Guess What? Nobody and Everybody Cares About AI
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) launches a new AI campaign featuring a Broadway-style musical ad called "Nobody Cares", emphasizing that AI's power lies in the talent using it. Alongside this, Fiverr releases its 2024 Generative AI Usage Report, surveying 3,300 freelancers on AI tool usage and trends.
Key findings from the report include:
- AI tool usage among freelancers increased to 63%, up 5% from 2023
- Top AI tools: ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- 67% of freelancers confirm AI tools boost productivity
- 36% of freelancers pay for AI tool subscriptions, up 10% from 2023
- Concerns persist about AI output quality, privacy, and copyright issues
The campaign and report highlight the importance of human expertise in leveraging AI for quality results across various industries.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) lancia una nuova campagna AI con un annuncio pubblicitario in stile Broadway intitolato "Nobody Cares", sottolineando che il potere dell'AI risiede nel talento di chi la utilizza. Insieme a questo, Fiverr pubblica il suo Rapporto sull'Utilizzo dell'AI Generativa 2024, che indaga su 3.300 freelancer riguardo all'uso e alle tendenze degli strumenti AI.
Le principali risultanze del rapporto includono:
- Utilizzo degli strumenti AI tra i freelancer aumentato al 63%, +5% rispetto al 2023
- Strumenti AI principali: ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- Il 67% dei freelancer conferma che gli strumenti AI aumentano la produttività
- Il 36% dei freelancer paga per abbonamenti a strumenti AI, +10% rispetto al 2023
- Persistono preoccupazioni sulla qualità dei risultati dell'AI, sulla privacy e sulle questioni relative ai diritti d'autore
La campagna e il rapporto evidenziano l'importanza dell'expertise umana nell'utilizzare l'AI per ottenere risultati di qualità in vari settori.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) lanza una nueva campaña de IA con un anuncio publicitario estilo Broadway titulado "Nobody Cares", enfatizando que el poder de la IA radica en el talento de quienes la utilizan. Junto a esto, Fiverr publica su Informe sobre el Uso de IA Generativa 2024, encuestando a 3,300 freelancers sobre el uso de herramientas de IA y tendencias.
Los hallazgos clave del informe incluyen:
- El uso de herramientas de IA entre freelancers ha aumentado al 63%, 5% más que en 2023
- Principales herramientas de IA: ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- El 67% de los freelancers confirma que las herramientas de IA aumentan la productividad
- El 36% de los freelancers paga por suscripciones a herramientas de IA, 10% más que en 2023
- Persisten preocupaciones sobre la calidad de la producción de la IA, la privacidad y los derechos de autor
La campaña y el informe destacan la importancia de la experiencia humana para aprovechar la IA y obtener resultados de calidad en diversas industrias.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR)는 "Nobody Cares"라는 브로드웨이 스타일의 뮤지컬 광고를 포함한 새로운 AI 캠페인을 출범하며, AI의 힘이 그것을 사용하는 인재에 달려 있음을 강조합니다. 이에 더해 Fiverr는 2024 생성적 AI 사용 보고서를 발표하며, 3,300명의 프리랜서들을 대상으로 AI 도구 사용 및 트렌드에 대한 조사를 실시합니다.
보고서의 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 프리랜서들 사이에서 AI 도구 사용이 63%로 증가하였으며, 이는 2023년 대비 5% 상승한 수치입니다.
- 주요 AI 도구: ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- 67%의 프리랜서가 AI 도구가 생산성을 높인다고 확인하였습니다.
- 36%의 프리랜서가 AI 도구 구독료를 지불하고 있으며, 이는 2023년 대비 10% 증가한 것입니다.
- AI 출력 품질, 개인정보 보호 및 저작권 문제에 대한 우려가 여전히 존재합니다.
이 캠페인과 보고서는 다양한 산업에서 품질 높은 결과를 위해 AI를 활용하는 데 있어 인간의 전문성이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) lance une nouvelle campagne AI avec une publicité de style Broadway intitulée "Nobody Cares", soulignant que le pouvoir de l'IA réside dans le talent de ceux qui l'utilisent. En parallèle, Fiverr publie son Rapport sur l'utilisation de l'IA générative 2024, interrogeant 3 300 freelances sur l'utilisation des outils d'IA et les tendances.
Les principales conclusions du rapport incluent :
- L'utilisation des outils d'IA parmi les freelances a augmenté à 63%, soit une hausse de 5% par rapport à 2023
- Outils d'IA principaux : ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- 67% des freelances confirment que les outils d'IA améliorent la productivité
- 36% des freelances paient pour des abonnements d'outils AI, ce qui représente une augmentation de 10% par rapport à 2023
- Des préoccupations persistent concernant la qualité des résultats de l'IA, la confidentialité et les questions de droits d'auteur
La campagne et le rapport soulignent l'importance de l'expertise humaine dans l'exploitation de l'IA pour obtenir des résultats de qualité dans divers secteurs.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) startet eine neue KI-Kampagne mit einer Broadway-ähnlichen Musical-Werbung namens "Nobody Cares", die betont, dass die Kraft der KI im Talent derjenigen liegt, die sie nutzen. Zusätzlich veröffentlicht Fiverr seinen Bericht über die Nutzung generativer KI 2024, der 3.300 Freiberufler zu ihrer Nutzung von KI-Tools und Trends befragt.
Wichtige Ergebnisse aus dem Bericht sind:
- Die Nutzung von KI-Tools unter Freiberuflern stieg auf 63%, was einem Anstieg von 5% im Vergleich zu 2023 entspricht
- Die wichtigsten KI-Tools: ChatGPT (88%), Midjourney (37%), Firefly (29%)
- 67% der Freiberufler bestätigen, dass KI-Tools die Produktivität steigern
- 36% der Freiberufler zahlen für Abonnements von KI-Tools, was einem Anstieg von 10% im Vergleich zu 2023 entspricht
- Bedenken über die Qualität der KI-Ausgaben, Datenschutz sowie Urheberrechtsprobleme bleiben bestehen
Die Kampagne und der Bericht heben die Bedeutung menschlicher Expertise bei der Nutzung von KI für qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse in verschiedenen Branchen hervor.
