GoDaddy Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

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GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) announced its Q2 2024 financial results, reporting total revenue of $1.1 billion, a 7% YoY increase, and exceeding guidance. Applications and Commerce revenue rose by 15% to $405.6 million, while Core Platform revenue saw a 3% increase to $718.9 million. The company also achieved a 76% surge in net income to $146.3 million, and NEBITDA grew by 25% to $331.7 million.

GoDaddy's free cash flow rose by 35% to $323.4 million. The company continued its share repurchase program, buying back 4.1 million shares for $520.8 million. Its innovative GoDaddy Airo™ experience is expanding globally. For Q3 2024, GoDaddy expects revenue between $1.13 billion and $1.15 billion, and NEBITDA margin around 29%.

For FY 2024, revenue is projected between $4.525 billion and $4.565 billion with NEBITDA margin at 29% and free cash flow at $1.3 billion.

GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) ha annunciato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024, riportando ricavi totali di 1,1 miliardi di dollari, con un incremento del 7% rispetto all'anno precedente, superando le attese. I ricavi da applicazioni e commercio sono aumentati del 15% a 405,6 milioni di dollari, mentre i ricavi della Piattaforma Core hanno visto un aumento del 3% a 718,9 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha anche registrato un balzo del 76% nell'utile netto, pari a 146,3 milioni di dollari, e il NEBITDA è cresciuto del 25% a 331,7 milioni di dollari.

Il cash flow libero di GoDaddy è aumentato del 35% a 323,4 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha proseguito il suo programma di riacquisto di azioni, riacquistando 4,1 milioni di azioni per 520,8 milioni di dollari. La sua innovativa esperienza GoDaddy Airo™ si sta espandendo a livello globale. Per il terzo trimestre 2024, GoDaddy prevede ricavi tra 1,13 miliardi e 1,15 miliardi di dollari, e un margine NEBITDA intorno al 29%.

Per l'intero anno fiscale 2024, i ricavi sono previsti tra 4,525 miliardi e 4,565 miliardi di dollari, con un margine NEBITDA al 29% e un cash flow libero di 1,3 miliardi di dollari.

GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) anunció sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, reportando ingresos totales de 1.1 mil millones de dólares, un aumento del 7% interanual, superando las expectativas. Los ingresos de Aplicaciones y Comercio aumentaron un 15% hasta 405.6 millones de dólares, mientras que los ingresos de la Plataforma Central tuvieron un incremento del 3% hasta 718.9 millones de dólares. La compañía también logró un incremento del 76% en ingresos netos hasta 146.3 millones de dólares, y el NEBITDA creció un 25% hasta 331.7 millones de dólares.

El flujo de caja libre de GoDaddy aumentó un 35% hasta 323.4 millones de dólares. La empresa continuó su programa de recompra de acciones, comprando 4.1 millones de acciones por 520.8 millones de dólares. Su experiencia innovadora GoDaddy Airo™ se está expandiendo globalmente. Para el tercer trimestre de 2024, GoDaddy espera ingresos entre 1.13 mil millones y 1.15 mil millones de dólares, y un margen de NEBITDA alrededor del 29%.

Para el año fiscal 2024, se proyecta que los ingresos estén entre 4.525 mil millones y 4.565 mil millones de dólares, con un margen de NEBITDA del 29% y flujo de caja libre de 1.3 mil millones de dólares.

고대디 (NYSE: GDDY)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하며 총 수익이 11억 달러로 전년 대비 7% 증가했다고 보고하고, 전망치를 초과했다고 밝혔습니다. 애플리케이션 및 상거래 수익은 15% 증가하여 4억 5,560만 달러에 달했으며, 핵심 플랫폼 수익은 3% 증가하여 7억 1,890만 달러에 이르렀습니다. 회사는 또한 순이익이 76% 증가한 1억 4,630만 달러에 도달했으며, NEBITDA는 25% 증가하여 3억 3,170만 달러로 성장했습니다.

