Guardforce AI Expands AIoT Robot Advertising to U.S. Market and Prepares to Launch Decentralized Spatial Computing Solution in Late August

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Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI) has announced the expansion of its AIoT Robot Advertising business into the U.S. market, starting with over 200 robots in New York. The company is also preparing to launch a decentralized spatial computing solution in late August. These initiatives are expected to generate new revenue streams across all operating areas.

Key points:

  • Robots are strategically placed in high-traffic areas for maximum advertising impact
  • Connected to the Intelligent Cloud Platform for real-time campaign data
  • Decentralized spatial computing solution will utilize unused robot computing power
  • Additional revenue to be earned based on completed tasks and online time

CEO Lei Wang expressed excitement about the U.S. expansion and the potential of decentralized spatial computing in the growing AI and robotics market.

Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI) ha annunciato l'espansione della sua attività di pubblicità con robot AIoT nel mercato statunitense, a partire con oltre 200 robot a New York. L'azienda sta anche preparando il lancio di una soluzione di computing spaziale decentralizzata alla fine di agosto. Queste iniziative si prevede genereranno nuove fonti di reddito in tutte le aree operative.

Punti chiave:

  • I robot sono strategicamente posizionati in aree ad alto traffico per massimizzare l'impatto pubblicitario
  • Connessi alla Piattaforma Cloud Intelligente per dati in tempo reale sulle campagne
  • La soluzione di computing spaziale decentralizzata utilizzerà la potenza di calcolo inutilizzata dei robot
  • Ulteriori guadagni saranno generati in base ai compiti completati e al tempo online

Il CEO Lei Wang ha espresso entusiasmo per l'espansione negli Stati Uniti e il potenziale del computing spaziale decentralizzato nel crescente mercato dell'AI e della robotica.

Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI) ha anunciado la expansión de su negocio de publicidad con robots AIoT en el mercado estadounidense, comenzando con más de 200 robots en Nueva York. La compañía también se está preparando para lanzar una solución de computación espacial descentralizada a finales de agosto. Se espera que estas iniciativas generen nuevas fuentes de ingresos en todas las áreas operativas.

Puntos clave:

  • Los robots se colocan estratégicamente en áreas de alto tráfico para maximizar el impacto publicitario
  • Conectados a la Plataforma Nublada Inteligente para datos de campaña en tiempo real
  • La solución de computación espacial descentralizada utilizará la potencia de computación no utilizada de los robots
  • Se generarán ingresos adicionales en función de las tareas completadas y el tiempo en línea

El CEO Lei Wang expresó su entusiasmo por la expansión en EE. UU. y el potencial de la computación espacial descentralizada en el creciente mercado de la IA y la robótica.

Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI)는 AIoT 로봇 광고 사업을 미국 시장으로 확장한다고 발표하며, 뉴욕에서 200개 이상의 로봇을 시작합니다. 회사는 또한 8월 말에 분산형 공간 컴퓨팅 솔루션을 출시할 준비를 하고 있습니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 모든 운영 분야에서 새로운 수익원을 창출할 것으로 예상됩니다.

주요 사항:

  • 로봇은 최대 광고 효과를 위해 많은 사람들이 지나는 곳에 전략적으로 배치됩니다.
  • 실시간 캠페인 데이터를 위해 스마트 클라우드 플랫폼에 연결됩니다.
  • 분산형 공간 컴퓨팅 솔루션은 로봇의 사용되지 않는 컴퓨팅 파워를 활용합니다.
  • 완료된 작업과 온라인 시간에 따라 추가 수익이 발생합니다.

CEO 레이 왕은 미국 확장에 대한 기대와 증가하는 AI 및 로봇 시장에서 분산형 공간 컴퓨팅의 잠재력에 대해 열정을 표현했습니다.

Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI) a annoncé l'expansion de son activité de publicité avec des robots AIoT sur le marché américain, en commençant par plus de 200 robots à New York. L'entreprise se prépare également à lancer une solution de calcul spatial décentralisé fin août. Ces initiatives devraient générer de nouvelles sources de revenus dans tous les domaines d'activité.

