Hepsiburada Releases 2023 Sustainability Report
Hepsiburada, a leading Turkish e-commerce platform (NASDAQ: HEPS), has released its 2023 Sustainability Report. As the first e-commerce platform in Türkiye to sign the UN Global Compact, Hepsiburada demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and green transformation. Key highlights include:
- Introduction of 21 electric vehicles in logistics operations, aiming for 50 by year-end
- Implementation of 'Multi-Vehicle Route Optimization' technology, reducing fuel-related carbon emissions
- Recycling of nearly 964,000 kg of packaging waste and use of 100% recyclable materials
- Support for over 50,000 women entrepreneurs through various programs
- Launch of 'Trade and Technology Power for the Earthquake Region' program to support SMEs and artisans
Hepsiburada aims to generate TRY 10 billion in sales from the earthquake region by 2025, supporting 120,000 jobs and impacting 500,000 lives. The company also increased its female manager ratio to 36% in 2023.
Hepsiburada, una delle principali piattaforme di e-commerce turche (NASDAQ: HEPS), ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2023. Essendo la prima piattaforma di e-commerce in Turchia a firmare il Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite, Hepsiburada dimostra il suo impegno per la sostenibilità e la trasformazione verde. I punti salienti includono:
- Introduzione di 21 veicoli elettrici nelle operazioni logistiche, con l'obiettivo di raggiungere 50 entro la fine dell'anno
- Implementazione della tecnologia di 'Ottimizzazione dei Percorsi Multi-Vehicolo', riducendo le emissioni di carbonio legate al carburante
- Riciclo di quasi 964.000 kg di rifiuti di imballaggio e utilizzo di materiali 100% riciclabili
- Sostegno a oltre 50.000 imprenditrici attraverso vari programmi
- Lancio del programma 'Potere Commerciale e Tecnologico per la Regione Sismica' a sostegno delle PMI e degli artigiani
Hepsiburada mira a generare 10 miliardi di TRY di vendite dalla regione terremotata entro il 2025, sostenendo 120.000 posti di lavoro e impattando 500.000 vite. La società ha inoltre aumentato il proprio tasso di manager donne al 36% nel 2023.
Hepsiburada, una de las principales plataformas de comercio electrónico de Turquía (NASDAQ: HEPS), ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023. Al ser la primera plataforma de comercio electrónico en Turquía que firma el Pacto Global de la ONU, Hepsiburada demuestra su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la transformación ecológica. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- Introducción de 21 vehículos eléctricos en operaciones logísticas, con el objetivo de alcanzar 50 a finales de año
- Implementación de la tecnología de 'Optimización de Rutas Multi-Vehículo', reduciendo las emisiones de carbono relacionadas con el combustible
- Reciclaje de casi 964.000 kg de residuos de embalaje y uso de materiales 100% reciclables
- Apoyo a más de 50.000 mujeres emprendedoras a través de varios programas
- Lanzamiento del programa 'Poder Comercial y Tecnológico para la Región del Terremoto' para apoyar a las pymes y artesanos
Hepsiburada tiene como objetivo generar 10 mil millones de TRY en ventas de la región afectada por el terremoto para 2025, apoyando 120.000 empleos y afectando a 500.000 vidas. La compañía también aumentó su proporción de mujeres en puestos directivos al 36% en 2023.
Hepsiburada는 터키의 주요 전자상거래 플랫폼(나스닥: HEPS)으로서 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표했습니다. 유엔 글로벌 컴팩트에 서명한 터키 최초의 전자상거래 플랫폼으로서, Hepsiburada는 지속 가능성과 녹색 혁신에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 물류 운영에 21대의 전기차 도입, 연말까지 50대 목표
- 연료 관련 탄소 배출을 줄이기 위한 '다중 차량 경로 최적화' 기술 구현
- 포장 폐기물 약 964,000kg 재활용 및 100% 재활용 가능한 소재 사용
- 다양한 프로그램을 통해 50,000명 이상의 여성 기업가 지원
- 중소기업과 장인들을 지원하기 위한 '지진 지역을 위한 무역 및 기술 파워' 프로그램 런칭
Hepsiburada는 2025년까지 지진 피해 지역에서 10억 TRY의 매출을 목표로 하며, 120,000개의 일자리를 지원하고 500,000명의 삶에 영향을 미칠 계획입니다. 또한, 2023년에는 여성 관리자 비율을 36%로 늘렸습니다.
