Methanex Provides Update on Geismar Operations
Methanex (MEOH) reported an unplanned outage at its Geismar 3 (G3) methanol plant in Louisiana, which occurred in late February 2025. The 1.8 million tonne facility requires repairs to its autothermal reformer (ATR), with plant restart estimated by early May 2025.
During the downtime, management will advance previously scheduled maintenance work that was initially planned as a separate three-week outage, which will no longer be necessary. The company expects the repairs' financial impact to primarily affect second quarter results due to reduced produced methanol sales, though repair costs are not anticipated to be material.
Methanex (MEOH) ha segnalato un'interruzione non programmata presso il suo impianto di metanolo Geismar 3 (G3) in Louisiana, avvenuta alla fine di febbraio 2025. L'impianto, con una capacità di 1,8 milioni di tonnellate, richiede riparazioni al suo reformer autothermal (ATR), con la ripartenza dell'impianto prevista per inizio maggio 2025.
Durante il periodo di inattività, la direzione procederà con i lavori di manutenzione già programmati, inizialmente previsti come un'interruzione separata di tre settimane, che non saranno più necessari. L'azienda si aspetta che l'impatto finanziario delle riparazioni influisca principalmente sui risultati del secondo trimestre a causa della riduzione delle vendite di metanolo prodotto, sebbene i costi di riparazione non siano previsti come significativi.
Methanex (MEOH) reportó una interrupción no planificada en su planta de metanol Geismar 3 (G3) en Louisiana, que ocurrió a finales de febrero de 2025. La instalación de 1.8 millones de toneladas requiere reparaciones en su reformador autothermal (ATR), y se estima que la reanudación de la planta será a principios de mayo de 2025.
Durante el tiempo de inactividad, la dirección avanzará los trabajos de mantenimiento programados previamente, que inicialmente estaban planeados como una interrupción separada de tres semanas, la cual ya no será necesaria. La empresa espera que el impacto financiero de las reparaciones afecte principalmente los resultados del segundo trimestre debido a la reducción de las ventas de metanol producido, aunque no se anticipa que los costos de reparación sean significativos.
메타넥스 (MEOH)는 루이지애나의 게이즈마 3 (G3) 메탄올 공장에서 2025년 2월 말에 발생한 계획되지 않은 중단을 보고했습니다. 연간 180만 톤의 용량을 가진 이 시설은 자가열화 개질기(ATR)의 수리가 필요하며, 공장의 재가동은 2025년 5월 초로 예상됩니다.
다운타임 동안 경영진은 별도의 3주 중단으로 계획되었던 이전에 예정된 유지보수 작업을 진행할 것입니다. 이 작업은 더 이상 필요하지 않습니다. 회사는 수리로 인한 재정적 영향이 생산된 메탄올 판매 감소로 인해 주로 2분기 결과에 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 수리 비용은 큰 영향을 미치지 않을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.
Methanex (MEOH) a signalé une interruption imprévue de son usine de méthanol Geismar 3 (G3) en Louisiane, survenue fin février 2025. L'installation de 1,8 million de tonnes nécessite des réparations de son réformeur autothermique (ATR), avec un redémarrage de l'usine prévu pour début mai 2025.
Durant cette période d'arrêt, la direction avancera les travaux de maintenance prévus qui étaient initialement planifiés comme une interruption séparée de trois semaines, laquelle ne sera plus nécessaire. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que l'impact financier des réparations affecte principalement les résultats du deuxième trimestre en raison de la diminution des ventes de méthanol produit, bien que les coûts de réparation ne soient pas anticipés comme significatifs.
Methanex (MEOH) berichtete über einen ungeplanten Ausfall in seiner Geismar 3 (G3) Methanolanlage in Louisiana, der Ende Februar 2025 auftrat. Die Anlage mit einer Kapazität von 1,8 Millionen Tonnen benötigt Reparaturen an ihrem autothermalen Reformator (ATR), wobei der Neustart der Anlage für Anfang Mai 2025 vorgesehen ist.
Während der Ausfallzeit wird das Management die zuvor geplanten Wartungsarbeiten vorantreiben, die ursprünglich als separate dreiwöchige Stilllegung geplant waren und nun nicht mehr erforderlich sind. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die finanziellen Auswirkungen der Reparaturen hauptsächlich die Ergebnisse des zweiten Quartals aufgrund reduzierter Methanolverkäufe betreffen werden, obwohl die Reparaturkosten voraussichtlich nicht erheblich sein werden.
- Repair costs are not expected to be material
- Company eliminates need for separate planned three-week maintenance outage
- Unplanned outage at 1.8M tonne Geismar 3 plant until early May 2025
- Lower produced methanol sales will impact Q2 2025 financial results
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Methanex Corporation (TSX:MX) (Nasdaq:MEOH) announced today that its 1.8 million tonne methanol plant, Geismar 3 (G3), in Geismar, Louisiana was impacted by an unplanned outage in late February. Upon completing various inspections, management has decided to complete repairs to the autothermal reformer (ATR), and management currently estimates a plant startup by early May 2025.
During this outage, management is taking the opportunity to bring forward the completion of other planned maintenance work on G3 which was part of a previously budgeted three-week outage which is no longer expected to be required. This outage is expected to primarily impact the second quarter financial results due to lower produced methanol sales. The cost of these repairs is not expected to be material.
Methanex is a Vancouver-based, publicly traded company and is the world’s largest supplier of methanol globally. Methanex shares are listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada under the trading symbol “MX” and on the Nasdaq Stock Market in the United States under the trading symbol “MEOH”. Methanex can be visited online at
Sarah Herriott
Director, Investor Relations
Methanex Corporation
604-661-2600 or Toll Free: 1-800-661-8851

When will Methanex's Geismar 3 plant resume operations after the February 2025 outage?
What is the production capacity of Methanex's Geismar 3 (MEOH) facility?
How will the Geismar 3 outage impact Methanex's (MEOH) financial results?