Brazil Potash Advances Autazes Project Construction With Approval To Perform Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression

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Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) has received approval to begin Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression activities at its Autazes Potash Project in Brazil. This archaeological clearance represents a critical milestone in the project's installation phase, enabling site preparation for future shaft sinking to access the underground potash mine.

The work was planned according to Environmental Licenses issued by the Amazonas State Environmental Protection Agency (IPAAM), which authorizes construction activities. A contractor has already been selected for these services, which will follow requirements while enabling further construction of project facilities.

The project aims to provide Brazil with a domestic source of potash fertilizer, critical for the country's agricultural productivity and food security. These activities are expected to create local job opportunities for communities in Urucurituba Village, Autazes, and the surrounding region, with contracted companies prioritizing local labor.

Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) ha ricevuto l'approvazione per iniziare le attività di Salvaguardia della Fauna e Soppressione della Vegetazione presso il suo Progetto di Potassio di Autazes in Brasile. Questo nulla osta archeologico rappresenta una pietra miliare critica nella fase di installazione del progetto, consentendo la preparazione del sito per il futuro abbassamento di pozzi per accedere alla miniera di potassio sotterranea.

I lavori sono stati pianificati in base alle Licenze Ambientali rilasciate dall'Agenzia di Protezione Ambientale dello Stato dell'Amazonas (IPAAM), che autorizza le attività di costruzione. È già stato selezionato un appaltatore per questi servizi, che seguirà i requisiti necessari per consentire ulteriori costruzioni delle strutture del progetto.

Il progetto mira a fornire al Brasile una fonte domestica di fertilizzante di potassio, fondamentale per la produttività agricola e la sicurezza alimentare del paese. Si prevede che queste attività creino opportunità di lavoro locali per le comunità di Urucurituba Village, Autazes e della regione circostante, con le aziende appaltatrici che daranno priorità alla manodopera locale.

Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) ha recibido la aprobación para comenzar las actividades de Rescate de Fauna y Supresión de Vegetación en su Proyecto de Potasio de Autazes en Brasil. Esta autorización arqueológica representa un hito crítico en la fase de instalación del proyecto, permitiendo la preparación del sitio para la futura perforación de pozos para acceder a la mina de potasio subterránea.

El trabajo fue planificado de acuerdo con las Licencias Ambientales emitidas por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental del Estado de Amazonas (IPAAM), que autoriza las actividades de construcción. Ya se ha seleccionado un contratista para estos servicios, que seguirá los requisitos mientras se permite la construcción adicional de las instalaciones del proyecto.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo proporcionar a Brasil una fuente doméstica de fertilizante de potasio, crítico para la productividad agrícola y la seguridad alimentaria del país. Se espera que estas actividades creen oportunidades laborales locales para las comunidades de Urucurituba Village, Autazes y la región circundante, con empresas contratistas priorizando la mano de obra local.

브라질 포타시 (NYSE-American: GRO)는 브라질의 아우타제스 포타시 프로젝트에서 야생동물 구조 및 식생 억제 활동을 시작할 수 있는 승인을 받았습니다. 이 고고학적 허가는 프로젝트 설치 단계에서 중요한 이정표로, 지하 포타시 광산에 접근하기 위한 향후 샤프트 굴착을 위한 부지 준비를 가능하게 합니다.

작업은 아마조나스 주 환경 보호청 (IPAAM)에서 발급한 환경 허가에 따라 계획되었으며, 이는 건설 활동을 승인합니다. 이러한 서비스에 대한 계약업체는 이미 선정되었으며, 요구 사항을 준수하면서 프로젝트 시설의 추가 건설을 가능하게 할 것입니다.

이 프로젝트는 브라질에 포타시 비료의 국내 공급원을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 국가의 농업 생산성과 식량 안전에 매우 중요합니다. 이러한 활동은 우루쿠리투바 마을, 아우타제스 및 주변 지역의 지역 사회에 일자리 기회를 창출할 것으로 예상되며, 계약된 회사는 지역 노동자를 우선적으로 고려할 것입니다.

Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) a reçu l'approbation pour commencer les activités de Secours de la Faune et Suppression de la Végétation dans son Projet de Potasse d'Autazes au Brésil. Cette autorisation archéologique représente une étape critique dans la phase d'installation du projet, permettant la préparation du site pour les futurs forages d'accès à la mine de potasse souterraine.

