Hawaiian Electric Issues Statement Regarding Maui Fire Department Report on August 2023 Wildfires

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Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) has issued a statement in response to reports from the Maui Fire Department and ATF regarding the August 2023 Maui wildfires. The reports largely affirmed the original timeline of events, concluding that Hawaiian Electric equipment damaged by high winds caused a morning fire, which was initially contained but later reignited, leading to the devastating afternoon fire in Lahaina.

The company acknowledges its role in the morning fire and expresses deep regret. Hawaiian Electric emphasizes that the destruction resulted from multiple factors and actions of various parties. In response, the company has implemented significant measures to reduce wildfire risks, including a $110 million investment in 2024 for infrastructure strengthening, enhanced vegetation management, and wildfire prevention devices. Additionally, Hawaiian Electric launched a Public Safety Power Shutoff program and is installing AI-enabled fire detection cameras and weather stations.

Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) ha rilasciato una dichiarazione in risposta ai rapporti del Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco di Maui e dell'ATF riguardanti gli incendi boschivi di Maui dell'agosto 2023. I rapporti hanno ampiamente confermato la cronologia originale degli eventi, concludendo che l'attrezzatura di Hawaiian Electric danneggiata da forti venti ha causato un incendio mattutino, inizialmente contenuto ma poi riesploso, portando al devastante incendio pomeridiano a Lahaina.

La società riconosce il proprio ruolo nell'incendio mattutino e esprime profondo rammarico. Hawaiian Electric sottolinea che la distruzione è stata il risultato di molteplici fattori e azioni di varie parti. In risposta, l'azienda ha implementato misure significative per ridurre i rischi di incendi boschivi, inclusi investimenti di 110 milioni di dollari nel 2024 per il rafforzamento delle infrastrutture, una gestione vegetale migliorata e dispositivi di prevenzione degli incendi. Inoltre, Hawaiian Electric ha lanciato un programma di interruzione dell'alimentazione per sicurezza pubblica e sta installando telecamere di rilevamento incendi abilitate all'AI e stazioni meteorologiche.

Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) ha emitido un comunicado en respuesta a los informes del Departamento de Bomberos de Maui y la ATF sobre los incendios forestales de Maui de agosto de 2023. Los informes confirmaron en gran medida la cronología original de los eventos, concluyendo que el equipo de Hawaiian Electric dañado por fuertes vientos provocó un incendio matutino, que fue contenido inicialmente pero que luego se reavivó, lo que llevó al devastador incendio de la tarde en Lahaina.

La compañía reconoce su papel en el incendio matutino y expresa un profundo pesar. Hawaiian Electric enfatiza que la destrucción resultó de múltiples factores y acciones de varias partes. En respuesta, la empresa ha implementado medidas significativas para reducir los riesgos de incendios forestales, incluyendo una inversión de 110 millones de dólares en 2024 para el fortalecimiento de la infraestructura, la gestión de la vegetación mejorada y dispositivos de prevención de incendios. Además, Hawaiian Electric lanzó un programa de corte de energía por seguridad pública e instalará cámaras de detección de incendios habilitadas para IA y estaciones meteorológicas.

하와이 전기(Hawaiian Electric, NYSE: HE)는 2023년 8월 마우이 산불에 관한 마우이 소방서 및 ATF의 보고서에 대한 성명을 발표했습니다. 보고서는 원래 사건 연대기를 대체로 확인하였으며, 강풍에 의해 손상된 하와이 전기 장비가 아침 화재를 일으켰고, 이는 처음에는 진화되었으나 나중에 다시 불붙어 라하이나에서의 파괴적인 오후 화재로 이어졌다고 결론지었습니다.

회사는 아침 화재에 대한 자신의 역할을 인정합니다와 깊은 유감을 표명합니다. 하와이 전기는 파괴가 여러 요인과 다양한 당사자들의 행동의 결과라고 강조합니다. 이에 대한 대응으로, 회사는 산불 위험을 줄이기 위해 상당한 조치를 시행했습니다, 2024년 인프라 강화를 위한 1억 1천만 달러, 향상된 식물 관리 및 산불 예방 장치에 투자할 예정입니다. 추가로, 하와이 전기는 공공 안전 전원 차단 프로그램을 시작하고 AI 지원 화재 감지 카메라와 기상 관측소를 설치하고 있습니다.

Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) a publié un communiqué en réponse aux rapports du département des pompiers de Maui et de l'ATF concernant les incendies de forêt de Maui en août 2023. Les rapports ont largement confirmé le calendrier original des événements, concluant que l'équipement de Hawaiian Electric endommagé par des vents violents a causé un incendie matinal, qui a été initialement maîtrisé mais qui s'est ensuite réenflammé, entraînant l'incendie dévastateur de l'après-midi à Lahaina.

L'entreprise reconnaît son rôle dans l'incendie matinal et exprime un profond regret. Hawaiian Electric souligne que la destruction résulte de plusieurs facteurs et actions de différentes parties. En réponse, la société a mis en œuvre des mesures significatives pour réduire les risques d'incendies de forêt, y compris un investissement de 110 millions de dollars en 2024 pour le renforcement des infrastructures, la gestion améliorée de la végétation et des dispositifs de prévention des incendies. De plus, Hawaiian Electric a lancé un programme de coupure de courant pour la sécurité publique et installe des caméras de détection d'incendie activées par IA et des stations météorologiques.

Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) hat eine Erklärung als Reaktion auf Berichte des Feuerwehrdepartements Maui und des ATF zu den Waldbränden auf Maui im August 2023 veröffentlicht. Die Berichte bestätigten weitgehend den ursprünglichen Zeitablauf der Ereignisse und kamen zu dem Schluss, dass die von starken Winden beschädigte Ausrüstung von Hawaiian Electric ein Morgenfeuer verursachte, das zunächst eingedämmt, aber später wieder entfacht wurde, was zu dem verheerenden Nachmittagsbrand in Lahaina führte.

Das Unternehmen anerkennt seine Rolle im Morgenfeuer und drückt tiefes Bedauern aus. Hawaiian Electric betont, dass die Zerstörung aus mehreren Faktoren und Handlungen verschiedener Parteien resultierte. In Reaktion darauf hat das Unternehmen beträchtliche Maßnahmen implementiert, um die Risiken von Waldbränden zu reduzieren, darunter eine Investition von 110 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2024 zur Stärkung der Infrastruktur, verbesserte Vegetationspflege und Geräte zur Brandverhütung. Darüber hinaus hat Hawaiian Electric ein Programm zur Abschaltung der Stromversorgung aus öffentlicher Sicherheit ins Leben gerufen und installiert AI-gesteuerte Brandmelderkameras und Wetterstationen.

  • $110 million investment in 2024 for infrastructure strengthening and wildfire prevention
  • Implementation of Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program
  • Installation of 78 AI-enabled fire detection cameras and 52 weather stations
  • Global settlement agreement reached in August to support state's recovery
  • Hawaiian Electric equipment contributed to the initial fire in Lahaina
  • Potential financial and legal liabilities related to the wildfires
  • Increased operational costs for wildfire prevention measures


The Maui Fire Department and ATF reports largely affirm Hawaiian Electric's initial account of the August 2023 wildfires. The company acknowledges its equipment sparked the morning fire but emphasizes the complex factors contributing to the afternoon devastation. This partial admission of responsibility, while highlighting broader issues, could impact ongoing litigation and settlement negotiations.

The $110 million investment in wildfire prevention and the implementation of a Public Safety Power Shutoff program demonstrate proactive steps to mitigate future risks. These actions may help in defending against claims of negligence but don't eliminate potential liability for the August 2023 events.

The global settlement agreement in principle reached in August is a significant development. It suggests progress in resolving legal challenges, potentially reducing long-term financial uncertainty for the company. However, the full terms and impact of this settlement remain to be seen.

Hawaiian Electric's response to the wildfire reports has both positive and negative implications for investors. The $110 million investment in infrastructure improvements and wildfire prevention measures will impact short-term capital expenditures but may lead to long-term cost savings and risk reduction.

The global settlement agreement in principle is a important development. While details are not provided, it could potentially cap the company's financial liability related to the wildfires. This would provide more clarity on the financial impact and could be viewed positively by the market.

However, the admission that their equipment contributed to the initial fire may still expose the company to additional legal and regulatory scrutiny. The ongoing costs of litigation, potential fines and reputational damage could continue to pressure the company's financial performance and stock price in the near to medium term.

HONOLULU--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (NYSE: HE) subsidiary Hawaiian Electric today issued the following response to reports released by the Maui Fire Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) detailing the findings of their investigations into the cause and origin of the Aug. 8, 2023 Maui windstorm and wildfires:

The fires in Lahaina and Upcountry Maui were terrible tragedies for our state. The loss and pain experienced by our families, neighbors, customers and employees will never leave our hearts and we are working with many government, community and business partners to keep our communities safe.

