Lumwana’s Super Pit Expansion Officially Launched

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Barrick Gold has officially launched the development of a Super Pit at its Lumwana copper mine in Zambia. The $2 billion project aims to transform Lumwana into a long-life, high-yielding, top 25 copper producer and a Tier One copper mine. Key highlights include:

- Doubling plant throughput from 27Mt to 52Mt
- Increasing annual copper production from 120kt to a life-of-mine average of 240kt
- Ramping up total mining volumes to an average of 290t per annum from 2030 onwards
- Creating 550 additional jobs over the next five years and 2,500 construction jobs until 2028
- Building critical infrastructure, including an airstrip and industrial supplier park

The feasibility study is expected by the end of the year, with construction planned to start in 2025. Barrick emphasizes the project's focus on creating a sustainable legacy through local capacity development and regional economic growth.

Barrick Gold ha ufficialmente avviato lo sviluppo di un Super Pit presso la sua miniera di rame Lumwana in Zambia. Il progetto da 2 miliardi di dollari mira a trasformare Lumwana in un produttore di rame di lunga durata e ad alto rendimento, tra i primi 25 e in una miniera di rame di Categoria Uno. I punti salienti includono:

- Raddoppio della capacità dell'impianto da 27Mt a 52Mt
- Aumento della produzione annuale di rame da 120kt a una media di 240kt per tutto il ciclo di vita della miniera
- Aumento del volume totale di estrazione a una media di 290t all'anno dal 2030 in poi
- Creazione di 550 posti di lavoro aggiuntivi nei prossimi cinque anni e 2.500 posti di lavoro nella costruzione entro il 2028
- Costruzione di infrastrutture critiche, tra cui una pista d'atterraggio e un parco fornitori industriali

Lo studio di fattibilità è atteso entro la fine dell'anno, con l'inizio della costruzione previsto per il 2025. Barrick sottolinea l'importanza del progetto nel creare un'eredità sostenibile attraverso lo sviluppo delle capacità locali e la crescita economica regionale.

Barrick Gold ha lanzado oficialmente el desarrollo de un Super Pit en su mina de cobre Lumwana en Zambia. El proyecto de 2 mil millones de dólares tiene como objetivo transformar Lumwana en un productor de cobre de larga duración y alto rendimiento, entre los 25 mejores y una mina de cobre de Categoría Uno. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Duplicar la capacidad de la planta de 27Mt a 52Mt
- Aumentar la producción anual de cobre de 120kt a un promedio de 240kt durante la vida útil de la mina
- Incrementar el volumen total de extracción a un promedio de 290t al año a partir de 2030
- Crear 550 empleos adicionales en los próximos cinco años y 2,500 empleos en la construcción hasta 2028
- Construir infraestructura crítica, incluyendo una pista de aterrizaje y un parque de proveedores industriales

Se espera que el estudio de viabilidad esté listo para fin de año, con la construcción planificada para comenzar en 2025. Barrick enfatiza el enfoque del proyecto en crear un legado sostenible a través del desarrollo de capacidades locales y el crecimiento económico regional.

바릭 골드가 잠비아의 룸와나 구리 광산에서 슈퍼핏 개발을 공식적으로 시작했습니다. 이 20억 달러 프로젝트는 룸와나를 장기적인 고수익, 상위 25위 구리 생산업체로 변모시키고 1급 구리 광산으로 만들 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 식물 처리량을 27Mt에서 52Mt로 두 배로 증가
- 연간 구리 생산량을 120kt에서 평생 평균 240kt로 증가
- 2030년부터 연평균 290t로 총 채굴량을 증가
- 향후 5년 동안 550개의 추가 일자리 창출 및 2028년까지 2,500개의 건설 일자리 생성
- 공항 활주로 및 산업 공급업체 공원을 포함한 주요 인프라 건설

타당성 조사는 올해 말까지 완료될 예정이며, 2025년부터 건설이 시작될 계획입니다. 바릭은 지역 역량 개발과 지역 경제 성장의 지속 가능한 유산을 창출하는 데 프로젝트의 초점을 두고 있다고 강조합니다.

