HCA Healthcare Recognized as One of the 2025 World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for the 15th Time
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA) has been named one of the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for the 15th time, standing as one of only three honorees in the Healthcare Providers category. The recognition follows a comprehensive assessment requiring over 240 proof points on ethics, compliance, governance, and social impact.
In 2024, HCA Healthcare demonstrated significant community impact through:
- $48 million in donations through HCA Healthcare and its Foundation
- $6.4 million in grants across 15 divisions via the Healthier Tomorrow Fund
- 240,000 volunteer hours from colleagues
- $4.4 billion in charity care and uncompensated care
- $1.5 million for hurricane relief efforts
The company's HCA Healthcare Hope Fund distributed $3.3 million in grants to over 3,500 colleagues in 2024, reaching a total of $115 million in lifetime distributions. Additionally, HCA Healthcare maintains strong support for employee well-being through programs like Nurse Care and the GME Physician Wellness Research Lab.
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA) è stata nominata una delle Compagnie più Etiche del Mondo 2025 da Ethisphere per la quindicesima volta, risultando tra i soli tre premiati nella categoria Fornitori di Servizi Sanitari. Questo riconoscimento segue una valutazione completa che ha richiesto oltre 240 punti di prova su etica, conformità, governance e impatto sociale.
Nel 2024, HCA Healthcare ha dimostrato un impatto significativo sulla comunità attraverso:
- 48 milioni di dollari in donazioni tramite HCA Healthcare e la sua Fondazione
- 6,4 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni in 15 divisioni tramite il Fondo Salute per un Domani Migliore
- 240.000 ore di volontariato da parte dei colleghi
- 4,4 miliardi di dollari in assistenza caritatevole e assistenza non compensata
- 1,5 milioni di dollari per gli sforzi di soccorso dopo l'uragano
Il fondo HCA Healthcare Hope ha distribuito 3,3 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni a oltre 3.500 colleghi nel 2024, raggiungendo un totale di 115 milioni di dollari in distribuzioni nel corso della vita. Inoltre, HCA Healthcare mantiene un forte supporto per il benessere dei dipendenti attraverso programmi come Nurse Care e il GME Physician Wellness Research Lab.
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA) ha sido nombrada una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo 2025 por Ethisphere por decimoquinta vez, siendo uno de los tres galardonados en la categoría de Proveedores de Atención Médica. Este reconocimiento sigue a una evaluación integral que requirió más de 240 puntos de prueba sobre ética, cumplimiento, gobernanza e impacto social.
En 2024, HCA Healthcare demostró un impacto significativo en la comunidad a través de:
- 48 millones de dólares en donaciones a través de HCA Healthcare y su Fundación
- 6,4 millones de dólares en subvenciones en 15 divisiones a través del Fondo de Salud para un Mañana Mejor
- 240,000 horas de voluntariado de los colegas
- 4,4 mil millones de dólares en atención benéfica y atención no compensada
- 1,5 millones de dólares para esfuerzos de alivio tras el huracán
El fondo HCA Healthcare Hope distribuyó 3,3 millones de dólares en subvenciones a más de 3,500 colegas en 2024, alcanzando un total de 115 millones de dólares en distribuciones a lo largo de la vida. Además, HCA Healthcare mantiene un fuerte apoyo al bienestar de los empleados a través de programas como Nurse Care y el GME Physician Wellness Research Lab.
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA)는 Ethisphere에 의해 2025년 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업 중 하나로 15번째 선정되었으며, 의료 서비스 제공업체 부문에서 유일하게 세 곳의 수상자 중 하나로 자리잡았습니다. 이 인정은 윤리, 준수, 거버넌스 및 사회적 영향에 대한 240개 이상의 증거 포인트를 요구하는 포괄적인 평가에 따른 것입니다.
2024년 HCA Healthcare는 다음과 같은 방법으로 지역 사회에 중요한 영향을 미쳤습니다:
- HCA Healthcare와 그 재단을 통해 4,800만 달러의 기부
- Healthier Tomorrow Fund를 통해 15개 부문에서 640만 달러의 보조금
- 동료들로부터 240,000시간의 자원봉사
- 44억 달러의 자선 진료 및 보상되지 않은 진료
- 허리케인 구호 활동을 위한 150만 달러
회사의 HCA Healthcare Hope Fund는 2024년에 3,500명 이상의 동료에게 330만 달러의 보조금을 배분하여 평생 배분 총액 1억 1,500만 달러에 도달했습니다. 또한, HCA Healthcare는 Nurse Care 및 GME Physician Wellness Research Lab과 같은 프로그램을 통해 직원의 복지에 대한 강력한 지원을 유지하고 있습니다.
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA) a été désignée comme l'une des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques au Monde en 2025 par Ethisphere pour la quinzième fois, se classant parmi les trois seuls lauréats dans la catégorie des Fournisseurs de Soins de Santé. Cette reconnaissance fait suite à une évaluation complète nécessitant plus de 240 points de preuve sur l'éthique, la conformité, la gouvernance et l'impact social.