Hepsiburada, une plateforme de commerce électronique turque de premier plan (NASDAQ : HEPS), a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2023. En tant que première plateforme de commerce électronique en Turquie à signer le Pacte Mondial de l'ONU, Hepsiburada montre son engagement envers la durabilité et la transformation verte. Les points forts incluent :
- Introduction de 21 véhicules électriques dans les opérations logistiques, visant 50 d'ici la fin de l'année
- Mise en œuvre de la technologie d' 'Optimisation des Itinéraires Multi-Véhicules', réduisant les émissions de carbone liées aux carburants
- Recyclage de près de 964 000 kg de déchets d'emballage et utilisation de matériaux 100 % recyclables
- Soutien à plus de 50 000 femmes entrepreneures à travers divers programmes
- Lancement du programme 'Pouvoir Commercial et Technologique pour la Région Sismique' pour soutenir les PME et les artisans
Hepsiburada vise à générer 10 milliards de TRY de ventes de la région touchée par le séisme d'ici 2025, soutenant 120 000 emplois et impactant 500 000 vies. La société a également augmenté son ratio de femmes dirigeantes à 36 % en 2023.
Hepsiburada, eine führende türkische E-Commerce-Plattform (NASDAQ: HEPS), hat ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht. Als die erste E-Commerce-Plattform in der Türkei, die den UN Global Compact unterzeichnet hat, zeigt Hepsiburada sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und grüne Transformation. Zu den wichtigsten Highlights gehören:
- Einführung von 21 Elektrofahrzeugen in den Logistikbetrieb, mit dem Ziel, bis Ende des Jahres 50 zu erreichen
- Umsetzung der Technologie 'Multi-Fahrzeug-Routenoptimierung', die die CO2-Emissionen aus Kraftstoff reduziert
- Recycling von fast 964.000 kg Verpackungsabfällen und Verwendung von 100% recycelbaren Materialien
- Unterstützung von über 50.000 Unternehmerinnen durch verschiedene Programme
- Start des Programms 'Handels- und Technologie-Power für die Erdbebenregion', um KMUs und Handwerker zu unterstützen
Hepsiburada zielt darauf ab, bis 2025 einen Umsatz von 10 Milliarden TRY aus der Erdbebenregion zu erzielen, 120.000 Arbeitsplätze zu unterstützen und 500.000 Leben zu beeinflussen. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem den Anteil weiblicher Führungskräfte im Jahr 2023 auf 36% erhöht.
- None.
- None.
ISTANBUL, Sept. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- D-MARKET Electronic Services & Trading (d/b/a “Hepsiburada”) (NASDAQ: HEPS), a leading Turkish e-commerce platform (referred to herein as “Hepsiburada” or the “Company”), has published its 2023 Sustainability Report. Hepsiburada is the first e-commerce platform in Türkiye to sign the United Nations (“UN”) Global Compact.
Cem Tanır, Hepsiburada’s Head of Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainability, underscored the Company’s commitment to green transformation and sustainability as fundamental to its corporate ethos, stating:
“In 2023, Türkiye’s e-commerce sector grew by
Tanır emphasized: “We introduced 21 electric vehicles into our logistics operations in 2024, with the goal of expanding the fleet to 50 by the end of the year. These vehicles are expected to significantly reduce carbon emissions, aligning with Hepsiburada’s broader commitment to building an environmentally friendly logistics network. Beyond environmental initiatives, Hepsiburada drives societal value through sustainable programs. We support women entrepreneurs through our Technology Power for Women Entrepreneurs Program, bolster local producers via HepsiTürkiye’den, support NGOs through HepsiYürekten, and amplify artists’ reach via SanatBurada.”
Key Highlights from Hepsiburada’s 2023 Sustainability Report:
- Hepsiburada is a member of the UN Global Compact and is committed to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact related to human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption and supports the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Hepsiburada’s logistics arm, HepsiJET, pioneered “Multi-Vehicle Route Optimization” technology, reducing fuel-related carbon emissions while boosting operational efficiency. Inspired by the natural instincts of ants to carry food back to their nests, this innovative technology, for which a patent is registered with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, optimizes the fleet’s active vehicles and reduces total travel distances by eight percent.
- Hepsiburada implemented a pilot project for transitioning to electric vehicles in cargo deliveries.
- Hepsiburada’s innovative “Common Barcode System” streamlines sales operations and accelerates warehouse processing times. The system enables Hepsiburada to print proprietary barcodes, saving over one million labels monthly on average.
- Hepsiburada recycled nearly 964,000 kilograms of packaging waste. The Company utilizes
100% recyclable cellulose-based cardboard for packaging, alongside fully recyclable polyethylene and polypropylene as filler materials. The Company increased the use of recycled materials in the bags to30% . - In 2023, the Company recycled 21,000 kilograms of food waste and 62,000 kilograms of chemical waste.