- AI tool usage among freelancers increased to 63%, up 5% from 2023
- 67% of freelancers confirm AI tools are increasing their productivity
- 36% of freelancers are paying for AI tool subscriptions, up 10% from 2023
- AI usage is increasing most in programming and tech (86%, up 10%) and music and audio (41%, up 9%)
- 25% of US-based freelancers are worried about privacy, legal, and copyright concerns with AI
- Nearly 50% of UK-based freelancers question the quality of AI outputs
- High level of skepticism remains among freelancers regarding AI tools
The new AI campaign by Fiverr is a clever approach to address the AI hype while emphasizing the importance of human talent. The musical ad "Nobody Cares" is likely to generate buzz and increase brand visibility, potentially boosting Fiverr's market position. The campaign's timing aligns with the growing AI adoption trend, as highlighted in their 2024 Generative AI Usage Report.
Key insights from the report include:
- AI tool usage among freelancers increased to
63% , up5% from 2023 - ChatGPT (used by
88% of freelancers), Midjourney (37% ) and Firefly (29% ) are the most popular AI tools 36% of freelancers are now paying for AI tool subscriptions, a10% increase from 2023
These trends suggest growing AI integration in freelance work, which could drive demand for Fiverr's platform as businesses seek AI-savvy talent. However, the report also highlights concerns about AI output quality and legal issues, which Fiverr must address to maintain trust in its marketplace.
Fiverr's AI campaign and report offer valuable insights into the evolving freelance landscape. The increasing AI adoption among freelancers, particularly in programming and tech (up to
The report reveals that text and content generation (
However, the varying levels of concern about AI quality and legal issues across regions (e.g.,
Fiverr's fun, fabulous, over-the-top musical ad puts a catchy show tune to work with the chorus reminding us that AI is only as powerful as the talent using it while new report highlights what’s actually important - its usage and results
NEW YORK, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today unveils a delightfully ironic new AI campaign featuring a wacky, classic Broadway-style musical called “Nobody Cares”, along with jazz-hands, cameos and a sing-along tune that spotlights how people don’t care if you use AI. The company also issued a new report that shifts the focus to what you should care about - the talent using it, how they’re using it, and the results it delivers.
At a time when professionals and brands alike are finding their footing when it comes to using AI, the over-the-top campaign reminds us that when it comes to new technology whether it is in the form of new services, products, tools, or AI-generated cats, the results ultimately lie in the hands of the people using them. The new ‘Nobody Cares’ musical advertisement, featuring cameos from Ross Pomerantz, known as Corporate Bro, and Fiverr CEO Micha Kaufman, will run online and across social media platforms beginning on October 22nd.
Fiverr’s 2024 Generative AI Usage Report, released today, surveyed 3,300 Fiverr freelancers to provide insights on the AI tools they are using along with the trends, results, potential challenges and benefits of using them. With ChatGPT, MidJourney, and Firefly ranking among the most used generative AI tools among freelancers, according to the new report, the research shows that usage among freelancers has increased to
“As more people and businesses are tapping into the potential of AI, we’re now entering an exciting phase of seeing what is actually being created with it”, said Matti Yahav, Chief Marketing Officer at Fiverr. “With AI helping to unlock the power of creativity, our new advertising campaign invites the public to look beyond AI as a tool, harness your imagination, and consider the endless possibilities, enormous amount of fun and great results that can come from leveraging the best AI talent.”
Highlights of Fiverr’s 2024 Generative AI Usage Report include:
- The most used AI tools among experts include: ChatGPT (
88% ), Midjourney (37% ), Firefly (29% ), Quillbot (18% ), Hugging Face (18% ), and Gemini (15% ) - The industries where usage of AI tools are increasing most are programming and tech (
86% up by10% in 2023) and music and audio (41% up by9% in 2023) - The type of work where freelancers are using AI most are text and content generation (
40% ) with visuals and art and data analysis following (19% and18% , respectively). - More than ⅓ of freelancers (
36% ) are paying for subscriptions to AI tools, showing a10% increase as compared to 2023 - While
67% of freelancers confirm AI tools are increasing their productivity, perceptions and concerns around AI usage differ among users globally. Approximately25% of US-based freelancers are worried about privacy, legal, and copyright concerns, while nearly50% of UK-based freelancers question the quality of AI outputs
With freelancers now playing bigger roles among companies, often filling specialized skilled roles, dedicating more time and resources to upskilling, and investing more in new tools and services, this demographic’s insights provide a valuable roadmap to both professionals and businesses exploring AI for its work and the talent required to use it.
Fiverr’s AI Usage Report was conducted internally by its data team. Insights were provided by 3,300 active freelancers using the platform who have received an order within 30 days from when the survey was conducted. Data was collected between August 20, 2024 through August 31, 2024.
About Fiverr
Fiverr’s mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Business Solutions, large companies can find the right talent and tools tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skill categories, ranging from AI to programming and 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, and from video animation to architecture.
Don’t get left behind - come be a part of the future of work by visiting, reading our blog, and following us on Instagram, X, and Facebook.
Media Contact:
Jenny Chang
Tommy Lee
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

What are the most used AI tools among Fiverr (FVRR) freelancers in 2024?
How has AI tool usage changed among Fiverr (FVRR) freelancers from 2023 to 2024?
What percentage of Fiverr (FVRR) freelancers are paying for AI tool subscriptions in 2024?