Golden Triangle Ventures Secures Full Operational Control of its Logistics Assets and Initiates Cash Flow

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Golden Triangle Ventures (OTC PINK: GTVH) has announced a significant milestone in its logistics division expansion. Through its subsidiary, LE Logistics, the company has secured registration and insurance for eight trucks now operating under West End Trucking, Inc. This marks the beginning of consistent cash flow for GTVH, with LE Logistics receiving 100% of the income generated from booked loads.

The company is also nearing the completion of acquiring these eight additional trucks, which will further expand its fleet. LE Logistics is preparing three more trucks and trailers to be insured and registered under its own license. GTVH has temporarily rescinded a stock sale limitation agreement to accelerate growth in its logistics division and is working to settle its debt through trucking profits. The company is also in the process of securing an SBA loan for working capital.

These developments represent a pivotal step in GTVH's logistics strategy, strengthening its financial position and operational capacity. The company anticipates sharing more updates on its progress across various divisions in the near future.

Golden Triangle Ventures (OTC PINK: GTVH) ha annunciato un'importante pietra miliare nell'espansione della sua divisione logistica. Attraverso la sua sussidiaria, LE Logistics, l'azienda ha ottenuto la registrazione e l'assicurazione per otto camion che ora operano sotto West End Trucking, Inc. Questo segna l'inizio di un flusso di cassa costante per GTVH, con LE Logistics che riceve il 100% del reddito generato dai carichi prenotati.

L'azienda è inoltre vicina al completamento dell'acquisto di questi otto camion aggiuntivi, che espanderanno ulteriormente la sua flotta. LE Logistics sta preparando altri tre camion e rimorchi da assicurare e registrare sotto la propria licenza. GTVH ha temporaneamente annullato un accordo di limitazione alla vendita di azioni per accelerare la crescita della sua divisione logistica e sta lavorando per saldare il proprio debito attraverso i profitti del settore trasporti. L'azienda è anche in procinto di ottenere un prestito SBA per il capitale circolante.

Questi sviluppi rappresentano un passo decisivo nella strategia logistica di GTVH, rafforzando la sua posizione finanziaria e la capacità operativa. L'azienda prevede di condividere ulteriori aggiornamenti sui suoi progressi in varie divisioni nel prossimo futuro.

Golden Triangle Ventures (OTC PINK: GTVH) ha anunciado un hito significativo en la expansión de su división logística. A través de su subsidiaria, LE Logistics, la compañía ha asegurado la registración y el seguro para ocho camiones que ahora operan bajo West End Trucking, Inc. Esto marca el comienzo de un flujo de efectivo constante para GTVH, con LE Logistics recibiendo el 100% de los ingresos generados por las cargas reservadas.

La empresa también está cerca de completar la adquisición de estos ocho camiones adicionales, que ampliarán aún más su flota. LE Logistics está preparando tres camiones y remolques más para ser asegurados y registrados bajo su propia licencia. GTVH ha rescindido temporalmente un acuerdo de limitación de venta de acciones para acelerar el crecimiento de su división logística y está trabajando para saldar su deuda a través de las ganancias del transporte. La compañía también está en proceso de asegurar un préstamo de la SBA para capital de trabajo.

Estos desarrollos representan un paso crucial en la estrategia logística de GTVH, fortaleciendo su posición financiera y su capacidad operativa. La empresa anticipa compartir más actualizaciones sobre su progreso en varias divisiones en un futuro cercano.

골든 트라이앵글 벤처스(OTC PINK: GTVH)는 물류 부문 확장에서 중요한 이정표를 발표했습니다. 자회사 LE Logistics를 통해 이 회사는 현재 West End Trucking, Inc.에서 운영 중인 8대의 트럭에 대한 등록 및 보험을 확보했습니다. 이는 GTVH에게 안정적인 현금 흐름의 시작을 알리며, LE Logistics는 예약된 화물에서 발생한 수익의 100%를 수령하게 됩니다.