We appreciate the commitment by the Maui Fire Department and ATF to conduct thorough investigations into the events of Aug. 8. We have been committed to transparency and accountability from the start and have said that it was important to understand what caused the fire and its catastrophic impact to ensure that it never happens again. To that end, our company and our employees have cooperated fully with all government investigators, diligently providing requested information while aggressively advancing our own fire safety measures in parallel.

On Aug. 27, 2023, shortly after the fires occurred, we publicly stated that it appeared our equipment sparked a fire on the morning of Aug. 8. The Maui Fire Department and ATF determined that the fire that impacted Lahaina was accidental in nature and largely affirmed the original understanding of the timeline of events as first described by Hawaiian Electric:

  • A fire reported at about 6:35 a.m. was caused by Hawaiian Electric equipment that was damaged by high winds.
  • The Maui County Fire Department responded to this small fire, reported it was “100% contained,” declared it had been “extinguished,” and then left the scene.
  • An afternoon fire began in the same area shortly after their departure and spread to Lahaina.

The report also concluded that the afternoon fire was a reignition of the morning fire.

We deeply regret that our operations contributed to the fire that ignited in the morning. Confronted by an extraordinary weather event and a chaotic situation, our employees brought their best efforts to their jobs, as they do every day.

We have looked closely at our protocols and actions that day and have made many changes in our operations and resilience strategies to ensure we fulfill our commitment to keep the public safe, especially in extreme weather events, which are becoming more frequent and severe.

Consistent with the previous reports published by the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) and the state Attorney General, the reports issued by the Maui Fire Department and the ATF also make clear that the devastation in Lahaina resulted from a combination of many factors and the actions of many parties. We appreciate the work of all parties who are working together to understand what happened and to make our communities safer in a changing environment.

As stated in the Lahaina Fire Phase Two report published on Sept. 13, 2024: “The destruction caused by the August 2023 fires … resulted from a complex interaction of contributing factors with root causes going back years. It is vital to reiterate, as demonstrated throughout this report, that no single factor, or set of factors, is directly responsible for the tragic outcome.”

Wildfires are a statewide and emerging national problem whose causes are rooted in climate change, history and land management. Reducing the risk will require an all-hands approach. Hawaiian Electric is doing its part by continuing to strengthen the resilience of the electric system. The company has already taken significant steps to reduce the potential for wildfires, even before these reports were released:

  • As part of our Wildfire Safety Strategy and broader resilience efforts, Hawaiian Electric is making more than $110 million in investments in 2024 to strengthen electric infrastructure against extreme weather conditions, implement enhanced vegetation management that falls under the utility’s purview and deploy devices to help prevent wildfires.
  • On July 1, 2024, the company launched its Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program, which may be used as a last line of defense to help prevent utility-related wildfires. In standing up the PSPS program, Hawaiian Electric has seen that coordination with critical service providers and emergency responders and providing advance notice to the public are essential elements to ensure public safety.
  • Hawaiian Electric is installing 78 AI-enabled fire detection cameras and 52 weather stations and sharing data and access with fire departments and other agencies.

As a 132-year-old company and family of employees deeply rooted in Hawaiʻi, we are committed to being here for Lahaina, Maui and the entire state for the long term. The global settlement agreement in principle we reached in August is an important milestone in our collaborative work to support our state’s recovery.

As we move forward, we will continue to work together to strengthen our state’s infrastructure and identify solutions to keep our communities safe as extreme weather events intensify in Hawaiʻi and across the country.

Media Contact

Jim Kelly


Source: Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.


What caused the August 2023 Lahaina wildfire according to the Maui Fire Department report?

The report concluded that Hawaiian Electric equipment damaged by high winds caused an initial morning fire, which was contained but later reignited, leading to the devastating afternoon fire in Lahaina.

How much is Hawaiian Electric (HE) investing in wildfire prevention measures in 2024?

Hawaiian Electric is investing more than $110 million in 2024 to strengthen electric infrastructure, implement enhanced vegetation management, and deploy devices to help prevent wildfires.

What new safety measures has Hawaiian Electric (HE) implemented since the Maui wildfires?

Hawaiian Electric has launched a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program, is installing 78 AI-enabled fire detection cameras and 52 weather stations, and is sharing data with fire departments and other agencies.

Has Hawaiian Electric (HE) reached any settlement regarding the Maui wildfires?

Yes, Hawaiian Electric reached a global settlement agreement in principle in August, which the company describes as an important milestone in supporting the state's recovery.

Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.


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