Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Declares Distribution of $0.12 Per Share

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The Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) has declared a $0.12 per share cash distribution, payable on September 23, 2024, to shareholders of record on September 16, 2024. The Fund aims to distribute annually at least 8% of its average net asset value or meet minimum IRS requirements for regulated investment companies. The distribution may include income, realized capital gains, or capital, and is reviewed quarterly by the Board of Directors.

The Fund's 2024 distributions are estimated to comprise 8% from net investment income and 92% as return of capital. Shareholders will receive detailed tax information for 2024 distributions in early 2025 via Form 1099-DIV. The Fund's distribution policy is subject to change, and investors are advised to consider the Fund's objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing.

Il Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) ha dichiarato una distribuzione in contante di $0.12 per azione, che sarà pagata il 23 settembre 2024, agli azionisti registrati il 16 settembre 2024. Il Fondo mira a distribuire annualmente almeno l'8% del suo valore medio netto totale o a soddisfare i requisiti minimi dell'IRS per le società di investimento regolate. La distribuzione può includere reddito, guadagni di capitale realizzati o capitale, ed è esaminata trimestralmente dal Consiglio di Amministrazione.

Le distribuzioni del Fondo per il 2024 sono stimate per comprendere l'8% da reddito da investimenti netti e il 92% come ritorno di capitale. Gli azionisti riceveranno informazioni fiscali dettagliate per le distribuzioni del 2024 all'inizio del 2025 tramite il Modulo 1099-DIV. La politica di distribuzione del Fondo è soggetta a modifiche e si consiglia agli investitori di considerare attentamente gli obiettivi, i rischi, i costi e le spese del Fondo prima di investire.

El Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) ha declarado una distribución en efectivo de $0.12 por acción, que se pagará el 23 de septiembre de 2024, a los accionistas registrados el 16 de septiembre de 2024. El Fondo tiene como objetivo distribuir anualmente al menos el 8% de su valor neto promedio de activos o cumplir con los requisitos mínimos del IRS para compañías de inversión reguladas. La distribución puede incluir ingresos, ganancias de capital realizadas o capital, y es revisada trimestralmente por la Junta Directiva.

Se estima que las distribuciones del Fondo para 2024 comprenden el 8% de ingresos por inversiones netas y el 92% como retorno de capital. Los accionistas recibirán información fiscal detallada sobre las distribuciones de 2024 a principios de 2025 a través del Formulario 1099-DIV. La política de distribución del Fondo está sujeta a cambios, y se aconseja a los inversores que consideren cuidadosamente los objetivos, los riesgos, los cargos y los gastos del Fondo antes de invertir.

가벨리 전환 및 수익 증권 기금 주식회사(NYSE:GCV)는 주당 $0.12 현금 배당금을 선언했습니다. 이는 2024년 9월 23일에 지급될 예정이며, 2024년 9월 16일 기준 주주에게 지급됩니다. 이 기금은 평균 순자산 가치의 최소 8%를 연간 분배하거나 규제 투자 회사에 대한 IRS의 최소 요건을 충족하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 배당금에는 수익, 실현된 자본 이익 또는 자본이 포함될 수 있으며, 매 분기 이사회에 의해 검토됩니다.

2024년 기금의 배당금 분포는 순 투자 소득의 8%와 자본 반환로서 92%를 차지할 것으로 예상됩니다. 주주들은 2024년 배당금에 대한 자세한 세금 정보를 2025년 초에 1099-DIV 양식을 통해 받게 됩니다. 기금의 배당금 정책은 변경될 수 있으며, 투자자는 투자하기 전에 기금의 목표, 위험, 수수료 및 비용을 신중하게 고려해야 합니다.

Le Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) a déclaré une distribution en espèces de 0,12 $ par action, payable le 23 septembre 2024, aux actionnaires enregistrés le 16 septembre 2024. Le Fonds vise à distribuer annuellement au moins 8 % de sa valeur nette d'actifs moyenne ou à respecter les exigences minimales de l'IRS pour les sociétés de placement réglementées. La distribution peut inclure des revenus, des gains en capital réalisés ou du capital, et est examinée trimestriellement par le Conseil d'administration.

Les distributions du Fonds pour 2024 devraient comprendre 8 % de revenus d'investissement nets et 92 % de retour de capital. Les actionnaires recevront des informations fiscales détaillées sur les distributions de 2024 début 2025 via le formulaire 1099-DIV. La politique de distribution du Fonds est sujette à changement, et les investisseurs sont invités à considérer attentivement les objectifs, les risques, les frais et les dépenses du Fonds avant d'investir.

Der Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) hat eine Barausschüttung von $0,12 pro Aktie erklärt, die am 23. September 2024 an die zum 16. September 2024 registrierten Aktionäre ausgezahlt wird. Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, mindestens 8% seines durchschnittlichen Nettowerts pro Jahr zu verteilen oder die Mindestanforderungen des IRS für regulierte Investmentgesellschaften zu erfüllen. Die Ausschüttung kann Einkommen, realisierte Kapitalgewinne oder Kapital enthalten und wird vierteljährlich vom Vorstand überprüft.

