FTV Capital and One Mind at Work Launch Partnership to Support Mental Health Within High-Growth Companies

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FTV Capital, a sector-focused growth equity firm, and One Mind at Work, a global nonprofit dedicated to workforce mental health, have announced a groundbreaking partnership to advance mental health and wellbeing within high-growth companies in FTV's portfolio. This initiative coincides with World Mental Health Day, which focuses on workplace mental health as its 2024 theme.

Over two years, FTV will sponsor One Mind at Work memberships for its portfolio companies, providing access to comprehensive mental health programs, subject matter experts, and the Mental Health at Work Index. The partnership aims to set a new standard for investment firms supporting growth-stage companies' success and drive systemic change across the industry.

This collaboration underscores FTV's commitment to investing in healthy, growing technology businesses with exceptional cultures, especially in the era of remote and hybrid work. The initiative is expected to benefit thousands of employees within the FTV portfolio and inspire other investment managers to take similar action in supporting mental health in the workplace.

FTV Capital, una società di investimento focalizzata sulla crescita, e One Mind at Work, un'organizzazione no-profit globale dedicata alla salute mentale nel mondo del lavoro, hanno annunciato una partnership innovativa per promuovere la salute mentale e il benessere all'interno delle aziende in rapida crescita del portafoglio di FTV. Questa iniziativa coincide con la Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale, il cui tema per il 2024 è incentrato sulla salute mentale nei luoghi di lavoro.

Nel corso di due anni, FTV sponsorizzerà l'iscrizione a One Mind at Work per le proprie aziende in portafoglio, fornendo accesso a programmi completi per la salute mentale, esperti del settore e all'Indice della Salute Mentale sul Lavoro. L'obiettivo della partnership è stabilire un nuovo standard per le società di investimento che supportano il successo delle aziende in fase di crescita e promuovere un cambiamento sistemico nell'industria.

Questa collaborazione sottolinea l'impegno di FTV nell'investire in aziende tecnologiche sane e in crescita con culture eccezionali, specialmente nell'era del lavoro remoto e ibrido. Si prevede che l'iniziativa porterà benefici a migliaia di dipendenti all'interno del portafoglio FTV e ispiri altri gestori di investimenti ad intraprendere azioni simili a sostegno della salute mentale sul posto di lavoro.

FTV Capital, una firma de capital de riesgo centrada en el crecimiento, y One Mind at Work, una organización sin fines de lucro global dedicada a la salud mental en el trabajo, han anunciado una asociación innovadora para avanzar en la salud mental y el bienestar dentro de las empresas de alto crecimiento en la cartera de FTV. Esta iniciativa coincide con el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, cuyo tema para 2024 se centra en la salud mental en el lugar de trabajo.

Durante dos años, FTV patrocinará las membresías de One Mind at Work para sus empresas en cartera, proporcionando acceso a programas integrales de salud mental, expertos en la materia y al Índice de Salud Mental en el Trabajo. La asociación busca establecer un nuevo estándar para las firmas de inversión que apoyan el éxito de las empresas en etapa de crecimiento y generar un cambio sistemático en la industria.

Esta colaboración resalta el compromiso de FTV con la inversión en negocios tecnológicos sanos y en crecimiento con culturas excepcionales, especialmente en la era del trabajo remoto e híbrido. Se espera que la iniciativa beneficie a miles de empleados dentro del portafolio de FTV e inspire a otros gestores de inversiones a tomar acciones similares en apoyo de la salud mental en el lugar de trabajo.

FTV Capital는 성장에 중점을 둔 투자 회사이며, One Mind at Work는 직장 내 정신 건강을 목표로 하는 글로벌 비영리 기관입니다. 두 기관은 FTV의 포트폴리오 회사 내에서 정신 건강과 복지를 증진하기 위한 혁신적인 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 세계 정신 건강의 날과 일치하며, 2024년의 주제는 직장 내 정신 건강입니다.

FTV는 향후 2년 동안 포트폴리오 회사에 대해 One Mind at Work의 멤버십을 후원하고, 포괄적인 정신 건강 프로그램과 주제 전문가, 직장 내 정신 건강 지수에 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 파트너십의 목표는 성장 단계의 기업을 지원하는 투자 회사에 대한 새로운 기준을 설정하고, 산업 전반에 걸친 체계적 변화를 촉진하는 것입니다.

이번 협력은 FTV가 건강하고 성장하는 기술 회사에 투자하겠다는 의지를 강조하며, 특히 원격 및 하이브리드 작업 시대에 뛰어난 문화를 갖춘 업체에 대해서입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 FTV 포트폴리오 내 수천 명의 직원에게 혜택을 줄 것으로 기대되며, 다른 투자 관리자들이 직장에서의 정신 건강을 지원하기 위한 유사한 조치를 취하도록 영감을 줄 것입니다.

