Getty Images Launches Leading Editorial Photography Internship Program

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Getty Images (NYSE: GETY) has launched its first-ever joint editorial photography internship program across News, Sport, and Entertainment, supported by Canon U.S.A., Inc. The program offers three paid internships in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C., aimed at aspiring photographers aged 18 or older. Interns will work alongside world-leading photographers, use Canon's advanced equipment, and gain hands-on experience in various aspects of editorial photography.

The program focuses on fostering emerging talent and diversifying perspectives in visual storytelling. Successful interns will receive guaranteed portfolio placement, professional recommendations, and potential future opportunities with Getty Images. Applications are open, with final candidates to be announced in late August 2024. The initiative underscores Getty Images' commitment to shaping the next generation of visual content creators and strengthening its position as a trusted industry source.

Getty Images (NYSE: GETY) ha lanciato il suo primo programma di tirocinio editoriale congiunto nel campo della fotografia, che si estende a Notizie, Sport e Intrattenimento, sostenuto da Canon U.S.A., Inc. Il programma offre tre tirocini retribuiti a Los Angeles, New York e Washington D.C., rivolto a fotografi aspiranti di età pari o superiore ai 18 anni. I tirocinanti lavoreranno al fianco di fotografi di fama mondiale, utilizzeranno l'attrezzatura avanzata di Canon e acquisiranno esperienza pratica in vari aspetti della fotografia editoriale.

Il programma si concentra su promuovere i talenti emergenti e diversificare le prospettive nella narrazione visiva. I tirocinanti selezionati riceveranno una garanzia di inserimento nel portfolio, raccomandazioni professionali e potenziali opportunità future con Getty Images. Le candidature sono aperte, con i finalisti che saranno annunciati alla fine di agosto 2024. L'iniziativa sottolinea l'impegno di Getty Images a plasmare la prossima generazione di creatori di contenuti visivi e a rafforzare la sua posizione come fonte affidabile nel settore.

Getty Images (NYSE: GETY) ha lanzado su primer programa de prácticas de fotografía editorial conjunto en Noticias, Deportes y Entretenimiento, apoyado por Canon U.S.A., Inc. El programa ofrece tres prácticas remuneradas en Los Ángeles, Nueva York y Washington D.C., dirigido a aspirantes a fotógrafos de 18 años o más. Los pasantes trabajarán junto a fotógrafos de renombre mundial, utilizarán el equipo avanzado de Canon y adquirirán experiencia práctica en varios aspectos de la fotografía editorial.

El programa se centra en fomentar el talento emergente y diversificar las perspectivas en la narración visual. Los pasantes seleccionados recibirán una garantía de inclusión en su portafolio, recomendaciones profesionales y posibles oportunidades futuras con Getty Images. Las solicitudes están abiertas, con los candidatos finales que se anunciarán a finales de agosto de 2024. La iniciativa subraya el compromiso de Getty Images de moldear la próxima generación de creadores de contenido visual y fortalecer su posición como fuente confiable en la industria.

Getty Images (NYSE: GETY)는 Canon U.S.A., Inc.의 지원을 받아 뉴스, 스포츠 및 엔터테인먼트 분야에서 첫 번째 공동 편집 사진 인턴십 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 18세 이상의 사진 작가 지망생을 위해 로스앤젤레스, 뉴욕 및 워싱턴 D.C.에서 세 개의 유급 인턴십을 제공합니다. 인턴들은 세계적 수준의 사진 작가와 함께 일하며, Canon의 첨단 장비를 사용하고 다양한 편집 사진의 실제 경험을 쌓게 됩니다.

이 프로그램은 신진 인재 육성과 시각적 스토리텔링에서의 다양한 관점을 강조합니다. 성공적인 인턴은 보장된 포트폴리오 배치, 전문 추천 및 Getty Images와의 향후 기회를 받을 수 있습니다. 지원서 접수가 시작되며, 최종 후보자는 2024년 8월 말에 발표될 예정입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Getty Images가 다음 세대의 시각 콘텐츠 제작자를 육성하고 신뢰할 수 있는 산업 소스로서의 입지를 강화하겠다는 의지를 강조합니다.

Getty Images (NYSE: GETY) a lancé son tout premier programme de stage de photographie éditoriale conjoint dans les domaines de l'actualité, des sports et du divertissement, soutenu par Canon U.S.A., Inc. Le programme propose trois stages rémunérés à Los Angeles, New York et Washington D.C., destiné aux photographes en herbe âgés de 18 ans ou plus. Les stagiaires travailleront aux côtés de photographes de renommée mondiale, utiliseront l'équipement avancé de Canon et acquerront une expérience pratique dans divers aspects de la photographie éditoriale.

Ce programme vise à favoriser les talents émergents et à diversifier les perspectives dans la narration visuelle. Les stagiaires retenus bénéficieront d'une garantie de placement dans leur portfolio, de recommandations professionnelles et d'opportunités futures potentielles avec Getty Images. Les candidatures sont ouvertes, et les candidats finaux seront annoncés fin août 2024. Cette initiative souligne l'engagement de Getty Images à façonner la prochaine génération de créateurs de contenu visuel et à renforcer sa position en tant que source de confiance dans l'industrie.

