Teddy Mendoza: When Crisis Hits Home
HanesBrands responds to Hurricane Helene's devastation in western North Carolina through immediate relief efforts. The company has partnered with Delivering Good and the United Way to provide essential apparel, fleece products, and supplies to affected communities. Led by Global Sustainability Officer Teddy Mendoza, HanesBrands associates are actively collecting and distributing necessities including bottled water, food, and baby supplies. The company continues supporting victims of both Hurricanes Helene and Milton, working alongside organizations like United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others, and 4Good Community to deliver aid to communities where flooding and mudslides have destroyed homes and businesses.
HanesBrands risponde alla devastazione dell'uragano Helene nella Carolina del Nord occidentale attraverso sforzi di soccorso immediati. L'azienda ha collaborato con Delivering Good e United Way per fornire abbigliamento essenziale, prodotti in pile e forniture alle comunità colpite. Sotto la guida del Responsabile della Sostenibilità Globale Teddy Mendoza, i collaboratori di HanesBrands stanno attivamente raccogliendo e distribuendo beni di prima necessità, tra cui acqua in bottiglia, cibo e forniture per bambini. L'azienda continua a sostenere le vittime sia dell'uragano Helene che di Milton, lavorando insieme ad organizzazioni come United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others e 4Good Community per fornire aiuti alle comunità in cui inondazioni e frane hanno distrutto case e attività commerciali.
HanesBrands responde a la devastación del huracán Helene en el oeste de Carolina del Norte a través de esfuerzos inmediatos de alivio. La compañía se ha asociado con Delivering Good y United Way para proporcionar ropa esencial, productos de forro polar y suministros a las comunidades afectadas. Bajo el liderazgo del Director de Sostenibilidad Global, Teddy Mendoza, los asociados de HanesBrands están recolectando y distribuyendo activamente necesidades como agua embotellada, alimentos y suministros para bebés. La empresa sigue apoyando a las víctimas de los huracanes Helene y Milton, trabajando junto a organizaciones como United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others y 4Good Community para entregar ayuda a las comunidades donde inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra han destruido hogares y negocios.
HanesBrands는 노스캐롤라이나 서부에서 허리케인 헬렌의 피해에 즉각적으로 대응하여 구호 활동을 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 Delivering Good 및 United Way와 협력하여 피해 지역에 필수 의류, 플리스 제품 및 용품을 제공합니다. 글로벌 지속 가능성 책임자인 테디 멘도자(Teddy Mendoza)의 주도 하에 HanesBrands의 직원들은 생수, 음식 및 아기 용품과 같은 필수품을 적극적으로 수집하고 배포하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 허리케인 헬렌과 밀턴의 피해자를 계속 지원하며, United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others 및 4Good Community와 같은 조직들과 협력하여 홍수와 산사태로 인해 주거지와 상업시설이 파괴된 지역에 구호를 제공합니다.
HanesBrands répond à la dévastation de l'ouragan Helene dans l'ouest de la Caroline du Nord par des efforts de secours immédiats. L'entreprise s'est associée à Delivering Good et à United Way pour fournir des vêtements essentiels, des produits en polaire et des fournitures aux communautés touchées. Sous la direction du Responsable de la durabilité mondiale, Teddy Mendoza, les employés de HanesBrands sont activement engagés dans la collecte et la distribution de produits de première nécessité comme de l'eau en bouteille, de la nourriture et des articles pour bébés. L'entreprise continue de soutenir les victimes des ouragans Helene et Milton, en travaillant aux côtés d'organisations telles que United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others et 4Good Community pour fournir une aide aux communautés où les inondations et les glissements de terrain ont détruit des maisons et des entreprises.
HanesBrands reagiert auf die Verwüstungen des Hurrikans Helene im Westen von North Carolina durch sofortige Hilfsmaßnahmen. Das Unternehmen hat sich mit Delivering Good und United Way zusammengeschlossen, um betroffenen Gemeinschaften essentielle Kleidung, Fleeceprodukte und Materialien zur Verfügung zu stellen. Unter der Leitung des Global Sustainability Officer Teddy Mendoza sammeln und verteilen die Mitarbeiter von HanesBrands aktiv notwendige Dinge wie Flaschenwasser, Lebensmittel und Babybedarf. Das Unternehmen unterstützt weiterhin die Opfer der Hurrikane Helene und Milton und arbeitet mit Organisationen wie der United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others und 4Good Community zusammen, um Hilfe in Gemeinden zu leisten, in denen Überschwemmungen und Erdrutsche Häuser und Geschäfte zerstört haben.
- Active disaster response demonstrates strong corporate social responsibility
- Effective partnerships with multiple aid organizations showing operational capability in crisis
- Potential operational disruption in North Carolina due to hurricane damage
- Resources allocation to disaster relief may impact short-term financial metrics
By Teddy Mendoza, Global Sustainability Officer
Originally published on HBISustains.com
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 11, 2024 / As I watch the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which devastated parts of our home state of North Carolina, I am reminded of what it feels like when crisis hits your own backyard. It's personal. It shakes the foundation of your communities impacting your neighbors, your co-workers, and your family. In these moments, the true resilience and character of a community emerge to rebuild and take care of one another in the process.
Growing up in Honduras, I witnessed the devastating impact of natural disasters on communities, but I also saw the strength that emerges when people unite to rebuild and restore hope. As a child, Category 5 hurricanes left cultural and economic devastation in my own community. Immediate assistance was critical to survival. It wasn't just about the resources-though they are desperately needed-it's about the compassion and connection that comes from helping one another.
At HanesBrands, we are creating a more comfortable world for every body, and in times of crisis and uncertainty, comfort can make a big difference.
North Carolina is more than just where our headquarters are located; it's our home. Our associates live and work here, so when Hurricane Helene hit, they quickly set in motion relief efforts to support heavily impacted areas in western North Carolina, where flooding and mudslides wiped out homes, businesses, and entire towns. We've partnered with Delivering Good and the United Way to mobilize support. We continue to ship trailers of essential apparel and goods to help fill an urgent gap because we know that something as simple as a clean, comfortable T-shirt can bring a glimmer of dignity to someone who's feeling hopeless. As the temperatures in western North Carolina turn colder, we're delivering our fleece products to people who still don't have power.
All of this is being driven by our associates around the world, and here at home in North Carolina, who are truly dedicated to helping people who need it. They continue to collect essentials like bottled water, food, and baby supplies to accompany our HanesBrands products that are being delivered to people who have lost everything.
At HanesBrands, it's more than just donating products; it's about showing up for the communities where we live and work. We continue to provide support to the victims of recent Hurricanes Helene and Milton, and believe that in times of crisis, companies have a responsibility to be a source of comfort. We are incredibly grateful for the partnerships we've developed with organizations like Delivering Good, which over the years, have allowed us to connect with non-profits like the United Cajun Navy, World Vision, Caring For Others, and 4Good Community. They have been on the front lines delivering supplies and offering hope to communities.
As I watch my associates rush to help others, I'm reminded of the resilience of communities and the incredible strength that comes when people come together, just like I witnessed in Honduras years ago.
It's in these moments that we see the power of a shared goal-not just in rebuilding homes and distributing goods, but in rebuilding hope.
HanesBrands associates represent the very core of our values at HanesBrands: do what's right, especially when it matters most.

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SOURCE: HanesBrands
View the original press release on accesswire.com
How is HanesBrands (HBI) responding to Hurricane Helene in North Carolina?
What relief materials is HanesBrands (HBI) providing to Hurricane Helene victims?