Perfect Moment Makes Key New Production Hires to Support Growth in Luxury Outerwear
Perfect Moment (NYSE American: PMNT), the luxury skiwear and lifestyle brand, has strengthened its product development and production team with three key appointments from Canada Goose: Rui Morgadinho as Head of Production & Quality Assurance, Samantha Argotti as Head of Product, and Angela Sobral as Head of Sourcing.
The new hires previously contributed to Canada Goose's impressive 48% revenue growth over four years, reaching C$1.3 billion in FY2024. The team will report to Vittorio Giacomelli, former Canada Goose VP of product and sourcing, who recently joined Perfect Moment.
This strategic expansion aims to broaden the brand's appeal from slope to city wear and extend beyond the traditional fall/winter season. The company expects these appointments to enhance quality, improve efficiency, and optimize margins as Perfect Moment expands into the broader luxury outerwear market.
Perfect Moment (NYSE American: PMNT), il marchio di abbigliamento da sci e lifestyle di lusso, ha rafforzato il suo team di sviluppo prodotto e produzione con tre nomine chiave provenienti da Canada Goose: Rui Morgadinho come Responsabile della Produzione e Assicurazione Qualità, Samantha Argotti come Responsabile Prodotto, e Angela Sobral come Responsabile Sourcing.
Le nuove assunzioni hanno precedentemente contribuito alla notevole crescita del fatturato del 48% di Canada Goose in quattro anni, raggiungendo 1,3 miliardi di dollari canadesi nell'anno fiscale 2024. Il team riporterà a Vittorio Giacomelli, ex VP di prodotto e sourcing di Canada Goose, che ha recentemente aderito a Perfect Moment.
Questa espansione strategica mira ad ampliare l'appeal del marchio dall'abbigliamento da sci all'abbigliamento urbano e ad estendersi oltre la tradizionale stagione autunnale/invernale. L'azienda si aspetta che queste nomine migliorino la qualità, aumentino l'efficienza e ottimizzino i margini mentre Perfect Moment si espande nel più ampio mercato dell'abbigliamento esterno di lusso.
Perfect Moment (NYSE American: PMNT), la marca de ropa de esquí y estilo de vida de lujo, ha fortalecido su equipo de desarrollo de productos y producción con tres nombramientos clave de Canada Goose: Rui Morgadinho como Jefe de Producción y Aseguramiento de Calidad, Samantha Argotti como Jefa de Producto, y Angela Sobral como Jefa de Sourcing.
Las nuevas contrataciones contribuyeron previamente al impresionante crecimiento del 48% en ingresos de Canada Goose en cuatro años, alcanzando 1.3 mil millones de dólares canadienses en el año fiscal 2024. El equipo reportará a Vittorio Giacomelli, ex VP de producto y sourcing de Canada Goose, quien se unió recientemente a Perfect Moment.
Esta expansión estratégica tiene como objetivo ampliar el atractivo de la marca desde la ropa de esquí hasta la ropa urbana y extenderse más allá de la temporada tradicional de otoño/invierno. La empresa espera que estos nombramientos mejoren la calidad, aumenten la eficiencia y optimicen los márgenes a medida que Perfect Moment se expande en el mercado más amplio de ropa exterior de lujo.
퍼펙트 모먼트 (NYSE American: PMNT), 고급 스키웨어 및 라이프스타일 브랜드는 캐나다 구스에서 세 명의 주요 인사를 영입하여 제품 개발 및 생산 팀을 강화했습니다: 루이 모르가디뇨가 생산 및 품질 보증 책임자, 사만다 아르고티가 제품 책임자, 안젤라 소브랄이 소싱 책임자로 임명되었습니다.
새로운 인사들은 이전에 캐나다 구스의 4년 동안 48%의 매출 성장에 기여했으며, 2024 회계연도에 13억 캐나다 달러에 도달했습니다. 이 팀은 최근 퍼펙트 모먼트에 합류한 전 캐나다 구스 제품 및 소싱 부사장인 비토리오 지아코멜리에게 보고할 것입니다.
이번 전략적 확장은 브랜드의 매력을 스키장에서 도시 복장으로 넓히고 전통적인 가을/겨울 시즌을 넘어 확장하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 회사는 이러한 임명이 품질을 향상시키고 효율성을 개선하며 퍼펙트 모먼트가 더 넓은 고급 아우터웨어 시장으로 확장함에 따라 마진을 최적화할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
Perfect Moment (NYSE American: PMNT), la marque de vêtements de ski et de style de vie de luxe, a renforcé son équipe de développement de produits et de production avec trois nominations clés de Canada Goose : Rui Morgadinho en tant que Responsable de la Production et de l'Assurance Qualité, Samantha Argotti en tant que Responsable Produit, et Angela Sobral en tant que Responsable Sourcing.
Les nouvelles recrues ont précédemment contribué à la croissance impressionnante de 48 % du chiffre d'affaires de Canada Goose sur quatre ans, atteignant 1,3 milliard de dollars canadiens pour l'exercice 2024. L'équipe fera rapport à Vittorio Giacomelli, ancien VP produit et sourcing de Canada Goose, qui a récemment rejoint Perfect Moment.