고대디의 자유 현금 흐름은 35% 증가하여 3억 2,340만 달러에 이르렀습니다. 회사는 4.1백만 주를 5억 2,080만 달러에 매입하는 주식 매입 프로그램을 계속 진행했습니다. 고대디의 혁신적인 Airo™ 경험이 전 세계로 확장되고 있습니다. 2024년 3분기에는 11억 3천만 달러에서 11억 5천만 달러 사이의 수익을 예상하며 NEBITDA 마진은 약 29%에 이를 것으로 보입니다.

2024 회계 연도에는 수익이 45억 2,500만 달러에서 45억 6,500만 달러 사이로 예상되며, NEBITDA 마진은 29%, 자유 현금 흐름은 13억 달러로 전망됩니다.

GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, rapportant des revenus totaux de 1,1 milliard de dollars, soit une augmentation de 7 % par rapport à l'année précédente, dépassant les prévisions. Les revenus issus des applications et du commerce ont augmenté de 15 % pour atteindre 405,6 millions de dollars, tandis que les revenus de la plateforme principale ont connu une augmentation de 3 % pour atteindre 718,9 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a également réalisé une augmentation de 76 % de son revenu net, atteignant 146,3 millions de dollars, et le NEBITDA a augmenté de 25 % pour atteindre 331,7 millions de dollars.

Le flux de trésorerie libre de GoDaddy a augmenté de 35 % pour atteindre 323,4 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a poursuivi son programme de rachat d'actions, rachetant 4,1 millions d'actions pour 520,8 millions de dollars. Son expérience innovante GoDaddy Airo™ s'étend à l'échelle mondiale. Pour le troisième trimestre 2024, GoDaddy s'attend à des revenus compris entre 1,13 milliard et 1,15 milliard de dollars, avec une marge NEBITDA d'environ 29%.

Pour l'exercice 2024, les revenus sont projetés entre 4,525 milliards et 4,565 milliards de dollars, avec une marge NEBITDA de 29 % et un flux de trésorerie libre de 1,3 milliard de dollars.

GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) gab die finanziellen Ergebnisse des zweiten Quartals 2024 bekannt und berichtete von Gesamtumsätzen in Höhe von 1,1 Milliarden Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 7% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht und die Prognosen übertrifft. Die Einnahmen aus Anwendungen und Commerce stiegen um 15% auf 405,6 Millionen Dollar, während die Einnahmen der Kernplattform um 3% auf 718,9 Millionen Dollar zunahmen. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete auch einen Anstieg des Nettoeinkommens um 76% auf 146,3 Millionen Dollar, und NEBITDA wuchs um 25% auf 331,7 Millionen Dollar.

Der freie Cashflow von GoDaddy stieg um 35% auf 323,4 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen setzte sein Aktienrückkaufprogramm fort und kaufte 4,1 Millionen Aktien für 520,8 Millionen Dollar zurück. Die innovative GoDaddy Airo™-Erfahrung breitet sich weltweit aus. Für das dritte Quartal 2024 erwartet GoDaddy Einnahmen zwischen 1,13 Milliarden und 1,15 Milliarden Dollar und einen NEBITDA-Margen von etwa 29%.

Für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 werden Einnahmen zwischen 4,525 Milliarden und 4,565 Milliarden Dollar sowie ein NEBITDA-Margen von 29% und ein freier Cashflow von 1,3 Milliarden Dollar prognostiziert.

  • Total revenue of $1.1 billion, up 7% YoY.
  • Applications and Commerce revenue grew 15% to $405.6 million.
  • Net income increased by 76% to $146.3 million.
  • NEBITDA up 25% to $331.7 million.
  • Free cash flow rose 35% to $323.4 million.
  • Share repurchases of 4.1 million shares for $520.8 million.
  • Positive Q3 2024 revenue outlook of $1.13 billion to $1.15 billion.
  • Raised FY 2024 revenue guidance to $4.525 billion to $4.565 billion.
  • Total customers decreased slightly by 0.6% YoY.

GoDaddy's Q2 2024 results demonstrate robust financial performance and strategic execution. The company reported total revenue of $1.1 billion, up 7% year-over-year, exceeding the high end of their guidance. This growth was primarily driven by the Applications and Commerce (A&C) segment, which grew 15% year-over-year to $405.6 million.

