Hypha Labs, Inc. Uplists to the OTCQB

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Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), a pioneer in functional mushroom sciences, has uplisted to the OTCQB Venture Market effective September 16, 2024. This move is expected to enhance the company's market visibility, trading liquidity, and credibility. The OTCQB requires companies to be current in financial reporting, maintain audited financials, undergo annual verification, and meet minimum bid price requirements.

CEO Stone Douglass stated that trading on the OTCQB is a testament to the company's perseverance and organization, as well as a catalyst for greater investor exposure. Hypha Labs aims to capitalize on this uplisting as they prepare to release what they believe will be the finest in-home and commercial manufacturer of better mushroom ingredients on the market.

Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), pioniere nelle scienze dei funghi funzionali, ha ottenuto l'approvazione per il mercato OTCQB Venture a partire dal 16 settembre 2024. Questa mossa è attesa per migliorare la visibilità sul mercato, la liquidità del trading e la credibilità dell'azienda. L'OTCQB richiede alle aziende di essere aggiornate nella reporting finanziaria, mantenere bilanci auditati, sottoporsi a verifiche annuali e rispettare i requisiti minimi sul prezzo delle offerte.

Il CEO Stone Douglass ha dichiarato che il trading sull'OTCQB testimonia la perseveranza e l'organizzazione dell'azienda, fungendo anche da catalizzatore per una maggiore esposizione agli investitori. Hypha Labs intende sfruttare questa approvazione mentre si prepara a lanciare quelli che credono saranno i migliori ingredienti a base di funghi per uso domestico e commerciale sul mercato.

Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), pionero en las ciencias de los hongos funcionales, ha ascendido al mercado OTCQB Venture a partir del 16 de septiembre de 2024. Se espera que este movimiento aumente la visibilidad en el mercado, la liquidez de las transacciones y la credibilidad de la compañía. El OTCQB exige a las empresas estar al día en la presentación de informes financieros, mantener estados financieros auditados, someterse a verificaciones anuales y cumplir con los requisitos mínimos de precio de oferta.

El CEO Stone Douglass declaró que el comercio en el OTCQB es un testimonio de la perseverancia y organización de la empresa, así como un catalizador para una mayor exposición a los inversores. Hypha Labs pretende capitalizar este ascenso mientras se prepara para lanzar lo que creen que serán los mejores ingredientes de hongos para uso doméstico y comercial en el mercado.

하이파 랩스 주식회사 (OTCQB:FUNI), 기능성 버섯 과학의 선구자로서, 2024년 9월 16일부로 OTCQB 벤처 마켓으로 상장되었다. 이 움직임은 회사의 시장 가시성, 거래 유동성 및 신뢰성을 향상시킬 것으로 예상된다. OTCQB는 기업들이 재무 보고를 최신 상태로 유지하고, 감사된 재무제표를 유지하며, 연간 검증을 받고, 최소 매도 가격 요구 사항을 충족할 것을 요구한다.

CEO 스톤 더글라스는 OTCQB에서의 거래가 회사의 인내와 조직력의 증거이며 투자자 노출을 증가시키는 촉매제라고 말했다. 하이파 랩스는 상장을 활용하여, 그들이 시장에서 최고의 가정용 및 상업용 버섯 재료 제조업체가 될 것이라고 믿고 있는 제품을 출시할 준비를 하고 있다.

Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), pionnier des sciences des champignons fonctionnels, a été transféré au marché OTCQB Venture à compter du 16 septembre 2024. Ce mouvement est censé améliorer la visibilité sur le marché, la liquidité des échanges et la crédibilité de l'entreprise. L'OTCQB exige que les entreprises soient à jour dans leurs rapports financiers, maintiennent des états financiers audités, subissent une vérification annuelle et respectent les exigences minimales en matière de prix d'offre.

Le PDG Stone Douglass a déclaré que le commerce sur l'OTCQB témoigne de la persévérance et de l'organisation de l'entreprise, agissant également comme un catalyseur pour une plus grande exposition des investisseurs. Hypha Labs vise à tirer parti de cette mise à niveau alors qu'ils se préparent à lancer ce qu'ils estiment être les meilleurs ingrédients de champignons pour un usage domestique et commercial sur le marché.

Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), ein Pionier der funktionalen Pilzwissenschaften, hat zum OTCQB Venture Market gewechselt, wirksam ab dem 16. September 2024. Diese Entscheidung soll die Marktsichtbarkeit, Handelsliquidität und Glaubwürdigkeit des Unternehmens erhöhen. Der OTCQB verlangt von Unternehmen, dass sie ihre Finanzberichte auf dem neuesten Stand halten, geprüfte Finanzdaten vorlegen, jährliche Überprüfungen durchführen und die Mindestanforderungen für Angebotspreise einhalten.