FTV Capital, une société de capital-investissement axée sur la croissance, et One Mind at Work, une organisation à but non lucratif mondiale dédiée à la santé mentale au travail, ont annoncé un partenariat révolutionnaire pour promouvoir la santé mentale et le bien-être au sein des entreprises à forte croissance dans le portefeuille de FTV. Cette initiative coïncide avec la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale, qui se concentre sur la santé mentale au travail comme thème de 2024.

Au cours des deux prochaines années, FTV parrainera des adhésions à One Mind at Work pour ses entreprises en portefeuille, fournissant un accès à des programmes complets de santé mentale, des experts en la matière et à l'Indice de Santé Mentale au Travail. Le partenariat vise à établir une nouvelle norme pour les sociétés d'investissement soutenant le succès des entreprises en phase de croissance et à provoquer un changement systémique dans l'industrie.

Cette collaboration souligne l'engagement de FTV à investir dans des entreprises technologiques saines et en croissance avec des cultures exceptionnelles, en particulier à l'ère du travail à distance et hybride. L'initiative devrait bénéficier à des milliers d'employés au sein du portefeuille de FTV et inspirer d'autres gestionnaires d'investissement à agir de manière similaire pour soutenir la santé mentale au travail.

FTV Capital, eine auf Wachstum fokussierte Investitionsgesellschaft, und One Mind at Work, eine globale Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich der psychischen Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz widmet, haben eine bahnbrechende Partnerschaft angekündigt, um die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden in den wachstumsstarken Unternehmen im Portfolio von FTV voranzubringen. Diese Initiative fällt mit dem Weltgesundheitstag zusammen, dessen Thema für 2024 sich auf die psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz konzentriert.

Innerhalb von zwei Jahren wird FTV die Mitgliedschaften von One Mind at Work für seine Portfoliounternehmen sponsern und den Zugang zu umfassenden Programmen für psychische Gesundheit, Fachleuten und dem Index für psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz gewährleisten. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, einen neuen Standard für Investmentgesellschaften zu setzen, die den Erfolg wachstumsstarker Unternehmen unterstützen und systematische Veränderungen in der Branche vorantreiben.

Diese Zusammenarbeit unterstreicht FTVs Engagement, in gesunde, wachsende Technologieunternehmen mit außergewöhnlichen Kulturen zu investieren, insbesondere in der Ära der Remote- und Hybridarbeit. Die Initiative wird voraussichtlich Tausenden von Mitarbeitern im FTV-Portfolio zugutekommen und andere Investitionsmanager dazu inspirieren, ähnliche Schritte zur Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz zu unternehmen.

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First-of-its-kind partnership will provide FTV and its portfolio companies with comprehensive access to leading mental health and wellbeing programs

SAN FRANCISCO & RUTHERFORD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- FTV Capital, a leading sector-focused growth equity firm, and One Mind at Work, a global nonprofit dedicated to building the future of workforce mental health, today announced a first-of-its-kind partnership to advance mental health and wellbeing within high-growth companies in the FTV portfolio. The expanded partnership coincides with World Mental Health Day, which is highlighting workplace mental health as its official 2024 theme.

Over the course of two years, FTV will sponsor One Mind at Work memberships for its diverse portfolio of high-growth companies, allowing participants to benefit from One Mind at Work’s comprehensive and high-touch membership model with a focus on improving outcomes, innovating new solutions and driving measurable impact. As part of this effort, a dedicated One Mind at Work member engagement leader will collaborate closely with FTV and each participating portfolio company, creating continuity and establishing opportunities to share information and best practices between companies. Participants will also gain access to leading subject matter experts in global mental health, organizational psychology and neuroscience.

One Mind at Work is an initiative of One Mind, a leading mental health non-profit that heals lives by direct support for neuropsychiatric brain research. The FTV partnership advances its three-pronged program strategy of accelerating discoveries, improving services and transforming culture.

"By sponsoring membership to One Mind at Work for its portfolio companies, FTV is setting a new standard for how investment firms can more comprehensively and systematically support the success of growth-stage companies,” said Garen Staglin, chairman and co-founder of One Mind and a longtime member of FTV’s Strategic Advisory Board. “This commitment to mental health and well-being accelerates the positive impact these companies can have as employers and highlights FTV as a leader in driving meaningful change across an industry. We are proud to partner with FTV in creating workplaces where people and performance thrive and hope this new partnership will inspire other investment managers to take similar action.”

The partnership will also drive voluntary participation in One Mind at Work’s Mental Health at Work Index, a standardized assessment of organizational-level initiatives and advice library that provides recommendations and resources to drive data-driven strategic improvements globally. FTV and its portfolio companies’ membership in One Mind at Work will further enable the creation of new studies and proprietary research aiming to drive systemic change across the industry.