En 2024, HCA Healthcare a démontré un impact communautaire significatif grâce à :
- 48 millions de dollars en dons par HCA Healthcare et sa Fondation
- 6,4 millions de dollars en subventions dans 15 divisions via le Fonds pour un Avenir Plus Sain
- 240 000 heures de bénévolat de la part des collègues
- 4,4 milliards de dollars en soins caritatifs et en soins non rémunérés
- 1,5 million de dollars pour les efforts de secours après l'ouragan
Le fonds HCA Healthcare Hope a distribué 3,3 millions de dollars en subventions à plus de 3 500 collègues en 2024, atteignant un total de 115 millions de dollars en distributions au cours de leur vie. De plus, HCA Healthcare maintient un fort soutien au bien-être des employés grâce à des programmes tels que Nurse Care et le GME Physician Wellness Research Lab.
HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA) wurde zum 15. Mal von Ethisphere als eines der 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies ausgezeichnet und gehört zu den nur drei Preisträgern in der Kategorie Gesundheitsdienstleister. Diese Anerkennung folgt auf eine umfassende Bewertung, die über 240 Nachweise zu Ethik, Compliance, Governance und sozialer Verantwortung erforderte.
Im Jahr 2024 zeigte HCA Healthcare einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Gemeinschaft durch:
- 48 Millionen Dollar an Spenden durch HCA Healthcare und seine Stiftung
- 6,4 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen in 15 Abteilungen über den Healthier Tomorrow Fund
- 240.000 Freiwilligenstunden von Kollegen
- 4,4 Milliarden Dollar an karitativer und nicht vergüteter Pflege
- 1,5 Millionen Dollar für Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan
Der HCA Healthcare Hope Fund verteilte 2024 3,3 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen an über 3.500 Kollegen und erreichte damit eine Gesamtsumme von 115 Millionen Dollar an Lebensverteilungen. Darüber hinaus unterstützt HCA Healthcare das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter durch Programme wie Nurse Care und das GME Physician Wellness Research Lab.
- None.
- None.
“It is an honor to be named as a World’s Most Ethical Company again this year,” said Sam Hazen, CEO of HCA Healthcare. “This achievement is truly a reflection of the collective commitment of our colleagues to the culture and values of HCA Healthcare.”
The selection process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world. The assessment is grounded in Ethisphere’s proprietary Ethics Quotient, which requires companies to provide more than 240 proof points on practices that support robust ethics and compliance, governance, a culture of ethics, environmental and social impact, and initiatives that support a strong value chain. The data collected then undergoes further qualitative analysis by Ethisphere to determine the World’s Most Ethical list.
“This recognition reinforces our dedication to maintaining high standards for ourselves as we strive for excellence for our patients and colleagues,” said Wendy Warren, senior vice president and chief ethics and compliance officer for HCA Healthcare. “Maintaining the trust of those we serve is fundamental to who we are at HCA Healthcare and we are proud to be named as a World’s Most Ethical Company for the 15th year.”
HCA Healthcare has a long-standing commitment to making a positive impact on the communities it serves. In 2024, HCA Healthcare and the HCA Healthcare Foundation gave more than
In response to the devastation caused by hurricanes Helene and Milton in 2024, HCA Healthcare deployed more than 700 colleagues to areas impacted and gave more than
HCA Healthcare is also a longstanding national partner of the American Red Cross, through its Annual Disaster Partner Giving Program (ADGP) that helps the organization have the infrastructure, resources and technology in place to provide care and comfort to those in need. Over the last eight years, HCA Healthcare has provided nearly
HCA Healthcare continues to support the overall well-being of its colleagues through a variety of benefits and resources, including Nurse Care, a 24/7 free and confidential mental health program for the needs of HCA Healthcare hospital-based nurses, and the Company’s Graduate Medical Education (GME) Physician Wellness Research Lab, developed in partnership with Claremont Graduate University. Colleagues in the Physician Wellness Research Lab collaborate with a team of organizational psychologists and researchers to understand and champion scientifically based approaches to well-being to help residents balance the demands of the job with the resources they need to be successful.
“Congratulations to HCA Healthcare for achieving recognition as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies,” said Erica Salmon Byrne, Ethisphere’s chief strategy officer and executive chair. “Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business – employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process.”
In 2025, 136 honorees were recognized spanning 19 countries and 44 industries. The full list of the 2025 World’s Most Ethical Companies can be found at https://worldsmostethicalcompanies.com/honorees.
About HCA Healthcare
All references to “Company,” “HCA” and “HCA Healthcare” as used throughout this document refer to HCA Healthcare, Inc. and its affiliates.
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Frank Morgan
Harlow Sumerford
Source: HCA Healthcare