Chart Industries and Element Resources Partner on Hydrogen Eco-System Deployment

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Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) has announced a partnership with Element Resources to advance the adoption of hydrogen and clean fuels using an 'eco-system' approach. The collaboration aims to build out hydrogen fuel supply, distribution, storage, transportation, and end-user facilities. This partnership follows Chart's selection by Element in March 2024 to supply equipment for the Lancaster Clean Energy Center project, the largest permitted renewable green hydrogen production facility in Lancaster, California.

The partnership leverages Chart's 158+ years of experience in hydrogen-related equipment and Element's expertise in green hydrogen production. Together, they aim to provide customers with a turnkey, full solution offering across the entire gaseous and liquid hydrogen value chain, potentially accelerating the adoption and deployment of hydrogen.

Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) ha annunciato una partnership con Element Resources per promuovere l'adozione dell'idrogeno e dei combustibili puliti attraverso un approccio 'eco-sistemico'. Questa collaborazione mira a sviluppare la fornitura, la distribuzione, lo stoccaggio, il trasporto e le strutture per gli utenti finali di combustibile a idrogeno. Questa partnership segue la selezione da parte di Element di Chart nel marzo 2024 per fornire attrezzature per il progetto del Lancaster Clean Energy Center, la più grande struttura autorizzata per la produzione di idrogeno verde rinnovabile a Lancaster, in California.

La partnership sfrutta i 158 anni di esperienza di Chart nel settore delle attrezzature relative all'idrogeno e l'esperienza di Element nella produzione di idrogeno verde. Insieme, mirano a fornire ai clienti un'offerta chiavi in mano, completa lungo l'intera catena del valore dell'idrogeno gassoso e liquido, con il potenziale di accelerare l'adozione e l'implementazione dell'idrogeno.

Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) ha anunciado una asociación con Element Resources para avanzar en la adopción de hidrógeno y combustibles limpios mediante un enfoque de 'eco-sistema'. La colaboración tiene como objetivo desarrollar el suministro, la distribución, el almacenamiento, el transporte y las instalaciones para el usuario final de combustible de hidrógeno. Esta asociación sigue a la selección de Chart por parte de Element en marzo de 2024 para suministrar equipos para el proyecto del Lancaster Clean Energy Center, la mayor instalación autorizada de producción de hidrógeno verde renovable en Lancaster, California.

La asociación aprovecha los 158 años de experiencia de Chart en equipos relacionados con el hidrógeno y la experiencia de Element en la producción de hidrógeno verde. Juntos, buscan ofrecer a los clientes una solución integral y llave en mano a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor del hidrógeno gaseoso y líquido, con el potencial de acelerar la adopción y el despliegue del hidrógeno.

차트 인더스트리(뉴욕증권거래소: GTLS)는 에코 시스템 접근 방식을 통해 수소 및 청정 연료의 채택을 촉진하기 위해 Element Resources와 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 수소 연료의 공급, 분배, 저장, 운송 및 최종 사용자 시설을 구축하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 2024년 3월 Element에 의해 차트가 캘리포니아의 랭카스터에 있는 가장 큰 허가된 재생 가능 녹색 수소 생산 시설인 랭카스터 클린 에너지 센터 프로젝트를 위한 장비 공급자로 선정된 이후 체결되었습니다.

이 파트너십은 차트의 158년 이상의 경험과 Element의 녹색 수소 생산 전문성을 활용합니다. 그들은 함께 고객에게 전체 기체 및 액체 수소 가치 사슬에 걸쳐 턴키, 전체 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 수소 채택과 배포를 가속화할 가능성이 있습니다.

Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) a annoncé un partenariat avec Element Resources pour favoriser l'adoption de l'hydrogène et des carburants propres grâce à une approche 'éco-systémique'. La collaboration vise à développer l'approvisionnement en hydrogène, la distribution, le stockage, le transport et les installations pour les utilisateurs finaux de carburant à hydrogène. Ce partenariat fait suite à la sélection de Chart par Element en mars 2024 pour fournir des équipements pour le projet du Lancaster Clean Energy Center, la plus grande installation autorisée de production d'hydrogène vert renouvelable à Lancaster, en Californie.