CEO Stone Douglass erklärte, dass der Handel an der OTCQB ein Beweis für das Durchhaltevermögen und die Organisation des Unternehmens ist und als Katalysator für eine größere Sichtbarkeit bei Investoren dient. Hypha Labs beabsichtigt, von dieser Auflistung zu profitieren, während sie sich darauf vorbereiten, was sie für die besten hausgemachten und gewerblichen Zutaten aus Pilzen auf dem Markt halten.

  • Uplisting to OTCQB Venture Market, potentially increasing investor visibility and liquidity
  • Compliance with stricter financial reporting and auditing standards, enhancing credibility
  • Potential for broader investor and institutional interest due to OTCQB listing
  • None.

OTCQB Listing Brings Transparency, Prestige and Beneficial Exposure

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / September 16, 2024 / Hypha Labs, Inc. (OTCQB:FUNI), a pioneer in functional mushroom sciences, is pleased to announce that the Company has commenced trading on the OTCQB, a premier market operated by OTC Markets Group, Inc., created for developing and entrepreneurial companies in the United States and abroad. Listing on the OTCQB provides better companies with amplified market visibility to enhance trading liquidity, credibility and introduction to a broader class of investors and institutions.

OTCQB companies are required to be current in their financial reporting with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") or OTC Markets Group, Inc., maintain audited financials through a qualified PCAOB registered firm, undergo company verification and management certification on an annual basis, and exceed a minimum bid price test.

Hypha Labs trades under the ticker "FUNI" and began trading on the OTCQB® Venture Market (the "OTCQB") effective September 16, 2024 at the market's open.

"Trading on the OTCQB is both a testament to our perseverance and organization as well as a catalyst to greater exposure to investors of all variety," stated Stone Douglass, CEO, Hypha Labs. "It is essential that we are able to celebrate the successes we expect to come with the release of what we believe will be the finest in-home and commercial manufacturer of better mushroom ingredients on the market."

About Hypha Labs, Inc.

The company has developed revolutionary cutting-edge technology focused on new methods of producing the active ingredients found in functional mushrooms such as psilocybin using its patent-pending bioreactor design. The Company has positioned itself to play an important role in the burgeoning Functional Mushroom industry in addition to being a disruptive force in the psilocybin space which is quickly manifesting into a similar pattern that was seen in the Cannabis Industry both from a medical and recreational usage with several states and cities have now decriminalized it use. Visit us at


This press release may contain forward looking statements that are based on current expectations, forecasts, and assumptions that involve risks as well as uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those anticipated or expected, including statements related to the amount and timing of expected revenues related to our financial performance, expected revenue, contracts, and future growth for upcoming quarterly and annual periods. These risks and uncertainties are further defined in filings and reports by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and on the OTC Disclosure & News Service (OTCDNS). Actual results and the timing of certain events could differ materially from those projected in or contemplated by the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors detailed from time to time in our filings with the SEC and/or OTCDNS. Among other matters, the Company may not be able to sustain growth or achieve profitability based upon many factors including but not limited to the risk that we will not be able to find and secure construction contracts and the necessary assets that will enable us to become profitable. Reference is hereby made to cautionary statements set forth in the Company's most recent SEC and/or OTCDNS filings. We have incurred and will continue to incur significant expenses in our development stage, noting that there is no assurance that we will generate enough revenues to offset those costs in both the near and long term. New lines of business in the construction industry may expose us to additional legal and regulatory costs and unknown exposure(s), the impact of which cannot be predicted at this time. Words such as "estimate," "project," "predict," "will," "would," "should," "could," "may," "might," "anticipate," "plan," "intend," "believe," "expect," "aim," "goal," "target," "objective," "likely" or similar expressions that convey the prospective nature of events or outcomes generally indicate forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of this press release. Unless legally required, we undertake no obligation to update, modify or withdraw any forward-looking statements, because of new information, future events or otherwise.

From time to time, the Company may post new and material information on its website or through its social media profiles at the links below:


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(888) 216-3595

SOURCE: Hypha Labs, Inc.

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When did Hypha Labs (FUNI) start trading on the OTCQB Venture Market?

Hypha Labs (FUNI) began trading on the OTCQB Venture Market on September 16, 2024.

What are the requirements for Hypha Labs (FUNI) to maintain its OTCQB listing?

To maintain its OTCQB listing, Hypha Labs (FUNI) must be current in financial reporting, maintain audited financials through a PCAOB registered firm, undergo annual company verification and management certification, and meet minimum bid price requirements.

What benefits does the OTCQB uplisting bring to Hypha Labs (FUNI)?

The OTCQB uplisting brings Hypha Labs (FUNI) increased market visibility, potential for enhanced trading liquidity, improved credibility, and exposure to a broader class of investors and institutions.

What is Hypha Labs' (FUNI) primary business focus?

Hypha Labs (FUNI) is a pioneer in functional mushroom sciences, aiming to be a leading manufacturer of high-quality mushroom ingredients for in-home and commercial use.



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