GOZILA Study Published in Nature Medicine Shows Patients With Advanced Cancer Who Receive Liquid Biopsy-Guided Treatment Using Guardant360 CDx Survive Twice as Long

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The GOZILA study, published in Nature Medicine, demonstrates that using Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy for targeted cancer treatment can significantly extend patient survival. The study, involving 4,037 patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors, found that 24% of participants received targeted treatment based on the test results. Patients who received personalized treatment guided by liquid biopsy results lived approximately twice as long as those who did not, with a median survival of 18.6 months compared to 9.9 months. This research, led by the National Cancer Center Hospital East in Japan, suggests a potential paradigm shift in cancer treatment by demonstrating the survival-extending effect of liquid biopsy-based personalized cancer treatment across various cancer types.

Lo studio GOZILA, pubblicato su Nature Medicine, dimostra che l'uso della biopsia liquida Guardant360 CDx per il trattamento mirato del cancro può estendere significativamente la vita dei pazienti. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto 4.037 pazienti con tumori gastrointestinali avanzati, ha rilevato che il 24% dei partecipanti ha ricevuto un trattamento mirato basato sui risultati del test. I pazienti che hanno ricevuto trattamenti personalizzati guidati dai risultati della biopsia liquida hanno vissuto circa il doppio del tempo rispetto a quelli che non lo hanno fatto, con una sopravvivenza mediana di 18,6 mesi rispetto a 9,9 mesi. Questa ricerca, condotta dall'Ospedale Nazionale per il Cancro Est in Giappone, suggerisce un potenziale cambiamento di paradigma nel trattamento del cancro dimostrando l'effetto di prolungamento della vita del trattamento personalizzato basato sulla biopsia liquida attraverso vari tipi di cancro.

El estudio GOZILA, publicado en Nature Medicine, demuestra que el uso de biopsia líquida Guardant360 CDx para el tratamiento dirigido del cáncer puede extender significativamente la supervivencia de los pacientes. El estudio, que involucró a 4,037 pacientes con tumores gastrointestinales avanzados, encontró que el 24% de los participantes recibió un tratamiento dirigido basado en los resultados de la prueba. Los pacientes que recibieron tratamiento personalizado guiado por los resultados de la biopsia líquida vivieron aproximadamente el doble de tiempo que aquellos que no lo hicieron, con una supervivencia mediana de 18.6 meses en comparación con 9.9 meses. Esta investigación, liderada por el Hospital Nacional de Cáncer Este en Japón, sugiere un posible cambio de paradigma en el tratamiento del cáncer al demostrar el efecto de prolongación de la vida del tratamiento personalizado basado en biopsia líquida en varios tipos de cáncer.

GOZILA 연구는 Nature Medicine에 발표되었으며, Guardant360 CDx 액체 생검을 사용한 표적 암 치료가 환자의 생존 기간을 크게 연장할 수 있음을 보여줍니다. 이 연구는 4,037명의 환자를 대상으로 시행되었고, 고도 외과적 장기 종양을 가진 병환이었습니다. 연구 결과 참여자의 24%가 검사 결과에 따라 표적 치료를 받았습니다. 액체 생검 결과에 의해 안내된 맞춤형 치료를 받은 환자들은 받지 않은 환자들보다 약 두 배의 기간 동안 살았으며, 중위 생존 기간은 18.6개월로 9.9개월에 비해 더 길었습니다. 일본 국립암센터 동부 병원이 주도한 이 연구는 다양한 암 유형에 걸쳐 액체 생검 기반 맞춤형 암 치료의 생존 연장 효과를 입증함으로써 암 치료의 패러다임 전환 가능성을 제시합니다.

L'étude GOZILA, publiée dans Nature Medicine, démontre que l'utilisation de la biopsie liquide Guardant360 CDx pour le traitement ciblé du cancer peut considérablement prolonger la survie des patients. L'étude, impliquant 4 037 patients atteints de tumeurs gastro-intestinales avancées, a révélé que 24 % des participants ont reçu un traitement ciblé basé sur les résultats du test. Les patients ayant reçu un traitement personnalisé guidé par les résultats de la biopsie liquide ont vécu environ deux fois plus longtemps que ceux qui ne l'ont pas fait, avec une sommeil médian de 18,6 mois contre 9,9 mois. Cette recherche, menée par l'Hôpital National du Cancer Est au Japon, suggère un potentiel changement de paradigme dans le traitement du cancer en démontrant l'effet de prolongement de survie du traitement personnalisé basé sur la biopsie liquide à travers divers types de cancer.

