Flux Power Expands Commitment to Sustainability with New Partnership for Lithium-ion Battery Recycling

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Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), a developer of advanced lithium-ion energy storage solutions, has announced a new partnership to enhance the recycling process for end-of-life lithium-ion batteries. This collaboration is with the largest critical battery components recycling company in the U.S., focusing on creating a circular supply chain for electric vehicles and clean energy products.

The partnership aims to make batteries more sustainable and reduce costs by increasing the use of recycled and sustainable materials. Flux Power's existing recycling initiative responsibly decommissions returned battery packs, recycling components such as electronics, wires, cables, sheet metal, and LFP lithium-ion cells and modules.

This new collaboration marks a significant step in Flux Power's sustainability efforts, supporting a closed-loop supply chain and contributing to global electrification efforts. The partnership underscores Flux Power's commitment to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint and improve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance.

Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), un sviluppatore di soluzioni avanzate per la gestione dell'energia tramite batterie agli ioni di litio, ha annunciato una nuova partnership per migliorare il processo di riciclo delle batterie agli ioni di litio a fine vita. Questa collaborazione è con la più grande azienda di riciclaggio di componenti critici per batterie negli Stati Uniti, focalizzandosi sulla creazione di una filiera circolare per veicoli elettrici e prodotti per l'energia pulita.

La partnership mira a rendere le batterie più sostenibili e a ridurre i costi aumentando l'uso di materiali riciclati e sostenibili. L'iniziativa di riciclo esistente di Flux Power smantella responsabilmente i pacchi batteria restituiti, riciclando componenti come elettronica, fili, cavi, lamiere e celle e moduli agli ioni di litio LFP.

Questa nuova collaborazione segna un passo significativo negli sforzi di sostenibilità di Flux Power, supportando una filiera a circuito chiuso e contribuendo agli sforzi di elettrificazione globale. La partnership sottolinea l'impegno di Flux Power ad aiutare i clienti a ridurre la loro impronta di carbonio e a migliorare le loro prestazioni in materia di Ambiente, Sociale e Governance (ESG).

Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), un desarrollador de soluciones avanzadas de almacenamiento de energía con baterías de iones de litio, ha anunciado una nueva asociación para mejorar el proceso de reciclaje de baterías de iones de litio al final de su vida útil. Esta colaboración es con la empresa más grande de reciclaje de componentes críticos de baterías en EE. UU., enfocándose en crear una cadena de suministro circular para vehículos eléctricos y productos de energía limpia.

La asociación tiene como objetivo hacer que las baterías sean más sostenibles y reducir costos al aumentar el uso de materiales reciclados y sostenibles. La iniciativa de reciclaje existente de Flux Power desmantela de manera responsable los paquetes de baterías devueltos, reciclando componentes como electrónica, cables, láminas metálicas y celdas y módulos de iones de litio LFP.

Esta nueva colaboración marca un paso significativo en los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de Flux Power, apoyando una cadena de suministro de ciclo cerrado y contribuyendo a los esfuerzos de electrificación global. La asociación subraya el compromiso de Flux Power de ayudar a los clientes a reducir su huella de carbono y mejorar su desempeño en materia de Medio Ambiente, Social y Gobernanza (ESG).

플럭스 파워 홀딩스, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX)는 고급 리튬 이온 에너지 저장 솔루션의 개발업체로, 사용이 끝난 리튬 이온 배터리의 재활용 과정을 개선하기 위한 새로운 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이번 협력은 미국에서 가장 큰 중요 배터리 구성 요소 재활용 회사와 진행되며, 전기차 및 청정 에너지 제품을 위한 순환 공급망을 구축하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

이 파트너십은 배터리를 보다 지속 가능하게 만들고, 재활용 및 지속 가능한 재료의 사용을 늘려 비용을 절감하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 플럭스 파워의 기존 재활용 이니셔티브는 반납된 배터리 팩을 책임감 있게 해체하고, 전자기기, 전선, 케이블, 금속 시트 및 LFP 리튬 이온 셀과 모듈과 같은 구성 요소를 재활용합니다.