회사는 또한 이 8대의 추가 트럭을 인수하는 절차를 마무리할 단계에 있으며, 이는 플릿을 더욱 확장할 것입니다. LE Logistics는 자체 라이센스 하에 보험에 가입하고 등록할 3대의 트럭과 트레일러를 준비 중입니다. GTVH는 물류 부문의 성장을 가속화하기 위해 주식 판매 제한 계약을 일시적으로 철회했으며, 트럭 운송 수익을 통해 부채를 청산하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 또한 회사는 운영 자본을 위해 SBA 대출을 확보하는 과정에 있습니다.

이러한 발전은 GTVH의 물류 전략에서 중요한 단계로, 재정적 위치와 운영 능력을 강화합니다. 회사는 가까운 미래에 여러 부문에서의 진행 상황에 대한 추가 업데이트를 공유할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Golden Triangle Ventures (OTC PINK: GTVH) a annoncé une étape importante dans l'expansion de sa division logistique. Par l'intermédiaire de sa filiale, LE Logistics, la société a obtenu l'enregistrement et l'assurance pour huit camions qui opèrent désormais sous West End Trucking, Inc. Cela marque le début d'un flux de trésorerie constant pour GTVH, LE Logistics recevant 100 % des revenus générés par les charges réservées.

L'entreprise est également sur le point de finaliser l'acquisition de ces huit camions supplémentaires, ce qui élargira encore sa flotte. LE Logistics prépare trois autres camions et_remorques à assurer et à enregistrer sous sa propre licence. GTVH a temporairement annulé un accord de limitation de vente d'actions pour accélérer la croissance de sa division logistique et travaille à régler sa dette par le biais des bénéfices du transport. La société est également en cours d'obtention d'un prêt SBA pour son fonds de roulement.

Ces développements représentent une étape cruciale dans la stratégie logistique de GTVH, renforçant sa position financière et sa capacité opérationnelle. L'entreprise prévoit de partager prochainement d'autres mises à jour sur ses progrès dans diverses divisions.

Golden Triangle Ventures (OTC PINK: GTVH) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Expansion seiner Logistikabteilung angekündigt. Durch seine Tochtergesellschaft, LE Logistics, hat das Unternehmen die Registrierung und Versicherung für acht Lkw gesichert, die nun unter West End Trucking, Inc. betrieben werden. Dies markiert den Beginn eines kontinuierlichen Cashflows für GTVH, wobei LE Logistics 100 % des Einkommens aus gebuchten Ladungen erhält.

Das Unternehmen steht auch kurz vor dem Abschluss des Erwerbs dieser acht zusätzlichen Lkw, was seine Flotte weiter erweitern wird. LE Logistics bereitet drei weitere Lkw und Anhänger vor, die unter eigener Lizenz versichert und registriert werden sollen. GTVH hat vorübergehend eine Vereinbarung zur Beschränkung des Aktienverkaufs aufgehoben, um das Wachstum seiner Logistikabteilung zu beschleunigen, und arbeitet daran, seine Schulden mit den Gewinnen aus dem Transportgeschäft zu begleichen. Das Unternehmen ist außerdem dabei, ein SBA-Darlehen für Betriebskapital zu sichern.

Diese Entwicklungen stellen einen entscheidenden Schritt in der Logistikstrategie von GTVH dar und stärken seine finanzielle Position sowie die operative Kapazität. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, in naher Zukunft weitere Updates zu seinen Fortschritten in verschiedenen Abteilungen zu teilen.

