Maryland Businesses Celebrate New Investments, Partnerships, and Innovation
Maryland's business landscape shows strong momentum entering 2025, with several companies reporting significant developments. Cloudforce in National Harbor concluded 2024 with successful AI initiatives, including Cloud + AI Meetups and partnerships with Microsoft. Fulton Bank (NASDAQ: FULT) partnered with Baltimore Community Lending, providing a $250,000 grant to support early-stage entrepreneurs.
Howard Hughes Holdings secured Polymedco as a tenant in Downtown Columbia, while SECU formed partnerships with the University of Maryland's One Maryland Collective and Alumni Association. St. John Properties leased 15,600 square feet at Annapolis Technology Park to The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics.
TEDCO hosted its 2024 Entrepreneur Expo with over 1,000 attendees, T. Rowe Price received multiple workplace recognitions, and United Therapeutics achieved a milestone with the world's first xenokidney transplant into a human patient.
Il panorama imprenditoriale del Maryland mostra un forte slancio entrando nel 2025, con diverse aziende che segnalano sviluppi significativi. Cloudforce a National Harbor ha concluso il 2024 con iniziative AI di successo, tra cui incontri Cloud + AI e partnership con Microsoft. Fulton Bank (NASDAQ: FULT) ha collaborato con Baltimore Community Lending, fornendo una sovvenzione di $250.000 per supportare imprenditori in fase iniziale.
Howard Hughes Holdings ha assicurato Polymedco come inquilino nel centro di Columbia, mentre SECU ha stabilito collaborazioni con il One Maryland Collective e l'Alumni Association dell'Università del Maryland. St. John Properties ha affittato 15.600 piedi quadrati presso l'Annapolis Technology Park al Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics.
TEDCO ha ospitato la sua Entrepreneur Expo 2024 con oltre 1.000 partecipanti, T. Rowe Price ha ricevuto molteplici riconoscimenti sul posto di lavoro, e United Therapeutics ha raggiunto un traguardo con il primo trapianto di xenorene in un paziente umano al mondo.
El panorama empresarial de Maryland muestra un fuerte impulso al entrar en 2025, con varias empresas reportando desarrollos significativos. Cloudforce en National Harbor concluyó 2024 con iniciativas de IA exitosas, incluidos encuentros de Cloud + IA y asociaciones con Microsoft. Fulton Bank (NASDAQ: FULT) se asociaron con Baltimore Community Lending, proporcionando una subvención de $250,000 para apoyar a emprendedores en etapas iniciales.
Howard Hughes Holdings aseguró a Polymedco como inquilino en el centro de Columbia, mientras que SECU estableció asociaciones con el One Maryland Collective y la Alumni Association de la Universidad de Maryland. St. John Properties alquiló 15,600 pies cuadrados en Annapolis Technology Park al Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics.
TEDCO realizó su Entrepreneur Expo 2024 con más de 1,000 asistentes, T. Rowe Price recibió múltiples reconocimientos en el lugar de trabajo, y United Therapeutics logró un hito con el primer trasplante de xenorrinón en un paciente humano en el mundo.
메릴랜드의 비즈니스 환경은 2025년을 맞이하며 강력한 모멘텀을 보이고 있으며, 여러 기업이 중요한 성과를 보고하고 있습니다. 클라우드포스는 내셔널 하버에서 2024년을 성공적인 AI 이니셔티브로 마무리했으며, 여기에는 클라우드 + AI 밋업 및 마이크로소프트와의 파트너십이 포함됩니다. 풀튼 뱅크 (NASDAQ: FULT)는 볼티모어 커뮤니티 렌딩과 파트너십을 맺고 초기 단계의 기업가를 지원하기 위해 250,000달러의 보조금을 제공했습니다.
하워드 휴즈 홀딩스는 컬럼비아 다운타운에 있는 폴리메드코를 세입자로 확보했으며, SECU는 메릴랜드 대학교의 원 메릴랜드 콜렉티브 및 동문회와 파트너십을 형성했습니다. 세인트 존 프로퍼티즈는 아나폴리스 테크놀로지 파크에서 첨단 정형외과 센터에 15,600평방피트를 임대했습니다.
