Happy World Sleep Day: Discover the benefits of a good night's sleep and how Garmin smartwatches can help
Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) celebrates World Sleep Day by highlighting improvements in users' sleep patterns and showcasing their smartwatch capabilities. Data from Garmin Connect reveals users achieved an average sleep score of 72 in the past year, up from 70 in the previous period.
The company's latest smartwatches, including Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265, and vívoactive 5, offer advanced sleep tracking features such as Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, Nap Detection, and Jet Lag Advisor. These tools provide comprehensive insights into sleep quality and its impact on overall wellness.
Key findings from Garmin's recent sleep data report show that:
- 67.1% of users average 7+ hours of sleep nightly
- Users average 1h13m of REM sleep, 1h17m of deep sleep, and 4h38m of light sleep
- Users aged 21-30 achieve the highest sleep scores (74)
- Iceland and Finland users lead globally with 77 average sleep scores
Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) celebra la Giornata Mondiale del Sonno evidenziando i miglioramenti nei modelli di sonno degli utenti e mostrando le capacità dei loro smartwatch. I dati di Garmin Connect rivelano che gli utenti hanno raggiunto un punteggio medio di sonno di 72 nell'ultimo anno, rispetto al 70 del periodo precedente.
Gli ultimi smartwatch dell'azienda, tra cui Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265 e vívoactive 5, offrono funzionalità avanzate di monitoraggio del sonno come Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, Rilevamento dei Sonnellini e Jet Lag Advisor. Questi strumenti forniscono approfondimenti completi sulla qualità del sonno e sul suo impatto sul benessere generale.
I principali risultati del recente rapporto sui dati del sonno di Garmin mostrano che:
- Il 67,1% degli utenti dorme in media più di 7 ore a notte
- Gli utenti mediamente hanno 1h13m di sonno REM, 1h17m di sonno profondo e 4h38m di sonno leggero
- Gli utenti di età compresa tra 21 e 30 anni ottengono i punteggi di sonno più alti (74)
- Gli utenti dell'Islanda e della Finlandia sono in testa a livello globale con punteggi medi di sonno di 77
Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) celebra el Día Mundial del Sueño destacando las mejoras en los patrones de sueño de los usuarios y mostrando las capacidades de sus relojes inteligentes. Los datos de Garmin Connect revelan que los usuarios lograron un puntaje promedio de sueño de 72 en el último año, frente al 70 del período anterior.
Los últimos relojes inteligentes de la compañía, que incluyen Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265 y vívoactive 5, ofrecen características avanzadas de seguimiento del sueño, como Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, Detección de Siestas y Jet Lag Advisor. Estas herramientas proporcionan información completa sobre la calidad del sueño y su impacto en el bienestar general.
Los hallazgos clave del reciente informe de datos sobre el sueño de Garmin muestran que:
- El 67,1% de los usuarios promedia más de 7 horas de sueño por noche
- Los usuarios promedian 1h13m de sueño REM, 1h17m de sueño profundo y 4h38m de sueño ligero
- Los usuarios de 21 a 30 años obtienen los puntajes de sueño más altos (74)
- Los usuarios de Islandia y Finlandia lideran a nivel mundial con un puntaje promedio de sueño de 77
가민 (NYSE: GRMN)은 세계 수면의 날을 기념하며 사용자들의 수면 패턴 개선을 강조하고 스마트워치의 기능을 보여줍니다. 가민 커넥트의 데이터에 따르면, 사용자들은 지난 1년 동안 평균 수면 점수 72를 기록했으며, 이는 이전 기간의 70에서 증가한 수치입니다.
회사의 최신 스마트워치인 Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265, 및 vívoactive 5는 Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, 낮잠 감지 및 Jet Lag Advisor와 같은 고급 수면 추적 기능을 제공합니다. 이러한 도구는 수면의 질과 전반적인 웰빙에 미치는 영향에 대한 포괄적인 통찰력을 제공합니다.
가민의 최근 수면 데이터 보고서에서 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 67.1%의 사용자가 매일 밤 7시간 이상의 수면을 취합니다
- 사용자는 평균 1시간 13분의 REM 수면, 1시간 17분의 깊은 수면, 그리고 4시간 38분의 얕은 수면을 취합니다
- 21세에서 30세 사이의 사용자가 가장 높은 수면 점수(74)를 달성합니다
- 아이슬란드와 핀란드의 사용자들이 세계적으로 평균 수면 점수 77로 선두를 달리고 있습니다
Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) célèbre la Journée Mondiale du Sommeil en mettant en avant les améliorations des habitudes de sommeil des utilisateurs et en présentant les capacités de leurs montres connectées. Les données de Garmin Connect révèlent que les utilisateurs ont atteint un score de sommeil moyen de 72 au cours de l'année écoulée, contre 70 lors de la période précédente.
Les dernières montres connectées de l'entreprise, y compris Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265 et vívoactive 5, offrent des fonctionnalités avancées de suivi du sommeil telles que Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, Détection de Siestes et Jet Lag Advisor. Ces outils fournissent des informations complètes sur la qualité du sommeil et son impact sur le bien-être général.
Les principales conclusions du récent rapport sur les données de sommeil de Garmin montrent que:
- 67,1 % des utilisateurs dorment en moyenne plus de 7 heures par nuit
- Les utilisateurs ont en moyenne 1h13m de sommeil REM, 1h17m de sommeil profond et 4h38m de sommeil léger
- Les utilisateurs âgés de 21 à 30 ans obtiennent les scores de sommeil les plus élevés (74)
- Les utilisateurs d'Islande et de Finlande sont en tête au niveau mondial avec un score moyen de sommeil de 77
Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) feiert den Weltschlaftag, indem es die Verbesserungen der Schlafmuster der Nutzer hervorhebt und die Fähigkeiten ihrer Smartwatches präsentiert. Daten von Garmin Connect zeigen, dass die Nutzer im vergangenen Jahr einen durchschnittlichen Schlafscore von 72 erreicht haben, im Vergleich zu 70 im vorherigen Zeitraum.
