The 2024 Subaru Share the Love(R) Event Returns for Seventeenth Consecutive Year of Charitable Giving

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Subaru of America, Inc. has announced the return of its annual Subaru Share the Love Event for the 17th consecutive year. From November 21, 2024, through January 2, 2025, Subaru will donate $250 for every new vehicle purchased or leased to the customer's choice of charity. The event aims to reach a cumulative total of nearly $320 million in donations to local hometown charities and national partners including ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Park Foundation.

Over the past 16 years, Subaru and its retailers have donated over $288 million to various causes and supported nearly 2,300 hometown charities. Retailers can add local charities to receive at least an additional $50 per vehicle sold or leased. Many will also donate $5 for each routine service visit during the campaign period.

Subaru of America, Inc. ha annunciato il ritorno del suo annuale Subaru Share the Love Event per il 17° anno consecutivo. Dal 21 novembre 2024 al 2 gennaio 2025, Subaru donerà 250 dollari per ogni nuovo veicolo acquistato o noleggiato a favore della charity scelta dal cliente. L'evento ha l'obiettivo di raggiungere un totale complessivo di quasi 320 milioni di dollari in donazioni a enti di beneficenza locali e partner nazionali, tra cui ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America e National Park Foundation.

Negli ultimi 16 anni, Subaru e i suoi rivenditori hanno donato oltre 288 milioni di dollari a varie cause, supportando quasi 2.300 enti di beneficenza locali. I rivenditori possono aggiungere enti locali per ricevere almeno ulteriori 50 dollari per veicolo venduto o noleggiato. Molti doneranno anche 5 dollari per ogni visita di servizio di routine durante il periodo della campagna.

Subaru of America, Inc. ha anunciado el regreso de su evento anual Subaru Share the Love Event por 17º año consecutivo. Desde 21 de noviembre de 2024 hasta el 2 de enero de 2025, Subaru donará 250 dólares por cada nuevo vehículo comprado o arrendado a la organización benéfica elegida por el cliente. El evento tiene como objetivo alcanzar un total acumulado de casi 320 millones de dólares en donaciones a organizaciones benéficas locales y socios nacionales, incluyendo ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America y National Park Foundation.

En los últimos 16 años, Subaru y sus concesionarios han donado más de 288 millones de dólares a diversas causas y han apoyado a casi 2,300 organizaciones benéficas locales. Los concesionarios pueden agregar organizaciones benéficas locales y recibir al menos 50 dólares adicionales por vehículo vendido o arrendado. Muchos también donarán 5 dólares por cada visita de servicio rutinario durante el período de la campaña.

Subaru of America, Inc.는 17년 연속으로 연례 Subaru Share the Love Event의 귀환을 발표했습니다. 2024년 11월 21일부터 2025년 1월 2일까지 Subaru는 고객이 선택한 자선단체에 대해 새로 구매하거나 임대한 차량 한 대당 250달러를 기부합니다. 이번 행사는 3억 2천만 달러에 가까운 자선 기부금을 모으고자 하며, 지역 자선단체 및 ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America, National Park Foundation 등 국가 파트너를 포함합니다.

지난 16년 동안 Subaru와 그 소매업체는 다양한 원인에 대해 2억 8천8백만 달러 이상의 기부금을 쾌척하고 거의 2,300개의 지역 자선단체를 지원했습니다. 소매업체는 판매 또는 임대된 차량당 최소 50달러를 더 받을 수 있도록 지역 자선단체를 추가할 수 있습니다. 많은 업체는 또한 캠페인 기간 동안 매 서비스 방문마다 5달러를 기부할 것입니다.

Subaru of America, Inc. a annoncé le retour de son événement annuel Subaru Share the Love Event pour la 17e année consécutive. Du 21 novembre 2024 au 2 janvier 2025, Subaru fera un don de 250 dollars pour chaque nouveau véhicule acheté ou loué au profit de l'association choisie par le client. L'événement vise à atteindre un total cumulé de près de 320 millions de dollars de dons à des œuvres caritatives locales et à des partenaires nationaux, y compris ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America et National Park Foundation.

Au cours des 16 dernières années, Subaru et ses concessionnaires ont fait don de plus de 288 millions de dollars à diverses causes, soutenant près de 2 300 œuvres caritatives locales. Les concessionnaires peuvent ajouter des œuvres caritatives locales pour recevoir au moins 50 dollars supplémentaires par véhicule vendu ou loué. Beaucoup donneront également 5 dollars pour chaque visite de service routine pendant la période de la campagne.

Subaru of America, Inc. hat die Rückkehr seines jährlichen Subaru Share the Love Event für das 17. Jahr in Folge angekündigt. Vom 21. November 2024 bis zum 2. Januar 2025 wird Subaru 250 Dollar für jedes neu gekaufte oder geleaste Fahrzeug an die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation der Wahl des Kunden spenden. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, insgesamt fast 320 Millionen Dollar an Spenden an lokale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und nationale Partner wie ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America und National Park Foundation zu erreichen.

In den letzten 16 Jahren haben Subaru und seine Händler über 288 Millionen Dollar für verschiedene Zwecke gespendet und fast 2.300 lokale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen unterstützt. Händler können lokale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen hinzufügen, um mindestens zusätzlich 50 Dollar pro verkauftem oder geleastem Fahrzeug zu erhalten. Viele werden auch 5 Dollar für jeden Routine-Servicebesuch während des Kampagnenzeitraums spenden.

  • Subaru aims to reach a cumulative total of nearly $320 million in donations through the Share the Love Event
  • Subaru donates $250 for every new vehicle purchased or leased during the event period
  • Retailers can add local charities to receive at least an additional $50 per vehicle sold or leased
  • Many retailers will donate $5 for each routine service visit during the campaign period
  • Over the past 16 years, Subaru and its retailers have donated over $288 million to various causes
  • None.