Die GOZILA-Studie, veröffentlicht in Nature Medicine, zeigt, dass die Verwendung von Guardant360 CDx Flüssigbiopsie zur gezielten Krebsbehandlung die Überlebenszeit der Patienten erheblich verlängern kann. In der Studie, die 4.037 Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen gastrointestinalen Tumoren umfasste, wurde festgestellt, dass 24% der Teilnehmer eine zielgerichtete Behandlung basierend auf den Testergebnissen erhielten. Patienten, die eine personalisierte Behandlung erhielten, die durch die Ergebnisse der Flüssigbiopsie geleitet wurde, lebten ungefähr doppelt so lange wie diejenigen, die dies nicht taten, mit einer medianen Überlebenszeit von 18,6 Monaten im Vergleich zu 9,9 Monaten. Diese Forschung, geleitet vom National Cancer Center Hospital East in Japan, deutet auf einen potenziellen Paradigmenwechsel in der Krebsbehandlung hin, indem sie die lebensverlängernde Wirkung der auf Flüssigbiopsie basierenden personalisierten Krebsbehandlung über verschiedene Krebsarten hinweg demonstriert.

  • 24% of study participants received targeted treatment based on Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy results
  • Patients receiving targeted treatment guided by liquid biopsy results lived approximately twice as long
  • Median survival for patients receiving targeted therapy was 18.6 months vs 9.9 months for those who did not
  • Study results support clinical utility of Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy for guiding therapy selection in advanced cancer
  • None.

The GOZILA study, published in Nature Medicine, marks a significant advancement in precision oncology. With 4,037 advanced cancer patients, it demonstrates that 24% received targeted treatment based on Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy results. The study's key finding is striking: patients receiving targeted therapy guided by liquid biopsy results had a median survival of 18.6 months, nearly double the 9.9 months for those who didn't. This substantial survival benefit underscores the potential of liquid biopsies to revolutionize cancer treatment strategies. The study's scale and focus on various cancers enhance its credibility and applicability. It addresses a important gap in oncology research by providing robust evidence for the clinical utility of liquid biopsies in guiding personalized treatment decisions, potentially leading to a paradigm shift in cancer care approaches.

The GOZILA study's findings are groundbreaking for oncology practice. Liquid biopsies offer several advantages over traditional tissue biopsies: they're less invasive, allow repeated testing and provide a comprehensive view of cancer genomics across multiple body sites. This is particularly valuable for patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors, where tissue biopsies can be challenging or risky. The study's results suggest that integrating Guardant360 CDx into routine clinical practice could significantly improve patient outcomes. However, it's important to note that while 24% of patients benefited from targeted therapy, further research is needed to enhance this percentage. The study also highlights the importance of continuous genomic profiling throughout cancer treatment, as it can reveal new targetable mutations and guide therapy adjustments, potentially extending survival even further.

This study could significantly boost Guardant Health's (NASDAQ: GH) market position in the rapidly growing liquid biopsy sector. The demonstrated clinical utility of Guardant360 CDx in improving patient outcomes could drive increased adoption among oncologists, potentially leading to higher test volumes and revenue growth. Moreover, the study's publication in a prestigious journal like Nature Medicine adds credibility, which could accelerate insurance coverage and reimbursement for the test. This could positively impact Guardant's financials and market share in the competitive precision oncology space. However, investors should also consider potential challenges such as competition from other liquid biopsy providers and the need for further studies to solidify these findings across different cancer types. The stock may see increased interest, but as always, a balanced view considering both opportunities and risks is important for investment decisions.

  • In study of more than 4,000 patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors, 24% were able to receive targeted treatment based on genomic profiling results from blood test
  • Study findings are expected to advance liquid biopsy-guided cancer treatment to help improve outcomes for more patients

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Guardant Health, Inc. (Nasdaq: GH), a leading precision oncology company, today announced the peer-reviewed journal Nature Medicine published results from the SCRUM-Japan GOZILA study confirming that selecting targeted therapy on the basis of Guardant360® CDx liquid biopsy results may significantly extend survival for patients with advanced cancer.