Notably, net income surged 76% year-over-year to $146.3 million, representing a 13% margin. This significant increase in profitability is a strong indicator of the company's operational efficiency and successful cost management strategies.

The company's cash generation capabilities are impressive, with free cash flow increasing 35% year-over-year to $323.4 million. This robust cash flow allows GoDaddy to pursue its capital allocation strategy, including share repurchases and debt refinancing, which should enhance shareholder value over time.

GoDaddy's outlook for Q3 and full-year 2024 is optimistic, with raised revenue and free cash flow targets. The company expects total revenue for Q3 2024 to be between $1.13 billion and $1.15 billion, representing about 7% year-over-year growth at the midpoint. For the full year 2024, GoDaddy raised its revenue expectations to $4.525 billion to $4.565 billion, also representing about 7% year-over-year growth at the midpoint.

Overall, GoDaddy's Q2 results and forward-looking guidance paint a picture of a company with strong fundamentals, consistent growth and improving profitability metrics.

GoDaddy's Q2 2024 results highlight the company's strategic focus on AI-powered solutions and digital marketing tools. The rollout of GoDaddy Airo™, an AI-powered experience, to its existing 20.9 million customer base is a significant move. This initiative, available with all new and existing domain purchases in English-speaking markets, positions GoDaddy at the forefront of AI adoption in the web hosting and domain registration industry.

The launch of the GoDaddy Digital Marketing suite is another noteworthy development. This new customer onboarding path provides personalized marketing tools and content on a single dashboard, enabling customers to build their brand, generate leads and grow their businesses without necessarily having a website. This approach could potentially expand GoDaddy's addressable market by catering to businesses at various stages of digital maturity.

The 15% year-over-year growth in Applications and Commerce (A&C) revenue to $405.6 million underscores the success of GoDaddy's value-added services strategy. The 14% year-over-year growth in A&C Annualized Recurring Revenue (ARR) to $1.5 billion suggests strong customer adoption and retention of these higher-margin services.

While the Core Platform revenue growth was more modest at 3% year-over-year, the integration of AI and enhanced marketing tools could potentially accelerate growth in this segment in the future. The company's focus on innovation and operational efficiency, as mentioned by CEO Aman Bhutani and CFO Mark McCaffrey, indicates a balanced approach to driving both top-line growth and bottom-line improvements through technology advancements.

Building on its track record of profitable growth, strong cash generation and share repurchases

TEMPE, Ariz., Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE: GDDY) today reported financial results for the second quarter that ended June 30, 2024.

"GoDaddy successfully delivered a great quarter," said GoDaddy CEO Aman Bhutani. "We are making progress on our key initiatives, including growing discovery and engagement of our AI-powered experience, GoDaddy Airo. We see tremendous opportunity for long-term growth as we continue to create value for our customers with innovative solutions and seamless experiences."

"We are pleased with our strong second-quarter results, demonstrating execution against our plan to drive both innovation and operational efficiency," said GoDaddy CFO Mark McCaffrey. "Our track record of profitable growth, driving compounding free cash flow and maintaining a strong balance sheet, alongside our capital allocation strategy, positions GoDaddy well to drive long-term shareholder value."

Second Quarter 2024 Business Highlights

  • Total revenue of $1.1 billion, up 7% year-over-year on a reported and constant currency basis and exceeding the high end of the guided range for the second quarter.
  • Applications and Commerce (A&C) revenue grew 15%, year-over-year, to $405.6 million. Annualized recurring revenue (ARR) for A&C grew 14% year-over-year, to $1.5 billion.
  • Core Platform (Core) revenue totaled $718.9 million, growing 3% year-over-year. Core ARR grew 2% year-over-year, to $2.3 billion.
  • Total bookings of $1.3 billion, up 11% year-over-year on a reported and constant currency basis.
  • Net income of $146.3 million, up 76% year-over-year, representing a 13% margin.
  • Normalized EBITDA (NEBITDA) of $331.7 million, up 25% year-over-year, representing a 29% margin and exceeding the second quarter NEBITDA margin guidance of 28%.
  • Net cash provided by operating activities of $294.8 million, up 49% year-over-year.
  • Free cash flow of $323.4 million, up 35% year-over-year.
  • The Company continued rolling out its innovative GoDaddy Airo™ experience to its existing 20.9 million customer base. GoDaddy Airo is now available with all new and existing domain purchases in English-speaking markets, with further expansion planned into over 90 additional countries later this year.
  • Launched the GoDaddy Digital Marketing suite, a new customer onboarding path providing personalized marketing tools and content on one dashboard that customers can use to build their brand, generate leads and grow their businesses, even if they do not have a website.
  • The board of directors of GoDaddy Inc. unanimously elected Graham Smith as a new independent director effective June 26, 2024.

