"). Forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current expectations, forecasts, and projections with respect to future events, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and are based on certain assumptions. No assurance can be given that these expectations, forecasts, or projections will prove to be correct, and such forward-looking statements included in this announcement should not be unduly relied upon. Forward-looking information is by its nature prospective and requires the Company to make certain assumptions and is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use of any of the words "estimate", "expectations", "may", "plan", "potential", "project", "reinforce", "unlock", "large-scale", "could", "should", "will", "would", variants of these words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.
The forward-looking statements within this announcement are based on information currently available and what management believes are reasonable assumptions. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this announcement.
In this announcement, forward-looking statements relate, among other things, to: prospects, projections and success of the Company and its projects; the ability of the Company to expand mineral resources beyond current mineral resource estimates; the results and impacts of planned drilling to extend mineral resources and to identify new deposits, including at La Verde; the metallurgical recoveries of any oxide and/or sulphide mineral resources defined at La Verde; the economics of any mineral resources defined at La Verde; the Company's ability to convert exploration potential into mineral resources, such as at La Verde; the Company's ability to explore effectively and execute drilling operations in a timely manner, including at La Verde; the Company's ability to fulfill obligations and exercise the La Verde and Domeyko Option Agreements; the Company's ability to convert mineral resources currently defined and those that may be defined through additional drilling to mineral reserves; the timing and outcomes of current and future planned economic studies including the planned PFS for the Costa Fuego copper-gold project; the potential to develop a water business in the Huasco valley and the future economics thereof; the timing and results of the PFS level Water Supply Business Case Study; the timing and outcomes of regulatory processes required to obtain permits for the development and operation of the Costa Fuego Project, including the EIA, as well as for the Huasco Water business and any mineral resources that may be defined at La Verde; whether or not the Company will make a development decision for the Costa Fuego Project and/or Huasco Water and the timing thereof; and estimates of planned exploration costs and the results thereof.
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from a conclusion, forecast or projection contained in the forward-looking statements in this announcement, including, but not limited to, the following material factors: operational risks; risks related to the cost estimates of exploration; sovereign risks associated with the Company's operations in
Although the forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon assumptions which the Company believes to be reasonable, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this announcement, the Company has made assumptions regarding: future commodity prices and demand; availability of skilled labour; timing and amount of capital expenditures; future currency exchange and interest rates; the impact of increasing competition; general conditions in economic and financial markets; availability of drilling and related equipment; effects of regulation by governmental agencies; future tax rates; future operating costs; availability of future sources of funding; ability to obtain financing; and assumptions underlying estimates related to adjusted funds from operations. The Company has included the above summary of assumptions and risks related to forward-looking information provided in this announcement to provide investors with a more complete perspective on the Company's future operations, and such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive therefrom.
For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made herein, please refer to the public disclosure record of the Company, including the Company's most recent Annual Report, which is available on SEDAR+ ( under the Company's issuer profile. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all those factors or to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company's business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement.
The forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are expressly qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements and are made as of the date of this announcement. Except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this announcement or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, whether as a result of new information, future events or results, or otherwise. Investors should read this entire announcement and consult their own professional advisors to ascertain and assess the income tax and legal risks and other aspects of an investment in the Company.
Mineral Resource Statement
Costa Fuego Combined Mineral Resource (Effective Date 26 February 2024) |
1 Mineral Resources are reported on a |
2 The Productora deposit is |
3 The Cortadera deposit is controlled by a Chilean incorporated company Sociedad Minera La Frontera SpA (Frontera). Frontera is a subsidiary company – 4 The |
5 The Mineral Resource Estimates (MRE) in the tables above form coherent bodies of mineralisation that are considered amenable to a combination of open pit and underground extraction methods based on the following parameters: Base Case Metal Prices: Copper |
6 All MRE were assessed for Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE) using both Open Pit and Block Cave Extraction mining methods at Cortadera and Open Pit mining methods at the Productora, |
7 Metallurgical recovery averages for each deposit consider Indicated + Inferred material and are weighted to combine sulphide flotation and oxide leaching performance. Process recoveries: |
8 Copper Equivalent (CuEq) grades are calculated based on the formula: CuEq% = ((Cu% × Cu price 9 Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. The MRE include Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorised as Mineral Reserves. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to Measured or Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration. |
10 The effective date of the MRE is 26 February 2024. The MRE were previously reported in Hot Chili's ASX announcement released 26 February 2024 "Hot Chili Indicated Resource at Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project Increases to 798 Mt" (Resource Announcement). Hot Chili confirms it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the Resource Announcement and all material assumptions and technical parameters stated for the MRE in the Resource Announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed. |
11 Hot Chili Limited is not aware of political, environmental, or other risks that could materially affect the potential development of the Mineral Resources other than as disclosed in this Report. A detailed list of Costa Fuego Project risks is included in Chapter 25.12 of the Technical Report "Costa Fuego Copper Project – NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate Update" dated 8 April 2024 |
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SOURCE Hot Chili Limited