Sale of Shareholding in Avenir LNG Limited
Golar LNG has agreed to sell its entire stake in Avenir LNG to Stolt-Nielsen Gas for approximately $40 million. The transaction is expected to complete in Q1 2025, subject to conditions. Following the October 2024 spin-off of Higas Srl, Golar will maintain a 25% shareholding in the HIGAS LNG storage terminal in Sardinia, which has a total book value of $40.5 million (comprising $24.7m in shareholder loans and $15.8m in shareholders equity).
The divestment aligns with Golar's strategy to focus on expanding its FLNG market position. CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo noted that following the 2021 sale of Hygo Energy Transition , the Avenir LNG investment was no longer considered a core asset in Golar's portfolio.
Golar LNG ha concordato di vendere la sua intera partecipazione in Avenir LNG a Stolt-Nielsen Gas per circa 40 milioni di dollari. La transazione dovrebbe completarsi nel primo trimestre del 2025, soggetta a condizioni. A seguito della scissione di Higas Srl nell'ottobre 2024, Golar manterrà una partecipazione del 25% nel terminale di stoccaggio LNG HIGAS in Sardegna, il cui valore contabile totale è di 40,5 milioni di dollari (comprendenti 24,7 milioni in prestiti subordinati agli azionisti e 15,8 milioni in capitale degli azionisti).
Il disinvestimento è in linea con la strategia di Golar di concentrarsi sull'espansione della sua posizione nel mercato FLNG. Il CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo ha sottolineato che, dopo la vendita di Hygo Energy Transition nel 2021, l'investimento in Avenir LNG non è più considerato un'attività core nel portafoglio di Golar.
Golar LNG ha acordado vender su participación total en Avenir LNG a Stolt-Nielsen Gas por aproximadamente 40 millones de dólares. Se espera que la transacción se complete en el primer trimestre de 2025, sujeta a condiciones. Tras la escisión de Higas Srl en octubre de 2024, Golar mantendrá una participación del 25% en la terminal de almacenamiento de LNG HIGAS en Cerdeña, que tiene un valor contable total de 40,5 millones de dólares (incluyendo 24,7 millones en préstamos a accionistas y 15,8 millones en capital de los accionistas).
La desinversión se alinea con la estrategia de Golar de enfocarse en expandir su posición en el mercado de FLNG. El CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo señaló que, tras la venta de Hygo Energy Transition en 2021, la inversión en Avenir LNG ya no se considera un activo central en el portafolio de Golar.
Golar LNG가 Avenir LNG의 전체 지분을 Stolt-Nielsen Gas에 약 4000만 달러에 판매하기로 합의했습니다. 이 거래는 조건에 따라 2025년 1분기에 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다. 2024년 10월 Higas Srl의 분할 이후 Golar는 사르데냐에 있는 HIGAS LNG 저장 터미널에서 25%의 지분을 유지하며, 이 터미널의 총 장부 가치는 4050만 달러입니다 (주주 대출 2470만 달러 및 주주 자본 1580만 달러 포함).
이번 매각은 Golar의 FLNG 시장 확대 전략과 일치합니다. CEO인 Karl-Fredrik Staubo는 2021년 Hygo Energy Transition 판매 이후 Avenir LNG에 대한 투자가 Golar 포트폴리오의 핵심 자산으로 간주되지 않게 되었다고 언급했습니다.
Golar LNG a convenu de vendre sa participation totale dans Avenir LNG à Stolt-Nielsen Gas pour environ 40 millions de dollars. La transaction devrait être finalisée au premier trimestre 2025, sous réserve de conditions. Suite à la scission de Higas Srl en octobre 2024, Golar conservera une participation de 25 % dans le terminal de stockage de LNG HIGAS en Sardaigne, qui a une valeur comptable totale de 40,5 millions de dollars (comprenant 24,7 millions de dollars en prêts d'actionnaires et 15,8 millions de dollars en capitaux propres des actionnaires).
La désinvestissement s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Golar de se concentrer sur l'expansion de sa position sur le marché FLNG. Le PDG Karl-Fredrik Staubo a noté qu'après la vente de Hygo Energy Transition en 2021, l'investissement dans Avenir LNG n'était plus considéré comme un actif central dans le portefeuille de Golar.