- More than 15,000 old electronic devices were recycled in 2023 with the “Refurbish the Old” project.
- As of the end of 2023, Hepsiburada had supported more than 50,000 women entrepreneurs through its “Technology Empowerment for Women Entrepreneurs” program launched in 2017.
- Through the “Women Entrepreneurs Overcome Financial Barriers” project, Hepsiburada supported 357 applications from female entrepreneurs, enabling them to access a total of TRY 92 million in credit.
- With the “Trade and Technology Power for the Earthquake Region” program launched to contribute to the establishment of permanent welfare in the region after the earthquake disaster, Hepsiburada mobilizes its technology, logistics, and marketing capabilities for two years for 10,000 SMEs and artisans in the region, as well as 5,000 women entrepreneurs and women cooperatives.
- By 2025, Hepsiburada aims to generate TRY 10 billion in sales from the earthquake region, support 120,000 jobs, and impact 500,000 lives.
- After the earthquakes on February 6, 2023, Hepsiburada increased the trade volume of women’s cooperatives to TRY 174 million with 3,172 women entrepreneurs under the “Hepsiburada Promise”.
- The “A Smile is Enough” project facilitates children’s access to education, while “Promise for Tomorrow” offers education, internships, and mentoring to university students affected by the earthquake.
- Throughout 2023, Hepsiburada sustained partnerships with animal welfare organizations, providing crucial food, medical supplies, shelter, and logistics support to animals in need.
- We continued our efforts to ensure women play a more active role in leadership positions, and we increased the female manager ratio to
36% in 2023. - According to the “E-Commerce NPS (Net Promoter Score) Research” conducted by the independent research institution FutureBright, Hepsiburada was once again recognized as Türkiye’s “Most Recommended E-Commerce Brand” in 2023.
On the date of this press release, Hepsiburada’s 2023 Sustainability Report has been furnished with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 6-K. It has also been made available on our website:
About Hepsiburada
Hepsiburada is a leading e-commerce technology platform in Türkiye, connecting over 66 million members with over 264 million stock keeping units across over 30 product categories. Hepsiburada provides goods and services through its hybrid model combining first-party direct sales (1P model) and a third-party marketplace (3P model) with approximately 101 thousand merchants.
With its vision of leading the digitalization of commerce, Hepsiburada acts as a reliable, innovative and purpose-led companion in consumers’ daily lives. Hepsiburada’s e-commerce platform provides a broad ecosystem of capabilities for merchants and consumers including: last-mile delivery and fulfilment services, advertising services, on-demand grocery delivery services, and payment solutions offered through Hepsipay, Hepsiburada’s payment companion and BNPL solutions provider. HepsiGlobal offers a selection from international merchants through its inbound arm while outbound operations aim to enable merchants in Türkiye to make cross-border sales.
Since its founding in 2000, Hepsiburada has been purpose-led, leveraging its digital capabilities to develop the role of women in the Turkish economy. Hepsiburada started the ‘Technology Empowerment for Women Entrepreneurs’ programme in 2017, which has supported approximately 55 thousand female entrepreneurs throughout Türkiye to reach millions of customers with their products.
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This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and encompasses all statements, other than statements of historical fact contained in this press release. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “may,” “could,” “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “aims,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “targets,” “likely to” and similar statements. Among other things, quotations from management in this press release contain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations. However, it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors and circumstances that may cause Hepsiburada’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from its expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including conditions in the U.S. capital markets, negative global economic conditions, potential negative developments resulting from epidemics or natural disasters, other negative developments in Hepsiburada’s business or unfavorable legislative or regulatory developments. We caution you therefore against relying on these forward-looking statements, and we qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements. For a discussion of additional factors that may affect the outcome of such forward-looking statements, see our 2023 annual report filed with the SEC on Form 20-F on April 30, 2024 (Commission File Number: 001-40553), and in particular the “Risk Factors” section, as well as the other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC by Hepsiburada from time to time. Copies of these filings are available online from the SEC at www.sec.gov, or on the SEC Filings section of our Investor Relations website at https://investors.hepsiburada.com. These and other important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Hepsiburada’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information currently available to Hepsiburada, and Hepsiburada and its authorized representatives assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

What are the key sustainability initiatives of Hepsiburada (HEPS) in 2023?
How is Hepsiburada (HEPS) supporting the earthquake-affected regions in Türkiye?
What is Hepsiburada's (HEPS) commitment to gender diversity in leadership?