Oasis Responds to Fujitec’s Latest Misleading Materials and False Statements
Oasis Management Company, owning over 16.5% of Fujitec, is advocating for significant governance changes ahead of Fujitec's extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on February 24, 2023. Oasis has called for the removal of six incumbent directors and the appointment of six independent nominees, aiming to enhance shareholder rights and corporate governance. Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) has recommended that Fujitec shareholders vote in favor of Oasis’s proposals. Oasis argues that Fujitec's recent statements are misleading and merely serve to maintain the Uchiyama family's entrenched control, which has undermined shareholder interests.
- Oasis owns over 16.5% of Fujitec, indicating substantial influence.
- ISS recommends support for all of Oasis's proposals to enhance governance.
- Oasis's proposals aim to strengthen governance and accountability.
- Fujitec accused of releasing misleading information to distract shareholders.
- Incumbent directors' resistance to engage constructively with shareholders.
- Concerns over nepotism and management control by the Uchiyama family.
Fujitec released further misleading materials and false statements that aim to misinform and distract shareholders by attacking not only Oasis and its independent Outside Director nominees, but also attacking leading independent proxy advisor ISS. - Oasis aims to correct Fujitec’s serious governance deficiencies by appointing truly independent Outside Directors to ensure shareholders’ most basic rights are respected and to prevent further corporate value destruction under the entrenched control of the Uchiyama Family.
ISS recommends shareholders support all of Oasis’s proposals, otherwise risking “keeping the status quo” and not bringing “desired change” at
Fujitec . - Oasis continues to campaign for the benefit of all stakeholders, and reaffirms its recommendation to shareholders, which has been unanimously supported by leading independent proxy advisor ISS to vote AGAINST Agenda 1 (Fujitec’s Proposal) and to vote FOR Agenda 2-7 (Oasis’s Proposals).
Oasis's full response to
Oasis welcomed the recently published research report from the leading independent proxy advisory firm,
Unfortunately, on
Today, Oasis releases its full response to Fujitec’s latest attack at www.protectfujitec.com, in which we address:
Fujitec’s claim that Oasis’s aim is to acquire “management control” is a completely false allegation. Oasis’s proposals aim to strengthen the oversight mechanism at
Fujitec by appointing Outside Directors – who evenFujitec cannot deny the independence of from Oasis - and removing incumbent Outside Directors. Oasis’s proposals do not target any of the executives on Fujitec’s Board and instead aims to protect stakeholders from the “Uchiyama Family Control” that has abused its position of power at the expense of stakeholder interests. -
Fujitec claims that the Board was “baffled” by the timing of Oasis’s proposals, aiming to suggest to shareholders that they have been responsive and aiming to engage constructively. In reality,Fujitec has refused to engage constructively with Oasis, its largest shareholder, and many other shareholders since the 2022 AGM. Only five months after the 2022 AGM,Fujitec finally agreed to meet with Oasis, but barred it from asking about Fujitec’s governance. Fujitec’s Board is not in a position to be "baffled" in light of its aggression to its shareholders and lack of honest engagement, let alone its objectively egregious behavior at the 2022 AGM. We ask Fujitec’s Outside Directors to read our public statement after the 2022 AGM, as our position was quite clear. -
Fujitec is critical of ISS’s recommendations and believes it is “inconsistent” due to the fact that ISS had recommended in favor of the Outside Directors at the 2022 AGM. It is worrying to see that the incumbent Outside Directors are still blind to shareholders’ concerns and fail to acknowledge how unprecedented their decision was to violate shareholders’ most basic right to hold directors accountable by exercising their rights through their votes. -
Fujitec rejects Oasis’s calculation that approximately65% of the votes were cast AGAINSTTakakazu Uchiyama at the 2022 AGM. However, Oasis has disclosed which investors supported and rejected Takakazu’s appointment at the 2022 AGM based on publicly available information. Regardless of the exact result, whichFujitec could easily disclose but refuses to do so, what is problematic, and what the Outside Directors should be held accountable for, is the decision to rob shareholders of their most basic right and the appointment ofMr. Uchiyama to an unaccountable (but paid) position. -