Golar LNG hat sich bereit erklärt, seinen gesamten Anteil an Avenir LNG an Stolt-Nielsen Gas für etwa 40 Millionen Dollar zu verkaufen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Transaktion im ersten Quartal 2025 abgeschlossen wird, vorbehaltlich bestimmter Bedingungen. Nach dem Spin-off von Higas Srl im Oktober 2024 wird Golar eine 25%ige Beteiligung an dem LNG-Speicherterminal HIGAS auf Sardinien behalten, dessen Gesamtkostenwert 40,5 Millionen Dollar beträgt (einschließlich 24,7 Millionen Dollar an Gesellschafterdarlehen und 15,8 Millionen Dollar an Eigenkapital der Gesellschafter).
Die Veräußung steht im Einklang mit der Strategie von Golar, sich auf den Ausbau seiner Marktposition im FLNG-Bereich zu konzentrieren. CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo stellte fest, dass die Investition in Avenir LNG nach dem Verkauf von Hygo Energy Transition im Jahr 2021 nicht mehr als Kernanlage im Portfolio von Golar betrachtet wurde.
- Sale of Avenir LNG stake for $40 million
- Strategic alignment with core FLNG business focus
- Retention of 25% stake in HIGAS LNG terminal worth $40.5 million
- Divestment from small-scale LNG shipping market
This strategic divestment significantly strengthens Golar LNG's position in the FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) sector while optimizing its asset portfolio. The
The deal structure is particularly noteworthy: By maintaining exposure to HIGAS through both equity stake and debt provision, Golar preserves strategic optionality in the growing Mediterranean LNG market while freeing up capital for its core FLNG operations. The timing of the transaction, following the October 2024 HIGAS spin-off from Avenir, suggests careful strategic planning to maximize value.
This move aligns with broader industry trends toward specialization and operational focus. For Golar, concentrating on FLNG positions the company to capitalize on the growing global demand for floating liquefaction solutions, particularly as energy security concerns drive increased natural gas infrastructure investment. The exit from small-scale LNG shipping through Avenir eliminates potential operational distractions and reduces exposure to a market segment with different dynamics from FLNG.
The deal's expected completion in Q1 2025 provides near-term capital injection while maintaining strategic exposure to key infrastructure through HIGAS. This balanced approach to portfolio management should enhance Golar's ability to pursue growth opportunities in its core FLNG business while maintaining beneficial exposure to complementary LNG infrastructure assets.
Golar LNG Limited (“Golar”) has entered into a share purchase agreement for the sale of all its shares in Avenir LNG Limited ("Avenir LNG" or “Avenir”) to Stolt-Nielsen Gas Ltd. for a total consideration of approximately USD 40 million (the "Transaction"). The Transaction is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2025, subject to fulfilment of the conditions under the share purchase agreement.
Golar will remain a
Golar CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo commented: “The sale of Golar’s shareholding in Avenir LNG is in line with our strategy to focus on expanding our market leading FLNG position. Golar is proud to have founded Avenir LNG into one of the largest small-scale LNG shipping companies globally alongside our partners Stolt Nielsen and Höegh. Following the sale of Hygo Energy Transition Ltd. in 2021, our Avenir LNG investment was no longer deemed a core asset of Golar’s portfolio. We wish the Avenir LNG team and Stolt-Nielsen all the best for the future development of Avenir.”
This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) which reflect management’s current expectations, estimates and projections about its operations. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities and events that will, should, could or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Words such as “may,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “forecast,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “propose,” “potential,” “continue,” “subject to” or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements.
These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Golar LNG Limited undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable law.
Hamilton, Bermuda
January 27, 2025
Investor Questions: +44 207 063 7900
Karl Fredrik Staubo - CEO
Eduardo Maranhão - CFO
Stuart Buchanan - Head of Investor Relations
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

How much is Golar LNG (GLNG) selling its Avenir LNG stake for?
When will GLNG complete the sale of Avenir LNG shares?
What stake will GLNG retain in HIGAS LNG terminal after the Avenir sale?
What is the book value of HIGAS LNG terminal as of October 2024?