Fiverr Continues to Expand Its Annual Business Accelerator Program and Unveils Its Largest Cohort of 15 Founders In Its Fourth Year
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) has announced the expansion of its business accelerator program, The Future Collective, now in its fourth year with its largest cohort yet of 15 founders. The six-month program targets underrepresented entrepreneurs, offering funding, education, and coaching to foster business growth.
This year’s cohort includes businesses from diverse industries such as fashion, health and wellness, food and beverage, web design, and more, hailing from 11 states across the U.S. Notable companies include Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship, and Goodies Frozen, among others.
Participants will receive $8,000 in cash and $4,000 in Fiverr credits, along with access to workshops and one-on-one coaching. The program is designed to help founders at important stages of their business journeys and is overseen by Fiverr and 1863 Ventures. The previous cohort reported significant benefits, including a 43% increase in projected revenue and new business opportunities.
Fiverr CEO Micha Kaufman emphasized the importance of supporting small businesses and expressed excitement about expanding the program to assist more founders.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) ha annunciato l'espansione del suo programma di accelerazione per le imprese, The Future Collective, giunto al quarto anno con il suo maggiore gruppo di fondatori, composto da 15 partecipanti. Il programma della durata di sei mesi si rivolge agli imprenditori sotto-rappresentati, offrendo finanziamenti, formazione e coaching per favorire la crescita delle imprese.
Il gruppo di quest'anno include aziende provenienti da settori diversificati come moda, salute e benessere, alimentari e bevande, design web e altro, con partecipanti provenienti da 11 stati degli Stati Uniti. Tra le aziende note ci sono Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship e Goodies Frozen, tra le altre.
I partecipanti riceveranno 8.000 dollari in denaro e 4.000 dollari in crediti Fiverr, insieme all'accesso a workshop e coaching personalizzato. Il programma è progettato per assistere i fondatori in fasi importanti dei loro percorsi imprenditoriali ed è supervisionato da Fiverr e 1863 Ventures. Il gruppo precedente ha riportato benefici significativi, tra cui un aumento del 43% del fatturato previsto e nuove opportunità di business.
Il CEO di Fiverr, Micha Kaufman, ha sottolineato l'importanza di sostenere le piccole imprese e ha espresso entusiasmo per l'espansione del programma per aiutare un numero maggiore di fondatori.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) ha anunciado la expansión de su programa de aceleración empresarial, The Future Collective, que ahora se encuentra en su cuarto año con su mayor grupo de 15 fundadores. El programa de seis meses está dirigido a emprendedores subrepresentados, ofreciendo financiación, educación y coaching para fomentar el crecimiento empresarial.
El grupo de este año incluye empresas de diversas industrias como moda, salud y bienestar, alimentos y bebidas, diseño web y más, provenientes de 11 estados de EE.UU. Entre las empresas destacadas se encuentran Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship y Goodies Frozen, entre otras.
Los participantes recibirán 8.000 dólares en efectivo y 4.000 dólares en créditos Fiverr, además de acceso a talleres y coaching personalizado. El programa está diseñado para ayudar a los fundadores en etapas importantes de sus trayectorias empresariales y está supervisado por Fiverr y 1863 Ventures. El grupo anterior reportó beneficios significativos, incluyendo un aumento del 43% en los ingresos proyectados y nuevas oportunidades de negocio.
El CEO de Fiverr, Micha Kaufman, enfatizó la importancia de apoyar a las pequeñas empresas y expresó su entusiasmo por expandir el programa para ayudar a más fundadores.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR)는 비즈니스 엑셀러레이터 프로그램인 The Future Collective의 확장을 발표했습니다. 이번 프로그램은 4년차에 접어들며 15명의 창업자들로 구성된 최대 규모의 코호트를 보유하고 있습니다. 6개월 동안 진행되는 이 프로그램은 과소 대표된 기업가들을 대상으로 하며, 사업 성장을 촉진하기 위해 자금, 교육, 코칭을 제공합니다.
올해의 코호트는 패션, 건강 및 웰니스, 음식 및 음료, 웹 디자인 등 다양한 산업에서 온 기업들을 포함하며, 미국의 11개 주에서 참가하고 있습니다. 주목할 만한 기업으로는 Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship 및 Goodies Frozen 등이 있습니다.
