GigCapital7 Corp. Announces the Separate Trading of its Class A Ordinary Shares and Warrants Commencing September 10, 2024

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GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), a Cayman Islands exempted company, announced that holders of its public units will be able to separately trade the Class A ordinary shares and warrants starting September 10, 2024.

Each unit includes one Class A ordinary share and one redeemable warrant, allowing the holder to purchase one Class A ordinary share at $11.50 per share. Unseparated units will continue to trade under the symbol GIGGU, while separated Class A shares and warrants will trade under GIG and GIGGW respectively.

To separate the units, holders must have their brokers contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. The public units were initially offered in an underwritten offering managed by Craft Capital Management and EF Hutton

Prospectuses can be obtained from EF Hutton , and the registration statement is available on the SEC's website.

GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), una società esentata delle Isole Cayman, ha annunciato che i possessori delle sue unità pubbliche potranno trattare separatamente le azioni ordinarie di Classe A e i warrant a partire dal 10 settembre 2024.

Ogni unità comprende un'azione ordinaria Classe A e un warrant riscattabile, che consente al possessore di acquistare un'azione ordinaria Classe A a $11.50 ciascuna. Le unità non separate continueranno a essere negoziate con il simbolo GIGGU, mentre le azioni Classe A separate e i warrant verranno negoziati rispettivamente con GIG e GIGGW.

Per separare le unità, i possessori devono far contattare i loro broker dalla Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. Le unità pubbliche sono state inizialmente offerte in un'operazione sottoscritta gestita da Craft Capital Management e EF Hutton.

I prospetti possono essere ottenuti da EF Hutton, e la dichiarazione di registrazione è disponibile sul sito web della SEC.

GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), una compañía exenta de las Islas Caimán, anunció que los titulares de sus unidades públicas podrán negociar por separado las acciones ordinarias Clase A y los warrants a partir del 10 de septiembre de 2024.

Cada unidad incluye una acción ordinaria Clase A y un warrant redimible, que permite al titular comprar una acción ordinaria Clase A a $11.50 por acción. Las unidades no separadas seguirán negociándose bajo el símbolo GIGGU, mientras que las acciones Clase A separadas y los warrants se negociarán bajo GIG y GIGGW respectivamente.

Para separar las unidades, los titulares deben hacer que sus corredores contacten a Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. Las unidades públicas fueron inicialmente ofrecidas en una oferta respaldada por Craft Capital Management y EF Hutton.

Los prospectos pueden ser obtenidos de EF Hutton, y la declaración de registro está disponible en el sitio web de la SEC.

GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), 케이맨 제도에 있는 면세 회사가 발표했습니다. 공모 유닛 보유자는 2024년 9월 10일부터 별도로 거래할 수 있습니다 클래스 A 보통주와 워런트를 분리하여 거래할 수 있습니다.

각 유닛은 하나의 클래스 A 보통주와 하나의 상환 가능한 워런트를 포함하고 있어, 보유자는 클래스 A 보통주를 주당 $11.50에 구매할 수 있습니다. 분리되지 않은 유닛은 GIGGU 심볼 아래 계속 거래될 것이며, 분리된 클래스 A 주식과 워런트는 각각 GIGGIGGW로 거래될 것입니다.

유닛을 분리하기 위해서는 보유자가 브로커를 통해 Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company에 연락해야 합니다. 공모 유닛은 Craft Capital Management와 EF Hutton이 관리하는 인수공모에서 처음으로 제공되었습니다.

프로스펙투스는 EF Hutton에서 입수할 수 있으며, 등록 성명서는 SEC 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), une société exempte des Îles Caïmans, a annoncé que les détenteurs de ses unités publiques pourront trader séparément les actions ordinaires de Classe A et les warrants à partir du 10 septembre 2024.

Chaque unité comprend une action ordinaire de Classe A et un warrant remboursable, permettant au titulaire d'acheter une action ordinaire de Classe A au prix de 11,50 $ par action. Les unités non séparées continueront à se négocier sous le symbole GIGGU, tandis que les actions de Classe A séparées et les warrants se négocieront respectivement sous GIG et GIGGW.