“At FTV, we believe that mental well-being plays a critical role in the success of our firm and our portfolio companies,” said Brad Bernstein, managing partner at FTV Capital. “Especially in an era of remote and hybrid work, as well as great technological change, we are committed to investing in healthy and growing technology businesses with exceptional cultures. We have known Garen for decades and engaged with One Mind at Work over the years, and we are excited to pioneer this new and robust approach to protecting and supporting mental health within high-growth businesses.”

“With more than 25 years of experience investing in entrepreneurial companies, we understand the pressures and challenges that come with rapid growth and scale,” continued Allison Walker, partner and chief talent officer at FTV Capital. “As a leading growth equity firm, we are in a unique position to help break the stigma around mental health and spearhead efforts that drive positive outcomes for thousands of people within the FTV portfolio and for our own employees as well. We hope others with our influence and reach will join us.”

Founded in 2017, One Mind at Work is a growing coalition of global businesses committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of employees globally and building the future of workplace mental health, with members including TPG, The Carlyle Group and Pritzker Group, in addition to FTV. A healthy workforce is key to driving business success, but the burden of mental health remains significant with more than 50% of general populations in middle- and high-income countries suffering from at least one mental disorder at some point in their lives. The economic toll of this is notable. In 2010, the indirect cost of absenteeism and presenteeism related to mental health issues was estimated to be approximately $1.7 trillion, and that cost is expected to double by 2030 unless there is substantial intervention.

About FTV Capital

FTV Capital is a sector-focused growth equity investment firm that has raised $6.2 billion to invest in high-growth companies offering a range of innovative solutions in two sectors: enterprise technology and services and financial technology and services. FTV’s experienced team leverages its domain expertise and proven track record in each of these sectors to help motivated management teams accelerate growth. FTV also provides companies with access to its Global Partner Network®, a group of the world’s leading enterprises and executives who have helped FTV portfolio companies for two decades. Founded in 1998, FTV Capital has invested in over 140 portfolio companies, including Agiloft, BillingPlatform, EBANX,, Luma, ReliaQuest, True Potential and Vagaro, and successfully exited/partially exited companies including CardConnect (acquired by First Data), Centaur (acquired by Waystone Group), Egress (acquired by KnowBe4), Enfusion (NYSE: ENFN), Globant (NYSE: GLOB), InvestCloud (recapitalized), Strata Fund Solutions (acquired by Alter Domus), VPay (acquired by Optum) and WorldFirst (acquired by Ant Financial). FTV has offices in San Francisco, New York, Connecticut and London. For more information, please visit and follow the firm on LinkedIn.

About One Mind™

Launched in 1995 by Shari and Garen Staglin as their means to “run toward the problem” of their son’s schizophrenia diagnosis, One Mind is today a leading mental health non-profit that heals lives by direct support for neuropsychiatric brain research. By convening the brightest minds in brain science and advocacy around a collective vision of “Accelerating Brain Health for All,” One Mind is advancing a three-pronged program strategy of accelerating discoveries, improving services, and transforming culture. Through such achievements as enrolling over 10,000 patients in innovative clinical studies and the One Mind at Work initiative that has brought supportive workplace mental health practices to over 7 million employees, One Mind is creating a world where all people facing mental health challenges can build healthy, productive lives. Dr. Kathy Pike, internationally recognized scientist and global mental health leader serves as CEO of One Mind. Brandon Staglin, whose own experiences triggered the creation of the non-profit, serves on One Mind’s Leadership team as Co-founder and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer.


Prosek Partners on behalf of FTV Capital


One Mind

Source: FTV Capital


What is the partnership between FTV Capital and One Mind at Work?

FTV Capital and One Mind at Work have partnered to provide FTV's portfolio companies with comprehensive access to leading mental health and wellbeing programs. This two-year initiative aims to advance mental health within high-growth companies in FTV's portfolio.

How will FTV Capital's portfolio companies benefit from this partnership?

FTV Capital's portfolio companies will receive sponsored memberships to One Mind at Work, gaining access to comprehensive mental health programs, subject matter experts in global mental health, organizational psychology, and neuroscience, as well as participation in the Mental Health at Work Index.

When was this partnership announced and what is its significance?

The partnership was announced on World Mental Health Day, which highlights workplace mental health as its official 2024 theme. This timing underscores the importance of mental health initiatives in the workplace.

What is the Mental Health at Work Index mentioned in the partnership?

The Mental Health at Work Index is a standardized assessment of organizational-level initiatives that provides recommendations and resources to drive data-driven strategic improvements in workplace mental health globally.

How does this partnership aim to impact the investment industry?

This partnership sets a new standard for how investment firms can support the success of growth-stage companies by focusing on mental health. FTV Capital hopes to inspire other investment managers to take similar action in supporting workplace mental health.



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