Ce partenariat tire parti des 158 ans d'expérience de Chart dans les équipements liés à l'hydrogène et de l'expertise d'Element dans la production d'hydrogène vert. Ensemble, ils visent à fournir aux clients une solution clé en main, complète sur l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l'hydrogène gazeux et liquide, avec le potentiel d'accélérer l'adoption et le déploiement de l'hydrogène.

Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) hat eine Partnerschaft mit Element Resources angekündigt, um die Adaption von Wasserstoff und sauberen Kraftstoffen mit einem 'Ökosystem'-Ansatz voranzutreiben. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Versorgung, Verteilung, Lagerung, den Transport und die Endverbrauchereinrichtungen für Wasserstoffkraftstoff auszubauen. Diese Partnerschaft folgt der Auswahl von Chart durch Element im März 2024 zur Lieferung von Ausrüstung für das Lancaster Clean Energy Center-Projekt, die größte genehmigte erneuerbare grüne Wasserstoffproduktionsanlage in Lancaster, Kalifornien.

Die Partnerschaft nutzt die über 158 Jahre Erfahrung von Chart in wasserstoffbezogenen Geräten sowie das Fachwissen von Element in der Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff. Gemeinsam wollen sie den Kunden ein schlüsselfertiges, umfassendes Lösungspaket entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette für gasförmigen und flüssigen Wasserstoff bieten, was möglicherweise die Akzeptanz und den Einsatz von Wasserstoff beschleunigen könnte.

  • Partnership with Element Resources to advance hydrogen adoption
  • Selected to supply equipment for Lancaster Clean Energy Center project
  • Potential to accelerate hydrogen adoption through turnkey solutions
  • Leveraging 158+ years of experience in hydrogen-related equipment
  • None.

This partnership between Chart Industries and Element Resources marks a significant step in the hydrogen industry's development. Chart's extensive experience in hydrogen-related equipment, combined with Element's focus on green hydrogen production, creates a powerful synergy. The collaboration aims to provide a comprehensive solution across the hydrogen value chain, potentially accelerating market adoption.

From an investor's perspective, this partnership could lead to increased revenue streams for Chart Industries. The company's involvement in multiple aspects of the hydrogen ecosystem - from production to end-user facilities - positions it well to capitalize on the growing demand for clean energy solutions. However, it's important to note that the hydrogen market is still in its early stages and profitability may take time to materialize.

The mention of the Lancaster Clean Energy Center project, described as the largest permitted renewable green hydrogen production facility in Lancaster, California, is particularly noteworthy. This project could serve as a significant reference for future developments, potentially leading to more contracts for Chart Industries in the expanding hydrogen sector.

The partnership between Chart Industries and Element Resources represents a strategic move in the evolving hydrogen economy. By adopting an 'eco-system' approach, they're addressing a important challenge in the hydrogen industry: the need for integrated infrastructure from production to end-use.

This collaboration could potentially lower barriers to hydrogen adoption by providing turnkey solutions. For investors, this means Chart Industries is positioning itself as a one-stop-shop in the hydrogen value chain, which could lead to a competitive advantage and larger market share.

However, it's important to consider the challenges. The hydrogen market is still nascent, with uncertainties around regulation, scalability and cost-effectiveness. While the partnership aims to accelerate adoption, the pace of market growth will depend on factors like government support, technological advancements and overall energy market dynamics.

Investors should monitor key performance indicators such as project pipeline growth, successful deployments and most importantly, the rate of hydrogen adoption in various industries to gauge the long-term success of this partnership.

ATLANTA, Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chart Industries, Inc. (NYSE: GTLS) (“Chart”), a leading global solutions provider to clean energy and industrial gas markets, announces that it is partnering with Element Resources Inc. (“Element”), a leader in green hydrogen production, to advance the utilization and adoption of hydrogen and other clean fuels using an ‘eco-system’ approach by collaborating to build out hydrogen fuel supply, distribution, storage and transportation, end user facilities, and associated services in the hydrogen and clean energy sectors utilizing Chart’s industry leading full solution.