Getty Images (NYSE: GETY) hat sein erstes gemeinsames redaktionelles Fotografie-Praktikumsprogramm in den Bereichen Nachrichten, Sport und Unterhaltung ins Leben gerufen, unterstützt von Canon U.S.A., Inc. Das Programm bietet drei bezahlte Praktika in Los Angeles, New York und Washington D.C. für angehende Fotografen ab 18 Jahren an. Die Praktikanten werden zusammen mit weltbekannten Fotografen arbeiten, mit der fortschrittlichen Ausrüstung von Canon arbeiten und praktische Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Aspekten der redaktionellen Fotografie sammeln.

Das Programm konzentriert sich auf die Förderung neuer Talente und die Diversifizierung der Perspektiven im visuellen Geschichtenerzählen. Erfolgreiche Praktikanten erhalten garantierte Portfolio-Platzierungen, professionelle Empfehlungen und mögliche zukünftige Chancen bei Getty Images. Die Bewerbungen sind offen, wobei die endgültigen Kandidaten Ende August 2024 bekannt gegeben werden. Diese Initiative unterstreicht das Engagement von Getty Images zur Gestaltung der nächsten Generation von visuellen Inhaltserstellern und zur Stärkung seiner Position als vertrauenswürdige Quelle in der Branche.

  • Launch of a new paid internship program to develop emerging talent in editorial photography
  • Partnership with Canon U.S.A., Inc. provides interns access to advanced camera equipment
  • Opportunity for interns to work alongside world-leading photographers and experts
  • Potential for interns to be considered for Getty Images' 'preferred provider' list or staff positions
  • Initiative aims to diversify perspectives in visual storytelling and strengthen Getty Images' coverage
  • None.

New internship program aims to grow and bolster emerging talent within News, Sport and Entertainment

Getty/Canon Editorial Internship 2024

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

NEW YORK, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Getty Images (NYSE: GETY), a preeminent global visual content creator and marketplace, today announced its first-ever joint editorial photography internship program across News, Sport and Entertainment, with support from its imaging partner, Canon U.S.A., Inc. Three successful applicants based in the United States will have the opportunity to work alongside and learn from world leading photographers, videographers, editorial team and visual content experts.

Leveraging Getty Images’ editorial and photographic expertise as well as Canon’s industry experience and innovation in camera technologies, the interns will have the opportunity to photograph a range of editorial and/or commercial assignments across News, Sport and Entertainment. The interns will also participate in mentorship and networking opportunities and use a variety of Canon’s EOS cameras and RF lenses for both still and video capture—obtained through Getty Images’ partnership with Canon as a preferred digital imaging equipment supplier.

Speaking about the program, Getty Images’ Global Head of Editorial, Ken Mainardis says, “This is an incredible opportunity, and we are thrilled to build on our partnership with Canon to continue our long-term commitment of shaping the next generation of talent. This unique mentorship experience will not only provide hands-on experience and expertise to three aspiring photographers but will strengthen the quality of our coverage and storytelling from fresh perspectives. With Canon’s support and shared mission to bolster visual content storytelling globally, we can continue to produce unparalleled, differentiated editorial imagery and video for our customers worldwide as a trusted source in the industry, as well as build a network of talented professionals within the program and support their growth beyond it.”

“Canon is continuously invested in the next generation of visual content storytellers,” said Brian Mahar, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “Imagery that tells a story is powerful, and with partners such as Getty Images and their first-ever editorial photography internship program, we are honored to equip the interns with Canon cameras and lenses to harness their creative power.”

Applicants for the internship program must be 18 years or older at the time of application. The internships will be based in Los Angeles (Entertainment), New York (Sport) and Washington D.C.(News). They must also be passionate about storytelling and content creation and eager to learn and display a sense of professionalism, although no professional portfolio or experience is required. While the internship is open to all applicants, Getty Images recognizes that people of color and those with intersectional identities are underrepresented in photography and are particularly encouraged to apply. The final three candidates will be announced in late August 2024.

The interns will work as part of Getty Images’ editorial team and will be paid hourly. They will be trained on all facets of the editorial photography business, including but not limited to:

  • Capturing editorial content (photography and videography) from wide-ranging assignments within News, Sport and Entertainment,
  • Assigning events and client relations,
  • Video and field photo editing,
  • Editorial still and video workflow and technique,
  • Major event production and technology,
  • Solo assignments as well as group assignments with editing support,
  • Visual storytelling from all angles using Canon’s cutting-edge camera equipment and advanced technologies, and more.

Upon successful completion of the internships in 2025, the interns will be:

  • Guaranteed portfolio and media placement,
  • Provided with a professional recommendation from Getty Images,
  • Considered for Getty Images’ “preferred provider” list and/or considered for a staff position (if available and applicable).

To learn more about these internship opportunities and to apply, head to:

Media Contact:
Jenna Attardi


What is Getty Images' new internship program for editorial photography?

Getty Images (GETY) has launched a joint editorial photography internship program across News, Sport, and Entertainment, offering three paid positions in the United States. The program aims to develop emerging talent and provide hands-on experience in various aspects of editorial photography.

When will Getty Images (GETY) announce the selected interns for its new photography program?

Getty Images plans to announce the final three candidates for its new editorial photography internship program in late August 2024.

What benefits do interns receive in Getty Images' (GETY) new photography program?

Interns in Getty Images' new program will receive paid hourly work, training in various aspects of editorial photography, access to Canon's advanced camera equipment, guaranteed portfolio placement, professional recommendations, and potential future opportunities with Getty Images.

Where are the internship positions for Getty Images' (GETY) new photography program located?

The internship positions for Getty Images' new editorial photography program are located in Los Angeles (Entertainment), New York (Sport), and Washington D.C. (News).

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