참가자들은 8,000달러 현금과 4,000달러 Fiverr 크레딧, 워크숍 및 1:1 코칭에 접근할 수 있는 혜택을 받게 됩니다. 이 프로그램은 기업 여정의 중요한 단계에 있는 창업자들을 돕기 위해 설계되었으며, Fiverr와 1863 Ventures가 감독하고 있습니다. 이전 코호트는 예상 수익이 43% 증가하고 새로운 비즈니스 기회가 생기는 등 상당한 혜택을 보고했습니다.
Fiverr의 CEO인 Micha Kaufman은 소규모 기업 지원의 중요성을 강조하고, 더 많은 창업자를 지원하기 위한 프로그램 확장에 대한 기대감을 나타냈습니다.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) a annoncé l'expansion de son programme d'accélérateur d'entreprises, The Future Collective, qui en est maintenant à sa quatrième année avec sa plus grande cohorte à ce jour, composée de 15 fondateurs. Ce programme de six mois cible des entrepreneurs sous-représentés, offrant financement, éducation et coaching pour favoriser la croissance des entreprises.
La cohorte de cette année comprend des entreprises issues de divers secteurs tels que la mode, la santé et le bien-être, la nourriture et les boissons, le design web, et plus encore, provenant de 11 États des États-Unis. Parmi les entreprises notables, on trouve Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship et Goodies Frozen, entre autres.
Les participants recevront 8 000 dollars en espèces et 4 000 dollars en crédits Fiverr, ainsi qu'un accès à des ateliers et du coaching individuel. Le programme est conçu pour aider les fondateurs à des étapes importantes de leur parcours entrepreneurial et est supervisé par Fiverr et 1863 Ventures. La cohorte précédente a signalé des avantages significatifs, notamment une augmentation de 43 % des revenus prévus et de nouvelles opportunités commerciales.
Le PDG de Fiverr, Micha Kaufman, a souligné l'importance de soutenir les petites entreprises et a exprimé son enthousiasme pour l'expansion du programme afin d'aider davantage de fondateurs.
Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) hat die Erweiterung seines Unternehmensaccelerator-Programms, The Future Collective, bekannt gegeben, das nun im vierten Jahr mit seiner bisher größten Kohorte von 15 Gründern antritt. Das sechsmonatige Programm richtet sich an unterrepräsentierte Unternehmer und bietet Finanzierung, Bildung und Coaching, um das Unternehmenswachstum zu fördern.
In der diesjährigen Kohorte sind Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen vertreten, darunter Mode, Gesundheit und Wellness, Lebensmittel und Getränke, Webdesign und mehr, aus 11 Bundesstaaten der USA. Zu den bemerkenswerten Unternehmen gehören Abeille Creations, Bri’s Dance, Digital Flagship und Goodies Frozen, unter anderem.
Die Teilnehmer erhalten 8.000 Dollar in bar und 4.000 Dollar in Fiverr-Guthaben, sowie Zugang zu Workshops und Einzelcoachings. Das Programm soll Gründern in wichtigen Phasen ihrer unternehmerischen Reise helfen und wird von Fiverr und 1863 Ventures betreut. Die vorherige Kohorte berichtete von erheblichen Vorteilen, darunter ein Anstieg der erwarteten Einnahmen um 43% und neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten.
Fiverr-CEO Micha Kaufman betonte die Bedeutung der Unterstützung von Kleinunternehmen und äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Erweiterung des Programms, um mehr Gründern zu helfen.
- Largest cohort of 15 founders in the fourth year of the program.
- $8,000 in cash and $4,000 in Fiverr credits provided to each participant.
- Previous cohort saw a 43% increase in projected revenue and 13 new business opportunities.
- Diverse range of businesses and backgrounds represented from 11 states.
- None.
This business accelerator expansion, while commendable from a corporate social responsibility perspective, has minimal direct financial impact on Fiverr's bottom line or stock value. The program's investment of
The previous cohort's success metrics are modest: a
For retail investors, this initiative represents long-term brand building and ecosystem development rather than a catalyst for near-term financial performance. The program helps Fiverr strengthen its position in the freelance marketplace by cultivating relationships with emerging businesses, but the revenue impact will likely be negligible in the short to medium term.