Chart and Element began working together in March of 2024 when Element selected Chart to supply its hydrogen liquefaction plant, hydrogen refrigeration technology, cold box design, associated compression / rotating equipment and heavy duty fueling stations for its Lancaster Clean Energy Center (LCEC) project, a largest renewable green hydrogen permitted production facility located in the City of Lancaster, California (USA).

“Element is looking forward to partnering with Chart as we continue to develop our pipeline of projects and expand existing sites in the future to further develop the hydrogen ecosystem and support industries globally accelerating the adoption of hydrogen and users globally,” stated Steve Meheen, CEO of Element Resources. “Chart, a leader in gaseous fuels and liquified gas technology brings a wealth of capabilities with the wide array of hydrogen facility offerings to support the energy transition which complement Element’s green hydrogen production efforts, supporting our mission to make 100% renewable fuel alternatives readily available in the United States.”

“Backed by our 158+ years of experience designing, engineering, and manufacturing hydrogen related equipment, Chart can provide customers with all process technologies and major equipment across the entire gaseous and liquid hydrogen value chain,” stated Jill Evanko, CEO and President of Chart. “Together with Element Resources, we have the potential to accelerate the adoption and deployment of hydrogen by working together to provide customers with a turnkey, full solution offering from hydrogen fuel, storage and transportation to fueling systems and services.”

About Chart Industries, Inc.

Chart Industries, Inc. is a global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of process technologies and equipment for gas and liquid molecule handling for the Nexus of Clean™ – clean power, clean water, clean food, and clean industrials, regardless of molecule. The company’s unique product and solution portfolio across stationary and rotating equipment is used in every phase of the liquid gas supply chain, including engineering, service and repair and from installation to preventive maintenance and digital monitoring. Chart is a leading provider of technology, equipment and services related to liquefied natural gas, hydrogen, biogas and CO2 capture amongst other applications. Chart is committed to excellence in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues both for its company as well as its customers. With 64 global manufacturing locations and over 50 service centers from the United States to Asia, Australia, India, Europe and South America, the company maintains accountability and transparency to its team members, suppliers, customers and communities. To learn more, visit

About Element Resources

Element Resources Inc. is a development company focused on the production of 100% Green Hydrogen. Based in Houston, TX, Element supports its numerous California initiatives from its San Diego office. An ARCHES (DoE Hydrogen Hub) Tier One program participant, Element is the sole owner / developer of the Lancaster Clean Energy Center (LCEC), a fully permitted facility that will be the largest green hydrogen production facility in the United States, also fully compliant with the 45V requirements. Element has under development green hydrogen facilities in the Western United States that will reach a capacity over 700,000 tons per year. For more information on Element Resources, please email

Investor Relations Contact – Chart Industries:

John Walsh
SVP, Investor and Government Relations

Media Contact – Element Resources:
Avery Barnebey
Chief Financial Officer 


What is the purpose of Chart Industries' partnership with Element Resources?

The partnership aims to advance the adoption of hydrogen and clean fuels using an 'eco-system' approach, collaborating to build out hydrogen fuel supply, distribution, storage, transportation, and end-user facilities.

What project did Chart Industries (GTLS) supply equipment for in March 2024?

In March 2024, Chart Industries supplied equipment for Element Resources' Lancaster Clean Energy Center project, the largest permitted renewable green hydrogen production facility in Lancaster, California.

How might the Chart Industries (GTLS) and Element Resources partnership impact hydrogen adoption?

The partnership has the potential to accelerate the adoption and deployment of hydrogen by providing customers with a turnkey, full solution offering across the entire gaseous and liquid hydrogen value chain.

What experience does Chart Industries (GTLS) bring to the hydrogen sector?

Chart Industries brings 158+ years of experience in designing, engineering, and manufacturing hydrogen-related equipment, providing process technologies and major equipment across the entire gaseous and liquid hydrogen value chain.

Chart Industries, Inc.


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Specialty Industrial Machinery
Fabricated Plate Work (boiler Shops)
United States of America