Pour séparer les unités, les détenteurs doivent demander à leurs courtiers de contacter la Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company. Les unités publiques ont été initialement offertes dans le cadre d'une offre souscrite gérée par Craft Capital Management et EF Hutton.

Les prospectus peuvent être obtenus auprès d'EF Hutton, et l'état d'enregistrement est disponible sur le site Web de la SEC.

GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU), ein von den Kaimaninseln befreites Unternehmen, gab bekannt, dass die Inhaber ihrer öffentlichen Einheiten ab 10. September 2024 die Klasse A Stammaktien und Warrants getrennt handeln können.

Jede Einheit besteht aus einer Klasse A Stammaktie und einem rückzahlbaren Warrant, der dem Inhaber das Recht gibt, eine Klasse A Stammaktie zu einem Preis von 11,50 $ pro Aktie zu erwerben. Ungetrennte Einheiten werden weiterhin unter dem Symbol GIGGU gehandelt, während die getrennten Klasse A Aktien und Warrants unter GIG und GIGGW gehandelt werden.

Um die Einheiten zu trennen, müssen die Inhaber ihre Broker bitten, die Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company zu kontaktieren. Die öffentlichen Einheiten wurden zunächst in einem von Craft Capital Management und EF Hutton verwalteten Underwriting-Angebot angeboten.

Prospekte können von EF Hutton bezogen werden, und die Registrierungsanmeldung ist auf der Website der SEC verfügbar.

  • None.
  • None.

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GigCapital7 Corp. (NASDAQ: GIGGU) (the “Company”), a Cayman Islands exempted company, announced today that holders of the Company’s public units may elect to separately trade the Class A ordinary shares and warrants underlying such public units commencing on September 10, 2024. Each unit consists of one Class A ordinary share and one redeemable warrant of the Company. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to purchase one Class A ordinary share of the Company at a price of $11.50 per share. For each public unit, one Class A ordinary share and one warrant will be issued.

Those public units not separated will continue to trade under the symbol “GIGGU.” The Class A ordinary shares and warrants are expected to trade under the ticker symbols “GIG” and “GIGGW,” respectively. Holders of public units will need to have their brokers contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the Company’s transfer agent, in order to separate the public units into Class A ordinary shares and warrants.

The public units were initially offered by the Company in an underwritten offering, and Craft Capital Management LLC acted as a joint book-running manager with EF Hutton LLC in the offering.

A final prospectus relating to and describing the final terms of the offering has been filed with the SEC. The offering was made only by means of a prospectus. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained from EF Hutton LLC, Attn: Syndicate Department, 590 Madison Ave., 39th Floor, New York, New York 10022, by telephone at (212) 404-7002, by fax at (646) 861-4697, or by email at Copies of the registration statement can be accessed through the SEC's website at

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.

About GigCapital7 Corp.

GigCapital7 Corp. is a blank check company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. The Company's efforts to identify a prospective target business will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic region.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements,” including with respect to the separation of the public units into Class A ordinary shares and warrants. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements are subject to numerous conditions, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Company’s registration statement and final prospectus for the Company’s offering filed with the SEC, which could cause actual results to differ from the forward-looking statements. Copies are available on the SEC’s website, The Company expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the Company's expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based, except as required by law.

Christine M. Marshall

Chief Financial Officer

(650) 276-7040

Source: GigCapital7 Corp.


When can GigCapital7 Corp. (GIGGU) public units be separately traded?

Starting September 10, 2024, GigCapital7 Corp. public units can be separately traded.

What symbols will GigCapital7 Corp. Class A shares and warrants trade under?

GigCapital7 Corp. Class A shares will trade under 'GIG' and warrants will trade under 'GIGGW'.

What is included in each GigCapital7 Corp. (GIGGU) public unit?

Each GigCapital7 Corp. public unit includes one Class A ordinary share and one redeemable warrant.

How can holders separate their GigCapital7 Corp. public units?

Holders must have their brokers contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company to separate the units.

Where can I obtain the final prospectus for GigCapital7 Corp.'s offering?

The final prospectus can be obtained from EF Hutton or accessed through the SEC's website.

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