Forrester Announces Full Conference Agenda For Security & Risk Summit 2024

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Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) has announced the full agenda for its Security & Risk Summit 2024, scheduled for December 9-11, 2024, in Baltimore and digitally. The event aims to help security, risk, and privacy leaders reimagine their strategies in light of AI and quantum computing advancements. Key topics include:

- Transforming security from a cost center to a profit powerhouse
- Building proactive risk departments
- Accelerating business with trusted cloud applications
- Reimagining protection, detection, and response frameworks
- Applying new thinking to identity and fraud management

Notable sessions will cover Forrester's 2025 predictions, AI in security operations, data security in the AI and post-quantum era, human risk management, continuous risk management, and biometric engagement models. The summit will also recognize the Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award winner and partner with Women in Security and Privacy.

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) ha annunciato l'agenda completa per il suo Security & Risk Summit 2024, programmato per il 9-11 dicembre 2024, a Baltimore e in formato digitale. L'evento ha l'obiettivo di aiutare i leader della sicurezza, del rischio e della privacy a ripensare le proprie strategie alla luce dei progressi nell'IA e nel calcolo quantistico. I temi principali includono:

- Trasformare la sicurezza da centro di costo a motore di profitto
- Costruire dipartimenti proattivi per la gestione del rischio
- Accelerare il business con applicazioni cloud affidabili
- Ripensare i framework di protezione, rilevamento e risposta
- Applicare un nuovo approccio alla gestione dell'identità e delle frodi

Le sessioni di rilievo tratteranno le previsioni di Forrester per il 2025, l'IA nelle operazioni di sicurezza, la sicurezza dei dati nell'era dell'IA e post-quantistica, la gestione del rischio umano, la gestione continua del rischio e i modelli di coinvolgimento biometrico. Il summit riconoscerà anche il vincitore del Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award e collabora con Women in Security and Privacy.

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) ha anunciado la agenda completa de su Security & Risk Summit 2024, programada para el 9 al 11 de diciembre de 2024, en Baltimore y de manera digital. El evento tiene como objetivo ayudar a los líderes de seguridad, riesgo y privacidad a replantear sus estrategias a la luz de los avances en inteligencia artificial y computación cuántica. Los temas clave incluyen:

- Transformar la seguridad de un centro de costos a un potente generador de beneficios
- Construir departamentos de riesgo proactivos
- Acelerar los negocios con aplicaciones en la nube de confianza
- Reimaginar los marcos de protección, detección y respuesta
- Aplicar un nuevo enfoque a la gestión de identidad y fraude

Las sesiones notables cubrirán las predicciones de Forrester para 2025, la IA en las operaciones de seguridad, la seguridad de datos en la era de la IA y post-cuántica, la gestión del riesgo humano, la gestión continua del riesgo y los modelos de participación biométrica. El summit también reconocerá al ganador del Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award y colaborará con Women in Security and Privacy.

Forrester(Nasdaq: FORR)는 2024년 12월 9일부터 11일까지 볼티모어와 디지털 방식으로 개최되는 Security & Risk Summit 2024의 전체 일정을 발표했습니다. 이번 이벤트는 보안, 위험 및 개인 정보 보호 리더들이 인공지능 및 양자 컴퓨팅 발전을 바탕으로 전략을 재구성하도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 주제는 다음과 같습니다:

- 보안을 비용 센터에서 수익 원천으로 전환하기
- 사전 대응 위험 관리 부서 구축
- 신뢰할 수 있는 클라우드 애플리케이션으로 비즈니스 가속화
- 보호, 탐지 및 대응 프레임워크 재구상
- 신원 및 사기 관리에 대한 새로운 사고 적용

주요 세션에서는 Forrester의 2025년 예측, 보안 운영에서의 인공지능, 인공지능 및 포스트 양자 시대의 데이터 보안, 인간 위험 관리, 지속적인 위험 관리, 생체 인식 참여 모델 등을 다룰 것입니다. 또한 이번 서밋에서는 Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award 수상자를 발표하고 Women in Security and Privacy와 협력합니다.

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) a annoncé l'agenda complet de son Security & Risk Summit 2024, prévu du 9 au 11 décembre 2024, à Baltimore et en numérique. L'événement vise à aider les dirigeants en matière de sécurité, de risque et de vie privée à repenser leurs stratégies à la lumière des avancées en intelligence artificielle et en informatique quantique. Les sujets clés incluent :

- Transformer la sécurité d'un centre de coût en un moteur de profit
- Construire des départements de risque proactifs
- Accélérer les affaires avec des applications cloud fiables
- Réinventer les cadres de protection, de détection et de réponse
- Appliquer une nouvelle réflexion à la gestion des identités et à la fraude

Des sessions notables aborderont les prévisions de Forrester pour 2025, l'IA dans les opérations de sécurité, la sécurité des données à l'ère de l'IA et post-quantique, la gestion des risques humains, la gestion continue des risques et les modèles d'engagement biométriques. Le sommet reconnaîtra également le lauréat du Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award et collaborera avec Women in Security and Privacy.