TEDCO는 2024년 기업가 엑스포를 개최하였으며, 1,000명 이상의 참석자가 있었습니다. T. 로우 프라이스는 여러 직장 내에서의 인정을 받았고, 유나이티드 제네틱스는 세계 최초의 인체에 대한 제노키드니 이식이라는 이정표를 달성했습니다.
Le paysage commercial du Maryland montre un fort élan en entrant dans l'année 2025, plusieurs entreprises signalant des développements significatifs. Cloudforce à National Harbor a clôturé 2024 avec des initiatives d'IA réussies, y compris des rencontres Cloud + IA et des partenariats avec Microsoft. Fulton Bank (NASDAQ: FULT) s'est associé à Baltimore Community Lending, fournissant une subvention de 250 000 $ pour soutenir les entrepreneurs en phase de démarrage.
Howard Hughes Holdings a sécurisé Polymedco en tant que locataire dans le centre de Columbia, tandis que SECU a formé des partenariats avec le One Maryland Collective et l'Alumni Association de l'Université du Maryland. St. John Properties a loué 15 600 pieds carrés au Annapolis Technology Park aux Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics.
TEDCO a organisé son Entrepreneur Expo 2024 avec plus de 1 000 participants, T. Rowe Price a reçu plusieurs distinctions au travail, et United Therapeutics a réalisé une avancée avec la première transplantation de néphron xénique chez un patient humain au monde.
Die Geschäftswelt von Maryland zeigt zu Beginn des Jahres 2025 starken Schwung, da mehrere Unternehmen bedeutende Entwicklungen melden. Cloudforce in National Harbor hat das Jahr 2024 mit erfolgreichen KI-Initiativen abgeschlossen, darunter Cloud + KI-Treffen und Partnerschaften mit Microsoft. Fulton Bank (NASDAQ: FULT) hat sich mit Baltimore Community Lending zusammengeschlossen, um ein Stipendium in Höhe von 250.000 US-Dollar zur Unterstützung von Unternehmern in der Anfangsphase bereitzustellen.
Howard Hughes Holdings hat Polymedco als Mieter im Zentrum von Columbia gesichert, während SECU Partnerschaften mit dem One Maryland Collective und der Alumni Association der University of Maryland eingegangen ist. St. John Properties hat 15.600 Quadratfuß im Annapolis Technology Park an die Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics vermietet.
TEDCO veranstaltete seine Entrepreneur Expo 2024 mit über 1.000 Teilnehmern, T. Rowe Price erhielt mehrere Auszeichnungen für den Arbeitsplatz, und United Therapeutics erreichte einen Meilenstein mit der ersten xenogenetischen Nierentransplantation bei einem menschlichen Patienten weltweit.
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Cloudforce, based in National Harbor, had a remarkable close to 2024, showcasing innovation, community engagement, and industry leadership. The company hosted its third Cloud + AI Meetup, fostering professional connections, with plans to continue into 2025. Cloudforce also led competitive promptathons, with tech enthusiasts generating creative prompts for AI models to respond to. The contents were held at Case Western Reserve University and the University of
Fulton Bank, a subsidiary of Fulton Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: FULT), and Baltimore Community Lending announced a new program to provide early-stage financing to entrepreneurs. To support the program, Fulton Forward Foundation, an independent, private nonprofit foundation funded by Fulton Bank, has provided a
Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. the primary operator and developer of properties in
St. John Properties, Inc., a
T. Rowe Price, a global investment management firm and a leader in retirement, celebrates its recognition on local, national, and global scales as an exemplary workplace. Recent accolades from Newsweek, Pensions & Investments, Energage, and The
United Therapeutics Corporation (UT), a public benefit corporation based in
About Maryland Marketing Partnership
The Maryland Marketing Partnership, founded in statute as the Maryland Public-Private Partnership Marketing Corporation, develops branding strategy for the state, markets the state's assets, and encourages the location and growth of new businesses in
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