Points clés :

  • Les robots sont placés stratégiquement dans des zones à fort trafic pour un impact publicitaire maximal
  • Connectés à la Plateforme Cloud Intelligente pour des données de campagne en temps réel
  • La solution de calcul spatial décentralisé utilisera la puissance de calcul inutilisée des robots
  • Des revenus supplémentaires seront générés en fonction des tâches accomplies et du temps en ligne

Le PDG Lei Wang a exprimé son enthousiasme pour l'expansion aux États-Unis et le potentiel du calcul spatial décentralisé sur le marché en pleine croissance de l'IA et de la robotique.

Guardforce AI Co., (NASDAQ: GFAI) hat die Erweiterung seines AIoT-Roboter-Werbegeschäfts auf den US-Markt angekündigt, beginnend mit über 200 Robotern in New York. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich auch darauf vor, Ende August eine dezentrale räumliche Computing-Lösung einzuführen. Diese Initiativen sollen neue Einnahmequellen in allen Betriebsbereichen generieren.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Roboter sind strategisch in stark frequentierten Bereichen platziert, um maximale Werbewirkung zu erzielen
  • Verbunden mit der Intelligent Cloud-Plattform für Echtzeitkampagnendaten
  • Die dezentrale räumliche Computing-Lösung wird ungenutzte Rechenleistung der Roboter nutzen
  • Zusätzliche Einnahmen werden basierend auf abgeschlossenen Aufgaben und Online-Zeit verdient

CEO Lei Wang äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Expansion in die USA und das Potenzial dezentraler räumlicher Computing-Lösungen auf dem wachsenden Markt für KI und Robotik.

  • Expansion of AIoT Robot Advertising business into the U.S. market with initial deployment of over 200 robots in New York
  • Launch of decentralized spatial computing solution expected in late August
  • New revenue streams anticipated across all operating areas
  • Strategic positioning of robots in high-traffic areas for increased advertising impact
  • Real-time campaign data access for advertisers through the Intelligent Cloud Platform
  • Additional revenue potential from decentralized spatial computing based on task completion and online time
  • None.

Guardforce AI's expansion into the U.S. market with AIoT Robot Advertising marks a significant technological leap. The deployment of 200+ robots in high-traffic areas creates a smart advertising network, leveraging real-time data analytics for campaign optimization. This move aligns with the growing trend of IoT-driven marketing solutions.

The upcoming launch of decentralized spatial computing is particularly intriguing. By utilizing idle computing power, Guardforce AI is maximizing resource efficiency and tapping into the burgeoning field of edge computing. This could potentially position them as pioneers in the intersection of robotics and distributed computing, opening up new avenues for revenue generation and technological innovation in the AI and robotics sector.

Guardforce AI's U.S. market entry with AIoT Robot Advertising could be a game-changer for local and national brands. By placing robots in high-foot-traffic areas, they're creating a unique out-of-home advertising channel that combines physical presence with digital analytics. This could appeal to advertisers seeking innovative ways to reach consumers in an increasingly fragmented media landscape.

The real-time campaign data offered through their Intelligent Cloud Platform is a significant value proposition, allowing for agile marketing strategies. However, the success of this venture will largely depend on consumer acceptance of robot interactions and the effectiveness of this new advertising medium in driving brand awareness and sales conversions.

Guardforce AI's expansion into the U.S. market and the introduction of decentralized spatial computing solutions present promising revenue diversification opportunities. The AIoT Robot Advertising business could potentially tap into the $8.5 billion U.S. out-of-home advertising market. However, initial capital expenditure for robot deployment and ongoing maintenance costs need to be considered.

The decentralized spatial computing initiative is particularly intriguing from a financial perspective. By monetizing unused computing power, Guardforce AI is essentially creating a new revenue stream from existing assets, which could significantly improve their return on investment. This move could potentially boost profit margins, but it's important to monitor the adoption rate and revenue generation capacity of this new offering.