Barrick Gold a officiellement lancé le développement d'un Super Pit dans sa mine de cuivre Lumwana en Zambie. Le projet de 2 milliards de dollars vise à transformer Lumwana en producteur de cuivre de longue durée et à haut rendement, parmi les 25 premiers et en une mine de cuivre de Tier One. Les principaux points forts comprennent :

- Doublement du débit de l'usine de 27Mt à 52Mt
- Augmentation de la production annuelle de cuivre de 120kt à une moyenne de 240kt sur la durée de vie de la mine
- Augmentation du volume total d'extraction à une moyenne de 290t par an à partir de 2030
- Création de 550 emplois supplémentaires au cours des cinq prochaines années et 2 500 emplois de construction jusqu'en 2028
- Construction d'infrastructures critiques, y compris une piste d'atterrissage et un parc de fournisseurs industriels

Une étude de faisabilité est attendue d'ici la fin de l'année, avec un début de construction prévu pour 2025. Barrick souligne que le projet se concentre sur la création d'un héritage durable grâce au développement des capacités locales et à la croissance économique régionale.

Barrick Gold hat offiziell die Entwicklung eines Super Pits in seiner Kupfermine Lumwana in Sambia gestartet. Das 2-Billionen-Dollar-Projekt hat zum Ziel, Lumwana in einen langfristigen, ertragreichen, unter den Top 25 Kupferproduzenten und in eine Kupfermine der Tier-One-Kategorie zu verwandeln. Zu den wichtigsten Highlights gehören:

- Verdopplung der Anlagendurchsatz von 27Mt auf 52Mt
- Steigerung der jährlichen Kupferproduktion von 120kt auf einen Lebensdurchschnitt von 240kt
- Erhöhung des Gesamtabbaumengen auf durchschnittlich 290t pro Jahr ab 2030
- Schaffung von 550 zusätzlichen Arbeitsplätzen in den nächsten fünf Jahren und 2.500 Baustellenarbeitsplätzen bis 2028
- Bau kritischer Infrastruktur, einschließlich einer Landebahn und eines Industrieanbieterparks

Die Machbarkeitsstudie wird bis Ende des Jahres erwartet, mit geplanten Baubeginn im Jahr 2025. Barrick betont den Fokus des Projekts auf die Schaffung eines nachhaltigen Erbes durch lokale Kapazitätsentwicklung und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum.

  • Doubling annual copper production from 120kt to 240kt
  • Increasing plant throughput from 27Mt to 52Mt
  • Creating 550 additional jobs and 2,500 construction jobs
  • Building critical infrastructure to support regional development
  • Potential to become a top 25 copper producer and Tier One copper mine
  • Large capital investment of $2 billion required for the expansion project
  • Project feasibility study not yet completed, introducing uncertainty


The launch of Lumwana's Super Pit Expansion marks a significant milestone for Barrick Gold. This $2 billion project has the potential to transform Lumwana into a top-tier copper producer. Key highlights include:

  • Doubling annual copper production from 120kt to 240kt
  • Increasing plant throughput from 27Mt to 52Mt
  • Ramping up total mining volumes to 290t per annum by 2030

The expansion aligns with the growing demand for copper in the global transition to clean energy. However, investors should consider the execution risks associated with such a large-scale project and potential fluctuations in copper prices. The investment also demonstrates Barrick's commitment to its copper portfolio, potentially diversifying its revenue streams beyond gold.

The project's focus on local development and job creation (550 additional workers and 2,500 construction workers) could enhance Barrick's social license to operate in Zambia, potentially reducing political risks. Overall, this expansion positions Barrick for long-term growth in the copper market, but investors should monitor project milestones and copper market dynamics closely.

The Lumwana Super Pit Expansion represents a significant shift in Barrick's operational strategy, positioning the company as a major player in the copper market. The project's scale is impressive:

  • Doubling throughput to 52Mt
  • Increasing mining volumes to 290t per annum by 2030
  • Potential to become a Tier One copper mine

This move aligns with the industry trend of major gold producers diversifying into copper, driven by its critical role in renewable energy and electric vehicles. The expansion's focus on creating a sustainable legacy through local capacity development is noteworthy, as it could mitigate operational risks and strengthen community relations.

However, the project faces challenges, including potential cost overruns, technical complexities of large-scale mining and the cyclical nature of copper prices. Investors should closely monitor the feasibility study results expected by year-end, as they will provide important details on project economics and execution plans. The success of this expansion could significantly impact Barrick's future production profile and market valuation.

All amounts expressed in US$

LUMWANA, Zambia, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) – The development of a Super Pit at Barrick’s Lumwana copper mine was officially launched today by the Zambian President, His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema, accompanied by members of his cabinet.

The feasibility study for the Super Pit Expansion is expected by the end of the year, paving the way for construction to start in 2025. Once completed, the $2 billion project1,4 unlocks the potential to transform Lumwana into a long-life, high-yielding, top 25 copper producer1 and a Tier One2 copper mine.

