FOX News Channel Signs Lara Trump to Host Weekend Primetime Program
FOX News Channel (FNC) has announced the signing of Lara Trump to host a new weekend primetime program, 'My View with Lara Trump', set to premiere on February 22nd in the 9-10 PM/ET Saturday slot. The announcement was made by FOX News Media CEO Suzanne Scott.
The program will focus on bringing common sense perspectives to American life and feature analysis and interviews with thought leaders on national headlines affecting families. Trump, who previously served as the Republican National Committee's co-chair and was an FNC contributor from 2021-2022, brings experience from hosting 'The Right View' web series and her role as senior adviser to the Trump campaign.
FNC continues to dominate cable news as the number one network in basic cable for nine years, attracting nearly 70% of cable news viewers. According to recent studies, FNC is the main source for political news across diverse political affiliations, including Democrat and Independent viewers.
FOX News Channel (FNC) ha annunciato la firma di Lara Trump per condurre un nuovo programma primetime del weekend, 'My View with Lara Trump', che debutterà il 22 febbraio nella fascia oraria 21-22 ET del sabato. L'annuncio è stato fatto dall'amministratore delegato di FOX News Media, Suzanne Scott.
Il programma si concentrerà sull'offrire prospettive di buon senso sulla vita americana e presenterà analisi e interviste con leader di pensiero su titoli nazionali che influenzano le famiglie. Trump, che in precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di co-presidente del Comitato Nazionale Repubblicano ed è stata collaboratrice di FNC dal 2021 al 2022, porta con sé esperienza dall'hosting della web series 'The Right View' e dal suo ruolo di consulente senior per la campagna di Trump.
FNC continua a dominare le notizie via cavo essendo la rete numero uno nel basic cable per nove anni, attirando quasi il 70% degli spettatori di notizie via cavo. Secondo studi recenti, FNC è la principale fonte di notizie politiche tra diverse affiliazioni politiche, inclusi gli spettatori Democratici e Indipendenti.
FOX News Channel (FNC) ha anunciado la firma de Lara Trump para presentar un nuevo programa de fin de semana en horario estelar, 'My View with Lara Trump', que se estrenará el 22 de febrero en el horario de 9-10 PM/ET del sábado. El anuncio fue hecho por Suzanne Scott, CEO de FOX News Media.
El programa se centrará en ofrecer perspectivas de sentido común sobre la vida americana y contará con análisis y entrevistas con líderes de pensamiento sobre los titulares nacionales que afectan a las familias. Trump, que anteriormente fue co-presidenta del Comité Nacional Republicano y fue colaboradora de FNC de 2021 a 2022, aporta experiencia de haber presentado la serie web 'The Right View' y su papel como asesora principal de la campaña de Trump.
FNC sigue dominando las noticias por cable como la red número uno en cable básico durante nueve años, atrayendo casi el 70% de los espectadores de noticias por cable. Según estudios recientes, FNC es la principal fuente de noticias políticas entre diversas afiliaciones políticas, incluyendo a los espectadores demócratas e independientes.
FOX 뉴스 채널 (FNC)는 Lara Trump 을(를) 주말 프라임 타임 프로그램 'My View with Lara Trump'의 진행자로 영입했다고 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 2월 22일 토요일 오후 9시부터 10시(동부표준시)에 방영될 예정입니다. 이 발표는 FOX 뉴스 미디어 CEO인 Suzanne Scott에 의해 이루어졌습니다.
이 프로그램은 미국의 일상 생활에 대한 상식적인 관점을 제공하는 데 중점을 두고 있으며 가족에 영향을 미치는 국가 헤드라인에 대한 분석 및 인터뷰를 제공합니다. Trump는 이전에 공화당 전국위원회의 공동의장을 역임했으며 2021년부터 2022년까지 FNC에서 기여자로 활동했으며, 'The Right View' 웹 시리즈의 진행 경력과 Trump 캠페인의 선임 고문으로서의 역할을 가지고 있습니다.
FNC는 9년 동안 기본 케이블에서 1위 네트워크로 케이블 뉴스에서 계속해서 지배하고 있으며 케이블 뉴스 시청자의 거의 70%를 끌어모으고 있습니다. 최근 연구에 따르면, FNC는 민주당원 및 독립 유권자 등 다양한 정치 기구에 걸쳐 정치 뉴스의 주요 출처입니다.