The study, led by a research group out of National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa, Japan, investigated the effects of personalized treatment based on results of the Guardant360 CDx test in 4,037 patients with advanced cancer. The results showed that 24% of participants were able to receive targeted treatment tailored to them based on comprehensive genomic profiling results from the test, which analyzes 74 cancer-related genes. The patients who received targeted treatment guided by liquid biopsy results lived approximately twice as long as those who did not.

"Compared to conventional tissue biopsies, liquid biopsies have several advantages: they are less invasive for patients, allow for repeated testing, and can simultaneously examine cancer characteristics from various parts of the body. However, until now, it was unclear whether treatment selection using liquid biopsies actually helped improve patient outcomes,” said Yoshiaki Nakamura, M.D., Ph.D., chief, International Research Promotion Office, Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology at National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa, Japan, and a co-lead author of the study. “The GOZILA study is the first to demonstrate the survival-extending effect of liquid biopsy-based personalized cancer treatment on a large scale across various cancers. The results of this study have the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in cancer treatment."

Selecting therapies for patients based on the liquid biopsy results enabled study investigators to identify targeted treatment options they could not discern using traditional methods. The researchers then followed the progress of treated patients and analyzed their treatment response and survival time. Patients who received targeted therapy had a median survival of 18.6 months compared to 9.9 months for those who did not.

“The GOZILA study adds significantly to the body of evidence supporting the clinical utility of the Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy to guide therapy selection in advanced cancer,” said Craig Eagle, M.D., Guardant Health chief medical officer. “These study results confirm, across a large study population and multiple tumor types, that personalized therapy guided by liquid biopsy has the potential to significantly extend patient survival.”

About Guardant360 CDx

The first FDA-approved comprehensive liquid biopsy for all advanced solid tumors, Guardant360 CDx provides oncologists with genomic profiling results from a simple blood draw in less than seven days to pair patients with targeted therapies. The test detects guideline-recommended actionable biomarkers across all four major alteration classes, with a panel that assesses 74 genes.1 Guardant360 CDx is FDA-approved as a companion diagnostic (CDx) for multiple targeted therapies in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and is the only FDA-approved CDx to identify patients eligible for breast cancer therapy targeting ESR1 mutations.

About Guardant Health

Guardant Health is a leading precision oncology company focused on guarding wellness and giving every person more time free from cancer. Founded in 2012, Guardant is transforming patient care and accelerating new cancer therapies by providing critical insights into what drives disease through its advanced blood and tissue tests, real-world data and AI analytics. Guardant tests help improve outcomes across all stages of care, including screening to find cancer early, monitoring for recurrence in early-stage cancer, and treatment selection for patients with advanced cancer.2 For more information, visit and follow the company on LinkedIn, X (Twitter) and Facebook.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws, including statements regarding the potential utilities, values, benefits and advantages of Guardant Health’s liquid biopsy tests or assays, which involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results and expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions, and actual outcomes and results could differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors. These and additional risks and uncertainties that could affect Guardant Health’s financial and operating results and cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release include those discussed under the captions “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation” and elsewhere in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and any current and periodic reports filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission thereafter. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Guardant Health as of the date hereof, and Guardant Health disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements provided to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Guardant Health’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.


  1. As a professional service, Guardant360 CDx reports 74 genes. This report has not been reviewed or approved by the U.S. FDA.
  2. The complete portfolio of Guardant Health products may not be available in all regions.


Investor Contact:

Zarak Khurshid

Media Contact:

Michael Weist

+1 317-371-0035

Source: Guardant Health, Inc.


What were the key findings of the GOZILA study for Guardant Health (GH)?

The GOZILA study showed that patients receiving targeted treatment based on Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy results lived approximately twice as long as those who did not, with a median survival of 18.6 months compared to 9.9 months.

How many patients were involved in the GOZILA study using Guardant Health's (GH) Guardant360 CDx?

The GOZILA study involved 4,037 patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors.

What percentage of patients in the GOZILA study received targeted treatment based on Guardant Health's (GH) liquid biopsy results?

24% of participants in the GOZILA study were able to receive targeted treatment based on the comprehensive genomic profiling results from the Guardant360 CDx liquid biopsy test.

Where was the GOZILA study for Guardant Health (GH) conducted?

The GOZILA study was led by a research group from the National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa, Japan.

Guardant Health, Inc.


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