Consolidated Second Quarter Financial Highlights 

Three Months Ended June 30,

Six Months Ended June 30,








(in millions, except customers in thousands and ARPU in dollars)

Total Revenue

$ 1,124.5

$ 1,048.1

7.3 %

7.3 %

$ 2,233.0

$ 2,084.1

7.1 %

Applications and commerce revenue

$    405.6

$    351.7

15.3 %

$    788.7

$    689.7

14.4 %

Core platform revenue

$    718.9

$    696.4

3.2 %

$ 1,444.3

$ 1,394.4

3.6 %

International revenue

$    357.1

$    341.1

4.7 %

4.7 %

$    710.0

$    681.7

4.2 %

Net income(1)

$    146.3

$      83.1

76.1 %

$    547.8

$    130.5

319.8 %

Net income margin

13.0 %

7.9 %

24.5 %

6.3 %

Net cash provided by operating activities

$    294.8

$    198.0

48.9 %

$    592.0

$    468.3

26.4 %

Segment EBITDA - A&C

$    176.6

$    142.7

23.8 %

$    338.5

$    275.1

23.0 %

Segment EBITDA margin - A&C

43.5 %

40.6 %


42.9 %

39.9 %


Segment EBITDA - Core

$    219.5

$    191.0

14.9 %

$    436.2

$    380.0

14.8 %

Segment EBITDA margin - Core

30.5 %

27.4 %


30.2 %

27.2 %


Non-GAAP Results(2):


$    331.7

$    264.6

25.4 %

$    644.7

$    514.3

25.4 %


29.5 %

25.2 %


28.9 %

24.7 %


Unlevered free cash flow

$    368.7

$    283.6

30.0 %

$    727.3

$    587.5

23.8 %

Free cash flow

$    323.4

$    239.9

34.8 %

$    650.8

$    499.1

30.4 %

Operating and Business Metrics:

Total bookings

$ 1,261.9

$ 1,141.1

10.6 %

11.1 %

$ 2,574.5

$ 2,340.3

10.0 %

Total customers at period end



(0.6) %



(0.6) %

Average revenue per user (ARPU)

$       210

$       199

5.5 %

$       210

$       199

5.5 %

Annualized recurring revenue (ARR)

$ 3,853.4

$ 3,619.6

6.5 %

$ 3,853.4

$ 3,619.6

6.5 %


(1) Net income for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 includes $6.9 million and $29.3 million, respectively, in restructuring and other charges. In addition, the six months ended June 30, 2024 includes a non-routine, non-cash benefit to income taxes of $267.4 million related to the conversion of our Desert Newco, LLC subsidiary from a partnership to a disregarded entity for U.S. income tax purposes.

(2) Reconciliations of our non-GAAP results to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures are set forth in "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below.

Share Repurchases

Year-to-date through July 30, 2024, GoDaddy repurchased 4.1 million shares of its common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $520.8 million, with an average price per share of $126.35. Cumulatively, these repurchases represent an approximate 23% reduction in fully diluted shares from those outstanding at the January 2022 inception of the current $4.0 billion buyback authorization.

Balance Sheet

As of June 30, 2024, total cash and cash equivalents were $444.9 million, total debt was $3.9 billion and net debt was $3.4 billion.