The expansion involves first doubling throughput of the existing process circuit and then significantly increasing mining volumes. Plant throughput will grow from the current 27Mt to 52Mt, doubling the mine’s annual copper production from 120kt to a life-of-mine average of 240kt a year3,4. The process plant expansion is supported by a ramp-up of total mining volumes, which are planned to increase incrementally year-on-year, from 150Mt in 2025 to approximately 240Mt in 2028 and then to an average rate of 290t per annum from 2030 onwards3,4.

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony also attended by the Barrick board of directors, Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow said a critical element of the Super Pit Expansion was its focus on creating a sustainable legacy through the development of local capacity within the region, which would benefit both local communities and businesses throughout the construction and operational phases. The expansion will need around 550 additional workers over the next five years to support the ramp up and an additional 2,500 construction workers for a three-year period to 2028.

“We are also planning to build critical infrastructure, including an airstrip and an industrial supplier park. This will enable key suppliers to establish themselves in the area, creating an economic hub that will further fuel growth and development in the wider region,” Bristow said.

“Mining plays a key role in Zambia’s economic structure and our partnership with Barrick is creating one team with a shared vision to develop a new economic frontier in the North-Western Province of the country and beyond,” said President Hakainde Hichilema.

Barrick enquiries

Investor and media relations        
Kathy du Plessis                
+44 20 7557 7738                

Zambia Country Manager
Anthony Malenga
+260 977 730 513 

Technical Information

The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Richard Peattie, MPhil, FAusIMM, Mineral Resources Manager: Africa and Middle East; Simon Bottoms, CGeol, MGeol, FGS, FAusIMM, Mineral Resource Management and Evaluation Executive; John Steele, CIM, Metallurgy, Engineering and Capital Projects Executive; and Joel Holliday, FAusIMM, Executive Vice-President, Exploration—each a “Qualified Person” as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.


  1. Financial metrics and production metrics are based upon Barrick's internal pre-feasibility study which is conceptual in nature because it includes mineral resources that are not yet categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the pre-feasibility assessment will be realized. These metrics are subject to change upon completion of the feasibility study. The assumptions outlined within the pre-feasibility study assessment have formed the basis for the ongoing study and were made by a Qualified Person. The Qualified Person will evaluate the results of the completed feasibility study before determining whether all or a part of the mineral resource for the Super Pit Expansion Project may be converted to a mineral reserve.
  2. A Tier One Copper Asset is an asset with a $3.00/lb reserve with potential for 5 million tonnes or more of contained copper to support a minimum 20-year life, annual production of at least 200ktpa, with all-in sustaining costs per pound in the lower half of the industry cost curve. Tier One Assets must be located in a world class geological district with potential for organic reserve growth and long-term geologically driven addition.
  3. Life of Mine Plan mined tonnes, grade and ounces and financials are based on the pre-feasibility study but are conceptual in nature due to using mineral resources and are subject to change with completion of the feasibility study which is anticipated for Q4 2024.
  4. The results in this press release represent forward-looking information and are based on Barrick’s internal pre-feasibility study for the Super Pit. These results are based on mineral resources only and depend on inputs that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those presented here. Barrick is in the process of completing a feasibility study in respect of the Super Pit, the results of which may differ from the figures disclosed in this press release. Barrick does not currently identify Lumwana as a material property.  Barrick expects to re-evaluate Lumwana’s status as a potential material property following the completion of the feasibility study for the Super Pit Expansion Project and the preparation of updated mineral reserves and resources estimates for Lumwana as of December 31, 2024. A Technical Report will be prepared in accordance with Form 43-101F1 and filed on SEDAR+ within 45 days of the disclosure of the results of the feasibility study if Lumwana is classified as a material property. 

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Information

Certain information contained in this press release, including any information as to our strategy, projects, plans or future financial or operating performance, constitutes “forward-looking statements”. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. The words “would”, “will”, “projected”, “estimated”, “starting”, “plan”, “ramp up”, “enable”, “anticipated”, “potential”, “future”, “focus”, “ongoing” “expect” “growth”, and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward-looking statements including, without limitation, with respect to: Barrick’s Lumwana Super Pit expansion project and its ability to extend Lumwana’s life of mine; global projected copper production and demand profiles; the potential for Lumwana to become a Tier One asset, and the potential for Lumwana to become a top 25 copper asset; estimated copper production and throughput from the Lumwana Super Pit expansion, including projected mining rates; the estimated capital budget for the Lumwana Super Pit expansion; anticipated timelines for delivery of the feasibility study and project construction; Barrick’s strategy, plans, targets and goals in respect of environmental and social governance issues, including local community development; and expectations regarding future price assumptions, financial performance and other outlooks or guidance.

Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions including material estimates and assumptions related to the factors set forth below that, while considered reasonable by the Company as at the date of this press release in light of management’s experience and perception of current conditions and expected developments, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements and information. Such factors include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in the spot and forward price of gold, copper or certain other commodities (such as silver, diesel fuel, natural gas and electricity); the potential to convert all or part of the mineral resource for the Super Pit expansion into a mineral reserve following the completion of the feasibility study; risks associated with projects in the early stages of evaluation and for which additional engineering and other analysis is required; risks related to the possibility that future exploration results will not be consistent with the Company’s expectations, that quantities or grades of reserves will be diminished, and that resources may not be converted to reserves; risks associated with the fact that certain of the initiatives described in this press release are still in the early stages and may not materialize; changes in mineral production performance, exploitation and exploration successes; risks that exploration data may be incomplete and considerable additional work may be required to complete further evaluation, including but not limited to drilling, engineering and socioeconomic studies and investment; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; lack of certainty with respect to foreign legal systems, corruption and other factors that are inconsistent with the rule of law; disruption of supply routes which may cause delays in construction and mining activities, including disruptions in the supply of key mining inputs due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and conflicts in the Middle East; risk of loss due to acts of war, terrorism, sabotage and civil disturbances; risks associated with artisanal and illegal mining; changes in national and local government legislation, taxation, controls or regulations and/or changes in the administration of laws, policies and practices; expropriation or nationalization of property and political or economic developments in Zambia or other countries in which Barrick does or may carry on business in the future; risks relating to political instability in certain of the jurisdictions in which Barrick operates; timing of receipt of, or failure to comply with, necessary permits and approvals; non-renewal of or failure to obtain key licenses by governmental authorities; failure to comply with environmental and health and safety laws and regulations; increased costs and physical and transition risks related to climate change, including extreme weather events, resource shortages, emerging policies and increased regulations relating to greenhouse gas emission levels, energy efficiency and reporting of risks; Barrick’s ability to achieve its sustainability goals; contests over title to properties, particularly title to undeveloped properties, or over access to water, power and other required infrastructure; the liability associated with risks and hazards in the mining industry, and the ability to maintain insurance to cover such losses; damage to the Company’s reputation due to the actual or perceived occurrence of any number of events, including negative publicity with respect to the Company’s handling of environmental matters or dealings with community groups, whether true or not; risks related to operations near communities that may regard Barrick’s operations as being detrimental to them; litigation and legal and administrative proceedings; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities, including geotechnical challenges, tailings dam and storage facilities failures, and disruptions in the maintenance or provision of required infrastructure and information technology systems; increased costs, delays, suspensions and technical challenges associated with the construction of capital projects; risks associated with working with partners in jointly controlled assets; risks related to disruption of supply routes which may cause delays in construction and mining activities; risks associated with Barrick’s infrastructure, information technology systems and the implementation of Barrick’s technological initiatives, including risks related to cybersecurity incidents, including those caused by computer viruses, malware, ransomware and other cyberattacks, or similar information technology system failures, delays and/or disruptions; risks related to competition in the mining industry; employee relations including loss of key employees; availability and increased costs associated with mining inputs and labor; and risks associated with diseases, epidemics and pandemics. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development and mining, including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave-ins, flooding and gold bullion, copper cathode or gold or copper concentrate losses (and the risk of inadequate insurance, or inability to obtain insurance, to cover these risks).

Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can affect our actual results and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, us. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements. Specific reference is made to the most recent Form 40-F/Annual Information Form on file with the SEC and Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities for a more detailed discussion of some of the factors underlying forward-looking statements and the risks that may affect Barrick’s ability to achieve the expectations set forth in the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

Barrick disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


What is the expected annual copper production after Lumwana's Super Pit Expansion?

After the Super Pit Expansion, Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) expects Lumwana's annual copper production to double from 120kt to a life-of-mine average of 240kt per year.

When is construction expected to start on Lumwana's Super Pit Expansion?

Construction on Barrick Gold 's (NYSE:GOLD) Lumwana Super Pit Expansion is planned to start in 2025, following the completion of the feasibility study expected by the end of 2024.

How many new jobs will the Lumwana Super Pit Expansion create?

The Lumwana Super Pit Expansion by Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) is expected to create 550 additional jobs over the next five years and 2,500 construction jobs for a three-year period until 2028.

What is the estimated cost of the Lumwana Super Pit Expansion project?

The Lumwana Super Pit Expansion project by Barrick Gold (NYSE:GOLD) is estimated to cost $2 billion.

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