  • Secured registration and insurance for eight trucks, initiating consistent cash flow
  • LE Logistics to receive 100% of income generated from booked loads
  • Nearing completion of acquiring eight additional trucks to expand fleet
  • Preparing three more trucks and trailers for insurance and registration
  • Pursuing SBA loan to provide working capital for sustainable growth
  • Temporary rescission of stock sale limitation agreement may lead to potential dilution
  • Reliance on largest investor for immediate capital needs
  • Existing debt to be settled through trucking profits, which may impact short-term profitability

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN -- Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. (OTC PINK: GTVH) ("GTV" or the "Company") is proud to announce a major milestone in the expansion of its logistics division through its wholly owned subsidiary, LE Logistics, LLC ("LE"). After months of diligent effort, LE Logistics has officially secured the registration and insurance for eight trucks now operating under the authority of the company’s recently formed partnership, West End Trucking, Inc. ("West End"). With these vehicles now fully operational and integrated into LE Logistics’ framework, shipping has officially commenced, marking the beginning of a consistent cash flow stream for the Company.

LE Logistics will receive 100% of the income generated from the loads booked through these assets, with all receivables managed through West End’s established factoring services. This achievement represents a pivotal step forward for the Company, providing LE Logistics with an immediate and consistent revenue stream as the trucks are now actively contributing to its operations. The ability to control these assets and begin shipping underscores the Company’s dedication to executing its logistics strategy, significantly strengthening its financial position and operational capacity.

In addition to this milestone, Golden Triangle Ventures is nearing the completion of its acquisition of these eight additional trucks. Once finalized, this acquisition will further increase LE’s fleet of assets, expanding its operational footprint and enhancing the Company’s ability to scale its logistics division. Additionally, LE Logistics has been actively preparing the Company’s three trucks and trailers to be fully insured and registered under its own license. Golden Triangle Ventures anticipates sharing more updates on the completion of this transaction in the near future.

Golden Triangle Ventures and the Company’s largest investor have strategically agreed to temporarily rescind the stock sale limitation agreement initially set on May 28, 2024, allowing the Company to accelerate the growth of its logistics division. This move enables the Company’s largest investor the flexibility to assist the immediate capital required to fuel operations during this pivotal launch and expansion phase. The Company is working to negotiate a settlement of its entire debt owed to its largest investor through trucking profits, aligning this investor’s interests with long-term success. Additionally, the Company is in the process of securing an SBA loan which is expected to provide the necessary working capital to drive sustainable growth and financial independence. Achieving this strategic shift will strengthen the Company’s ability to scale without requiring additional capital, reinforcing confidence in Golden Triangle Ventures’ bright future.

With the logistics division officially in operation and conducting business, Golden Triangle Ventures is proud to achieve another milestone within its business plan. Management looks forward to sharing more updates as several new developments are happening across its different divisions. With important goals being reached and plans coming together, each part of the business is helping to drive growth. From improvements in logistics to new projects and developments in entertainment and technology, the Company remains focused on reaching its goals. In the coming weeks, there will be more announcements as the Company continues to work toward creating value in all areas of the business.

About Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc.

Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc. or “GTV,” is a multifaceted consulting company, which operates as the parent business pursuing ventures in the health, entertainment and technology sectors, along with others that provide synergistic value to these three core divisions. The Company aims to purchase, acquire, and/or joint venture with established entities within these areas of business. The goods and services represented are driven by innovators who have passion and commitment in these marketplaces. The Company plans to utilize relationships and create a platform for new and existing businesses to strengthen their products and/or services. The three points of the Golden Triangle exclusively represent the three sectors in which this Company aims to do business. Golden Triangle Ventures is highly focused on acquiring a well-diversified portfolio of companies under one umbrella, which are all managed and owned by the Company. An amazing team of professionals supports each division and continues to help the Company grow daily. Being a publicly traded Company gives the ability to provide the support needed to help each subsidiary grow into the business that management believes it can and will become.

Golden Triangle Ventures’ business model is supported by the drive for vertical integration to cut costs and maximize margins. Management strives to acquire entities and assets that they fully understand, which maintain the prospect for long-term exponential growth. The mission is to provide the necessary resources for each subsidiary to generate profit, and then allow them to leverage each other and maximize economic impact. In addition, GTV provides a professional corporate representation service to different companies in these sectors while consulting on a variety of different business development objectives.