Debt Refinancing

In May 2024, GoDaddy entered into an amendment to its credit agreement providing for a new $1.0 billion tranche of term loans, extending the maturity of certain term loans to 2031 and securing a 25 basis point reduction on the refinanced debt. In addition, the proceeds were used to repay a portion of its existing term loans maturing in 2029. Cumulatively, this transaction and other repricings to date since 2023 are expected to reduce annual cash interest expense by approximately $25.0 million.

Business Outlook

For the third quarter ending September 30, 2024, GoDaddy expects total revenue in the range of $1.13 billion to $1.15 billion, representing year-over-year growth of 7% at the midpoint, versus the same period in 2023. Within total revenue, GoDaddy expects third quarter A&C revenue growth in the mid-teens and Core revenue growth in the low single digits.

For the third quarter ending September 30, 2024, GoDaddy expects NEBITDA margin to be approximately 29%.

For the full year ending December 31, 2024, GoDaddy raised its revenue expectations to a range of $4.525 billion to $4.565 billion, representing year-over-year growth of 7% at the midpoint. GoDaddy expects full-year NEBITDA margin of approximately 29%, with a fourth quarter Normalized EBITDA margin of approximately 31%.

For the full year ending December 31, 2024, GoDaddy raised its unlevered free cash flow target to at least $1.45 billion, representing growth of 16%, year-over-year, versus $1.3 billion of unlevered free cash flow generated in 2023. Additionally, GoDaddy raised its free cash flow target to at least $1.3 billion, representing growth of 20%, year-over-year, versus the $1.1 billion of free cash flow generated in 2023.

GoDaddy's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP). GoDaddy does not provide reconciliations from non-GAAP guidance to GAAP equivalents because projections of changes in individual balance sheet amounts are not possible without unreasonable effort and presentation of such reconciliations would imply an inappropriate degree of precision. GoDaddy's reported results provide reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to their nearest GAAP equivalents.

Quarterly Earnings Webcast

GoDaddy will host a webcast to discuss second quarter 2024 results at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on August 1, 2024. To participate in the webcast, please preregister online at The live webcast of the event, together with a slide presentation including supplemental financial information and reconciliations of certain non-GAAP measures to their nearest comparable GAAP measures, will be available through GoDaddy's Investor Relations website at A transcript of pre-recorded remarks will be available on the Investor Relations website at the time of the webcast. Following the event, a recorded replay of the webcast will be available on the website.

GoDaddy uses its Investor Relations website at as a means of disclosing material non-public information and to comply with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, investors should monitor GoDaddy's Investor Relations website, in addition to following press releases, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, public conference calls and webcasts.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements which are subject to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on estimates and information available to us at the time of this press release and are not guarantees of future performance. Statements in this press release involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If the risks or uncertainties materialize or the assumptions prove incorrect, our results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to any statements regarding: our business outlook; launches of new or expansion of existing products or services, including GoDaddy Airo™, any projections of product or service availability, technology developments and innovation, customer growth, or other future events; historical results that may suggest future trends for our business; our plans, strategies or objectives with respect to future operations, partnerships and partner integrations and marketing strategy; future financial results; our ability to integrate acquisitions and achieve desired synergies and vertical integration; the expected impacts of our restructuring efforts and our debt repricing; our forecasted levels of future taxable income and ability to realize our deferred tax assets; and assumptions underlying any of the foregoing.

Actual results could differ materially from our current expectations as a result of many factors, including, but not limited to: the unpredictable nature of our rapidly evolving market; fluctuations in our financial and operating results; our rate of growth; interruptions or delays in our service or our web hosting; our dependence on payment card networks and acquiring processors; breaches of our security measures; the impact of any previous or future acquisitions or divestitures; our ability to continue to release, and gain customer acceptance of, our existing and future products and services; our ability to deploy new and evolving technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics and similar tools, in our offerings; our ability to manage our growth; our ability to hire, retain and motivate employees; the effects of competition; technological, regulatory and legal developments; intellectual property litigation; impacts of our restructuring efforts and debt repricing; macroeconomic conditions and developments in the economy, financial markets and credit markets; continued escalation of geopolitical tensions; the level of interest rates and inflationary pressures; execution of share repurchases; and our ability to remediate the identified material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting and to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting.