Fujitec continues to mislead investors that the decision to withdraw Takakazu Uchiyama’s appointment was “following the decision to establish a Third-Party Committee”. This is factually incorrect.Fujitec announced its decision to establish a Third-Party Committee a week before the 2022 AGM, which at that time was still calling for shareholders to support Takakazu Uchiyama’s appointment to the Board. -
Fujitec’s defense of promoting
Takakazu Uchiyama to the unelected “Chairman of the Company” position does not match with the reality of the elevator industry and wholly ignores the concerns shareholders have on the level of influence he can exert overFujitec .Takakazu Uchiyama's role atFujitec was an inherited position and not based on merit. Under his tenure,Fujitec has fallen further behind its competitors, and stakeholders are at risk of further nepotism given the lack of clarity provided byFujitec on the role of his son,Yusuke Uchiyama . It is worth reminding thatYusuke Uchiyama was the beneficiary of the luxury apartment thatFujitec sold at below market value. -
Fujitec’s decision to appoint two new Outside Directors at the upcoming EGM, while attacking the credentials of Oasis’s independent nominees, only serves as a distraction from discussing the real governance failures at
Fujitec . The two proposedFujitec candidates are linked to Fujitec’s legal advisors –Kitahama Partners andMiura & Partners – and therefore their true independence is in doubt, and their skills and experience have been exaggerated at the expense of retaining any form of credibility. Meanwhile, Oasis’s Outside Director nominees are fully independent and bring truly necessary experience and skills, and all shareholders were able to meet them and ask them questions. On the contrary, Fujitec’s Outside Directors have yet to make themselves available to respond to our shareholder questions.
In this age of increased transparency and accountability, institutional investors need to protect the assets for which they are stewards on behalf of their underlying clients and ensure that portfolio companies are governed in a manner that remains accountable and does not misappropriate corporate assets.
Oasis continues to campaign for the benefit of all stakeholders, and reaffirms its recommendation to shareholders, which has now been unanimously supported by leading independent proxy advisor, ISS, to:
Vote AGAINST Agenda 1 (Fujitec’s Proposal)
Vote FOR Agenda 2-7 (Oasis’s Proposals)
Now is the time to change
For more information please visit our website www.ProtectFujitec.com or email us at info@protectfujitec.com with questions, comments, or feedback.
About Oasis
Important Disclaimer
The information contained in this press release (referred to as the "Document") is an information resource for shareholders in
This material is not intended to solicit voting in favor of Oasis’ proposals, to which rules concerning solicitation of proxies applies.
Oasis is not in any way soliciting or requesting shareholders to jointly exercise their voting rights together with Oasis. Shareholders that have an agreement to jointly exercise their voting rights are regarded as “Joint Holders” under the Japanese large shareholding disclosure rules, and they must file notification of their aggregate share ownership with the relevant Japanese authority for public disclosure.
Oasis disclaims its intention to be treated as a Joint Holder with other shareholders under the Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (“FIEA) by virtue of its act to express its view or opinion or other activities to engage in dialogue with other shareholders in or through this Document or any website.
This statement and related materials exclusively represents the opinions, interpretations, and estimates of Oasis in relation to the upcoming EGM. Oasis is expressing those opinions solely in its capacity as an investment advisor to the Oasis Funds.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230213005687/en/
Taylor Hall
Tadashi Shiokai and
Phone: +81 03-5425-7220
Email: oasisac@ashton.jp
What proposals is Oasis making for Fujitec (FJTCY) shareholders?
When is the extraordinary general meeting for Fujitec (FJTCY)?
What did ISS recommend regarding Fujitec (FJTCY)?
What is the main concern raised by Oasis about Fujitec (FJTCY)?