Anticipates New Revenue Stream Across All Operating Areas

NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardforce AI Co., Limited (“Guardforce AI” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: GFAI, GFAIW), an integrated security, AI and Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS) provider, today announced the expansion of its Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Robot Advertising business into the U.S. market, beginning with the initial deployment of over 200 robots in New York. This significant milestone is a key step in Guardforce AI's broader strategy to expand its advertising business. Additionally, the Company has completed the proof-of-concept for a decentralized spatial computing solution on its robots, which is expected to launch in late August.

These solutions are expected to generate additional revenue streams across Guardforce AI’s operations. To enhance customer engagement and visibility, robots deployed in the U.S. are strategically positioned in high-traffic areas, including restaurant entrances, supermarkets, and hotels. This strategy will establish an impactful advertising network, amplifying the reach and impact of both local and national brands. All robots are connected to the Guardforce AI Intelligent Cloud Platform (ICP), providing advertisers with access to real-time campaign data. This allows advertisers to refine and optimize their strategies based on detailed exposure metrics, including the number of impressions during specific timeframes and locations.

In an effort to expand AI solutions and fully leverage its robotics capacity, Guardforce AI plans to launch decentralized spatial computing solutions across all its robots in the U.S in late August. This solution will automatically detect the robots’ unused computing power and distribute tasks from a central platform, enabling each robot to contribute to complex computations while simultaneously performing its primary functions. Guardforce AI will earn revenue based on the number of tasks completed and the total duration of robots’ online time. This initiative not only maximizes the robots' efficiency but also generates an additional revenue stream for Guardforce AI.

Lei (Olivia) Wang, Chairwoman and CEO of Guardforce AI, stated, “We’re excited to expand our AIoT Robot Advertising business to the U.S., and the market response has been quite positive. What’s even more exciting is the upcoming launch of the decentralized spatial computing solution. Decentralized spatial computing is a massive market, especially as the demand for computing power surges with the rapid development of AI and robotic technologies. This will not only enhance the actual value of our robots, but also provides an additional revenue stream to our operations.Though it takes time to localize these solutions, we still look forward to expanding this solution to other regions we’re operating in as well.”

About Guardforce AI Co., Ltd.

Guardforce AI Co., Limited (NASDAQ: GFAI/GFAIW) is a global integrated solution provider, focusing on implementing AI and robotics solutions to improve business operational efficiency and sales and marketing process, especially for retail and travel industry in the Asia Pacific. Drawing upon 42 years’ operational experience, established premiere long-term customer base, and sales channels, Guardforce AI has built a robust foundation towards next level of elevating tailored AI solutions and expanding globally. For more information, visit, Twitter: @Guardforceai.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains statements that do not relate to historical facts but are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can generally (although not always) be identified by their use of terms and phrases such as anticipate, appear, believe, continue, could, estimate, expect, indicate, intend, may, plan, possible, predict, project, pursue, will, would and other similar terms and phrases, as well as the use of the future tense. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of the business of the Company, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control, including the risks described in our registration statements and reports under the heading "Risk Factors" as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date hereof. Unless otherwise required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise.

Investor Relations:
David Waldman or Natalya Rudman
Crescendo Communications, LLC
Tel: 212-671-1020

Guardforce AI Corporate Communications
Hu Yu


What is Guardforce AI's latest expansion in the U.S. market for GFAI stock?

Guardforce AI (GFAI) is expanding its AIoT Robot Advertising business into the U.S. market, starting with the deployment of over 200 robots in New York.

When is Guardforce AI (GFAI) launching its decentralized spatial computing solution?

Guardforce AI (GFAI) is preparing to launch its decentralized spatial computing solution in late August 2024.

How will the new U.S. expansion and spatial computing solution affect GFAI's revenue?

These initiatives are expected to generate new revenue streams across all of Guardforce AI's (GFAI) operating areas, including earnings from completed tasks and robot online time.

Where are Guardforce AI's advertising robots being deployed in the U.S.?

Guardforce AI's advertising robots are being strategically positioned in high-traffic areas in the U.S., including restaurant entrances, supermarkets, and hotels.

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United States of America