GoodRx Partnering with Retail Pharmacies to Deliver Pay-Over-Time Option Directly to Consumers

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GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., has announced a partnership with retail pharmacies to offer a pay-over-time option for select medications directly on the GoodRx platform. The program, launching with partner pharmacies including Hy-Vee, will allow approved users to select an Affirm payment plan when purchasing their prescriptions.

The new feature aims to provide consumers with financial flexibility and control, potentially helping them reach deductibles or access medications more easily. The process will be integrated into the GoodRx platform, allowing users to validate prescriptions, check inventory, and choose payment options before picking up their medications at local pharmacies.

This initiative is part of GoodRx's broader e-commerce strategy to simplify the prescription process for patients and retail pharmacies. The program is expected to roll out in the coming months, with the goal of improving medication adherence and removing healthcare barriers.

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), la principale piattaforma di risparmio per prescrizioni negli Stati Uniti, ha annunciato una partnership con farmacie al dettaglio per offrire un'opzione di pagamento rateale per alcuni farmaci direttamente sulla piattaforma GoodRx. Il programma, che sarà lanciato con farmacie partner tra cui Hy-Vee, permetterà agli utenti approvati di selezionare un piano di pagamento Affirm al momento dell'acquisto delle loro prescrizioni.

La nuova funzionalità ha l'obiettivo di fornire ai consumatori flessibilità e controllo finanziario, aiutandoli potenzialmente a raggiungere le franchigie o ad accedere più facilmente ai farmaci. Il processo sarà integrato nella piattaforma GoodRx, consentendo agli utenti di convalidare le prescrizioni, controllare l'inventario e scegliere le opzioni di pagamento prima di ritirare i loro farmaci presso le farmacie locali.

Questa iniziativa fa parte della più ampia strategia di e-commerce di GoodRx per semplificare il processo di prescrizione per pazienti e farmacie al dettaglio. Il programma dovrebbe essere lanciato nei prossimi mesi, con l'obiettivo di migliorare l’aderenza alla terapia e rimuovere le barriere sanitarie.

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), la plataforma líder en ahorro de recetas en EE. UU., ha anunciado una asociación con farmacias minoristas para ofrecer una opción de pago a plazos para ciertos medicamentos directamente en la plataforma de GoodRx. El programa, que se lanzará con farmacias asociadas que incluyen a Hy-Vee, permitirá a los usuarios aprobados seleccionar un plan de pago de Affirm al momento de comprar sus recetas.

La nueva función tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los consumidores flexibilidad y control financiero, ayudándoles potencialmente a alcanzar los deducibles o acceder a medicamentos más fácilmente. El proceso se integrará en la plataforma de GoodRx, lo que permitirá a los usuarios validar recetas, verificar el inventario y elegir opciones de pago antes de recoger sus medicamentos en farmacias locales.

Esta iniciativa es parte de la estrategia de comercio electrónico más amplia de GoodRx para simplificar el proceso de recetas para pacientes y farmacias minoristas. Se espera que el programa se implemente en los próximos meses, con el objetivo de mejorar la adherencia a la medicación y eliminar las barreras en la atención médica.

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), 미국에서 선도하는 처방전 절약 플랫폼,은 일부 의약품에 대해 GoodRx 플랫폼에서 직접 할부 결제 옵션을 제공하기 위해 소매 약국과 파트너십을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. Hy-Vee를 포함한 파트너 약국과 함께 시작되는 이 프로그램은 승인된 사용자에게 처방전을 구매할 때 Affirm 결제 계획을 선택할 수 있게 합니다.

이 새로운 기능은 소비자에게 재정적 유연성과 통제를 제공하여, 잠재적으로 본인 부담금에 도달하거나 의약품에 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 과정은 GoodRx 플랫폼에 통합되어 사용자가 처방전을 확인하고, 재고를 확인하며, 지역 약국에서 의약품을 픽업하기 전에 결제 옵션을 선택할 수 있게 합니다.

이번 이니셔티브는 환자와 소매 약국을 위한 처방전 절차를 간소화하기 위한 GoodRx의 보다 포괄적인 전자 상거래 전략의 일환입니다. 이 프로그램은 향후 몇 달 내에 출시될 예정이며, 약물 복용 준수를 개선하고 의료 장벽을 제거하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), la principale plateforme d'économies sur les prescriptions aux États-Unis, a annoncé un partenariat avec des pharmacies de détail pour offrir une option de paiement échelonné pour certains médicaments directement sur la plateforme GoodRx. Le programme, qui sera lancé avec des pharmacies partenaires telles que Hy-Vee, permettra aux utilisateurs approuvés de choisir un plan de paiement Affirm lors de l'achat de leurs prescriptions.