The backbone of this business is truly a team of professional advisors looking to help companies with a multitude of corporate objectives. With an extensive Rolodex of relationships, management can help with a dynamic range of project obstacles while maintaining a quality service for each client the Company represents. No matter what the needs are, the team involved can help facilitate many different transactions successfully for all parties involved. The network of relationships expands to industry experts who can assist with project management, product sourcing, industrial agriculture project implementation and so much more. Golden Triangle Ventures develops strategies and detailed plans that are custom-tailored to each corporate need and objective in all areas of business.

The GTV business model is focused on the following core group of interests:

Acquisitions / Assets / Holdings - The Company currently owns a unique portfolio of companies that are all being developed and supported by GTV, each holding a common goal of making a positive impact in the industry in which they operate.

Services - Services are deployed through Golden Triangle Ventures to assist all the unique opportunities within its operation. The Company also offers its services to select opportunities that could develop synergistic value within the relationship between both companies through the result of its efforts.

Investments - Management identifies high-value opportunities and provides capital investments in several companies and projects being developed. Each investment is complemented by a hands-on approach of helping to develop the overall direction and strategic plan for each opportunity.

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About Lavish Entertainment, Inc.

Lavish Entertainment, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Triangle Ventures operating under its Entertainment Division. Currently conducting its business out of Las Vegas, Nevada, the Company started doing business in 2017 and was established with a vision of becoming nationally recognized in concert production. The Company currently has more than 30,000 national followers and nearly 100 team members who have helped Lavish successfully organize some of the most exciting electronic dance music concerts in Las Vegas. Lavish Entertainment strives to produce high-quality and professional events that provide an immersive experience through state-of-the-art production and sound implementation.

Lavish Entertainment is currently developing a flagship entertainment complex called Destino Ranch, which intends to become an ideal outdoor music and festival venue, immersive art installation, tourist attraction, and world-renowned destination center. The Company recently secured a purchase agreement to acquire nearly 70 acres of prime and improved land for its Destino Ranch project, which is strategically located in Arizona. The property secured has upgrades that represent a substantial investment totaling nearly $6 million, which has turned this once-vacant land into a beautiful oasis that provides the initial infrastructure needed to begin the development of Destino Ranch.

Lavish Entertainment acquired ABI Create ( as a wholly owned subsidiary of its Entertainment division. Founded in 2015 by Marco Antonio Moreno, ABI Create has earned a reputation for delivering top-quality productions at major events across the United States. ABI’s commitment to excellence and innovation is showcased in projects developed for multiple NFL Super Bowls, San Diego and New York Comic Con, EDC and Camp EDC, Bonnaroo Music Festival, the Waste Management Phoenix Open, Arnold Palmer Invitational, alternative events such as Burning Man, and numerous other high-profile projects. ABI offers an all-in-one approach, making it a preferred partner for large-scale productions with a comprehensive suite of services including event organization, management, production, logistics and site planning and permit consulting, construction, contracting, custom design and fabrication. The strategic acquisition of ABI Create enhances Lavish Entertainment’s operational capabilities by providing an in-house support structure for all internal productions and projects. With Moreno now serving as president and COO of Lavish Entertainment, the relationship between ABI and Lavish intends to drive new levels of creativity and operational success throughout the organization. ABI Create’s integration further supports Lavish’s goal of becoming an industry leading entertainment company.

Four-Pillar Business Model

Lavish Entertainment’s revised model encompasses the following key foundational elements: logistics, staffing, equipment, and production. These pillars were meticulously identified and organized to complement each other and ensure seamless operations across all facets of the Company. To enhance its bandwidth and expand service offerings, Lavish Entertainment intends to develop and acquire operations in each of the four key areas.