Additional risks and uncertainties that could affect GoDaddy's business and financial results are included in the filings we make with the SEC from time to time, including those described in "Risk Factors" in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, which are available on GoDaddy's website at and on the SEC's website at Additional information will also be set forth in other filings that GoDaddy makes with the SEC from time to time. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to GoDaddy as of the date hereof. Except to the extent required by law, GoDaddy does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements provided to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Other Operating and Business Metrics

In addition to our financial results prepared in accordance with GAAP, this press release includes certain non-GAAP financial measures and other operating and business metrics. We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures and other operating and business metrics are useful as a supplement in evaluating our ongoing operational performance and enhancing an overall understanding of our past financial performance. The non-GAAP financial measures included in this press release should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. In addition, similarly titled measures may be calculated differently by other companies and may not be comparable. A reconciliation between each non-GAAP financial measure and its nearest GAAP equivalent is included in this press release following the financial statements. We use both GAAP and non-GAAP measures to evaluate and manage our operations.

Total bookings. Total bookings is an operating metric representing the total value of customer contracts entered into during the period, excluding refunds. We believe total bookings provides additional insight into the performance of our business and the effectiveness of our marketing efforts since we typically collect payment at the inception of a customer contract but recognize revenue ratably over the term of the contract.

Constant currency. Constant currency is calculated by translating bookings and revenue for each month in the current period using the foreign currency exchange rates for the corresponding month in the prior period, excluding any hedging gains or losses realized during the period. We believe constant currency information is useful in analyzing underlying trends in our business by eliminating the impact of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and allows for period-to-period comparisons of our performance.

Normalized EBITDA (NEBITDA). NEBITDA is a supplemental measure of our operating performance used by management and investors to evaluate our business. We calculate NEBITDA as net income excluding depreciation and amortization, interest expense (net), provision or benefit for income taxes, equity-based compensation expense, acquisition-related costs, restructuring-related expenses and certain other items. We believe that the inclusion or exclusion of certain recurring and non-recurring items provides a supplementary measure of our core operating results and permits useful alternative period-over-period comparisons of our operations but should not be viewed as a substitute for comparable GAAP measures.

NEBITDA margin. NEBITDA margin is used by management as a supplemental measure of our operating performance and refers to the ratio of NEBITDA to revenue, expressed as a percentage.

Unlevered free cash flow. Unlevered free cash flow is a measure of our liquidity used by management to evaluate our business prior to the impact of our capital structure and restructuring and after purchases of property and equipment. Such liquidity can be used by us for strategic opportunities and strengthening our balance sheet. However, given our debt obligations, unlevered free cash flow does not represent residual cash flow available for discretionary expenses.

Free cash flow. Free cash flow is defined as our unlevered free cash flow less interest payments for the period. We use free cash flow as a supplemental measure of our liquidity, including our ability to generate cash flow in excess of capital requirements and return cash to shareholders, though it should not be considered as an alternative to, or more meaningful than, comparable GAAP measures.

Net debt. We define net debt as total debt less cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. Total debt consists of the current portion of long-term debt plus long-term debt and unamortized original issue discount and debt issuance costs. Our management reviews net debt as part of its management of our overall liquidity, financial flexibility, capital structure and leverage and we believe such information is useful to investors. Furthermore, certain analysts and debt rating agencies monitor our net debt as part of their assessments of our business.

Annualized recurring revenue (ARR). ARR is an operating metric defined as annualized quarterly recurring GAAP revenue, net of refunds, from new and renewed subscription-based services. ARR is exclusive of any revenue that is non-recurring, including, without limitation, domain aftermarket, domain transfers, one-time set-up or migration fees and non-recurring professional website services fees. We believe ARR helps illustrate the scale of certain of our products and facilitates comparisons to other companies in our industry.

Average revenue per user (ARPU). We calculate ARPU as total revenue during the preceding 12 month period divided by the average of the number of total customers at the beginning and end of the period. ARPU provides insight into our ability to sell additional products to customers, though the impact to date has been muted due to our continued growth in total customers.