Les travaux ont été planifiés conformément aux Licences Environnementales délivrées par l'Agence de Protection de l'Environnement de l'État d'Amazonas (IPAAM), qui autorise les activités de construction. Un entrepreneur a déjà été sélectionné pour ces services, qui respectera les exigences tout en permettant la construction supplémentaire des installations du projet.

Le projet vise à fournir au Brésil une source domestique de fertilisant de potasse, essentiel pour la productivité agricole et la sécurité alimentaire du pays. Ces activités devraient créer des opportunités d'emploi locales pour les communautés de Urucurituba Village, Autazes et la région environnante, les entreprises contractées privilégiant la main-d'œuvre locale.

Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) hat die Genehmigung erhalten, mit den Aktivitäten zur Fauna-Rettung und Vegetationsunterdrückung in seinem Autazes-Potash-Projekt in Brasilien zu beginnen. Diese archäologische Genehmigung stellt einen entscheidenden Meilenstein in der Installationsphase des Projekts dar und ermöglicht die Standortvorbereitung für zukünftige Schachtabsenkungen, um Zugang zur unterirdischen Kalimiene zu erhalten.

Die Arbeiten wurden gemäß den von der Umweltschutzbehörde des Bundesstaates Amazonas (IPAAM) erteilten Umweltgenehmigungen geplant, die Bauaktivitäten genehmigen. Ein Auftragnehmer wurde bereits für diese Dienstleistungen ausgewählt, der die Anforderungen einhalten wird, während er den weiteren Bau der Projektanlagen ermöglicht.

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Brasilien eine inländische Quelle für Kali-Dünger bereitzustellen, die für die landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und die Ernährungssicherheit des Landes von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Aktivitäten lokale Arbeitsplätze für die Gemeinden in Urucurituba Village, Autazes und der umliegenden Region schaffen, wobei die beauftragten Unternehmen lokale Arbeitskräfte priorisieren.

  • Archaeological clearance milestone achieved for Autazes Potash Project
  • Approval to begin site preparation for future shaft sinking
  • Project advances toward providing Brazil with domestic potash fertilizer source
  • Local job creation expected in Urucurituba Village and surrounding areas
  • None.


Brazil Potash's approval to begin fauna rescue and vegetation suppression activities at its Autazes project represents a critical de-risking milestone in the company's development timeline. This environmental clearance removes a significant regulatory hurdle and allows the company to advance toward shaft sinking - typically one of the most technically challenging and capital-intensive phases of underground mine development.

This progress should be viewed in the context of Brazil's strategic fertilizer vulnerability. Brazil, despite being an agricultural powerhouse responsible for approximately 8% of global food production, imports over 95% of its potash needs, creating significant food security and currency exposure risks. The Autazes project, when operational, could potentially supply up to 20% of Brazil's annual potash consumption, positioning GRO as a vital domestic supplier in a market where import dependency has created persistent pricing premiums.

For investors, this milestone signals three key developments:

  • Regulatory momentum is building, suggesting the company is successfully navigating Brazil's complex permitting environment
  • The project is advancing toward the capital-intensive construction phase, which will likely require significant financing beyond the company's current $87.4 million market cap
  • Local community engagement appears positive, with the company emphasizing local hiring - important for maintaining social license to operate in environmentally sensitive regions

While positive, investors should monitor several factors: the company's cash position relative to near-term capital requirements, the timeline for shaft construction commencement, and any updates to the project's economics given current potash prices of approximately $350-400/tonne versus historical ranges of $200-900/tonne. The relatively small market capitalization suggests either significant financing dilution is expected or the market remains skeptical about execution risks.

For development-stage mining companies like GRO, achieving sequential permitting milestones typically creates a stair-step valuation pattern rather than linear appreciation. With each de-risking event, the probability-weighted net present value should theoretically increase, potentially creating re-rating opportunities as the project advances toward production.