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) hat die vollständige Agenda für seinen Security & Risk Summit 2024 bekannt gegeben, der vom 9. bis 11. Dezember 2024 in Baltimore und digital stattfinden wird. Die Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, Führungskräften in den Bereichen Sicherheit, Risiko und Datenschutz zu helfen, ihre Strategien im Hinblick auf die Fortschritte in der KI und der Quantencomputing-Technologie neu zu denken. Zu den Hauptthemen gehören:

- Die Sicherheit von einem Kostenfaktor zu einer Profitmaschine zu transformieren
- Proaktive Risikomanagement-Abteilungen aufbauen
- Geschäftsmodelle mit vertrauenswürdigen Cloud-Anwendungen beschleunigen
- Schutz-, Erkennungs- und Reaktionsframeworks neu konzipieren
- Neues Denken in der Identitäts- und Betrugsverwaltung anwenden

Besondere Sitzungen werden Forresters Prognosen für 2025, KI in Sicherheitsoperationen, Datensicherheit im Zeitalter der KI und nach der Quantenrechnung, menschliches Risikomanagement, kontinuierliches Risikomanagement und biometrische Engagement-Modelle behandeln. Der Gipfel wird auch den Gewinner des Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award auszeichnen und mit Women in Security and Privacy zusammenarbeiten.

  • Forrester is hosting a major industry event, potentially attracting customers and showcasing thought leadership
  • The summit addresses cutting-edge topics like AI and quantum computing in security, demonstrating Forrester's relevance in the market
  • Partnership with Women in Security and Privacy organization may enhance Forrester's reputation and industry influence
  • None.

The event will help security, risk, and privacy leaders reimagine their security strategy and prepare for a new era propelled by advances in AI and quantum computing

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) today announced the full conference agenda for Security & Risk Summit 2024, being held in Baltimore and digitally, December 9–11, 2024. In the next few years, AI will revolutionize every aspect of life, disrupt the tech ecosystem, upend knowledge work, and trigger a new wave of unconventional threats. As a result, security, privacy, and risk leaders need to rethink their existing approach to managing security operations.

This year’s Summit will equip chief information security officers and other security, privacy, and risk leaders with actionable guidance to transform security from a cost center to a profit powerhouse in several ways. These include building a risk department to proactively identify potential threats; accelerating business results with trusted cloud applications; reimagining protection, detection, and response frameworks; and applying new thinking to identity and fraud management.

Noteworthy Summit keynotes, sessions, and workshops include:

  • Predictions 2025. This keynote will unveil Forrester’s 2025 predictions, offering attendees the opportunity to vote on which ones they feel will shape the future of cybersecurity, privacy, and risk.
  • Improve Security With AI. In this Forrester Certification workshop, learn how to effectively use generative AI to improve security operations and build resilience.
  • The Human Element. Discover in this keynote how human risk management is challenging traditional security training and awareness.
  • The Continuous Risk Revolution Is Here. Down With The Three Lines Of Defense. This keynote will highlight why the “three lines of defense” model is no longer fit for purpose and how security and risk leaders must shift to a new model: continuous risk management.
  • Biometric Frontiers: Unlocking The Future Of Engagement. This session will compare and contrast regional approaches to biometrics, examine the security challenges and benefits of their implementation, and reveal how biometrics holds the keys to a range of engagement models of the future.

“As AI and quantum computing disrupt the tech ecosystem, security, risk, and privacy leaders need to prepare now to safeguard their organizations against unconventional threats,” said Joseph Blankenship, event cohost and VP, research director at Forrester. “This year’s Summit will provide guidance to help leaders break away from a conventional-strategy mindset and take fresh approaches to data protection, human risk management, application risk management, and security operations.”

At Security & Risk Summit, Forrester will also recognize the winner of its Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award for implementing a security strategy that builds trust with customers, employees, and partners. Additionally, for the third year in a row, Forrester is partnering with the nonprofit Women in Security and Privacy to support women in leading the future of privacy and security. Summit attendees will also experience facilitated discussions, consulting workshops, and special programs, including the Executive Leadership Exchange, an exclusive program targeted for C-level leaders.


  • Register to attend Forrester’s 2024 Security & Risk Summit.
  • View the full agenda and speakers for Security & Risk Summit 2024.
  • Explore Forrester’s 2025 predictions for cybersecurity, risk, and privacy (client access required).

About Forrester

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world. We help leaders across technology, customer experience, digital, marketing, sales, and product functions use customer obsession to accelerate growth. Through Forrester’s proprietary research, consulting, and events, leaders from around the globe are empowered to be bold at work — to navigate change and put their customers at the center of their leadership, strategy, and operations. Our unique insights are grounded in annual surveys of more than 700,000 consumers, business leaders, and technology leaders worldwide; rigorous and objective research methodologies, including Forrester Wave™ evaluations; and the shared wisdom of our clients. To learn more, visit

Ira Kantor

Source: Forrester


When and where is Forrester's Security & Risk Summit 2024 taking place?

Forrester's Security & Risk Summit 2024 is scheduled for December 9-11, 2024, in Baltimore and digitally.

What are the main topics to be covered at Forrester's Security & Risk Summit 2024?

The main topics include transforming security into a profit powerhouse, building proactive risk departments, accelerating business with trusted cloud applications, reimagining security frameworks, and applying new thinking to identity and fraud management in light of AI and quantum computing advancements.

Will Forrester (FORR) present its 2025 predictions at the Security & Risk Summit 2024?

Yes, Forrester will unveil its 2025 predictions for cybersecurity, privacy, and risk during a keynote session at the Security & Risk Summit 2024.

Is Forrester (FORR) offering any awards at the Security & Risk Summit 2024?

Yes, Forrester will recognize the winner of its Security & Risk Enterprise Leadership Award at the summit for implementing a security strategy that builds trust with customers, employees, and partners.

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