Total customers. We define a customer as an individual or entity, each with a unique account and paid transactions in the trailing twelve months or with paid subscriptions as of the end of the period. Total customers is one way we measure the scale of our business and can be a contributing factor to our ability to increase our revenue base.

About GoDaddy

GoDaddy helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start, grow, and scale their businesses. People come to GoDaddy to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers, sell their products and services, and accept payments online and in-person. GoDaddy's easy-to-use tools help small business owners manage everything in one place and its expert guides are available to provide assistance 24/7. To learn more about the company, visit


GoDaddy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited)
(In millions, except shares in thousands and per share amounts)

Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
June 30,






Applications and commerce

$          405.6

$          351.7

$          788.7

$          689.7

Core platform





Total revenue





Costs and operating expenses(1)

Cost of revenue (excluding depreciation and amortization)





Technology and development





Marketing and advertising





Customer care





General and administrative





Restructuring and other





Depreciation and amortization





Total costs and operating expenses





Operating income





Interest expense





Loss on debt extinguishment



Other income (expense), net





Income before income taxes





Benefit (provision) for income taxes





Net income





Less: net income attributable to non-controlling interests



Net income attributable to GoDaddy Inc.

$          146.3

$           82.9

$          547.8

$          130.2

Net income attributable to GoDaddy Inc. per share of
Class A common stock:


$            1.04

$           0.54

$           3.86

$           0.85


$            1.01

$           0.54

$           3.77

$           0.84

Weighted-average shares of Class A common stock outstanding:












(1) Costs and operating expenses include equity-based compensation expense as follows:

Cost of revenue

$                     0.3

$                    0.4

$                    0.3

$                    0.8

Technology and development





Marketing and advertising





Customer care





General and administrative





Restructuring and other



Total equity-based compensation expense

$                   76.2

$                  77.5

$                 148.0

$                 151.4


GoDaddy Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)
(In millions, except per share amounts)

June 30,

December 31,




Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents

$            444.9

$            458.8

Short-term investments


Accounts and other receivables



Registry deposits



Prepaid domain name registry fees



Prepaid expenses and other current assets



Total current assets



Property and equipment, net



Operating lease assets



Prepaid domain name registry fees, net of current portion






Intangible assets, net



Deferred tax assets



Other assets



Total assets

$         7,721.9

$         7,564.9

Liabilities and stockholders' equity

Current liabilities:

Accounts payable

$             94.7

$            148.1

Accrued expenses and other current liabilities



Deferred revenue



Long-term debt



Total current liabilities



Deferred revenue, net of current portion



Long-term debt, net of current portion



Operating lease liabilities, net of current portion



Other long-term liabilities



Deferred tax liabilities



Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:

Preferred stock, $0.001 par value

Class A common stock, $0.001 par value



Class B common stock, $0.001 par value

Additional paid-in capital



Accumulated deficit



Accumulated other comprehensive income



Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

$         7,721.9

$         7,564.9


GoDaddy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited)
(In millions)

Six Months Ended
June 30,



Operating activities

Net income

$           547.8

$           130.5

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:

Depreciation and amortization



Equity-based compensation expense



Deferred taxes



Loss on dispositions






Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of amounts acquired:

Prepaid domain name registry fees



Accounts payable



Accrued expenses and other current liabilities



Deferred revenue



Other operating assets and liabilities



Net cash provided by operating activities



Investing activities

Maturities of short-term investments


Purchases of intangible assets


Net proceeds received from dispositions



Purchases of property and equipment



Other investing activities


Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities



Financing activities

Proceeds received from:

Issuance of term loans


   Stock option exercises



Issuance of Class A common stock under ESPP



Payments made for:

Repurchases of Class A common stock(1)



Repayment of long-term debt



Other financing obligations



Net cash used in financing activities



Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents



Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period



Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

$           444.9

$           582.6

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The following tables reconcile each non-GAAP financial measure to its most directly comparable GAAP financial measure:

Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
 June 30,





(in millions)


Net income

$         146.3

$           83.1

$       547.8

$       130.5

Depreciation and amortization





Equity-based compensation expense(1)





Interest expense, net





Acquisition-related expenses, net of reimbursements





Restructuring and other(2)





Provision (benefit) for income taxes






$         331.7

$         264.6

$       644.7

$       514.3

Net income margin

13.0 %

7.9 %

24.5 %

6.3 %

NEBITDA margin

29.5 %

25.2 %

28.9 %

24.7 %


(1) The six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 excludes $0.8 million and $2.3 million, respectively, of equity-based compensation expense associated with our restructuring activities, which is included within restructuring and other.