La nouvelle fonctionnalité vise à fournir aux consommateurs une flexibilité et un contrôle financiers, les aidant potentiellement à atteindre leurs franchises ou à accéder plus facilement aux médicaments. Le processus sera intégré à la plateforme GoodRx, permettant aux utilisateurs de valider les prescriptions, de vérifier les stocks et de choisir des options de paiement avant de récupérer leurs médicaments dans les pharmacies locales.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans la stratégie e-commerce plus large de GoodRx visant à simplifier le processus de prescription pour les patients et les pharmacies de détail. Le programme devrait être déployé dans les mois à venir, avec pour objectif d'améliorer l'adhérence au traitement et de supprimer les barrières sanitaires.

GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), die führende Plattform für Rezeptersparnisse in den USA, hat eine Partnerschaft mit Einzelhandelsapotheken bekannt gegeben, um eine Zahlungsoption in Raten für ausgewählte Medikamente direkt auf der GoodRx-Plattform anzubieten. Das Programm, das mit Partnerapotheken wie Hy-Vee gestartet wird, ermöglicht es genehmigten Nutzern, beim Kauf ihrer Rezepte einen Affirm-Zahlungsplan auszuwählen.

Die neue Funktion zielt darauf ab, den Verbrauchern finanzielle Flexibilität und Kontrolle zu bieten, wodurch sie möglicherweise ihre Selbstbeteiligungen erreichen oder leichter auf Medikamente zugreifen können. Der Prozess wird in die GoodRx-Plattform integriert, sodass Benutzer Rezepte validieren, den Bestand überprüfen und Zahlungsoptionen auswählen können, bevor sie ihre Medikamente in örtlichen Apotheken abholen.

Diese Initiative ist Teil von GoodRx' umfassenderer E-Commerce-Strategie zur Vereinfachung des Rezeptprozesses für Patienten und Einzelhandelsapotheken. Das Programm wird in den kommenden Monaten eingeführt, mit dem Ziel, die Therapieadhärenz zu verbessern und gesundheitliche Barrieren abzubauen.

  • Partnership with retail pharmacies to offer pay-over-time option for medications
  • Integration of Affirm payment plans directly on the GoodRx platform
  • Potential to improve medication adherence and accessibility
  • Expansion of e-commerce capabilities and user experience
  • None.


GoodRx's partnership with Affirm and retail pharmacies like Hy-Vee represents a strategic move to enhance its value proposition and potentially drive revenue growth. By offering a pay-over-time option, GoodRx is addressing affordability concerns, which could lead to increased prescription fulfillment rates and customer retention. This initiative aligns with the company's e-commerce strategy and may help differentiate GoodRx in the competitive prescription savings market.

However, the financial impact remains uncertain. While this feature could attract more users and increase transaction volumes, it's unclear how it will affect GoodRx's margins or if there are revenue-sharing agreements with Affirm. The success of this program will depend on consumer adoption rates and the ability to scale across multiple pharmacy partners. Investors should monitor key metrics such as user growth, prescription volume and average revenue per user in upcoming quarters to gauge the program's effectiveness.

Given the potential benefits balanced against execution risks, I assign a neutral rating to this news. It's a positive step for GoodRx's business model evolution, but its material impact on financials is yet to be determined.

GoodRx's integration of Affirm's pay-over-time option directly into its platform marks a significant advancement in healthcare technology and consumer-centric pharmacy services. This innovation addresses several key issues in the healthcare sector:

  • Medication adherence: By reducing financial barriers, patients are more likely to fill and take their prescriptions as directed.
  • Digital health integration: The seamless ecommerce experience from prescription search to payment demonstrates the ongoing digitalization of healthcare services.
  • Personalized healthcare financing: Offering customized payment plans aligns with the trend towards more personalized healthcare solutions.

The partnership with Hy-Vee showcases GoodRx's ability to collaborate with traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies, bridging the gap between online platforms and physical healthcare delivery. This could pave the way for further integrations and partnerships in the future, potentially expanding GoodRx's reach and market share.