Cette expansion stratégique vise à élargir l'attrait de la marque, passant des vêtements de ski à ceux de ville, et à s'étendre au-delà de la saison traditionnelle automne/hiver. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que ces nominations améliorent la qualité, augmentent l'efficacité et optimisent les marges alors que Perfect Moment s'étend sur le marché plus large des vêtements d'extérieur de luxe.
Perfect Moment (NYSE American: PMNT), die Luxus-Ski- und Lifestyle-Marke, hat ihr Produktentwicklungs- und Produktionsteam mit drei Schlüsselbesetzungen von Canada Goose verstärkt: Rui Morgadinho als Leiter der Produktion und Qualitätssicherung, Samantha Argotti als Leiterin des Produkts und Angela Sobral als Leiterin des Sourcing.
Die neuen Mitarbeiter haben zuvor zu dem beeindruckenden Umsatzwachstum von 48% bei Canada Goose in vier Jahren beigetragen, das im Geschäftsjahr 2024 1,3 Milliarden kanadische Dollar erreichte. Das Team wird an Vittorio Giacomelli berichten, den ehemaligen VP für Produkt und Sourcing von Canada Goose, der kürzlich zu Perfect Moment gestoßen ist.
Diese strategische Expansion zielt darauf ab, die Anziehungskraft der Marke vom Skibereich auf die städtische Mode zu erweitern und über die traditionelle Herbst-/Wintersaison hinauszugehen. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass diese Ernennungen die Qualität verbessern, die Effizienz steigern und die Margen optimieren, während Perfect Moment in den breiteren Luxus-Outerwear-Markt expandiert.
- Secured experienced production team from successful competitor Canada Goose
- Team previously drove 48% revenue growth at Canada Goose over 4 years
- Strategic expansion into broader luxury outerwear market
- Potential for margin optimization and production efficiency improvements
- None.
- Rui Morgadinho - Head of Production & Quality Assurance
- Samantha Argotti - Head of Product
- Angela Sobral - Head of Sourcing
The group had contributed to the rapid growth of Canada Goose (NYSE, TSX:GOOS), a leading peer in the luxury outerwear market with revenues up
“We believe these new hires dramatically strengthen our product development and production capabilities as we continue our strategic expansion into the larger and faster-growing luxury outerwear market,” stated Perfect Moment president and chief creative officer, Jane Gottschalk. “We expect each of them to play key roles as we work to broaden our brand appeal from the slope to the city and extend our traditional fall/winter selling season to throughout the year.”
The expanded production team will report directly to Vittorio Giacomelli, former vice president of product and sourcing at Canada Goose who recently joined Perfect Moment. His decades of expertise in design, product development, and sourcing is expected to take a central role in aligning the company’s production strategy with its high-growth objectives.
“Vittorio’s leadership of this talented group gives me great confidence that we will deliver unparalleled quality and design to our customers and partners around the world,” added Gottschalk.
According to Giacomelli: “I believe this fantastic assembly of my former team members represents a significant turning point for Perfect Moment’s growth outlook, particularly given their historic achievements. I see their collective expertise playing an instrumental role in enhancing quality, improving efficiency, and optimizing margins—each key pillars for our continued expansion from our strong base in luxury performance skiwear into the luxury outerwear market. Our goal is that this amazing ‘Dream Team’ will be the driving force for delivering product excellence and operational success.”
Chath Weerasinghe, Perfect Moment’s new CFO and COO who also recently joined from Canada Goose, commented: “We believe that all of us now together at Perfect Moment marks the beginning of a new transformative stage for the company, factors we believe that should enable us to cost-effectively scale production while enhancing margins. We believe we are now well positioned to build an exceptionally strong production infrastructure that supports our high goals and aspirations for global expansion and product excellence.”
About Perfect Moment
The Perfect Moment brand was born in 1984 in the mountains of
Initially the vision of extreme sports filmmaker and professional skier Thierry Donard, the brand was built on a sense of adventure that has sustained for over 20 years. Donard, fueled by his personal experiences, was driven by a desire to create pieces that offered quality, style and performance, pushing the wearer in the pursuit of every athlete’s dream: to experience ‘The Perfect Moment.’
In 2012, British-Swiss entrepreneurial couple Jane and Max Gottschalk took ownership of the brand. Under Jane’s creative direction Perfect Moment was injected with a new style focus, one that reignited the spirit of the heritage brand, along with a commitment to improving fit, performance and the use of best-in-class functional materials. As such, the designs evolved into distinct statement pieces synonymous with the brand as we know it today.
Today, the brand is available globally, online and at major retailers, including MyTheresa, Net-a-Porter, Harrods, Selfridges, Saks, Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus.
Perfect Moments’ global luxury ski apparel market is expected to reach
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Company Contact
Julie Robinson, Brand Director
Perfect Moment
Tel +44 7595178702
Email contact
Investor Contact
Ronald Both or Grant Stude
CMA Investor Relations
Tel (949) 432-7566
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Source: Perfect Moment Ltd.