GE HealthCare Unveils Sonic DL for 3D, Expanding Deep Learning Innovations in MRI
GE HealthCare has unveiled Sonic DL for 3D, expanding its MRI deep learning capabilities. The technology enables up to 86% faster scans and enhanced resolution for brain, spine, orthopedic, and body imaging. Building on the success of AIR Recon DL, which has helped over 34 million patients, Sonic DL provides up to 12x scan acceleration while maintaining diagnostic quality. When combined with AIR Recon DL's noise reduction technology, it can enhance image resolution by up to 55%. The solution aims to address healthcare burnout issues while improving workflow efficiency and patient comfort through faster, high-quality imaging for the majority of MR exams.
GE HealthCare ha presentato Sonic DL for 3D, ampliando le sue capacità di apprendimento profondo per la risonanza magnetica. La tecnologia consente scansioni fino a 86% più veloci e una risoluzione migliorata per immagini del cervello, della colonna vertebrale, ortopediche e del corpo. Basandosi sul successo di AIR Recon DL, che ha aiutato oltre 34 milioni di pazienti, Sonic DL fornisce fino a 12 volte l'accelerazione della scansione mantenendo la qualità diagnostica. Quando combinato con la tecnologia di riduzione del rumore di AIR Recon DL, può migliorare la risoluzione dell'immagine fino al 55%. La soluzione mira a affrontare i problemi di burnout nel settore sanitario, migliorando l'efficienza del flusso di lavoro e il comfort del paziente tramite immagini più rapide e di alta qualità per la maggior parte degli esami MR.
GE HealthCare ha presentado Sonic DL for 3D, ampliando sus capacidades de aprendizaje profundo en resonancia magnética. La tecnología permite escaneos hasta un 86% más rápidos y una resolución mejorada para imágenes del cerebro, columna vertebral, ortopedia y del cuerpo. Basándose en el éxito de AIR Recon DL, que ha ayudado a más de 34 millones de pacientes, Sonic DL ofrece hasta 12 veces más aceleración en los escaneos manteniendo la calidad diagnóstica. Cuando se combina con la tecnología de reducción de ruido de AIR Recon DL, puede mejorar la resolución de la imagen hasta en un 55%. La solución busca abordar los problemas de agotamiento en el sector salud, mejorando la eficiencia del flujo de trabajo y el confort del paciente a través de imágenes rápidas y de alta calidad para la mayoría de los exámenes de RM.
GE HealthCare는 Sonic DL for 3D를 공개하며 MRI 딥러닝 기능을 확장하였습니다. 이 기술은 뇌, 척추, 정형외과 및 신체 이미징을 위한 86% 더 빠른 스캔과 개선된 해상도를 가능하게 합니다. 3천4백만 명 이상의 환자에게 도움을 준 AIR Recon DL의 성공을 바탕으로, Sonic DL은 진단 품질을 유지하면서 12배 스캔 가속을 제공합니다. AIR Recon DL의 노이즈 감소 기술과 결합될 경우, 이미지 해상도를 최대 55%까지 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 이 솔루션은 의료 분야의 탈진 문제를 해결하고, 대부분의 MR 검사에 대해 더 빠르고 고품질의 이미지를 제공하여 작업 흐름의 효율성과 환자의 편안함을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
GE HealthCare a dévoilé Sonic DL for 3D, élargissant ses capacités d'apprentissage profond en IRM. La technologie permet des scans jusqu'à 86% plus rapides et une résolution améliorée pour les images du cerveau, de la colonne vertébrale, orthopédiques et corporelles. S'appuyant sur le succès de AIR Recon DL, qui a aidé plus de 34 millions de patients, Sonic DL offre jusqu'à 12 fois l'accélération du scan tout en maintenant la qualité diagnostique. Lorsqu'il est combiné avec la technologie de réduction du bruit d'AIR Recon DL, il peut améliorer la résolution de l'image jusqu'à 55%. La solution vise à résoudre les problèmes d'épuisement professionnel dans le secteur de la santé tout en améliorant l'efficacité des flux de travail et le confort des patients grâce à des images rapides et de haute qualité pour la majorité des examens par IRM.