Archaeological clearance is a key milestone and allows Brazil Potash to begin critical site preparation activities for future shaft sinking

Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression expected to create local job opportunities for communities in Urucurituba Village, Autazes, and the surrounding region

MANAUS, Brazil, Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brazil Potash Corp. (“Brazil Potash” or the “Company”) (NYSE-American: GRO), a developer and builder of Brazil’s largest potash fertilizer project, announced today that its subsidiary Potássio do Brasil Ltda. (“Potássio do Brasil”) has received approval to begin Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression activities in the mine area of the Autazes Potash Project (the “Project”). This represents an important milestone in the Project’s installation phase, as it will allow for the subsequent excavation of two deep shafts to access the underground potash mine.

The scope of work was planned and designed by Potássio do Brasil in accordance with the Environmental Licenses issued by the Amazonas State Environmental Protection Agency, IPAAM, which authorizes the Company to perform the Project’s construction activities. These activities will follow a logical schedule to meet all environmental agency requirements while enabling further construction of the Project facilities.

“The contractor for the Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression services has already been selected. We are taking another vital step in developing the Project, ensuring that there will be no interference with the preservation of Amazonian cultural heritage for future generations,” said Adriano Espeschit, president of Potássio do Brasil, the Company’s Brazilian subsidiary. “The Project areas have been the subject of thorough prior studies, as approved in our submissions to IPAAM and IPHAN. Each milestone we achieve brings us closer to providing Brazil with a domestic source of potash fertilizer, which is critical for the country's agricultural productivity and food security," added Espeschit.

“We will be creating more direct and indirect job opportunities in Vila de Urucurituba, in Autazes, and the region, with contracted companies prioritizing local labor,” emphasized Raphael Bloise, Project Director at Potássio do Brasil and directly responsible for the work in Autazes.

About Brazil Potash

Brazil Potash (NYSE-American: GRO) ( is developing Brazil’s largest potash project to supply sustainable fertilizers to one of the world’s largest agricultural exporters. Brazil is critical for global food security as the country has amongst the highest amounts of fresh water, arable land, and an ideal climate for year-round crop growth, but it is vulnerable as it imported over 95% of its potash fertilizer in 2021, despite having what is anticipated to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped potash basins in its own backyard. The potash produced will be transported primarily using low-cost river barges on an inland river system in partnership with Amaggi (, one of the Brazil’s largest farmers and logistical operators of agricultural products. With an initial planned annual potash production of up to 2.4 million tons per year, Brazil Potash’s management believes it could potentially supply approximately 20% of the current potash demand in Brazil. Management anticipates 100% of Brazil Potash’s production will be sold domestically to reduce Brazil’s reliance on potash imports while concurrently mitigating approximately 1.4 million tons per year of GHG emissions.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer

This press release includes forward-looking statements, which are statements that are not historical facts. Words such as “expects”, “anticipates” “believes” and “intends” or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements, including statements relating to vegetation suppression and fauna rescue, the archeological monitoring, rescue program and heritage education for the Autazes Project, the planned construction of the Autazes Project, the benefits of such project and the creation of local jobs are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s registration statement on Form F-1, as amended, for the IPO filed with the SEC in connection with the IPO, and the supplemented PREP prospectus filed in each of the provinces and territories of Canada, other than Québec. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the Company’s expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based, unless required by law.

Brazil Potash Investor Relations


What milestone did Brazil Potash (GRO) recently achieve for its Autazes Project?

Brazil Potash received approval to begin Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression activities in the mine area, representing an archaeological clearance milestone that allows for site preparation for future shaft sinking.

How will the Fauna Rescue and Vegetation Suppression approval impact GRO's construction timeline?

The approval allows Brazil Potash to begin critical site preparation activities that will enable the subsequent excavation of two deep shafts to access the underground potash mine, advancing the project's installation phase.

What economic benefits will GRO's Autazes Project bring to local communities?

The project is expected to create direct and indirect job opportunities in Vila de Urucurituba, Autazes, and the surrounding region, with contracted companies prioritizing local labor.

What regulatory approvals has Brazil Potash (GRO) secured for the Autazes Project?

Brazil Potash has secured Environmental Licenses from the Amazonas State Environmental Protection Agency (IPAAM) and approval from IPHAN (National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute) for archaeological clearance.

What is the strategic importance of GRO's Autazes Potash Project for Brazil?

The project aims to provide Brazil with a domestic source of potash fertilizer, which is critical for the country's agricultural productivity and food security, reducing dependence on imports.

Brazil Potash Corp.


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