(2) In addition to the restructuring and other in our statements of operations, other charges included are primarily composed of lease-related expenses associated with closed facilities, charges related to certain legal matters, adjustments to the fair value of our equity investments, expenses incurred in relation to the refinancing of our long-term debt and incremental expenses associated with certain professional services.


June 30, 2024

(in millions)

Net Debt:

Current portion of long-term debt

$                17.0

Long-term debt


Unamortized original issue discount and debt issuance costs


Total debt


Less: cash and cash equivalents


Less: Short-term investments

Net debt

$           3,421.3


Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
June 30,





(in millions)

Free Cash Flow and Unlevered Free Cash Flow:

Net cash provided by operating activities

$          294.8

$          198.0

$          592.0

$          468.3

Capital expenditures





Cash paid for acquisition-related costs





Cash paid for restructuring and other charges(1)





Free cash flow

$          323.4

$          239.9

$          650.8

$          499.1

Cash paid for interest on long-term debt





Unlevered free cash flow

$          368.7

$          283.6

$          727.3

$          587.5


(1) In addition to payments made pursuant to our restructuring activities, cash paid for restructuring and other charges includes lease-related payments associated with closed facilities, payments related to certain legal matters, incremental payments associated with professional services and third party payments incurred in relation to the refinancing of our long-term debt. For the six months ended June 30, 2023, it also includes a payment related to the termination of a revenue sharing agreement.

Shares Outstanding

Total shares of common stock outstanding are as follows:

June 30,



(in thousands)

Shares Outstanding:

Class A common stock



Class B common stock(1)


Total common stock outstanding



Effect of dilutive securities(2)



Total shares outstanding




(1) As of June 30, 2024, following a series of transactions undertaken to simplify our capital structure, there are no longer any Class B shares outstanding. Shares of Class B common stock were not participating securities and had no rights to share in our earnings.

(2) Calculated using the treasury stock method, which excludes the impact of antidilutive securities.

Constant Currency

The following table provides a reconciliation of constant currency:

June 30, 2024

(in millions)

Constant Currency:


$           1,124.5

Constant currency adjustment


Constant currency revenue

$           1,124.7


$           1,261.9

Constant currency adjustment


Constant currency bookings

$           1,267.2

Source: GoDaddy Inc.

© 2024 GoDaddy Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(PRNewsfoto/GoDaddy Inc.)

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SOURCE GoDaddy Inc.


What was GoDaddy's Q2 2024 total revenue?

GoDaddy reported total revenue of $1.1 billion for Q2 2024, up 7% year-over-year.

How much did GoDaddy's Applications and Commerce revenue grow in Q2 2024?

Applications and Commerce revenue grew by 15% year-over-year, reaching $405.6 million.

What was GoDaddy's net income for Q2 2024?

GoDaddy's net income for Q2 2024 was $146.3 million, representing a 76% increase year-over-year.

How much did GoDaddy's NEBITDA increase in Q2 2024?

GoDaddy's NEBITDA increased by 25% year-over-year, reaching $331.7 million in Q2 2024.

What is GoDaddy's revenue outlook for Q3 2024?

GoDaddy expects Q3 2024 revenue to be between $1.13 billion and $1.15 billion.

What is GoDaddy's full-year 2024 revenue guidance?

For the full year 2024, GoDaddy raised its revenue guidance to a range of $4.525 billion to $4.565 billion.

How much did GoDaddy's free cash flow increase in Q2 2024?

GoDaddy's free cash flow increased by 35% year-over-year to $323.4 million in Q2 2024.

How many shares did GoDaddy repurchase year-to-date through July 30, 2024?

GoDaddy repurchased 4.1 million shares of its common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $520.8 million.

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