Annual philanthropic event celebrates national charity partners: ASPCA®, Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels America, and National Park Foundation, plus over 825 local hometown charities

CAMDEN, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Subaru of America, Inc. today announced its annual philanthropic Subaru Share the Love® Event will return for its 17th consecutive year. Through this year's event, Subaru and its participating retailers will aim to reach a cumulative total of nearly $320 million in donations to local hometown charities along with returning national charity partners; The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®), Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Park Foundation.

Jeff Walters, President and Chief Operating Officer, Subaru of America, Inc: "Supporting the causes closest to our hearts is top of mind during this time of year. Subaru and our retailers celebrate the holiday season by showing what makes the Subaru community so considerate, both nationally and in the communities we call home. Our retailers and customers are at the heart of what we do and why we strive to be a force for good, helping to create positive change with our partners and truly showing what makes Subaru More Than a Car Company®."

For every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased at any of the more than 640 Subaru retailers from November 21, 2024, through January 2, 2025, Subaru will donate $250 to the customer's choice of charity.* Retailers can also add local hometown charities with causes important to their communities to receive at least an additional $50 for each vehicle sold or leased. Additionally, many retailers will donate $5 to their registered hometown charity for every Subaru vehicle routine service visit during the campaign period.

Over the last sixteen years of the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru and its participating retailers have already donated over $288 million to causes around the country and supported nearly 2,300 hometown charities. To learn more, visit:

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®)
Subaru is the largest corporate donor to the ASPCA. For more than 150 years, the ASPCA has been on the frontlines to save, transform, and protect millions of lives in the fight against animal cruelty, revolutionizing the way society cares for animals. Through their hands-on work and in collaboration with local partners nationwide, the ASPCA provides lifesaving protection and care to animals in need. Whether it's rescuing animals from abuse and neglect, advocating for humane legislation, or supporting animal shelters across the country, the ASPCA helps animals live better lives. Through our partnership with the ASPCA during the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru has had a significant impact on the rescue, transport, well-being, and adoption of more than 134,000 animals across the country.

Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Make-A-Wish. Research shows that children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. A wish replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy, and anxiety with hope. The impact of just one wish has the power to transform the lives of everyone involved and helps wish kids and their families believe in better days ahead. Through our partnership with Make-A-Wish during the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru and our retailers have helped to grant the life-changing wishes of more than 3,600 kids with critical illnesses.

Meals on Wheels America
Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Meals on Wheels America. Meals on Wheels America provides leadership to local, community-based programs dedicated to fighting hunger and isolation among our nation's homebound seniors. Through our partnership with Meals on Wheels during the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru and our retailers have helped deliver more than 4.6 million meals and friendly visits to America's seniors.

National Park Foundation
Subaru is the largest corporate donor to the National Park Foundation. The National Park Foundation, in partnership with the National Park Service, works to protect wildlife and park lands, preserve history and culture, educate and engage youth, and connect people everywhere to the wonder of parks. Through our partnership with the National Park Foundation during the Share the Love Event, Subaru is providing critical funding to programs and projects that help protect America's more than 400 national parks.

*Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 21, 2024, through January 2, 2025, to four national charities designated by the purchaser or lessee. Pre-approved Hometown Charities may be selected for donation depending on retailer participation. For every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased during the campaign period, participating retailers will donate a minimum of $50 in total to their registered Hometown Charities. Subaru will donate a total of $5 to their registered Hometown Charities for every Subaru vehicle routine service visit during the campaign period. A routine visit includes customer payment of $5 or greater, or any service that includes a genuine Subaru oil filter. Purchasers/lessees must make their charity designations by January 10, 2025. The four national charities will receive a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 each. See your local Subaru retailer for details or visit All donations made by Subaru of America, Inc.

About Subaru of America, Inc.
Subaru of America, Inc. (SOA) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Subaru Corporation of Japan. Headquartered in Camden, N.J., the company markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts, and accessories through a network of about 640 retailers across the United States. All Subaru products are manufactured in zero-landfill plants, including Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc., the only U.S. automobile manufacturing plant designated a backyard wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. SOA is guided by the Subaru Love Promise, which is the company's vision to show love and respect to everyone and to support its communities and customers nationwide. Over the past 20 years, SOA and the SOA Foundation have donated more than $320 million to causes the Subaru family cares about, and its employees have logged over 100,000 volunteer hours. Subaru is dedicated to being More Than a Car Company® and to making the world a better place. For additional information, visit Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube.


Diane Anton
Corporate Communications Manager
(856) 488-5093

Adam Leiter
Corporate Communications Specialist
(856) 488-8668

For the past 16 years, through the Subaru Share the Love® Event, Subaru and its retailers have donated to charities like the ASPCA®, Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Park Foundation, as well as over 2,300 hometown charities. By the end of this year, our seventeenth year, Subaru will have donated over $320 million.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Subaru of America, Inc.

SOURCE: Subaru of America, Inc.

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When is the 2024 Subaru Share the Love Event taking place?

The 2024 Subaru Share the Love Event is taking place from November 21, 2024, through January 2, 2025.

How much does Subaru donate per vehicle during the Share the Love Event?

Subaru donates $250 for every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased during the Share the Love Event period.

What are the national charity partners for the 2024 Subaru Share the Love Event?

The national charity partners for the 2024 Subaru Share the Love Event are ASPCA, Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Park Foundation.

How much has Subaru donated through the Share the Love Event since its inception?

Over the past 16 years, Subaru and its participating retailers have donated over $288 million through the Share the Love Event.

Can local charities benefit from the Subaru Share the Love Event?

Yes, Subaru retailers can add local hometown charities to receive at least an additional $50 for each vehicle sold or leased during the event period.



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