Die neuesten Smartwatches des Unternehmens, darunter Venu 3, fenix 8, Forerunner 265 und vívoactive 5, bieten fortschrittliche Schlafüberwachungsfunktionen wie Sleep Coach, Sleep Score, Sleep Stages, Schlafnickerchen-Erkennung und Jet Lag Advisor. Diese Werkzeuge bieten umfassende Einblicke in die Schlafqualität und deren Auswirkungen auf das allgemeine Wohlbefinden.
Wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem aktuellen Schlafdatenbericht von Garmin zeigen, dass:
- 67,1 % der Nutzer im Durchschnitt mehr als 7 Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht haben
- Die Nutzer haben im Durchschnitt 1h13m REM-Schlaf, 1h17m Tiefschlaf und 4h38m Leichtschlaf
- Die Nutzer im Alter von 21 bis 30 Jahren erreichen die höchsten Schlafscores (74)
- Nutzer aus Island und Finnland führen weltweit mit einem durchschnittlichen Schlafscore von 77
- Demonstrated product improvement with sleep score increase from 70 to 72
- Strong market presence in sleep tracking technology with multiple advanced features
- Broad product lineup with sleep tracking capabilities across various smartwatch models
- None.
Garmin Connect data shows users have been sleeping better over the last year
Track your sleep
Garmin's latest smartwatches – including Venu® 3, fenix® 8, Forerunner® 265 and vívoactive® 5 – feature innovative tools and insights to help customers track their sleep. These insights go beyond simply marking the amount of sleep an individual receives; they also provide a picture of how sleep impacts other aspects of the user's daily life.
- Sleep coach: Receive personalized coaching for how much sleep is recommended and receive personalized tips on how to improve sleep based on factors like previous sleep history, activities and more.
- Sleep score: Get a nightly score on a scale of 0-100 based on how long and how well a user slept and provides details on how sleep impacts their day.
- Sleep stages: View sleep stages (light, deep and REM) and when they occur during the night.
- Nap detection: Automatically track naps and learn how they may benefit the body and the suggested time and duration they should be for maximum effect.
- Jet lag advisor: Travelers can enter their trip details in the Garmin Connect™ smartphone app calendar and receive information on light exposure, a sleep schedule and exercise to help minimize the effects of jet lag on their next long-distance trip.
- Heart rate variability (HRV) status2: See last night's average HRV and the smartwatch will establish a personal baseline and the user if they're balanced, unbalanced, low or poor to help them get a better handle on recovery and their overall wellness picture.
- Pulse Ox3: Track blood oxygen saturation while asleep.
What our sponsored athletes are saying about the importance of sleep insights
"My favorite Garmin sleep tracking feature is seeing my sleep summary with all the stages of sleep after I wake up, specifically how much deep sleep and REM I got. I know what is normal for me in these stages, so when I'm not getting enough deep or REM, I try to focus on what I can do during the day or before bed to help set me up for better quality sleep (i.e., make sure I'm fueling enough, less screen time, a good routine before bed, etc.). When I'm getting high quality sleep at night, then I'm able to get the full benefit of my training, which allows me to perform at my best every day."
—Skye Moench, professional triathlete
"Why guess when you can know? The first thing I do each day is look at my sleep score, body battery and HRV status. You need to understand what effects those number and that it's all relevant to who you are. I strive to be able to put the hammer down (at tournaments) but also understand that comes at a cost. Having a way to use that data to understand the cost/benefit of how you train and how you practice is a huge benefit to me. The more you use this information, the more you can learn how to find the best version of yourself."
— Scott Stallings, professional golfer
Inside the numbers
Garmin has published multiple reports on sleep data and what it means for users around the world. Here are some key takeaways from our most recent report:
- More than two-thirds of Garmin users (
67.1% ) average 7 hours of sleep or more per night. - Garmin users average 1 hour, 13 minutes of REM sleep per night, roughly 1 hour, 17 minutes of deep sleep and 4 hours, 38 minutes of light sleep per night.
- Both genders raised their average score (women +3; men +2) from the previous year.
- Younger Garmin users tend to get better sleep. Users between the ages of 21-30 received the best sleep, averaging a 74 score. Users 70 and older had the lowest average sleep score of 68.
- Users in
Iceland andFinland are some of the world's best sleepers, both with an average sleep score of 77. Users inVietnam had the lowest average sleep score at 67.
To view even more sleep insights, check out our latest blog post.
Engineered on the inside for life on the outside, Garmin products have revolutionized the aviation, automotive, fitness, marine and outdoor markets. Dedicated to helping people make the most of the time they spend pursuing their passions, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate and a chance to beat yesterday. Visit the Garmin Newsroom, email our media team, connect with @garmin on social, or follow our blog.
1Data used in the most recent report covered from Feb. 1, 2024-Jan. 31, 2025. The previous year covered Feb. 1, 2023-Jan. 31, 2024.
2Activity tracking accuracy.
3This is not a medical device and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see garmin.com/ataccuracy. Pulse Ox is not available in all countries.
About Garmin: Garmin Ltd. (NYSE: GRMN) is incorporated in
All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Notice on Forward-Looking Statements:
This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. Such statements are based on management's current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 28, 2024, filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0001-411180). A copy of such Form 10-K is available at https://www.garmin.com/en-US/company/investors/earnings/. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Media Contacts: Mike Cummings & Adrieanna Norse / 913-397-8200 / media.relations@garmin.com
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SOURCE Garmin International, Inc.