While innovative, the success of this program will depend on factors such as user adoption, pharmacy participation and the ability to navigate complex healthcare regulations. Investors should watch for expansion to other pharmacy chains and any impact on GoodRx's user engagement metrics.

Approved users will now be able to select an Affirm payment plan for select medications directly on the GoodRx platform

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced consumers will soon be able to use Affirm to pay over time for select medications at participating retail pharmacies. This adds a convenient way for consumers to pay for their medications directly on the GoodRx platform.

GoodRx is launching this program with its partner pharmacies, including Hy-Vee, a grocery retailer with a network of more than 275 retail pharmacies. Together, the companies are ensuring a seamless ecommerce experience for consumers. As an example, when a person types their medication into GoodRx and selects Hy-Vee as their preferred pharmacy, the system will validate their prescription, check for medication inventory, and show the option to pay over time with Affirm. If approved, consumers will be able to choose from customized monthly payment options before submitting their prescription order and picking up their prescription at their local Hy-Vee location.

As is always true with Affirm, consumers will only be approved for financing Affirm believes can and will be repaid responsibly, and Affirm will not charge any late or hidden fees.

“We are always looking for new ways to bring affordability and ease-of-use to patients, doctors and front-line pharmacy staff,” said Scott Wagner, Interim CEO at GoodRx. “Through this new technology solution, we’re offering a unique capability that will help people access their medications - whether it’s helping them reach a deductible or providing great financial flexibility and control. It’s part of our broader e-commerce strategy to make the entire process much simpler, certainly for patients but also for retail pharmacies.”

“As a provider, we are excited to work with GoodRx to offer this new payment solution to Hy-Vee Pharmacy patients as we continue efforts to remove healthcare barriers and improve medication adherence,” said Angie Nelson, Hy-Vee’s senior vice president of pharmacy. “We believe that this new flexible payment model offered through GoodRx will lead to better health outcomes for our patients.”

This program will start rolling out in the coming months.

About GoodRx

GoodRx is the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S. Trusted by more than 25 million consumers and 750,000 healthcare professionals annually, GoodRx provides access to savings and affordability options for generic and brand-name medications at more than 70,000 pharmacies nationwide, as well as comprehensive healthcare research and information. Since 2011, GoodRx has helped consumers save over $75 billion on the cost of their prescriptions.

​GoodRx periodically posts information that may be important to investors on its investor relations website at We intend to use our website as a means of disclosing material nonpublic information and for complying with our disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, investors and potential investors are encouraged to consult GoodRx’s website regularly for important information, in addition to following GoodRx’s press releases, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and public conference calls and webcasts. The information contained on, or that may be accessed through, GoodRx’s website is not incorporated by reference into, and is not a part of, this press release.

GoodRx Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the demand and plans for, and the objectives, benefits and value of, the GoodRx and Affirm partnership, including its availability at Hy-Vee. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause GoodRx’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, risks relating to GoodRx’s ability to achieve broad market education and change consumer purchasing habits, changes in medication pricing and pricing structures, GoodRx’s reliance on a limited number of industry participants, and the important factors discussed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in GoodRx’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and GoodRx’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, projections and estimates as of the date of this press release. While GoodRx may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, GoodRx disclaims any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause GoodRx’s views to change.

Payment options through Affirm are subject to eligibility, and are provided by these lending partners: CA residents: Loans by Affirm Loan Services, LLC are made or arranged pursuant to California Finance Law license 60DBO-111681.

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Source: GoodRx


What new feature is GoodRx (GDRX) introducing for medication purchases?

GoodRx is introducing a pay-over-time option for select medications at participating retail pharmacies, allowing approved users to select an Affirm payment plan directly on the GoodRx platform.

Which pharmacy chain is partnering with GoodRx (GDRX) for this new payment option?

Hy-Vee, a grocery retailer with a network of more than 275 retail pharmacies, is partnering with GoodRx to offer this new payment solution.

How will the new GoodRx (GDRX) payment option work for consumers?

Consumers can select their medication and preferred pharmacy on GoodRx. The system will validate the prescription, check inventory, and show the option to pay over time with Affirm. Approved users can choose from customized monthly payment options before submitting their order.

When will GoodRx (GDRX) start rolling out the new pay-over-time program?

The program will start rolling out in the coming months, as stated in the press release.

GoodRx Holdings, Inc.


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