이번 새로운 협력은 플럭스 파워의 지속 가능성 노력에서 중요한 진전을 나타내며, 폐쇄 루프 공급망을 지원하고 글로벌 전기화 노력에 기여합니다. 이 파트너십은 플럭스 파워가 고객이 탄소 발자국을 줄이고 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스 (ESG) 성과를 개선하도록 돕겠다는 의지를 강조합니다.

Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), un développeur de solutions avancées de stockage d'énergie au lithium-ion, a annoncé un nouveau partenariat pour améliorer le processus de recyclage des batteries au lithium-ion en fin de vie. Cette collaboration s'effectue avec la plus grande entreprise américaine de recyclage de composants critiques pour batteries, en mettant l'accent sur la création d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement circulaire pour les véhicules électriques et les produits d'énergie propre.

Le partenariat vise à rendre les batteries plus durables et à réduire les coûts en augmentant l'utilisation de matériaux recyclés et durables. L'initiative de recyclage existante de Flux Power démantèle de manière responsable les packs de batteries retournés, recyclant des composants tels que l'électronique, les fils, les câbles, les tôles et les cellules et modules au lithium-ion LFP.

Cette nouvelle collaboration marque une étape significative dans les efforts de durabilité de Flux Power, soutenant une chaîne d'approvisionnement en boucle fermée et contribuant aux efforts d'électrification à l'échelle mondiale. Le partenariat souligne l'engagement de Flux Power à aider ses clients à réduire leur empreinte carbone et à améliorer leur performance en matière d'Environnement, de Social et de Gouvernance (ESG).

Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), ein Entwickler fortschrittlicher Lithium-Ionen-Energiespeicherlösungen, hat eine neue Partnerschaft angekündigt, um den Recyclingprozess für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer zu verbessern. Diese Zusammenarbeit erfolgt mit dem größten Recyclingunternehmen für kritische Batteriekomponenten in den USA und konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung einer zirkulären Lieferkette für Elektrofahrzeuge und Produkte aus sauberer Energie.

Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, Batterien nachhaltiger zu gestalten und die Kosten zu senken, indem der Einsatz von recycelten und nachhaltigen Materialien erhöht wird. Die bestehende Recyclinginitiative von Flux Power dekommissioniert verantwortungsvoll zurückgegebene Batteriepacks und recycelt Komponenten wie Elektronik, Drähte, Kabel, Metallplatten und LFP-Lithium-Ionen-Zellen und -Module.

Diese neue Zusammenarbeit stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt in den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen von Flux Power dar, unterstützt eine geschlossene Lieferkette und trägt zu den globalen Elektrifizierungstätigkeiten bei. Die Partnerschaft unterstreicht das Engagement von Flux Power, Kunden dabei zu helfen, ihren CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren und ihre Leistung in Bezug auf Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG) zu verbessern.

  • None.
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VISTA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLUX), a developer of advanced lithium-ion energy storage solutions for electrification of commercial and industrial equipment, is proud to announce a new partnership aimed at enhancing the recycling process for end-of-life lithium-ion batteries with the largest critical battery components recycling company in the U.S. This collaboration represents a significant step forward in Flux Power’s ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility.

Flux Power’s recycling partner is focused on creating a circular supply chain for electric vehicles and clean energy products, making them more sustainable and driving down the cost for batteries by developing and deploying new technologies to increase the scope and scale of recycled and sustainable materials in the global battery supply chain.

As the demand for battery recycling continues to grow alongside Flux Power’s expanding business, the company recognizes the importance of addressing the recycling needs of products sold in the past decade. Flux Power’s existing recycling initiative responsibly decommissions returned battery packs, ensuring the recycling of components, including electronics, wires, cables, sheet metal, and LFP lithium-ion cells and modules.

“Through this collaboration, our recycling partner has commenced the reception and recycling of these cells and modules, marking a major milestone in our sustainability efforts,” said Ron Dutt, CEO of Flux Power. “By aligning with a leader in the recycling industry, Flux Power continues to champion innovation and excellence in reclaiming valuable materials and supporting a closed-loop supply chain, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future and supporting global electrification efforts.”

