Global Medical REIT Reports Tax Treatment of 2024 Dividends
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), a net-lease medical real estate investment trust, has announced the availability of information regarding the federal income tax treatment of its 2024 dividends for both common and preferred stock. The information has been posted on the company's investor relations website.
The company advises stockholders to carefully review their Forms 1099 and other 2024 tax statements from their brokerage firms to ensure consistency with the posted information. GMRE also recommends that shareholders consult with professional tax advisors regarding their individual tax situations.
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), un fondo di investimento immobiliare nel settore sanitario con affitti netti, ha annunciato la disponibilità di informazioni riguardanti il trattamento fiscale federale sui dividendi per il 2024, sia per le azioni ordinarie che per quelle privilegiate. Le informazioni sono state pubblicate sul sito web delle relazioni con gli investitori della società.
L'azienda consiglia agli azionisti di esaminare attentamente i propri Moduli 1099 e altri documenti fiscali del 2024 forniti dai propri broker, per assicurarsi che siano coerenti con le informazioni pubblicate. GMRE raccomanda inoltre agli azionisti di consultare professionisti fiscali per quanto riguarda le proprie situazioni fiscali individuali.
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), un fideicomiso de inversión en bienes raíces médicos de arrendamiento neto, ha anunciado la disponibilidad de información sobre el tratamiento fiscal federal de sus dividendos de 2024 para acciones comunes y preferidas. La información se ha publicado en el sitio web de relaciones con inversores de la empresa.
La empresa aconseja a los accionistas que revisen cuidadosamente sus Formularios 1099 y otros estados fiscales de 2024 de sus firmas de corretaje para asegurar consistencia con la información publicada. GMRE también recomienda que los accionistas consulten a asesores fiscales profesionales sobre sus situaciones fiscales individuales.
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), 순수 임대료 의료 부동산 투자 신탁, 2024년 보통주 및 우선주 배당금에 대한 연방 소득세 처리를 알리는 정보를 발표했습니다. 해당 정보는 회사의 투자자 관계 웹사이트에 게시되었습니다.
회사는 주주들에게 자신의 1099 양식과 증권회사로부터 받은 2024년 세금 서류를 주의 깊게 검토하여 게시된 정보와 일치하는지 확인할 것을 권장합니다. GMRE는 또한 주주들이 자신의 개인 세무 상황에 대해 전문 세무 상담가와 상담할 것을 추천합니다.
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), un fonds d’investissement immobilier médical à bail net, a annoncé la disponibilité d’informations concernant le traitement fiscal fédéral de ses dividendes pour 2024, tant pour les actions ordinaires que pour les actions privilégiées. Les informations ont été publiées sur le site web de relations avec les investisseurs de l’entreprise.
L’entreprise conseille aux actionnaires de consulter attentivement leurs formulaires 1099 et autres déclarations fiscales de 2024 de leurs sociétés de courtage afin d’assurer la cohérence avec les informations publiées. GMRE recommande également aux actionnaires de consulter des conseillers fiscaux professionnels concernant leurs situations fiscales individuelles.
Global Medical REIT (NYSE: GMRE), ein medizinischer Immobilien-Investmentfonds mit Nettomieten, hat die Verfügbarkeit von Informationen zu der steuerlichen Behandlung von Bundesdividenden für 2024 für sowohl Stamm- als auch Vorzugsaktien bekannt gegeben. Die Informationen wurden auf der Website für Investorenbeziehungen des Unternehmens veröffentlicht.
Das Unternehmen empfiehlt den Aktionären, ihre Formulare 1099 und andere Steuerunterlagen von 2024 von ihren Brokerage-Firmen sorgfältig zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie mit den veröffentlichten Informationen übereinstimmen. GMRE empfiehlt außerdem, dass Aktionäre professionelle Steuerberater hinsichtlich ihrer individuellen Steuersituationen konsultieren.
- None.
- None.
Stockholders should review their Forms 1099 as well as other 2024 tax statements that they will receive from their brokerage firms or other institutions to ensure that the statements agree with the information posted. Additionally, stockholders are encouraged to consult with their own professional tax advisors with respect to their individual tax consequences.
Global Medical REIT Inc. is a net-lease medical REIT that acquires healthcare facilities and leases those facilities to physician groups and regional and national healthcare systems.
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Investor Relations:
Stephen Swett
(203) 682-8377
Source: Global Medical REIT Inc.
Where can GMRE shareholders find information about 2024 dividend tax treatment?
What documents should GMRE shareholders review for their 2024 dividend tax information?
Does GMRE provide tax advice for their 2024 dividends?