Die Ausschüttungen des Fonds für 2024 werden voraussichtlich 8% aus Nettoanlageerträgen und 92% als Kapitalrückzahlung umfassen. Aktionäre erhalten Anfang 2025 detaillierte Steuerinformationen zu den Ausschüttungen von 2024 über das Formular 1099-DIV. Die Ausschüttungspolitik des Fonds kann sich ändern, und Investoren wird geraten, die Ziele, Risiken, Kosten und Ausgaben des Fonds sorgfältig zu berücksichtigen, bevor sie investieren.

  • Declared $0.12 per share cash distribution
  • Maintains a minimum 8% annual distribution policy
  • Board regularly reviews and adjusts distribution levels
  • 92% of 2024 distributions estimated as return of capital, potentially indicating insufficient earnings
  • Distribution policy subject to change, lacking guarantee of continuity

RYE, N..Y, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of The Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. (NYSE:GCV) (the “Fund”) declared a $0.12 per share cash distribution payable on September 23, 2024 to common stock shareholders of record on September 16, 2024.

The Fund intends to pay a minimum annual distribution of 8% of the average net asset value of the Fund within a calendar year or an amount sufficient to satisfy the minimum distribution requirements of the Internal Revenue Code for regulated investment companies. The average net asset value of the Fund is based on the average net asset values as of the last day of the four preceding calendar quarters during the year. The net asset value per share fluctuates daily.

Each quarter, the Board of Directors reviews the amount of any potential distribution from the income, realized capital gain, or capital available. The Board of Directors will continue to monitor the Fund’s distribution level, taking into consideration the Fund’s net asset value and the current financial market environment. The Fund’s distribution policy is subject to modification by the Board of Directors at any time, and there can be no guarantee that the policy will continue. The distribution rate should not be considered the dividend yield or total return on an investment in the Fund.

All or part of the distribution may be treated as long-term capital gain or qualified dividend income (or a combination of both) for individuals, each subject to the maximum federal income tax rate for long term capital gains, which is currently 20% in taxable accounts for individuals (or less depending on an individual’s tax bracket). In addition, certain U.S. shareholders who are individuals, estates or trusts and whose income exceeds certain thresholds will be required to pay a 3.8% Medicare surcharge on their "net investment income", which includes dividends received from the Fund and capital gains from the sale or other disposition of shares of the Fund.

If the Fund does not generate sufficient earnings (dividends and interest income, less expenses, and realized net capital gain) equal to or in excess of the aggregate distributions paid by the Fund in a given year, then the amount distributed in excess of the Fund’s earnings would be deemed a return of capital. Since this would be considered a return of a portion of a shareholder’s original investment, it is generally not taxable and would be treated as a reduction in the shareholder’s cost basis.

Long-term capital gains, qualified dividend income, investment company taxable income, and return of capital, if any, will be allocated on a pro-rata basis to all distributions to common shareholders for the year. Based on the accounting records of the Fund currently available, each of the distributions paid in 2024 to common shareholders with respect to the Fund’s fiscal year ending September 30, 2024 would include approximately 8% from net investment income and 92% would be deemed a return of capital on a book basis. This does not represent information for tax reporting purposes. The estimated components of each distribution are updated and provided to shareholders of record in a notice accompanying the distribution and are available on our website ( The final determination of the sources of all distributions in 2024 will be made after year end and can vary from the quarterly estimates. Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about the Fund’s investment performance from the amount of the current distribution. All individual shareholders with taxable accounts will receive written notification regarding the components and tax treatment for all 2024 distributions in early 2025 via Form 1099-DIV.

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund before investing. For more information regarding the Fund’s distribution policy and other information about the Fund, call:

Laurissa Martire
(914) 921-5399

About Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund

The Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund Inc. is a diversified, closed-end management investment company with $80 million in total net assets whose primary investment objective is to seek a high level of total return on its assets through a combination of current income and capital appreciation. The Fund is managed by Gabelli Funds, LLC, a subsidiary of GAMCO Investors, Inc. (OTCQX: GAMI).

CUSIP – 36240B109


Investor Relations Contact:
Laurissa Martire
(914) 921-5399


When is the $0.12 per share distribution for GCV payable?

The $0.12 per share cash distribution for Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund (GCV) is payable on September 23, 2024.

What is the record date for GCV's September 2024 distribution?

The record date for GCV's September 2024 distribution is September 16, 2024.

What percentage of GCV's 2024 distributions is estimated to be return of capital?

Based on current accounting records, approximately 92% of GCV's 2024 distributions is estimated to be return of capital.

How often does GCV's Board of Directors review the distribution amount?

GCV's Board of Directors reviews the potential distribution amount quarterly.

The Gabelli Convertible and Income Securities Fund, Inc.


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