GE HealthCare hat Sonic DL for 3D vorgestellt und erweitert damit seine KI-gestützten Funktionen für die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT). Die Technologie ermöglicht bis zu 86% schnellere Scans und eine verbesserte Auflösung für Bilder des Gehirns, der Wirbelsäule, der Orthopädie und des Körpers. Aufbauend auf dem Erfolg von AIR Recon DL, das über 34 Millionen Patienten geholfen hat, bietet Sonic DL eine 12-fache Scanbeschleunigung bei gleichbleibender diagnostischer Qualität. In Kombination mit der Rauschreduzierungstechnologie von AIR Recon DL kann die Bildauflösung um bis zu 55% verbessert werden. Die Lösung zielt darauf ab, die Probleme von Burnout im Gesundheitswesen anzugehen, während die Effizienz des Arbeitsablaufs und der Patientenkomfort durch schnellere, hochwertige Bilder für die Mehrheit der MRT-Untersuchungen verbessert werden.
- Up to 86% reduction in scan times, potentially increasing patient throughput
- 12x scan acceleration while maintaining diagnostic quality
- 55% enhancement in image resolution
- Technology available for both new installations and in-field MR upgrades
- Successful track record with over 34 million patients helped through AIR Recon DL
- None.
The launch of Sonic DL for 3D represents a significant technological advancement in MRI capabilities with substantial market implications. The
The combination of Sonic DL with AIR Recon DL creates a powerful value proposition, particularly given the documented success of AIR Recon DL's deployment across 34 million patient cases. This expansion into brain, spine, orthopedic and body exams substantially broadens the market opportunity beyond the initial cardiac focus, potentially driving increased adoption rates and market share gains in the competitive MRI segment.
This innovation directly addresses critical operational pain points in healthcare delivery. With
The ability to perform upgrades on existing systems rather than requiring complete equipment replacement makes this a particularly attractive investment for healthcare facilities looking to optimize operational efficiency while managing capital expenditures.
New 3D imaging capabilities of Sonic DL are designed to enable up to
86% i faster scans and enhanced resolution for brain, spine, orthopedic and body imaging. - Combination of Sonic DL and AIR Recon DL accelerates workflow while improving diagnostic confidence and patient comfort.
Healthcare burnout has reached critical levels, with
In neurology, Sonic DL 3D is designed to enable high-resolution imaging of complex brain structures, allowing for quicker, clearer insights into neurological conditions. In orthopedics, it will help to speed up the imaging of joints, ligaments, and bones, reducing scan times to minimize patient discomfort, especially for those with mobility challenges. By advancing speed and clarity in these critical areas, Sonic DL 3D helps to enhance clinical workflows, improve patient comfort, and support timely diagnoses.
“Today’s unveiling of Sonic DL for 3D reinforces our commitment to advancing medical imaging,” said Kelly Londy, President & CEO, Global MR, GE HealthCare. “Our deep learning, effortless imaging portfolio has already seen great success with AIR Recon DL and Sonic DL for cardiac. Now, with Sonic DL’s expansion to 3D and its ability to combine with AIR Recon DL, we’re offering a combination of speed, accuracy, and clarity. We believe Sonic DL will be a game-changer in key clinical areas, substantially impacting our customers' ability to deliver high-quality care while enhancing the capabilities of their existing systems through seamless upgrades.”
GE HealthCare’s ongoing investment in deep learning technologies, available for both in-field MR upgrades and new installations, supports its vision of sustainable and equitable MR access. By equipping facilities with faster, high-quality imaging solutions, GE HealthCare aims to help healthcare providers reduce patient backlogs, increase exam capacity, and deliver more cost-effective care.
With Sonic DL’s extended capabilities in 3D imaging, GE HealthCare continues to lead as a top provider of AI-integrated MR technology, supporting clinicians in delivering precise, timely diagnostics while enhancing the patient experiencevii.
Learn more about Sonic DL 3D at the Radiological Society of
About GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.
GE HealthCare is a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, dedicated to providing integrated solutions, services, and data analytics to make hospitals more efficient, clinicians more effective, therapies more precise, and patients healthier and happier. Serving patients and providers for more than 125 years, GE HealthCare is advancing personalized, connected, and compassionate care, while simplifying the patient’s journey across the care pathway. Together our Imaging, Advanced Visualization Solutions, Patient Care Solutions, and Pharmaceutical Diagnostics businesses help improve patient care from diagnosis, to therapy, to monitoring. We are a
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Internal Data on file; Product Data Sheet Reference DOC3050862 |
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Sonic DL for 3D is 510(k) pending at the US FDA. Not yet CE Marked. Not available for sale in all regions. |
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GE HealthCare data on file |
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Data on File, REF-06122 |
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M +1 929 289 1937
Source: GE HealthCare