1. Logistics: Effective logistics are crucial for any successful entertainment operation. Coordinating event schedules, managing transportation and venue setup are pivotal in ensuring smooth operations and optimal audience experiences. By establishing a dedicated logistics division, Lavish Entertainment streamlines event planning, enhances coordination of resources, minimizes delays, and boosts overall efficiency. This integrated approach is instrumental in managing the complex movement of resources required for Lavish Entertainment's operations and projects like Destino Ranch. Recently, GTV acquired Cargo Management Group to fully support Lavish’s logistics division.

2. Staffing: Talent and manpower are essential assets in the entertainment industry. Skilled technicians, event coordinators and guest services personnel are critical for delivering memorable experiences. Lavish Entertainment’s staffing division focuses on recruiting, training and managing diverse talent to meet operational demands. By cultivating a well-trained and motivated workforce, Lavish Entertainment elevates service quality and fosters a culture of excellence crucial for exceptional guest experiences at its events.

3. Equipment: Cutting-edge equipment and state-of-the-art technology are central to Lavish Entertainment’s corporate vision. From orchestral-quality sound systems to advanced lighting and visual effects equipment, investing in top-tier gear is essential for creating immersive entertainment experiences. Lavish’s strategy emphasizes acquiring, maintaining and upgrading an extensive equipment inventory to support diverse productions and events. This commitment allows the Company to innovate, captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression with each event.

4. Production: Production expertise is paramount in delivering successful entertainment experiences. Whether designing stage sets, crafting narratives or executing live performances, proficiency in production defines memorable events. Lavish leverages seasoned professionals to conceptualize, plan and execute diverse entertainment experiences—from concerts and theatrical productions to immersive events and sensory spectacles. This dedication to production excellence ensures each event is meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled entertainment.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information set forth in this press release contains "forward-looking information," including "future-oriented financial information" and "financial outlook," under applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as forward-looking statements). Except for statements of historical fact, the information contained herein constitutes forward-looking statements and includes, but is not limited to, the (i) projected financial performance of the Company; (ii) completion of, and the use of proceeds from, the sale of the shares being offered hereunder; (iii) the expected development of the Company's business, projects and joint ventures; (iv) execution of the Company's vision and growth strategy, including with respect to future M&A activity and global growth; (v) sources and availability of third-party financing for the Company's projects; (vi) completion of the Company's projects that are currently underway, in development or otherwise under consideration; (vii) renewal of the Company's current customer, supplier and other material agreements; and (viii) future liquidity, working capital and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are provided to give potential investors the opportunity to understand management's beliefs and opinions in respect to the future so they may use such beliefs and opinions as one factor in evaluating an investment. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based upon what management of the Company believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has provided guidance to issuers regarding the use of social media to disclose material nonpublic information. In this regard, investors and others should note that we announce material financial information on our Company website,, in addition to SEC filings, press releases, public conference calls and webcasts. We also use social media to communicate with the public about our Company, our services and other issues. It is possible that the information we post on social media could be deemed to be material information. Therefore, in light of the SEC's guidance, we encourage investors, the media and others interested in our Company to review the information we post on the following U.S. social media channels:



Golden Triangle Ventures, Inc.

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What recent milestone has Golden Triangle Ventures (GTVH) achieved in its logistics division?

GTVH has secured registration and insurance for eight trucks operating under West End Trucking, Inc., initiating consistent cash flow for the company through its subsidiary LE Logistics.

How will the recent developments affect GTVH's revenue stream?

LE Logistics will receive 100% of the income generated from loads booked through these assets, providing GTVH with an immediate and consistent revenue stream.

What expansion plans does Golden Triangle Ventures (GTVH) have for its logistics division?

GTVH is nearing completion of acquiring eight additional trucks and is preparing three more trucks and trailers to be insured and registered under LE Logistics' own license, expanding its operational footprint.

How is Golden Triangle Ventures (GTVH) addressing its capital needs for expansion?

GTVH has temporarily rescinded a stock sale limitation agreement to allow for immediate capital, is working to settle debt through trucking profits, and is in the process of securing an SBA loan for working capital.



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Consulting Services
United States of America
Las Vegas