Flux Power is dedicated to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint and improve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance. This new partnership underscores our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, highlighting the company’s proactive approach to minimizing environmental impact.

About Flux Power Holdings, Inc.

Flux Power (NASDAQ: FLUX) designs, manufactures, and sells advanced lithium-ion energy storage solutions for electrification of a range of industrial and commercial sectors including material handling, airport ground support equipment (GSE), and stationary energy storage. Flux Power’s lithium-ion battery packs, including the proprietary battery management system (BMS) and telemetry, provide customers with a better performing, lower cost of ownership, and more environmentally friendly alternative, in many instances, to traditional lead acid and propane-based solutions. Lithium-ion battery packs reduce CO2 emissions and help improve sustainability and ESG metrics for fleets. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains projections and other "forward-looking statements" relating to Flux Power’s business, that are often identified using "believes," "expects" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements involve several estimates, assumptions, risks, and other uncertainties that may cause actual results to be materially different from those anticipated, believed, estimated, expected, etc. Accordingly, statements are not guarantees of future results. Some of the important factors that could cause Flux Power’s actual results to differ materially from those projected in any such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: risks and uncertainties, related to Flux Power’s business, results and financial condition; plans and expectations with respect to access to capital and outstanding indebtedness; Flux Power’s ability to comply with the terms of the existing credit facilities to obtain the necessary capital from such credit facilities; Flux Power’s ability to raise capital; Flux Power’s ability to continue as a going concern. Flux Power’s ability to obtain raw materials and other supplies for its products at competitive prices and on a timely basis, particularly in light of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its suppliers and supply chain; the development and success of new products, projected sales, cancellation of purchase orders, deferral of shipments, Flux Power’s ability to improve its gross margins, or achieve breakeven cash flow or profitability, Flux Power’s ability to fulfill backlog orders or realize profit from the contracts reflected in backlog sale; Flux Power’s ability to fulfill backlog orders due to changes in orders reflected in backlog sales, Flux Power’s ability to obtain the necessary funds under the credit facilities, Flux Power’s ability to timely obtain UL Listing for its products, Flux Power’s ability to fund its operations, distribution partnerships and business opportunities and the uncertainties of customer acceptance and purchase of current and new products, and changes in pricing. Actual results could differ from those projected due to numerous factors and uncertainties. Although Flux Power believes that the expectations, opinions, projections, and comments reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they can give no assurance that such statements will prove to be correct, and that the Flux Power’s actual results of ‎operations, financial condition and performance will not differ materially from the ‎results of operations, financial condition and performance reflected or implied by these forward-‎looking statements. Undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements and Investors should refer to the risk factors outlined in our Form 10-K, 10-Q and other reports filed with the SEC and available at These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Flux Power assumes no obligation to update these statements or the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected.

Flux, Flux Power, and associated logos are trademarks of Flux Power Holdings, Inc. All other third-party brands, products, trademarks, or registered marks are the property of and used to identify the products or services of their respective owners.

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Source: Flux Power Holdings, Inc.


What is the purpose of Flux Power's new partnership for lithium-ion battery recycling?

The partnership aims to enhance the recycling process for end-of-life lithium-ion batteries, create a circular supply chain for electric vehicles and clean energy products, and drive down battery costs by increasing the use of recycled and sustainable materials.

How does Flux Power (FLUX) currently handle battery recycling?

Flux Power's existing recycling initiative responsibly decommissions returned battery packs, ensuring the recycling of components including electronics, wires, cables, sheet metal, and LFP lithium-ion cells and modules.

What impact will this partnership have on Flux Power's (FLUX) sustainability efforts?

This partnership marks a major milestone in Flux Power's sustainability efforts, supporting a closed-loop supply chain, contributing to a more sustainable future, and supporting global electrification efforts.

How does Flux Power's (FLUX) new recycling partnership benefit its customers?

The partnership helps customers reduce their carbon footprint and improve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance by ensuring responsible recycling of end-of-life batteries.

Flux Power Holdings, Inc.


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