FOX News Channel (FNC) a annoncé la signature de Lara Trump pour animer un nouveau programme de fin de semaine en prime time, 'My View with Lara Trump', qui sera diffusé pour la première fois le 22 février de 21h à 22h (ET) le samedi. L'annonce a été faite par Suzanne Scott, PDG de FOX News Media.
Le programme se concentrera sur la fourniture de perspectives de sens commun sur la vie américaine et présentera des analyses et des interviews avec des leaders d'opinion sur des titres nationaux affectant les familles. Trump, qui a précédemment été co-présidente du Comité national républicain et a été collaboratrice de FNC de 2021 à 2022, apporte son expérience de l'animation de la série Web 'The Right View' et de son rôle de conseillère senior pour la campagne de Trump.
FNC continue de dominer les informations par câble en tant que réseau numéro un dans le câble de base depuis neuf ans, attirant près de 70 % des téléspectateurs d'informations par câble. Selon des études récentes, FNC est la principale source d'informations politiques parmi diverses affiliations politiques, y compris les téléspectateurs démocrates et indépendants.
FOX News Channel (FNC) hat die Verpflichtung von Lara Trump bekannt gegeben, die ein neues Wochenend-Primetime-Programm 'My View with Lara Trump' moderieren wird, das am 22. Februar in der Zeit von 21 bis 22 Uhr ET samstags Premiere feiern wird. Die Ankündigung wurde von der CEO von FOX News Media, Suzanne Scott, gemacht.
Das Programm wird sich darauf konzentrieren, gesunde Perspektiven auf das amerikanische Leben zu bringen und Analysen sowie Interviews mit führenden Denkern zu nationalen Schlagzeilen, die Familien betreffen, zu bieten. Trump, die zuvor als Co-Vorsitzende des Republikanischen Nationalkomitees tätig war und von 2021 bis 2022 als FNC-Beitragende arbeitete, bringt Erfahrung aus der Moderation der Webserie 'The Right View' sowie aus ihrer Rolle als leitende Beraterin der Trump-Kampagne mit.
FNC bleibt neun Jahre in Folge Nummer eins im Basic-Cable und dominiert die Kabelnachrichten, indem es fast 70 % der Zuschauer von Kabelnachrichten anzieht. Laut aktuellen Studien ist FNC die Hauptquelle für politische Nachrichten über verschiedene politische Zugehörigkeiten hinweg, einschließlich der Zuschauer von Demokraten und Unabhängigen.
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In making the announcement, Ms. Scott said, “A gifted communicator who knows how to connect to the viewers, successful entrepreneur and working mother, Lara’s innate understanding of the American public and today’s political landscape will be a compelling addition to our weekend lineup.”
Ms. Trump added, “I’m thrilled to bring my voice back to FOX News, talk directly with the American people, and highlight what makes this country so great. As I cover the success of The Golden Age of America, I look forward to where this time will lead our country and where this opportunity will lead me in the future.”
My View with Lara Trump will focus on the return of common sense to all corners of American life as the country ushers in a new era of practicality. Every week, the program will feature big picture analysis and interviews with thought leaders, shedding light on the headlines driving the national conversation and affecting families around the country.
Most recently, Ms. Trump served as the Republican National Committee’s co-chair, where she played a pivotal role in the re-election of President Donald Trump as well as Republicans regaining control of the Senate and maintaining a House majority. Previously, she was a senior adviser to the Trump campaign during the 2020 presidential election and served as surrogate during his 2016 campaign.
In addition to her political career, Ms. Trump has hosted a web series entitled The Right View since 2020, which features a panel of conservative women dissecting the sociopolitical issues of the day. Additionally, from 2021-2022, she served as an FNC contributor, offering her take on headlines across daytime and primetime programming. A graduate of North Carolina State University, Ms. Trump began her career as a producer for CBS’ Inside Edition.
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service and has been the number one network in basic cable for the last nine years and the most-watched television news channel for 23 consecutive years, currently attracting nearly
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