The Preventable Signal Controversy in the United States Government
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) addresses the recent Signal app controversy in the US government's Executive branch by highlighting their secure alternative, Genasys CONNECT. The company criticizes the use of Signal by US intelligence and military leaders, emphasizing that their platform offers a compliant solution for government communications.
Jeff Halstead, Genasys Senior Director of Strategic Accounts and former Chief of Police, introduces Genasys CONNECT's features including:
- Heavily encrypted messaging across all devices
- Agency-controlled data ownership
- Fortified team chats with logging and tracking
- FOIA, CJIS/FBI, public records retention, and HIPAA compliance
- Immutable message history
The company warns that approximately 90% of police departments reportedly use Signal for sensitive operations, which they claim is illegal for sharing criminal justice information. Genasys positions their platform as a secure and compliant alternative to Signal for government communications.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) affronta la recente controversia sull'app Signal nel ramo esecutivo del governo degli Stati Uniti, evidenziando la loro alternativa sicura, Genasys CONNECT. L'azienda critica l'uso di Signal da parte dei leader dell'intelligence e dell'esercito statunitensi, sottolineando che la loro piattaforma offre una soluzione conforme per le comunicazioni governative.
Jeff Halstead, Direttore Senior degli Account Strategici di Genasys e ex Capo della Polizia, presenta le caratteristiche di Genasys CONNECT, tra cui:
- Messaggi fortemente crittografati su tutti i dispositivi
- Proprietà dei dati controllata dall'agenzia
- Chat di squadra rinforzate con registrazione e tracciamento
- Conformità a FOIA, CJIS/FBI, conservazione dei registri pubblici e HIPAA
- Storia dei messaggi immutabile
L'azienda avverte che circa il 90% dei dipartimenti di polizia utilizza Signal per operazioni sensibili, il che, secondo loro, è illegale per la condivisione di informazioni sulla giustizia penale. Genasys posiziona la propria piattaforma come un'alternativa sicura e conforme a Signal per le comunicazioni governative.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) aborda la reciente controversia de la aplicación Signal en el poder ejecutivo del gobierno de EE. UU. destacando su alternativa segura, Genasys CONNECT. La compañía critica el uso de Signal por parte de líderes de inteligencia y militares de EE. UU., enfatizando que su plataforma ofrece una solución conforme para las comunicaciones gubernamentales.
Jeff Halstead, Director Senior de Cuentas Estratégicas de Genasys y ex Jefe de Policía, presenta las características de Genasys CONNECT, que incluyen:
- Mensajería fuertemente cifrada en todos los dispositivos
- Propiedad de datos controlada por la agencia
- Chats de equipo reforzados con registro y seguimiento
- Conformidad con FOIA, CJIS/FBI, retención de registros públicos y HIPAA
- Historial de mensajes inmutable
La empresa advierte que aproximadamente el 90% de los departamentos de policía utilizan Signal para operaciones sensibles, lo que, según ellos, es ilegal para compartir información sobre justicia penal. Genasys posiciona su plataforma como una alternativa segura y conforme a Signal para las comunicaciones gubernamentales.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS)는 미국 정부의 행정부에서 발생한 Signal 앱 논란에 대해 보안 대안인 Genasys CONNECT를 강조하며 대응합니다. 이 회사는 미국의 정보 및 군 지도자들이 Signal을 사용하는 것에 대해 비판하며, 그들의 플랫폼이 정부 통신을 위한 준수 솔루션을 제공한다고 강조합니다.
Genasys의 전략적 계정 수석 이사이자 전 경찰서장인 Jeff Halstead는 Genasys CONNECT의 기능을 소개합니다. 기능에는 다음이 포함됩니다:
- 모든 장치에서 강력하게 암호화된 메시징
- 기관이 제어하는 데이터 소유권
- 로그 및 추적이 가능한 강화된 팀 채팅
- FOIA, CJIS/FBI, 공공 기록 보존 및 HIPAA 준수
- 변경 불가능한 메시지 기록
회사는 약 90%의 경찰 부서가 민감한 작업을 위해 Signal을 사용하고 있으며, 이는 범죄 사법 정보를 공유하는 데 불법이라고 주장합니다. Genasys는 정부 통신을 위한 Signal의 안전하고 준수하는 대안으로 자사의 플랫폼을 자리매김합니다.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) aborde la récente controverse concernant l'application Signal dans l'exécutif du gouvernement américain en mettant en avant leur alternative sécurisée, Genasys CONNECT. L'entreprise critique l'utilisation de Signal par les dirigeants du renseignement et de l'armée des États-Unis, soulignant que leur plateforme offre une solution conforme pour les communications gouvernementales.
