HanesBrands Announces Completion of 2026 Maturities Refinancing
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) has successfully completed the refinancing of its 2026 maturities through multiple new secured facilities: a $1.1 billion Term Loan B maturing in 2032, a $750 million revolving credit facility maturing in 2030, and a $400 million Term Loan A maturing in 2030.
The proceeds will be used to redeem the company's outstanding 4.875% Senior Notes due 2026, refinance existing senior secured credit facilities, and cover related expenses. CEO Steve Bratspies expressed confidence that this refinancing provides increased flexibility for debt reduction and positions the company for creating additional shareholder value through:
- Positive sales growth
- Double-digit EPS growth
- Strong cash generation
- Continued debt reduction
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) ha completato con successo il rifinanziamento delle scadenze del 2026 attraverso diverse nuove linee di credito garantite: un prestito a termine B di 1,1 miliardi di dollari che scade nel 2032, una linea di credito revolving di 750 milioni di dollari che scade nel 2030 e un prestito a termine A di 400 milioni di dollari che scade nel 2030.
I proventi saranno utilizzati per rimborsare le obbligazioni senior esistenti con un tasso del 4,875% in scadenza nel 2026, rifinanziare le linee di credito senior garantite esistenti e coprire le spese correlate. Il CEO Steve Bratspies ha espresso fiducia che questo rifinanziamento fornisca maggiore flessibilità per la riduzione del debito e posizioni l'azienda per creare ulteriore valore per gli azionisti attraverso:
- Crescita delle vendite positiva
- Crescita dell'EPS a doppia cifra
- Generazione di cassa forte
- Continua riduzione del debito
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) ha completado con éxito el refinanciamiento de sus vencimientos de 2026 a través de múltiples nuevas facilidades garantizadas: un préstamo a plazo B de 1.1 mil millones de dólares que vence en 2032, una línea de crédito revolvente de 750 millones de dólares que vence en 2030 y un préstamo a plazo A de 400 millones de dólares que vence en 2030.
Los ingresos se utilizarán para redimir las notas senior existentes del 4.875% que vencen en 2026, refinanciar las facilidades de crédito senior garantizadas existentes y cubrir los gastos relacionados. El CEO Steve Bratspies expresó confianza en que este refinanciamiento proporciona mayor flexibilidad para la reducción de deuda y posiciona a la empresa para crear valor adicional para los accionistas a través de:
- Crecimiento positivo de ventas
- Crecimiento del EPS de doble dígito
- Generación de efectivo sólida
- Continuada reducción de deuda
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI)는 2032년에 만기가 도래하는 11억 달러 규모의 B형 만기 대출, 2030년에 만기가 도래하는 7억 5천만 달러 규모의 회전 신용 시설, 2030년에 만기가 도래하는 4억 달러 규모의 A형 만기 대출을 통해 2026년 만기 채무의 재융자를 성공적으로 완료했습니다.
이 자금은 2026년 만기 4.875%의 기존 선순위 채권을 상환하고, 기존의 선순위 담보 신용 시설을 재융자하며, 관련 비용을 충당하는 데 사용될 것입니다. CEO 스티브 브랫스피스는 이번 재융자가 부채 감소를 위한 유연성을 증가시키고, 다음을 통해 주주 가치를 추가로 창출할 수 있는 회사의 입지를 강화한다고 확신했습니다:
- 긍정적인 매출 성장
- 두 자릿수 EPS 성장
- 강력한 현금 창출
- 지속적인 부채 감소
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) a réussi à finaliser le refinancement de ses échéances de 2026 grâce à plusieurs nouvelles facilités de crédit garanties : un prêt à terme B de 1,1 milliard de dollars arrivant à échéance en 2032, une facilité de crédit revolving de 750 millions de dollars arrivant à échéance en 2030, et un prêt à terme A de 400 millions de dollars arrivant à échéance en 2030.
Les produits seront utilisés pour racheter les obligations senior existantes à 4,875% arrivant à échéance en 2026, refinancer les facilités de crédit senior garanties existantes et couvrir les dépenses associées. Le PDG Steve Bratspies a exprimé sa confiance que ce refinancement offre une flexibilité accrue pour la réduction de la dette et positionne l'entreprise pour créer une valeur supplémentaire pour les actionnaires grâce à :
- Croissance positive des ventes
- Croissance à deux chiffres de l'EPS
- Génération de liquidités solide
- Réduction continue de la dette
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) hat erfolgreich die Refinanzierung seiner Fälligkeiten im Jahr 2026 durch mehrere neue gesicherte Kreditlinien abgeschlossen: ein 1,1 Milliarden Dollar umfassendes Term Loan B mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2032, eine 750 Millionen Dollar umfassende revolvierende Kreditlinie mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2030 und ein 400 Millionen Dollar umfassendes Term Loan A mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2030.
Die Erlöse werden verwendet, um die ausstehenden 4,875% Senior Notes, die 2026 fällig werden, zurückzukaufen, bestehende gesicherte Kreditlinien zu refinanzieren und damit verbundene Kosten zu decken. CEO Steve Bratspies äußerte Vertrauen, dass diese Refinanzierung mehr Flexibilität für die Schuldenreduzierung bietet und das Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, zusätzlichen Shareholder-Wert zu schaffen durch:
- Positive Umsatzentwicklung
- Zweistelliges EPS-Wachstum
- Starke Cash-Generierung
- Fortgesetzte Schuldenreduzierung
- Successful refinancing of $2.25 billion in total facilities
- Extended debt maturities to 2030-2032 from 2026
- Increased financial flexibility for debt reduction
- Company projects double-digit EPS growth
- Significant debt load requiring refinancing
- Continued dependence on debt financing
HanesBrands' successful completion of its debt refinancing represents a significant financial engineering achievement that extends the company's debt maturity profile by 4-6 years. The refinancing package totals approximately
This transaction effectively addresses HBI's 2026 maturities, eliminating near-term refinancing risk and providing enhanced financial flexibility. While the announcement doesn't specify the new interest rates, the extended maturity timeline gives management runway to execute their transformation strategy without immediate debt repayment pressure.
CEO Bratspies' comments suggest management plans to use improved operational performance and cash flow to systematically reduce the company's debt burden. The reference to "double-digit EPS growth" and "strong cash generation" indicates confidence in the company's turnaround efforts translating to financial results.
For a company with a
“We are pleased with the successful refinancing of our 2026 maturities, which provides us with increased flexibility to continue to pay down debt,” said Steve Bratspies, CEO. “With the completion of the refinancing and the benefits of our transformation strategy visible in our results, we believe we’re well positioned to create additional shareholder value over the next several years through the combination of positive sales growth, double-digit EPS growth, strong cash generation, and continued debt reduction.”
Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains information that may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, and can generally be identified by the use of words such as “may,” “believe,” “could,” “will,” “expect,” “outlook,” “potential,” “project,” “estimate,” “future,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “continue” or similar expressions. However, the absence of these words or similar expressions does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. All statements regarding our intent, belief and current expectations about our strategic direction, prospects and future results are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, trends associated with our business; our ability to successfully implement our strategic plans, including our supply chain restructuring and consolidation and other cost savings initiatives; trends associated with our business; the rapidly changing retail environment and the level of consumer demand; the effects of any geopolitical conflicts (including the ongoing
About HanesBrands Inc.
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) is a socially responsible global leader in everyday iconic apparel with a mission to create a more comfortable world for every body. The company owns a portfolio of some of the world’s most recognized apparel brands including Hanes, the leading basic apparel brand in the
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Source: HanesBrands