Founders in the six-month accelerator program for underrepresented entrepreneurs will receive access to funding, education, and coaching to support their business growth
NEW YORK, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR), the company changing how the world works together, today announced the continued expansion of its business accelerator program with its largest cohort of 15 founders into its fourth annual business accelerator, The Future Collective. Founders in the six-month accelerator program, which supports underrepresented entrepreneurs, will receive a combination of resources designed to support business growth, including cash and Fiverr credits, access to workshops, and one-on-one coaching.
Spanning across industries, this year’s cohort represents businesses ranging from lifestyle brands, including fashion and accessories, health and wellness, and food and beverage, to business services like web design, digital experiences and construction. From veteran-owned businesses to first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs, this year’s cohort represents a diverse range of backgrounds from 11 states nationwide.
“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and we’re continually amazed and inspired by the work of the founders of The Future Collective,” said Micha Kaufman, Founder and CEO of Fiverr. “It is a privilege to be a part of their journeys, and we’re thrilled to expand the program to support even more founders and businesses.”
The fifteen businesses and founders that comprise Fiverr’s 2025 Future Collective cohort are:
- Abeille Creations (Miami, FL): Founded by Melissa Mitchell, Abeille Creations is a fashion brand and design house that specializes in creating apparel, home decor, clothing, and accessories with a focus on art.
- Bri’s Dance (Merrillville, IN): Bri's Dance Place, founded by Brianna Hairlson, is a multi-generational dance studio focusing on age-appropriate choreography, costumes, and music.
- Digital Flagship (Jersey City, NJ): Digital Flagship is a web design & development studio founded by AJ Camara that specializes in building engaging online experiences for direct-to-consumer e-commerce brands and tech startups.
- Goodies Frozen (Alexandria, VA): Founded by Brandon Byrd, Goodies Frozen offers Wisconsin-style Frozen Custard and nostalgic treats inspired by a classic 1950s soda fountain.
- Inclusive Communication Services (New York, NY): Inclusive Communications Services is an accessibility solutions provider founded by Shelby Edwards that offers spoken and sign language interpretation, translations, captions, and media.
- Junobie (West Lafayette, IN): Founder and mom Nikeytha Ramsey is the creator of Junobie, the world’s first reusable breast milk bag and storage solutions.
- Just Elope LLC (Dallas, TX): Just Elope, founded by Jennifer Allen, plans luxurious micro weddings in 24 hours while offering expert guidance on navigating married life.
- Luxe Gather (Coral Springs, FL): Luxe Gather, founded by Tiffany Morris, is a mobile events company specializing in unique spa and gaming party experiences for kids.
- Main Attraction (Charlotte, NC): Founded by Arion Herbert, Main Attraction is a community-driven sports organization that promotes a healthy social environment through organized kickball games and tournaments.
- Mixed Up (Los Angeles, CA): Mixed Up Clothing is a veteran-owned children’s fashion brand founded by Sonia Smith Kang. It celebrates and promotes cultural awareness through vibrant, globally inspired designs that empower kids to embrace their heritage.
- Mom Juice (Denver, CO): KT Winery, best known for its brand Mom Juice founded by Kristin Taylor, offers low-sugar, gluten-free and vegetarian wines made with nine ingredients or less.
- Supermixers (Orlando, FL): Supermixers is a global construction equipment supplier founded by Daniel Bracho that delivers top-quality concrete solutions to over 15 countries.
- Theramotive (New York, NY): TheraMotive, founded by Dr. Lola Omishore, builds innovative portable clinics to serve all of New York City, filling the void in healthcare access for all patients.
- TJL Collection (Memphis, TN): Created by Tiffany Jones-Lewis, TJL Collection is a women's fashion brand focused on pants with longer inseams for individuals who are 5'9 and taller.
- Whims Delight (Austin, TX): Whims is a new chocolate brand created by husband-and-wife duo Leanne Viola and Jesse Barruch, specializing in low-sugar, gluten-free, and dairy-free chocolate treats.
Making a valuable impact on the founders and businesses in the program, the Future Collective’s 2024 cohort reported that 13 business opportunities were generated from the program, 89 meaningful connections were made, and their average projected revenue increased by
The Future Collective is an accelerator program by Fiverr for early-stage U.S. and Canada-based underrepresented entrepreneurs at pivotal moments in their business. Awardees receive
About Fiverr
Fiverr’s mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 3.8 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Business Solutions, large companies can find the right talent and tools tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skill categories, ranging from AI to programming and 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, and from video animation to architecture.
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Press Contacts:
Jenny Chang
Tommy Lee
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at