Jeff Halstead, directeur senior des comptes stratégiques de Genasys et ancien chef de police, présente les caractéristiques de Genasys CONNECT, notamment :
- Messagerie fortement cryptée sur tous les appareils
- Propriété des données contrôlée par l'agence
- Chats d'équipe renforcés avec journalisation et suivi
- Conformité avec FOIA, CJIS/FBI, conservation des dossiers publics et HIPAA
- Historique des messages immuable
L'entreprise avertit qu'environ 90 % des départements de police utilisent Signal pour des opérations sensibles, ce qui, selon eux, est illégal pour le partage d'informations sur la justice pénale. Genasys positionne sa plateforme comme une alternative sécurisée et conforme à Signal pour les communications gouvernementales.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) geht auf die jüngste Kontroverse um die Signal-App im Exekutivbereich der US-Regierung ein und hebt ihre sichere Alternative, Genasys CONNECT, hervor. Das Unternehmen kritisiert die Nutzung von Signal durch US-Intelligenz- und Militärführer und betont, dass ihre Plattform eine konforme Lösung für Regierungs kommunikation bietet.
Jeff Halstead, Senior Director für Strategische Konten von Genasys und ehemaliger Polizeichef, stellt die Funktionen von Genasys CONNECT vor, darunter:
- Stark verschlüsselte Nachrichten über alle Geräte hinweg
- Von der Agentur kontrollierte Datenbesitzrechte
- Gestärkte Team-Chats mit Protokollierung und Nachverfolgung
- Konformität mit FOIA, CJIS/FBI, Aufbewahrung öffentlicher Aufzeichnungen und HIPAA
- Unveränderliche Nachrichtenhistorie
Das Unternehmen warnt, dass etwa 90 % der Polizeidienststellen Signal für sensible Operationen nutzen, was ihrer Meinung nach illegal ist, um Informationen über die Strafjustiz auszutauschen. Genasys positioniert ihre Plattform als sichere und konforme Alternative zu Signal für Regierungs kommunikation.
- Offers unique secure communication solution for government sector
- Product addresses compliance gap in government communications market
- Established presence in law enforcement communication sector
- Faces competition from widely-adopted Signal app in government sector
- Dependent on government agencies switching from existing communication platforms
Genasys CONNECT offers a fully compliant and more secure collaboration and communication platform for government and law enforcement use
Jeff Halstead, Genasys Senior Director of Strategic Accounts and former Chief of Police in
Chief Halstead continued, “Recently, I saw a respected military leader and former Pentagon official make this statement on a national news network:
‘The fact of the matter is, for many years, we’ve had these types of ‘secure messaging apps,’ but yet, we’ve not been able to have the government create a usable one for classified communications. And if you want to have an effective military and effective operations, you have to be able to communicate effectively with groups in a secure fashion.’
There is no need for the government to create any technology that is both secure and FOIA compliant; it already exists, and it’s called Genasys CONNECT.”
What our elected officials need is precisely what was summarized by the former Pentagon official: an encrypted, secure, transparent, and high accountability platform to achieve a multitude of sensitive missions. That platform is Genasys CONNECT.”
With Genasys CONNECT, government agencies and departments get:
- Heavily encrypted messaging from any device to all devices
- Fully owned & controlled by the agency (Genasys has no access to data, chats, or information)
- Fortified Team chats where it is impossible for any person to be mistakenly added
- Nothing can be deleted or altered to maintain compliance
- Unlimited data sharing, photos, videos, documents
- Screenshot protection
- No push/share features, so your secure communications will not be on social platforms
- All persons added to the platform are logged and tracked (they can only be added by sending an encrypted invitation directly to them)
- All data, chats, attachments are owned by the agency (in this scenario, DOD) and can be easily reviewed in 30 seconds
- Complete transparency and accountability from all elected officials and law enforcement agencies
- Full compliance with FOIA, CJIS/FBI, public records retention laws, and HIPAA
By using an encrypted communications platform that was specifically created for governmental operations, high profile investigations, and sensitive military missions, the US Government, and all state, local governments/agencies could avoid the unnecessary problems created by using a non-FOIA-compliant app like Signal.
Encrypted communications platforms like Signal are designed so that the user/s can hide or delete their communications, and in trial testimony has been noted to be preferred for use by organized criminal syndicates.
Chief Halstead continued, “An estimated
Encrypted communications platforms like Signal are designed so that the user/s can hide or delete their communications, and in trial testimony has been noted to be preferred for use by organized criminal syndicates. We need to demand full transparency and accountability for those trusted with these positions, and Genasys CONNECT is the first step towards that critical combination of security and compliance accountability.
About Genasys Inc.
Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) is the global leader in Protective Communications. Incorporating the most comprehensive portfolio of preparedness, response, and analytics software and systems, as well as the Company’s Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD®), the Genasys Protect platform is designed around one premise: ensuring organizations and public safety agencies are “Ready when it matters™.” Protecting people and saving lives for over 40 years, Genasys covers more than 155 million people in all 50 states and in over 100 countries worldwide. For more information, visit
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Lauren Ames
Aircover Communications
Source: Genasys Inc.